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What are you afraid of?

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    What are you afraid of?

    I'm afraid of spiders. Especially the big, hairy ones - they give me the massive heebie jeebies. Oh and flying cockroaches! Has anyone ever seen those? Yuck. It's like they're newly evolved so they can't fly properly either or the ones I've unfortunately seen are like that.

    I'm also afraid of death. Not so much me dying despite how weird that may sound, but people who are close to me *shudder*

    How about you guys?
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    I love water and swimming in lakes, but I´m scared of the ocean, it is too vast and wherever you watch there is only more water all the way to the horizon

    Death is something we all fear, but when being close to it, you just feel at peace, what I truly fear is being in the in between life and death

    My pandora box of mind, it is both a gift and a curse, the former is good for imagination while the latter makes powerful nightmares
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      the little red light in the room [When i'm trying to sleep]

      AND THAT THE CEILING FAN IS GONNA EAT ME [When I'm trying to sleep]


        When another earthquake strikes ca this mirror will fall on me
        I no like


          Since I'm sh*t outta luck in terms of stuff to do today, I'll join in on another one of these threads.

          It's a known fact amongst my friends and amongst my YouTube viewers (see Dust Ep. 6) that I have one major fear along with a few minor ones.
          I am acrophobic. This means that I have the actual fear of heights. While I do not experience vertigo at large heights (as far as I know), I easily panic when brought to tall heights in unfamiliar ground. This can include simple things like a second floor to a mall or large scale heights like the top of a tower. When subjected to said conditions, I am known to panic and easily break down. This does also include being subjected to the conditions of falling or being unnaturally raised in height. Escalators freak me out!

          While I cannot distinctly remember why or when I became acrophobic, I do know that a case of unintentional WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming) I had in 2009 may have spurred my acrophobia. An incident in which I accidentally started to lucid dream one evening while I was sick. I was resting in an old bed of mine, hoping my illness would go away, when I suddenly began to feel my body getting lighter. Shortly after noticing this, I then saw my body begin to float outside of my control. As I saw my body float, I began to rise up off my bed's mattress and into the air. I became scared. Very scared. Before long, I began to panic. Fortunately, my mother was home at the time and she snapped me out of my dream. And to be frank, I don't know what I would have done if no-one was present during then.

          For the following hours after the event, including the next day, I was scared to not only fall asleep (which is extremely bizarre considering my general sleepiness and affinity towards dreams) but I was also scared to spread out my arms in any manner. I thought that if I were to open my arms in any way that I would once again begin to fly. It was horrible. So much so that my parents believed that my new self-hugging behaviour was illness-induced and not fear related. This meant that I had to stay at home for another day without even needing it. Unfortunately, due to my extreme paranoia and fear, I was incapable of telling my parents about it. To this day, none of my parents know about that dream and as to why I was acting the way I was. Then again, it was 5 years ago. I doubt they'd be interested in an old tale like that.

          It's extremely remarkable when you think about it. I, TRXD, a lover and aspiring connoisseur of dreams can be easily crippled by the very thing that I admire. And to be honest, that isn't the only instance of it occurring...
          Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

          My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
          My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
          My NNID: OfficialTRXD


            Well I am afraid of many things.

            First is heights. I don't get afraid of heights to an extreme, I mean yeah I can go up onto a high tower and all. However the second I get to the top I will most likely look off the edge once before trying to get far away from any ledges. I get more nervous than anything when I am high up in the air. Though I do consider it a fear of mine. Hell if I am high up in a First Person game of any kind (like say I'm on a tower high up in Minecraft) I'll try and stay away from the ledge as much as possible. Not because falling would be bad in game... but I just end up treating the situation like how I do in real life. I get really nervous, and try not to do anything stupid. This is one reason I do not like the Nether in Minecraft... (so many sheer drops into lava and whatnot)

            The next is snakes, insects, and arachnids. I do NOT like any sort of bug, any sort of arachnid, or any kind of snake (except little garden snakes that are harmless. Those things are cute.) I get really afraid when one is physically near me. However I can look at pictures of them just fine. Just... don't bring one anywhere near me... I might just punch you in the face in fear...

            Then there is the more mysterious kind of fear. I do not like being in dark places that I am not familiar with. (Like say put me in the middle of a forest at night.) I will become HIGHLY paranoid because I won't know what is out there. Heck I can be in a building for the first time in the dark at night, and I will be cautious and paranoid beyond belief. I especially do not like dark areas that are literally PITCH black, like you cannot see anything dark. This is because... I just don't like the feeling of looking into a pitch black room, or a pitch black area because I feel like something might just bum rushed (something come running out of the dark at full speed towards me) from something that comes out of that dark. I even sometimes feel like I'll see two eerie eyes stare back at me from the darkness, or I might end up hearing a voice coming from the darkness (this is mostly because my brother played a highly cruel prank on me when I was younger.)

            I also hate feeling insignificant. If I feel like I am at all weaker than some external force bearing down on me I will just lose my mind. That is why I try to level up in RPG games as much as possible (or any games with a leveling system.) Though I can admit if I play a horror game that makes you feel in any shape/way/form insignificant I will actually like it. This is sort of like a love/hate sort of deal for me.

            I also have a fear of the unknown, yet at the same time I do not. I just feel like well... Like I admire the unknown. Yes the unknown is scary, but at the same time I want to know what's out there.

            Well that's my BIGGEST fears, my smaller


              I have a very peculiar fear of falling.
              Not a fear of heights, just falling.
              Can't even jump off a platform that's only 2' off the ground without locking up.
              Roller coasters, flying, and everything else like that are fine. But freefall? Nope.avi

              Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk

