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Isuzu's are farmed every day by soulless admirals for their early remodels that give Type 21 Air Radars. Help stop the farming of poor Isuzu's. Become an advocate for the Don't Farm Isuzus For Radars act today and you'll receive a picture of an Isuzu you save with a personal thank you card. Please, let's end the madness.
Stop Isuzu Farming Today.
In other news, "happy ending" my ass. This still made me cry.
For anyone who understands the actual game... or even those who don't, I believe this is soul-crushingly depressing enough. Kuso teitokus suck at this game and the kanmusu are the ones who have to pay... fuckers.
Open in new tab to zoom in.
Why would kuso teitokus advance with ships in major damage. It's suicide and it's blatant that you wouldn't even surpass the node, you'd just lose one of your precious kanmusus.
Btw, you could just post anything kanolle-related made by nns
I don't know why but these fucking kuso ttk don't deserve to be teitokus. Fuck. One of them fucking sank Taihou ffs. WHY. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. I can still KINNNDDDAAAA understand the logic behind sinking a ship that isn't very rare because it's not too difficult to "re-acquire" and just "retrain" them even though I think that's even worse than just sinking and leaving them be. But sinking RARE ships?! What the FUCK is wrong with them?! What the HELL are they thinking T_T