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F2P's of Touhou

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    F2P's of Touhou

    A 'F2P' as an insult is someone in TF2 who sports the following three cosmetics:

    Ghastly Gibus
    Pyrovision Goggles
    Mercenary Badge

    and has very little knowledge and skill in the game.
    I have translated the three, Gibus, Goggles, and Badge, into Touhou for a 'F2P' in Touhou.

    Badge = Patchouli waifu with little actual knowledge of her
    Goggles = Flandre and/or Koishi cutest thing ever with little actual knowledge of the two
    Gibus = Word-for-word using classic Touhou memes with little actual knowledge of them

    If you see anyone with the three mentioned above, you have just discovered a F2P of Touhou. Congratulations. Feel free to confuse their young, weak, and little minds with your immense knowledge on the subject.
    w-what is this autism aura??
    if I dont gook this lolisama now..........
    our western culture will be forever....
