

Ban Appeal Thread

So you've been banned. You want to get unbanned. Whatever your reason may be whether it be a miscommunication, mistake, accident, wrong time and place, etc, you can post it here for the moderators to see

Thread title:

[Your name] - [Date you were banned. Time if applicable]


[Length of ban] If this is unspecified, please notate that it was not provided.

[Reason you were banned] This is the reason you get when you attempt to log on.

[Reason you're appealing] This can be just a few words. Think of it as a summary (Eg, "miscommunication," "I didn't actually do anything," "it wasn't an actual grief," "Uh, that house was mine... I was fixing it..." etc)

[Explain your case] This can be as long as you want.
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Ban Appeals


Been banned? Want to explain? Maybe it was a miscommunication? Whatever the case, post it here!

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