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Currency and Item shop

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    Currency and Item shop

    It would be good to get money from killing hostile mobs. the less health they have and less damage they do the less money you earn from them. And then being able to go to a "store" and spending $X for X blocks of something


    although remi did say he will do something like this, we just need to wait for an update I think. something along those lines.


      We already have BOSEconomy installed, we just need some form of shop plugin.
      My software doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.

      Do you have a hour emergency call systems broadcasting radio station WNYW or Internet Explorer?
      Well? Which one?

      Cyros admits the truth:


        Money will actually be acquired through the quest system which I plan to implement as soon as the plugin properly updates to a stable version. I've been checking on the plugin's status everyday and thankfully, the dev IS working on getting it working. S/he has updates on the dev builds almost every day. After money is earned through the quests, I'll also throw in a shop area where you can purchase rare blocks or the like through NPCs.


          Iron blocks would be appreciated. I'm sure the server is tired of me logging in everyday asking who will sell Iron


            I'll consider it. Actually, I might put up a thread for what the players want sold. Not all of them will go on sale, but it'll give me an idea of what's in demand.


              I think people will want to sell off gold and emeralds first.
              Blocks requested asked for would be, of course, diamond.
              Along with:
              All types of stone, especially circle stone, cracked stone, mossy stone and mossy cobble.
              Nether brick.
              Possibly soul sand.
              Obsidian- because its not time effective to mine


                The shop probably won't contain ways to GAIN money due to the fact that that's why the quests will be implemented, but I might consider some of those blocks for purchase. Probably not diamond, though.


                  Ok awesome. Books would be good to purchase too. I want to make my enchanting table max level since I have 3 mob spawners right near my house.


                    There was a plugin I recall that gave jobs.
                    Fishing, Mining, etc.
                    But it was TERRIBLY broken.
                    In the end, I think it'd just be admin shops+ iConomy.
                    Both of which when I look back, started a huge inflation deal.


                      BOSEconomy and currency earned through quests will be how it works.

