If I'm not a bother, I'd like to join this. I've been searching for such a game like this.
Name: Anthony Blasphemy
Gender: Male
Race: Human Imaginandi Impoten
Age: Physical= 15. Actual = 17
Favored Weapon: Would use almost anything he finds as long as it looks/sounds cool.
History: Anthony was a special kid, unlike any other. Besides the fact he had a full family...and no physical deformaties...in fact, he was nearly a completely normal child. Sadly, he was born to the Blasphemy family. Nearly all of it's members were unacceptable by society for one reason or another, and Tony was no different. He'd been enthralled by video games in his childhood, and before he knew it, he couldn't tell the difference between life and game.
It's gotten to the point where he believes life itself is a game. By his teen age, he'd been shunned and avoided by everyone whom noticed him, except his older sister.
One night, he awoke in an alleyway instead of the room he shared with his sister. Believing he had finally reached the next level, Tony built his home in the alley. He would search for supplies but always return, hopeful that his sister would reach the same level soon.
Personality: Dropped into this new world, he has never before believed in his theory that life is a game as much as he does now. Believes death isn't permanent. Likes to protect others in trouble, even if they turn out to be evil. Extremely brave and careless. Examines nearly everything around him, as if searching for secrets and items. Hated by shop owners the most for certain reasons...
Wears almost any outfit he comes across, occasionally including stolen or found accessories and hats. Almost never seen in a formal getup. Has dark-ish brown hair that just reaches his neck.
Strengths: Can go on until his body gives up on him, causing him to faint. Not easily intimidated.
Weaknesses: Horribly unimaginative, believing everything is real and he just has to find it in the world somewhere. Will consume or keep almost anything he finds. Can't resist joining groups. May try to talk to creatures that can't. Slight kleptomaniac.
Relationship: Valerie (Older Sister)
Name: Anthony Blasphemy
Gender: Male
Race: Human Imaginandi Impoten
Age: Physical= 15. Actual = 17
Favored Weapon: Would use almost anything he finds as long as it looks/sounds cool.
History: Anthony was a special kid, unlike any other. Besides the fact he had a full family...and no physical deformaties...in fact, he was nearly a completely normal child. Sadly, he was born to the Blasphemy family. Nearly all of it's members were unacceptable by society for one reason or another, and Tony was no different. He'd been enthralled by video games in his childhood, and before he knew it, he couldn't tell the difference between life and game.
It's gotten to the point where he believes life itself is a game. By his teen age, he'd been shunned and avoided by everyone whom noticed him, except his older sister.
One night, he awoke in an alleyway instead of the room he shared with his sister. Believing he had finally reached the next level, Tony built his home in the alley. He would search for supplies but always return, hopeful that his sister would reach the same level soon.
Personality: Dropped into this new world, he has never before believed in his theory that life is a game as much as he does now. Believes death isn't permanent. Likes to protect others in trouble, even if they turn out to be evil. Extremely brave and careless. Examines nearly everything around him, as if searching for secrets and items. Hated by shop owners the most for certain reasons...

Wears almost any outfit he comes across, occasionally including stolen or found accessories and hats. Almost never seen in a formal getup. Has dark-ish brown hair that just reaches his neck.
Strengths: Can go on until his body gives up on him, causing him to faint. Not easily intimidated.
Weaknesses: Horribly unimaginative, believing everything is real and he just has to find it in the world somewhere. Will consume or keep almost anything he finds. Can't resist joining groups. May try to talk to creatures that can't. Slight kleptomaniac.
Relationship: Valerie (Older Sister)
Name: Valerie Blasphemy
Gender: Female
Race: Human Imaginandi Magnus
Age: Physical = 18 Actual = 22
Favored Weapon: Chains that manifest themselves and change color as well as power depending on Valerie's mood. Red = Heat/Anger, Blue = Cold/Calm, Black = Sound/Fear, and White = Light/Confidence.
These chains are wrapped around her body under her clothes, as a form of protection when not in use.
History: Valerie was born into the Blasphemy family, whom could never be accepted socially, a few years before Anthony. Although she was a genius, beautiful, and diligent child, Valerie hated her life when she was young. She was unable to stand the people around her, crying rivers when they were nearby.
That is, until Tony, her little brother, was born. Valerie felt a need to protect him from the world she kept herself away from, and so she did throughout their early life.
One day, Tony went missing. No one cared to search for him and his own parents lost hope and gave up after a year, but Valerie kept searching. Even more distant, to the point of ignoring other's existences, Valerie had 1 thing on her mind; find her little brother, as he slowly became her main focus in life. Months of roaming the world led Valerie to a long empty road. After a few minutes of walking, she realized something was wrong. She wasn't walking anymore, she was falling. With only land in sight, Valerie braced herself for a possibly fatal landing.
When she came to, her brother greeted her with a smile as they sat in a makeshift home inside an alley. And from there, they began their wandering through the new world. Seemingly a month later, she awakened to utulizing her imagination, and sought to help her brother do so as well.
Personality: Although she supports Anthony near-fully, she doesn't believe in his theory that life is a game. Distant to everyone but him. Although she will do so, she hates to help others out.
Likes people who tend to avoid crowds and publicity, as they might be able to relate to her.
Usually wears a red Kimono. Has messy near waist-length brown hair, lighter than her brother's.
Strengths: More physically and mentally fit than most people (not just girls) her age.
Weaknesses: May come off as rude to other people, especially if they mess with her brother (Doesn't get along well with others). Low tolerance to body/mind altering and sicknesses (Alcohol, Medicine, Spinning too much). Doesn't like being away from Tony. Afraid of crowds, to the point of crying if she is stuck in the middle of one. Inexperienced with powers Imaginandi Magnus' easily utilize, besides her chains.
Relationship: Anthony Blasphemy (Younger Brother)
Name: Valerie Blasphemy
Gender: Female
Race: Human Imaginandi Magnus
Age: Physical = 18 Actual = 22
Favored Weapon: Chains that manifest themselves and change color as well as power depending on Valerie's mood. Red = Heat/Anger, Blue = Cold/Calm, Black = Sound/Fear, and White = Light/Confidence.
These chains are wrapped around her body under her clothes, as a form of protection when not in use.
History: Valerie was born into the Blasphemy family, whom could never be accepted socially, a few years before Anthony. Although she was a genius, beautiful, and diligent child, Valerie hated her life when she was young. She was unable to stand the people around her, crying rivers when they were nearby.
That is, until Tony, her little brother, was born. Valerie felt a need to protect him from the world she kept herself away from, and so she did throughout their early life.
One day, Tony went missing. No one cared to search for him and his own parents lost hope and gave up after a year, but Valerie kept searching. Even more distant, to the point of ignoring other's existences, Valerie had 1 thing on her mind; find her little brother, as he slowly became her main focus in life. Months of roaming the world led Valerie to a long empty road. After a few minutes of walking, she realized something was wrong. She wasn't walking anymore, she was falling. With only land in sight, Valerie braced herself for a possibly fatal landing.
When she came to, her brother greeted her with a smile as they sat in a makeshift home inside an alley. And from there, they began their wandering through the new world. Seemingly a month later, she awakened to utulizing her imagination, and sought to help her brother do so as well.
Personality: Although she supports Anthony near-fully, she doesn't believe in his theory that life is a game. Distant to everyone but him. Although she will do so, she hates to help others out.
Likes people who tend to avoid crowds and publicity, as they might be able to relate to her.

Usually wears a red Kimono. Has messy near waist-length brown hair, lighter than her brother's.
Strengths: More physically and mentally fit than most people (not just girls) her age.
Weaknesses: May come off as rude to other people, especially if they mess with her brother (Doesn't get along well with others). Low tolerance to body/mind altering and sicknesses (Alcohol, Medicine, Spinning too much). Doesn't like being away from Tony. Afraid of crowds, to the point of crying if she is stuck in the middle of one. Inexperienced with powers Imaginandi Magnus' easily utilize, besides her chains.
Relationship: Anthony Blasphemy (Younger Brother)