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    RIP EU

    Good bye EU good bye Pound currency value

    PS: Someone who's better well versed in UK politics (Like TRXD) please explain more for the viewers. All I know is that Britain and Wales were all for leaving the UK while Scotland was against it?

    WARNING! This post is long, hastily-made, and laden with political bias and disgust.
    Please do not read unless you are: A. Heavily interested in British politics and don't mind my botched and biased views, B. Have time to kill and don't care how you spend it, C. You want to laugh at my frantic and upset typings.

    As a British citizen, I am sincerely appalled and shocked at the turnout for the British EU referendum. At a 52-48 split on the vote, the UK is now making preparations to leave the EU (in fact the EU is giving us no mercy in our secession. They want us freaking gone ASAP now.).

    To those unaware, a number of citizens have been campaigning to leave the EU. In a Trump-styled "Make Britain Great Again!", politicians and notable people in power like Nigel Farage (leader of the bigoted and insensitive UK Independence Party), Boris Johnson (Former Mayor of London and general idiot), and Michael Gove (Conservative MP and former Secretary of State for Education) had been leading a campaign to make Britain independant and free from the EU.
    It didn't escalate for a while, people would time and again joke about how the UK wants to leave the EU like a spoiled child before rushing back into Germany and France's arms. But it seems that this time, we actually did it. Our big fat joke has become a big fat reality.

    The reason why it escalated so far was because of minor civil unrest (and I don't mean riots and demonstrations). Citizens of the UK have been completely disatisfied with how our country has been run.
    Spoiler: Some brief political history in our leaders for the past 13 years
    In 2003, we had the awful Tony Blair as Prime Minister. A man who decided to plunge Britain into a war that was not ours (the Iraq one). Though at the time, he didn't seem bad. Looking back on it, he was just as bad as George Bush. We didn't think that the Middle Eastern situation would escalate as much as it did. But it did. Thanks Bush and Blair...
    In 2007, we saw our country go into recession under the lead of Labour PM Gordon Brown. I don't think I need to explain why this is bad.
    Then in 2011, the country couldn't f*cking decided who gets what seat in the House of Commons (but certainly not Labour because Brown). Thus we were run under a coalition government with Conservative David Cameron as PM and Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg as Vice PM. And, trust me, this coalition was one of the worst governments in a while. Plans to take down our beloved health service, trivial and insulting acts that make no sense, and a blatant lack of understanding towards modern Britain and its usage of technology. Worse yet, because of how different the Lib Dems and Tories were, not much was really done. The two parties couldn't get their own way because the other would shoot it down.
    Unfortunately, Cameron's term in office got extended last year under an appalling landslide victory for the Conservatives. I always rag on about Cameron being an awful PM and it's true. His ideas of law making in regards to the youths, the working class, those who use technology? It's awful. And I have no idea why his term got extended.
    In short, people are f*cking mad about how our country is run.
    So, in comes UKIP. Imagine them as the British Aldmeri Dominion. No. Seriously. They're literally the Aldmeri Dominion. They notice how much we hate Cameron's Britain and decide to capitalise on it. They see all our problems. Students, immigration, the risk of the NHS being taken down. And start making insane promises to us all. Their demands? That we leave the EU and become completely independent. And the young people, the chavs, and the racists love it! They start lapping it up! They openly adore UKIP and start praising them to the high heavens. UKIP is what'd Make Britain Great Again!

    And then they lost last year's General Election. Big time. 1 seat in the House of Commons. Representing Essex. What a joke!

    But, people still wanted to act on what UKIP had said. So folks, including UKIP themselves, started banding together (likely inspired by Trump) to start a campaign to leave. An attempt to "Make Britain Great Again!". Flyers and posters were distributed, laden with propaganda and hate for both the Tories and the EU.
    And it worked! People started believing in what UKIP were saying and voted in protest of Cameron. A number of people believed that, in voting against the government, things would be better. That it'll scare the government into being a better, well, government. So, with reckless abandon, one million more people decided to vote Leave instead of Stay.

    And look what's happened! The Pound Sterling has dropped against the Dollar, people are in shock, Cameron resigned, and now some of the biggest idiots (bigger than Cameron) have been lining up to start their new campaign in wake of their success. The country has not gotten better at all! That's what you get for voting in protest and not actually putting some decent thought into a vote! People will start capitalising on your fear and restlessness. In fact, they already have!
    And if worse comes to worse, the EU and Europe has a likelihood to dissolve as other countries get the idea to secede from the EU. And that'll only be the first of a number of major problems.

    As for what has been happening internally, regarding the geopolitics of the UK, there is a chance that Scotland will once again try to secede from the UK. If that comes to pass, they will likely successfully leave. After all, they too were sick of our shenanigans. And since Scotland voted a majority stay (Gibraltar was the largest majority Stay btw) unlike the rest of the indecisive/moronic Britain, this is more than a good enough reason for them to leave.

    I know not what comes next. No-one does. No-one had any idea what was going to happen. Not even the people who started this whole mess!
    All we knew was that something will happen. Maybe. UKIP and the mindless drones banked on it either making the place great again or at least shocking the country great enough into straightening up.
    In my honest opinion, it might not get worse than this. On the other hand, this is probably the start of a very long and dark road. And the whole of Europe is coming with us.

    If people wish to discuss this more with me, I suggest you keep the questions and debate to a minimum. I'm still trying to get over as to how so many people were played like the fools they were.
    If my political bias is showing, I do apologise. But it's major political moments like these that can get me riled up and show my alignments on full display.
    Last edited by Luna Pixu; 06-24-2016, 01:02 PM.
    Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

    My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
    My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
    My NNID: OfficialTRXD


      So in short.. UK went apeshit with stupid decisions, got an insane trumplike group, and fucked up itself?

      México might have corruption everywhere, but they are smart and, somehow, has kept our country in an oddly "stsble" situation.

      I always saw the UK as the safe zone of EU, despite the problems with Iraq war, the EU's almost bankrupt phase, and even now with the thousands of immigrants from eastern countries.

      But now, as TR just said, a big joke became a reality
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        I wouldn't completely say they are on the level of Trump. But there are a number of insensitive people who were supporting UKIP clearly with the notion that voting Leave will not only whip our government back into shape but also deal with immigration and other problems. And indeed UKIP are probably the worst actively running political party right now (I would say BNP but they're completely irrelevant now).

        In reality, the UK is not safe from the immigration from the middle east into the EU and definitely not the best/safest country in (or formerly in) the EU. In fact, a notable number of people living in/coming into the UK are from the middle east. I know a few myself in fact. And despite what people have said (be it in the EU referendum propaganda or otherwise), leaving the EU will not change that. Yes, people have come here through the EU. But there's a reason why people come here over moving to, say, Germany or any other European country. Leaving has only made immigration slightly harder.

        A little note btw: Trump is actually in Scotland right now. And indeed made a remark that voting Leave has made the UK "take their country back" adding that the US should do the same. As I mentioned earlier, the country he is in right now (Scotland) was thoroughly against leaving. How ironic...
        Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

        My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
        My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
        My NNID: OfficialTRXD




            Recent events include the largest scale of racism and stupidity ive ever seen (Trump levels tbh) with leave voters insulting/harassing anyone why doesnt look british enough to their taste.

            I feel bad for saying that since ive graduating I'm leaving a sinking ship, but yeah, with the UK going out unless europe is smart enough in their way of proceeding more groups similar to UKIP (like the Front National (FN) in france which are basically Nazis, or the NVA, Flemish seperatist movements in Belgium) will get more powerful. The EU has its flaws but its done some good things that the founding countries seem to have completly forgotten.

            A new surge of Facism is spreading fast in the west. Lets move to the moon, i hear its made of cheese, so food will not be a problem.


              It's not really that racism has now been created because of Brexit rather that a vocal minority have decided to yell at the top of their lungs in praise of their beloved Farage. These racists have always been here. I've known a share of them and it was but one reason I wanted to flee my region (of which I briefly did).
              Needless to say, the most rotten of folks have really come out of the woodworks lately. They see Brexit as a perfect reason to yell at those of different nationality, race, and/or religion. Though, imo, these racist twats are the least British people I know. Britain has always been built up on the culture and language of others. Our own language is a horrific mutant spawned from both Germanic and Romance languages. And a lot of things that folks consider British aren't. Yet, for some reason, people don't realise that.
              Really ashamed. Really am.

              I had a feeling you'd get caught up in this (as a foreigner living here) but I wasn't really sure on how you'd been dealing with the aftermath.
              Last edited by Luna Pixu; 06-26-2016, 09:03 PM.
              Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

              My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
              My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
              My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                Luckily i am out of the country atm, but ill be returning soon for my graduation and final move. Ive not been affected too much, and just feel the sadness seeping out of my friends. On an individual basis im probably fine. I dont know what to expect once i return though. It wont be for long though, so if i do get caught in a "leave you foreigner" argument, ill calmy answer by "i will".

                I know racism existed before hand. I'm just shocked at how people think that they can allow themselves to act with no respecr towards anyone because they think they won the "britain is leaving the world" contest. I wont go further into this matter because i have a short temper and dont want to go overboard. Best of luck on your side mate.


                  I've also read news that Gibraltar, an overseas UK territory, is trying to get into Spain so they can stay in EU.


                    Yeah. They're f*cking livid about it. They firmly wanted to stay and are angry that they can't so easily make trades, deals, and whatnot with the neighbouring Spain.
                    Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                    My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                    My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                    My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                      It was to be expected, since the "stability" of the world is yet again breaking. So desperate/reckless actions arise, that is how it goes. As for the racism/facism/whateverism, in the UK, think of it of a slowly heating kettle, nobody pays attention to it as it goes too slow, but they don't expect it to explode in vapor.

                      Yes, there have been commentsvand arguing around, but they are just on the edge of importance, and now that it blew up and its too late, the people, both the common and powerful ones have to deal with the consequences.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        So I've been meaning to reply to this for a while but I wanted to get my facts straight and analyse shit properly before coming to conclusions. (Also you might see Hat go into srs irl work mode right now)

                        What the fuck Britain. You are an island nation with comparatively little national resources to call your own, who traditionally imports so much shit from other nations you make Australia's trade deficit look good (and it is good, sort of). Ever since you joined the EU you've enjoyed very beneficial trade agreements which have brought materials, labor and capital into your economic reserves at prices that are extremely swood compared to trade agreements you would have made otherwise independently. Of course your pounds are going to drop after leaving the protection of the EU. Now you're going to have to implement, negotiate and fight over trade agreements without their help, and now it's going to be an uphill journey for you (10 years for an agreement with the US kek). Also, idk how job selections go in Britland but generally if you have a citizen vs an immigrant with the same levels of education you are generally going to pick the citizen to avoid filling out mountains of paperwork, and if you lost to an immigrant you probably were so much of a retard during the selection process you don't deserve the job.

