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General Information from Alice's Wonderland

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    General Information from Alice's Wonderland

    So I watched Mystic Square Extra a dozen times and came up with a vague analysis of how the Wonderland is set up. There should be an attachment, feel free to repost it with edits as you see fit.
    Attached Files
    I'm a proud supporter of Futo Mononobe, and will find any Hopless Masquerade combo you want me to. Except Kokoro. I don't have her unlocked yet.

    I'll try to make a prototype soon, if no one else is doing so. I'll post screenshots if and when this happens. No promises on the Card King or parkour, But I'll happily take critiques on the layout.
    I'm a proud supporter of Futo Mononobe, and will find any Hopless Masquerade combo you want me to. Except Kokoro. I don't have her unlocked yet.


      if you do this I recommend either of the creative worlds, post the coords here when you get a prototype so others can go check it out.
      I can listen to 10 people a once, but unfortunately you are the 11th. Sucks to be you


        For reasons beyond my control, I won't be able to use minecraft at all for some time. I apologize. I'll get to making it as soon as possible so long as no one else decides to do so, but I've no idea as to when that may be. But if no one is else is in the mood, I still call design XD
        I'm a proud supporter of Futo Mononobe, and will find any Hopless Masquerade combo you want me to. Except Kokoro. I don't have her unlocked yet.


          lol, don't even worry about it. No big deal, take you're time and have fun doing what ever it is you're doing.
          I can listen to 10 people a once, but unfortunately you are the 11th. Sucks to be you


            It's not exactly for fun purposes, but thanks anyway XP
            I'll get working again asap. In the mean time I need someone who's good at pixel art of 3d character art for the midboss :/
            I'm a proud supporter of Futo Mononobe, and will find any Hopless Masquerade combo you want me to. Except Kokoro. I don't have her unlocked yet.


              Alright, I is teh backz!! I'll get to work when I can o3o
              Any preferences towards size? (I can make it longer, make each block 4x4 to make it bigger, etc)
              Or is it going to be as small as actual extra?
              I'm a proud supporter of Futo Mononobe, and will find any Hopless Masquerade combo you want me to. Except Kokoro. I don't have her unlocked yet.


                and here is where the eye of the artist comes in, You get to decide the size. When I start a build I always think about "what is the viewer going to think when they see this" that helps me out. Think of what it's like to walk to the base of Youkai Mountain or the Library. Go for a cinematic effect.
                I can listen to 10 people a once, but unfortunately you are the 11th. Sucks to be you


                  Longer it is > much wider would overcomplicate it. Of course I could always make it huge mega super large magic land and pixel art cards everywhere. DECISIONS DECISIONS. But I have 1.4.5 now so I'll have to wait ~(o-o~) yay unnecessary yet highly convenient delay~
                  I'm a proud supporter of Futo Mononobe, and will find any Hopless Masquerade combo you want me to. Except Kokoro. I don't have her unlocked yet.


                    Wonderland has started! But I is lazy, so it'll be goin rather slowly. creative flatlands x:-1290 z:-740
                    I'm a proud supporter of Futo Mononobe, and will find any Hopless Masquerade combo you want me to. Except Kokoro. I don't have her unlocked yet.


                      Alright, First section done! Feel free to stop by and give your opinions on signs and such. x:-1290 z:740 in flatlands. Until Makai building starts, ahoy!
                      I'm a proud supporter of Futo Mononobe, and will find any Hopless Masquerade combo you want me to. Except Kokoro. I don't have her unlocked yet.

