I realised I never made an introduction when I first joined in Febuary but have been spending quite some time on the server recently so thought I'd get involved a bit more.
My username is PrometheusZero here, there and everywhere you care to think of.
I'm an older type (ie not in full time education) guy from England and my non-Touhou/Minecraft interests include Anime, Warhammer, cooking Asian food, biscuits, pornography and 'certain-lifestyle-choices-which-may-or-may-not-be-illegal-in-your-area-and-may-give-me-lung-cancer-in-the-future-but-make-me-a-fairly-chill-dude'. If you know what I mean. Best not talk about it here really. In fact, best forget I said anything.
I also enjoy a good cigarette and tumbler of whiskey after a fine meal because I'm a classy bitch like that!
My username is PrometheusZero here, there and everywhere you care to think of.
I'm an older type (ie not in full time education) guy from England and my non-Touhou/Minecraft interests include Anime, Warhammer, cooking Asian food, biscuits, pornography and 'certain-lifestyle-choices-which-may-or-may-not-be-illegal-in-your-area-and-may-give-me-lung-cancer-in-the-future-but-make-me-a-fairly-chill-dude'. If you know what I mean. Best not talk about it here really. In fact, best forget I said anything.
I also enjoy a good cigarette and tumbler of whiskey after a fine meal because I'm a classy bitch like that!