Name: Drake Smith
Sex: Male
Race (Imaginandi Magnus/Impotens|Figment): Imaginandi Impotens
Physical Age (Actual Age Optional, provided they're older than they look): 19
Favored Weapon: Switchblade knives, but he isn't too skilled with them. Has mainly used them for self-defense.
Born in the state of Maine, Drake was a rather simple kid. He didn't have too much of a bad life growing up, nor did he have the most exciting life ever. In a sense he was literally just a normal kid growing up. However he did have one... fascination. A fascination of the paranormal. He loved reading books and articles about paranormal and supernatural things such as ghosts, cryptids, and UFO's. All these things intrigued him quite a bit. So much so that he always had his own little club house filled with various things related to the paranormal in his dad's shed.
By the time he got into highschool though his fascination became stronger as he claimed to have had a few "close calls" with the paranormal and supernatural. This fascination showed as other students, and even some of the faculty found him a bit odd. Hell when he managed to make a club focused around investigating and discussing anything paranormal/supernatural, most students were curious... but mostly avoided the club and in turn, him. Drake... really did not have much friends in highschool for people found him a bit too odd/creepy. Despite this his life in Highschool went smoothly.
College on the other hand... Not so much... When he got into college people tended to give him quite a hard time for various reasons. His roommates in his dorm constantly teased, harrassed, and stole his stuff on a regular basis yet... No one did anything about it when he spoke up about it. People mocked him for ever making it out of highschool, and people just... were generally hard on Drake. It wasn't until he met one of the Professors, of whom he developed a bit of a crush and friendship with. She was seemingly the only person who understood his fascination, and even supported it. He liked her, he began to actually develop feelings for this woman who was 5 years older than him. Hell, Drake even lost his virginity to this woman due to... reasons. Drake felt like he had made a true friend. Unfortunately though... when he confessed... she laughed at his confession of his feelings, but she wasn't laughing in a mean or rude way. Sort of like a "that's so cute..." way. Drake however took her laughter the wrong way, and what she said next really struck him deep.
She was already married... and he just found out... He did like her genuinely, and she nearly did as well. However she was married, and they could not be together at all. His confessions of how he really felt towards her, and her responses just... made his world come crashing down. Not only did he feel a bit betrayed and lied to, but he also had slept with a woman who was already married. That's quite a lot of stuff to take in for him. Sadly though it would be the last time this Professor would even see him... awake that is. For the few days he had just disappeared. He did not show up to any classes or anything.
When the same Professor he fell in with grew curious and a bit worried, she decided to go check in on him in his Dormroom. Unfortunately what she saw horrified her. He was unconscious among bottles of booze, and various narcotics... It was clear that he had attempted to end his own life the night before she decided to check in on him. Immediately she called 911 and he was taken to the emergency room. His stomach was pumped of anything, and he had undergone serious treatment. He was alive... but he wasn't waking... For Drake had fallen into a catatonic state. He was just... laying there... completely unresponsive.
However Drake's mind, in his consciousness he had woken up in a strange place. It... appeared to be a city... dark and twisted and filled with so many different and weird stuff. He found himself in the world of Fantasia, but he didn't know that... He doesn't know what happened to him or where he is.
He's been in Fantasia for a few days now, and he's been exploring the city. Scared... but curious as well. On occasion though he can sometimes hear voices and noises in his head. Strange ones that sound really familiar to a... hospital room. Turns out the noises and talking going on around his body in the physical realm is slowly leaking into his mind in the world of Fantasia.
Currently he's lost and just trying to find out anything about his location.
Drake is a quiet, and somewhat shy individual who is a bit of a nervous wreck at times. He's not mentally unstable (yet), but he's not the most calm individual. Due to the stuff he's (claimed to) have seen in his life, read about, and even had experienced leaves Drake as a flat out paranoid mess. He's almost always on his toes in this strange city. In fact it leaves him looking quite stressed at times, especially when these audio 'hallucinations' happen. Despite this it doesn't mean Drake is mean or harsh towards others. It just means that right now, he's having a hard time trusting anyone... or anything.
Another thing to mention is that Drake isn't that greedy or selfish, except when it comes to things well... related to the paranormal. Anything related to Aliens, Ghosts, Cryptids, or Urban Legends he gets not just distracted by, but also quite selfish over. Have a book detailing different hauntings in the United States? Oh he'd really like that. Got a object believed to be 'haunted' or 'cursed'? He'd like to take that off your hands... but he won't steal them. He'd do anything to get them though. Due to this he's also quite knowledgeable about the paranormal and supernatural, and is quite smart in general. In fact he sometimes uses his intelligence to his advantage at times, to the point that some could describe him as being 'a crafty son of a bitch'.
Stands at 6ft 1. Except picture dark circles under his eyes, and rather messy hair.
Drake is crafty, smart, and resourceful. That's his two biggest factors. He isn't downright intelligent (ask him some stuff about say... engineering and he'd probably freeze up), but he is smart enough to calculate a plan to say... get himself out of trouble just by analyzing his surroundings and what he has around him. His craftiness comes from his knack of making various things ranging from a potato gun (with enough power to leave a large dent in a car), or pipe bombs. Mostly due to a lot of research on the internet... and some people he USED to hang out with. He also knows how to make a means to collect water or capture a meal if he is say... stranded somewhere with no source of water (that's NOT a city) due to all the "Survivor Man" type shows he watched in the past. So he knows quite a bit when it comes to helping him survive or getting himself out of trouble.
His major weaknesses is his lack of combat experience and skill, his own physical limitations, and... his mental state right now.
In combat Drake is rather lackluster as he hasn't actually gotten into much fights in the past. He may use or carry around a switchblade knife, but that doesn't mean he knows how to use it properly. He only carries it on him for self-defense (and sometimes a tool if need be.) So in a fight it's not hard to overpower him with just skill. Even then physically... he's not the most fit person at all. Even in Fantasia he's rather limited. He has low stamina, and he can barely take a punch without probably breaking into tears. He also has a hard time doing any sort of physical labor due to this. In short. He tires easily.
Then... there is his mental state. With all the 'torment' that happened to him he was left as a man who just... feels like he can't trust anyone that much anymore. Unless he just wants to get betrayed again... As such it's hard for him to open up and become 'friends' with others. Around others he'd rather remain quiet and in the back of a group/crowd. Where he can just blend in and hopefully not be noticed. This is made worse though by how in the physical world outside of Fantasia he is catatonic and in a hospital. His Fantasia self occasionally hearing the different sounds and voices of the outside world. When this happens it is usually followed by a headache, a light that no one else can really see (as doctor's are shining a light in his eyes), and then finally voices in his head. This hasn't happened often but... it's slowly making him question his own sanity even more. So far this has only happened a small handful of times since he arrived in Fantasia.
Name: Drake Smith
Sex: Male
Race (Imaginandi Magnus/Impotens|Figment): Imaginandi Impotens
Physical Age (Actual Age Optional, provided they're older than they look): 19
Favored Weapon: Switchblade knives, but he isn't too skilled with them. Has mainly used them for self-defense.
Born in the state of Maine, Drake was a rather simple kid. He didn't have too much of a bad life growing up, nor did he have the most exciting life ever. In a sense he was literally just a normal kid growing up. However he did have one... fascination. A fascination of the paranormal. He loved reading books and articles about paranormal and supernatural things such as ghosts, cryptids, and UFO's. All these things intrigued him quite a bit. So much so that he always had his own little club house filled with various things related to the paranormal in his dad's shed.
By the time he got into highschool though his fascination became stronger as he claimed to have had a few "close calls" with the paranormal and supernatural. This fascination showed as other students, and even some of the faculty found him a bit odd. Hell when he managed to make a club focused around investigating and discussing anything paranormal/supernatural, most students were curious... but mostly avoided the club and in turn, him. Drake... really did not have much friends in highschool for people found him a bit too odd/creepy. Despite this his life in Highschool went smoothly.
College on the other hand... Not so much... When he got into college people tended to give him quite a hard time for various reasons. His roommates in his dorm constantly teased, harrassed, and stole his stuff on a regular basis yet... No one did anything about it when he spoke up about it. People mocked him for ever making it out of highschool, and people just... were generally hard on Drake. It wasn't until he met one of the Professors, of whom he developed a bit of a crush and friendship with. She was seemingly the only person who understood his fascination, and even supported it. He liked her, he began to actually develop feelings for this woman who was 5 years older than him. Hell, Drake even lost his virginity to this woman due to... reasons. Drake felt like he had made a true friend. Unfortunately though... when he confessed... she laughed at his confession of his feelings, but she wasn't laughing in a mean or rude way. Sort of like a "that's so cute..." way. Drake however took her laughter the wrong way, and what she said next really struck him deep.
She was already married... and he just found out... He did like her genuinely, and she nearly did as well. However she was married, and they could not be together at all. His confessions of how he really felt towards her, and her responses just... made his world come crashing down. Not only did he feel a bit betrayed and lied to, but he also had slept with a woman who was already married. That's quite a lot of stuff to take in for him. Sadly though it would be the last time this Professor would even see him... awake that is. For the few days he had just disappeared. He did not show up to any classes or anything.
When the same Professor he fell in with grew curious and a bit worried, she decided to go check in on him in his Dormroom. Unfortunately what she saw horrified her. He was unconscious among bottles of booze, and various narcotics... It was clear that he had attempted to end his own life the night before she decided to check in on him. Immediately she called 911 and he was taken to the emergency room. His stomach was pumped of anything, and he had undergone serious treatment. He was alive... but he wasn't waking... For Drake had fallen into a catatonic state. He was just... laying there... completely unresponsive.
However Drake's mind, in his consciousness he had woken up in a strange place. It... appeared to be a city... dark and twisted and filled with so many different and weird stuff. He found himself in the world of Fantasia, but he didn't know that... He doesn't know what happened to him or where he is.
He's been in Fantasia for a few days now, and he's been exploring the city. Scared... but curious as well. On occasion though he can sometimes hear voices and noises in his head. Strange ones that sound really familiar to a... hospital room. Turns out the noises and talking going on around his body in the physical realm is slowly leaking into his mind in the world of Fantasia.
Currently he's lost and just trying to find out anything about his location.
Drake is a quiet, and somewhat shy individual who is a bit of a nervous wreck at times. He's not mentally unstable (yet), but he's not the most calm individual. Due to the stuff he's (claimed to) have seen in his life, read about, and even had experienced leaves Drake as a flat out paranoid mess. He's almost always on his toes in this strange city. In fact it leaves him looking quite stressed at times, especially when these audio 'hallucinations' happen. Despite this it doesn't mean Drake is mean or harsh towards others. It just means that right now, he's having a hard time trusting anyone... or anything.
Another thing to mention is that Drake isn't that greedy or selfish, except when it comes to things well... related to the paranormal. Anything related to Aliens, Ghosts, Cryptids, or Urban Legends he gets not just distracted by, but also quite selfish over. Have a book detailing different hauntings in the United States? Oh he'd really like that. Got a object believed to be 'haunted' or 'cursed'? He'd like to take that off your hands... but he won't steal them. He'd do anything to get them though. Due to this he's also quite knowledgeable about the paranormal and supernatural, and is quite smart in general. In fact he sometimes uses his intelligence to his advantage at times, to the point that some could describe him as being 'a crafty son of a bitch'.

Drake is crafty, smart, and resourceful. That's his two biggest factors. He isn't downright intelligent (ask him some stuff about say... engineering and he'd probably freeze up), but he is smart enough to calculate a plan to say... get himself out of trouble just by analyzing his surroundings and what he has around him. His craftiness comes from his knack of making various things ranging from a potato gun (with enough power to leave a large dent in a car), or pipe bombs. Mostly due to a lot of research on the internet... and some people he USED to hang out with. He also knows how to make a means to collect water or capture a meal if he is say... stranded somewhere with no source of water (that's NOT a city) due to all the "Survivor Man" type shows he watched in the past. So he knows quite a bit when it comes to helping him survive or getting himself out of trouble.
His major weaknesses is his lack of combat experience and skill, his own physical limitations, and... his mental state right now.
In combat Drake is rather lackluster as he hasn't actually gotten into much fights in the past. He may use or carry around a switchblade knife, but that doesn't mean he knows how to use it properly. He only carries it on him for self-defense (and sometimes a tool if need be.) So in a fight it's not hard to overpower him with just skill. Even then physically... he's not the most fit person at all. Even in Fantasia he's rather limited. He has low stamina, and he can barely take a punch without probably breaking into tears. He also has a hard time doing any sort of physical labor due to this. In short. He tires easily.
Then... there is his mental state. With all the 'torment' that happened to him he was left as a man who just... feels like he can't trust anyone that much anymore. Unless he just wants to get betrayed again... As such it's hard for him to open up and become 'friends' with others. Around others he'd rather remain quiet and in the back of a group/crowd. Where he can just blend in and hopefully not be noticed. This is made worse though by how in the physical world outside of Fantasia he is catatonic and in a hospital. His Fantasia self occasionally hearing the different sounds and voices of the outside world. When this happens it is usually followed by a headache, a light that no one else can really see (as doctor's are shining a light in his eyes), and then finally voices in his head. This hasn't happened often but... it's slowly making him question his own sanity even more. So far this has only happened a small handful of times since he arrived in Fantasia.