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Hisoutensoku/PoFV Practice Matches

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    Hisoutensoku/PoFV Practice Matches

    As the community is attempting to organize a tournament, I thought it would be a good idea for people to have practice matches. This will be a good way to practice playing with the lag from ping.

    Also, apart from the built in netplay in soku, there is also a program in development meant for matchmaking soku: I haven't actually used it myself, so I can't really say much. For those with more experience with it, is it a viable option? I'm not sure if PoFV has anything similar.

    I'll try to keep an updated list of hosts to practice with. If you will like to host a match, please fill out the following format. You can also add on any other information that can be useful.

    Time Available:
    Characters Used:
    Skill Level (1-10):

    **Can be as specific as you want or left blank. This is meant for ping/lag purposes.

    Name: Wriggurun
    Game: Hisoutensoku
    Address/Port: You have to join the Comodo server Tl_Soku. If you want to know how to do that, PM me or ask me on this thread.
    Time Available: Varies, ask me when I'm online on forum.
    Characters Used: Patchouli Master Race
    Skill Level: 1

    Name: Sodamachine
    Game: PoFV
    Address: We take it when we practice
    Port: 10800
    Time Available: 12:00 - 00:00 EST (GMT+1)
    Location: Sweden
    Characters Used: For serious play: Reimu, Marisa, Reisen, Aya, and Yuka.

    Name: Yaffy
    Game: Hisoutensoku
    Address: I don't remember right now, so I will give it to you then.
    Port: 10800
    Time Available: Times past 5:00 pmEST or so usually.
    Location: Canada, Ontario
    Characters Used: Suika, Aya, Meiling, Okuu, Yukari
    Skill Level : Golden

    Name: Mrgamerplayer132 (mamizou here)
    Game: Hisoutensoku / PoFV
    Address: I cannot port forward, but you can find me in a hamachi server, just PM me
    Port: 10800
    Time Available: After 4:30 pm until 9:30pm EST time
    Location: New york City, New york, USA
    Characters Used: Hisoutensoku(Remilia, Alice, Suika, Sakuya) PoFV(Aya,Mystia,and Yuka)
    Skill Level (1-10): 7.9

    Name: Jaeyjay
    Game: Hisoutensoku
    Port: 10800
    Time Available: Varies. Message me skype/forum/IRC
    Characters Used: Patchy, learning others
    Skill Level: 1.5
    Last edited by Jaeyjay; 06-04-2013, 04:06 PM.

    (We miss Recette in RP.)

    Name: Wriggurun
    Game: Hisoutensoku
    Address/Port: You have to join the Comodo server Tl_Soku. If you want to know how to do that, PM me or ask me on this thread.
    Time Available: Varies, ask me when I'm online on forum.
    Characters Used: Patchouli Master Race

    Something I added:
    *Skill level from 1 - 10: Can I say 0? -1 maybe?


      Added. Hello rival Patchy~

      (Also, haven't had time to RP as finals are coming up. I also usually don't stay interested with one thing for too long, so I don't fare well with long RPs)


        Name: Sodamachine
        Game: PoFV
        Address: We take it when we practice
        Port: 10800
        Time Available: 12:00 - 00:00 EST (GMT+1)
        Location: Sweden
        Characters Used: For serious play: Reimu, Marisa, Reisen, Aya, and Yuka.

        Additional Information:
        I can host.
        I will probably play random every now and again for shit and giggles.
        I want to talk over some sort of VOIP when I play (Vent, Mumble, Skype, etc)
        If you use Shiki, Komachi or Medicine, I will hate you. This is not a joke.
        Due to the distance it will probably be, there will be a slight inputlag (think EoSD without Vsync), so I will take your skillevel with a pinch of salt, and I hope you do the same with mine.
        My avarage matchtime when fighting someone without inputlag is 2m 40s.
        My avarage matchtime when fighting someone with inputlag is 1m 30s.
        My weaknesses are the prismriver sisters, Reimu, and Mystia to some degree. So I would love to practice against them.
        I pretend I scorerun games.


          Name: Yaffy
          Game: Hisoutensoku
          Address: I don't remember right now, so I will give it to you then.
          Port: 10800
          Time Available: Times past 5:00 pmEST or so usually.
          Location: Canada, Ontario
          Characters Used: Suika, Aya, Meiling, Okuu, Yukari
          Skill Level : Golden

          As for the soku lobby, it's not really a matchmaking program. It's more like a chat room where you can meet other players who want to play, but it's not going to organize matches for you or anything. Also, if you use the lobby, you'll need to portforward if you want to host. Personally, it would be better to make a separate chatroom if we want to play each other from here, or to use a VPN client (Like the Comodo Wriggle mentioned or hamachi) if there are a lot of people who can't host. The lobby isn't a good place for setting up private matches as much as it's just for asking general people for matches.

          PS: Also the community is nice for the most part, but the mods there are just some of the worst people in the soku community in general.


            Name: Mrgamerplayer132 (mamizou here)
            Game: Hisoutensoku / PoFV
            Address: I cannot port forward, but you can find me in a hamachi server, just PM me
            Port: 10800
            Time Available: After 4:30 pm until 9:30pm EST time
            Location: New york City, New york, USA
            Characters Used: Hisoutensoku(Remilia, Alice, Suika, Sakuya) PoFV(Aya,Mystia,and Yuka)
            Skill Level (1-10): 7.9


              Here, I've made a Comodo room where we can try playing against each other. Even if you can't host, you can use Comodo to host games for you like Hamachi. There is no limit on room sizes.

              Name: Scarlet Devil Mansion
              Pass: yukkuri

              You can download Comodo here:

              If you have any problems getting Comodo set up or using it, you can use this helpful guide a friend wrote here:

              Hope to see this room get some activity!


                Yaffy you are freaking amazing.
                {Yukari approves!}


                  If you haven't gotten the message, we're also set up in for the purpose of practicing for the tournament. If you can't set up Comodo, you can go there.

