Short name: PoFV
Current Patch: 1.50a
Short Notice: Don't forget to read the Readme.txt file for instructions on the english patch, since you have to install the special font, or else the English text will be outside the box, and you wont be able to read it all.
Phantasmagoria of Flower View is the first Danmaku VS game for the windows platform, and has a very unique gameplay compared to the normal Touhou games.
He used this setup since Touhou 03 - Yumejikuu - Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream. But this time, he changed around a few things, so it doesn't work exactly the same.
For the normal eye, this game will probably look very simple, and not so appealing. He might try 3-4 stages on normal, and thinks the game is too easy, and switched to Lunatic, and plays 3-4 stages, and still thinks its too easy and turns off the game.
However, even if the first few stages are very easy, even on Lunatic, the games difficulty spikes as you reach Stage 6-7, and the game can soon become very hectic.
This is a very good example of Stage 6, out of 9.
Now this game has some depths that isn't something you will see on the first try.
You want to increase your spell point (Not to be confused with score), you can find what you have in the upper left corner.
The spell point will quickly reset to 0 point if you dont kill anything within a very short amount of time (2-3 seconds something, I haven't really timed it)
When you reach 100,000 spell point, you will automatically send a Level 4 spellcard (also known as Dragon Level Spellcard) to your opponent.
Same goes with 300,000 and 500,000. But at 500,000 points, you will also send a Level 3 spellcard (also known as Witch Level Spellcard) at your opponent, giving them a much harder time.
Of course, these will NOT use up your charge meter, so they are really essential to keep press on your opponent.
If you get hit, it resets back to 0 points.
Now, upon defeating a boss, or Lily White on your screen, the boss will drop one out of four items, which are the following:
"Ex" will unleash a whole lot of specials (EX attacks) upon your opponent's field.
"G" will fill up your spell gauge.
The blue 点 (Point) adds 100,000 spell points and points, which typically will get you an instant Level 4 spell.
The orange 弾 (Shot) is similar to the EX item, but instead of sending a horde of EX attacks, it releases a large number of bullets that appear on the top of your opponent's screen.
[Copied from for convenience]
So make sure to pick them up!
The game also offer a complete set of TWO different enemies! (Its amazing, right?)
For starters, you have your regular fairys, the like the pretend they are a train, and follow each other for your convenience!
Shooting one down will often lead to a chain-reaction, making them all explode, and add up to your spell point easier.
The second one is the spirit, these have kind of a random pattern, and have a lot more health.
But by focusing in the game, you activate your Scope (the purple area around your character).
If a spirit gets inside this scope, they will stop moving down, and soon start moving up. Their health will also decrease a lot, making them easier to kill.
By chaining fairies, and killing spirits, they cancel out all the small pellets around them, giving you more space to dodge the bigger bullets, so you have to keep out of shooting them out in a good position, while still maintaining your spell point.
Also, VS play in this game is magically fun!
Current Patch: 1.50a
Short Notice: Don't forget to read the Readme.txt file for instructions on the english patch, since you have to install the special font, or else the English text will be outside the box, and you wont be able to read it all.
Phantasmagoria of Flower View is the first Danmaku VS game for the windows platform, and has a very unique gameplay compared to the normal Touhou games.
He used this setup since Touhou 03 - Yumejikuu - Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream. But this time, he changed around a few things, so it doesn't work exactly the same.
For the normal eye, this game will probably look very simple, and not so appealing. He might try 3-4 stages on normal, and thinks the game is too easy, and switched to Lunatic, and plays 3-4 stages, and still thinks its too easy and turns off the game.
However, even if the first few stages are very easy, even on Lunatic, the games difficulty spikes as you reach Stage 6-7, and the game can soon become very hectic.
This is a very good example of Stage 6, out of 9.
Now this game has some depths that isn't something you will see on the first try.
You want to increase your spell point (Not to be confused with score), you can find what you have in the upper left corner.
The spell point will quickly reset to 0 point if you dont kill anything within a very short amount of time (2-3 seconds something, I haven't really timed it)
When you reach 100,000 spell point, you will automatically send a Level 4 spellcard (also known as Dragon Level Spellcard) to your opponent.
Same goes with 300,000 and 500,000. But at 500,000 points, you will also send a Level 3 spellcard (also known as Witch Level Spellcard) at your opponent, giving them a much harder time.
Of course, these will NOT use up your charge meter, so they are really essential to keep press on your opponent.
If you get hit, it resets back to 0 points.
Now, upon defeating a boss, or Lily White on your screen, the boss will drop one out of four items, which are the following:
"Ex" will unleash a whole lot of specials (EX attacks) upon your opponent's field.
"G" will fill up your spell gauge.
The blue 点 (Point) adds 100,000 spell points and points, which typically will get you an instant Level 4 spell.
The orange 弾 (Shot) is similar to the EX item, but instead of sending a horde of EX attacks, it releases a large number of bullets that appear on the top of your opponent's screen.
[Copied from for convenience]
So make sure to pick them up!
The game also offer a complete set of TWO different enemies! (Its amazing, right?)
For starters, you have your regular fairys, the like the pretend they are a train, and follow each other for your convenience!
Shooting one down will often lead to a chain-reaction, making them all explode, and add up to your spell point easier.
The second one is the spirit, these have kind of a random pattern, and have a lot more health.
But by focusing in the game, you activate your Scope (the purple area around your character).
If a spirit gets inside this scope, they will stop moving down, and soon start moving up. Their health will also decrease a lot, making them easier to kill.
By chaining fairies, and killing spirits, they cancel out all the small pellets around them, giving you more space to dodge the bigger bullets, so you have to keep out of shooting them out in a good position, while still maintaining your spell point.
Also, VS play in this game is magically fun!