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Nazi Zombies - Minecraft Edition!

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    Nazi Zombies - Minecraft Edition!

    So some of you may be aware that I've been configuring and testing a new minigame the past couple of days. What is this minigame, you ask? Well, as the title might suggest it's a minecraft implementation of the pretty famous Nazi Zombies gamemode from the popular Call of Duty franchise. (I'm going to ignore the fact that the multiplayer community of retarded 12 year olds exist)

    That said, we currently have one match available - The SDM!

    To join, simply type /warp minigames and right-click the sign that says "Zombies join SDM" on the wooden board! See how long you can last in this game!
    • Right-Click on signs to interact with them. This includes buying new weapons, opening doors, buying perks and even using the pack-a-punch machine!
    • If a teammate is down (They'll be letting off a ton of fireworks) run up to them and right click near them. Now, don't move for a couple of seconds while you're reviving them and they'll be back on their feet!
    • Some weapons are better than others. Pick wisely!
    • If you go to the center of the SDM Lobby, you can find the mystery box. Weapons will be randomly given to you for a price of 750 points for each run.

    If anyone has questions, feel free to ask! Remember that this minigame is technically still in a beta-phase so don't feel afraid to point out any bugs, glitches or otherwise any flaws that dimish the game experience!

    Sounds like fun. Lets be glad we don't have the type of community here. xD


      Was hoping quick revive will be in the start of the map (even though playing solo wouldn't revive you and playing solo will be a bad choice in general on that), 130 points for killing a zombie with a knife, possibly a bowie knife upgrade somewhere on the map, and probably pack a punch upgrades that almost follow as best as it can go e.g. Olympia shoots incendiary rounds


        you can actually buy guns now. yay <3 I'm not sure but i think the magma cream is supposed to be grenades. (I could be wrong) Other than that the only thiing worth mentioning as a beta tester (if you want to call me that) would be that unless you've memorized where zombies can spawn, you're going to have a hell of a time getting gang banged by zombies that randomly spawn right where you're standing.

        In the real Nazi zombies (or at least from black ops and black ops 2 which are the onlly COD games i've played) zombies would first have to break through boarded up doors and windows before entering the area the player is in, with the exception of a few areas that could not be borded up (but even then it was usually possible to spawn kill the zombies before they could actually enter the player area) But since minecraft plugins do have limitations, it would be helpful if you could somehow mark where the zombies can spawn so you don't randomly get gang-banged and die instantly. (unless of cores you manage to et Juggernaut in which case you don't give a fuck.) :333
        Last edited by Tewi_Inaba; 02-22-2014, 09:34 AM.


          Originally posted by troublexassassin View Post
          you can actually buy guns now. yay <3 I'm not sure but i think the magma cream is supposed to be grenades. (I could be wrong) Other than that the only thiing worth mentioning as a beta tester (if you want to call me that) would be that unless you've memorized where zombies can spawn, you're going to have a hell of a time getting gang banged by zombies that randomly spawn right where you're standing.

          In the real Nazi zombies (or at least from black ops and black ops 2 which are the onlly COD games i've played) zombies would first have to break through boarded up doors and windows before entering the area the player is in, with the exception of a few areas that could not be borded up (but even then it was usually possible to spawn kill the zombies before they could actually enter the player area) But since minecraft plugins do have limitations, it would be helpful if you could somehow mark where the zombies can spawn so you don't randomly get gang-banged and die instantly. (unless of cores you manage to et Juggernaut in which case you don't give a fuck.) :333
          Probably a door that you can stand by that cracks all the way when broken, and just hold left click (like how it's the reload button on console versions, in PC case it's the interaction F key, not R), and you repair it till the door loses it's crack. If you don't repair it all the way, the door remains cracked.


            zombies is broken :<


              I'm still raging over the death after downed status, that if you die you just simply leave instead of sort've like a ghost status


                Limitations of mc yo

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  Let's just wait for 1.8 and spectator mode
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Well also wait for the dev to like, add the feature

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      I'm also up for the zombies to spawn outside the arena.
                      The halls are too narrow for zombies to spawn in them; They spawn right ontop of you so frequently :c


                        sort of hard to do when barricades don't exist in the plugin yet


                          Juggernog no longer gives invulnerability.
                          Also there's a spot you can stand by the stairs in the starting area where zombies can't hit you.


                            ^ i've found multiple safe areas where zombies can not hit you as well as one door you can bypass without paying for it. if you have the time remi i can show you these locations.


                              I'll try to hop on later tonight. Hopefully I'll catch you online when i get on. Thanks for finding them

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

