Originally posted by Assumptions
If you don't care to know why, I'll sum up what I mean: At any given time for a while, I may just go inactive. I could simply not log in for a couple of days or maybe even a week or two. Not 100% leaving, just kinda making YC a lower priority of my free time [Since I have no real responsibilities here] for a few reasons.
If you do care to know why, I can explain. Basically, my schooling has gone to shit. I spend too much time in YC and other things that I've let my performance go down and I seem like I just don't care for school anymore [Which I really don't, but I do need to get it out of the way]. I've decided that, since I only have two years left to drag myself through, I should just get them over with as soon as possible. This means I need to dedicate more of my time and attention to actually doing my work rather than just clicking random answers and hoping I at least get a C [Though this tactic betrayed me and I've been eating dirt for this year].
And before you ask about what type of schooling I have, it's on a computer [Not online]. I mean, you COULD call it home-school, but I'm practically doing the work solo and being """taught""" by the program, not by ye olde parents. I'd call it more "look at me im hipster" schooling.
Another main reason is that other things that I should be paying attention to [I don't feel like explaining] have been ignored because of this.
Also, the reason this is in Spambox is because I don't consider it a full announcement. I'm not guaranteed to vanish, but it could happen because I do need to focus on my school and other things.