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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    Now that is a big pair of


      Nuuuu I was going to introduce a hot student >3<



        Maya isn't a student. She is an NPC that likes to roam around the University just because Hajime is there. Witches due to their reputation are not allowed to partake in any classes, but due to their power and ranking in the magic community they are allowed on campus.

        Magic Community (every single magical human) goes like this:

        Normal Human (No magic) -> Mage (humans with magic the Teachers are a special case of Mages being incredibly powerful) -> Wizard (like a Witch, but more benevolent and slightly weaker. Focuses on potions and all more often, and are not very combative) -> Witch (all witches are female, and generally possess incredible magic potential) -> Warlock (Most powerful human magic user, and are capable of performing massive feats of magical potential like resurrecting the dead.)

        Wizard's, Witches, and Warlocks are only reserved for NPC's only, and please ask me before bringing one into the RP.


          My emphasis wasn't on the student.


            O-O Oh well then...

            *hides in a random turtle shell.*


              I usually stick to one character but...Kage is nocturnal, so might as well create a second for when he sleeps:

              Name: Kusuri Yagyuu

              Race: Human

              Age: 18

              Bio: The earliest memory she had was when she was 5, then she had been living in the slums of a large city, scrounging for herself. She survived that way until the age of 12, when she began taking small odd jobs and started to earn a living. Then at around the age of 15, she saved enough to leave the city to find another place where she could turn over a new leaf. She ended up in a small town that was kind of in the backwaters, working at an apothecary. The owner of the apothecary had taken her on as an apprentice, paying her a small wage. It wasn't much but she had enough to eat and was allowed to sleep at the apothecary. There she learnt not just about plants and their medicinal properties but other things as well that she hadn't gotten to learn in the city, like how to read and write as well as social etiquette. She liked her job, it being better than her previous situation, and she remained in that position.
              She was in the forest gathering herbs, she had already gathered most of those on the list, but there was just this last herb. The last plants had distinctive leaves which had red stripes, and she needed to collect its flower. She saw those leaves and knelt down excitedly, only to be disappointed as there was only a very undeveloped bud, the flower had yet to bloom. She stayed there for a while, cursing her luck, the sun was already setting and these plants were hard to find without being able to see the red stripes. Then before her eyes, the bud suddenly grew into a flower in full bloom. She harvested it and returned home. She then told the owner of the apothecary, whom she had come to look upon as a substitute father, about the strange occurrence. He seemed stun for a moment, then backed away without saying anything, seemingly deep in thought.
              The next day, he explained to her that magic existed, he did not know much about it, except apparently there was a school that trained those who were able to use it. After a few days of consideration, she decided to try to find the school and packed up her meager belongings, promising to be back after learning how to use the magic. He sent her off with his blessings as well as a small present.
              She had been looking around for a while and finally found it after asking many questions in a few towns, she reached the university by following the route the bus took.

              Gender: female

              What Element/and or type of magic: nature magic, doesn't use it much, has no idea how to use it, only discovered it right before coming to Trinity Soul university

              Luggage: nothing much except clothes and the small present which she hasn't opened yet.

              Appearance: White hair which is cropped short for convenience due to her trips to gather materials in the forest. Black eyes, 1.7m tall. Usually wears a T-shirt and jeans which is more convenient for her often outdoor activities.

              Why did you come to the University?: To learn how to use her magic and see how it could help her in daily life

              Personality: Guarded, due to the years she spent in the city, but a rather....enthusiastic friend once she trusts someone.
              Last edited by bookdragon2000; 01-20-2014, 08:19 AM.
              How many times can you die a day~?
              How many times have you died a day~?



                Skari never said that she didn't mean something like that. It was only a tought
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.



                  I know, I was trying to make Raylin embarrassed about it.
                  "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."



                    She doesn't know.
                    Born in the light.
                    Molded in the dark

                    Never Forget,
                    Keep Fighting.
                    –Don't Forget.
                    Always, somewhere,
                    someone is fighting for you.
                    –As long as you remember her,
                    you are not alone.



                      Raylin thought that when she said "special" that it was something precious, something that she considers special to her, not magic related special.
                      "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."



                        If it was "just a thought" then that means a character was thinking about it, and it would not have been possible to actually hear the thought without meta gaming.



                          Originally posted by Katrix View Post
                          TSU Female Dorm: 106A

                          When she hear something she treasures she got a little bit confused. That wasn't what she meant at all. Despite that she still said "I guess that would work, so come on show me. As for me, I have these metal devices that maes my magic easier for me to control at some points. Who would have guessed that magic would be so annoying at time."

                          The line a put in bold, and italics is a thought she did not say "That wasn't what she meant at all." She THOUGHT it.

                          Zekai you had Raylin respond by "Oh that isn't what you meant?" As though Raylin HEARD what Skari was thinking

                          Originally posted by Zekai View Post
                          TSU Female Dorm: 106A

                          "That isn't what you meant? Whoops, sorry." Raylin said in embarrassment. "If it's to use magic then that would be my mother's sword." Raylin said. She then went and brought out her greatsword. "As for the other thing, That is still packed up. I want to make sure it's safe for awhile." She said as she lays down her sword.


                            @ SUS

                            But she asked "Did you bring anything speical?" So it wasnt a thought but an actual question.

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                            Last edited by Zekai; 01-20-2014, 01:23 PM.
                            "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                              the choice of words is what's confusing here.

                              I think Zekai is trying to make it sound like by Katrix's character's response (Not the "That's not what she meant") that it dawned on their character that that was not what they were talking about.
                              Kind of like that moment when you expect one type of response but then it goes in a different direction and you get something else

                              Here it was "Practical Special" vs. "Keepsake Special."

                              Katrix's character responded with a "Practical Special" and a "Guess that would work" when Zekai's character was expecting a "Keepsake special" that wouldn't have such a function.



                                I'm just clearing things up to resolve this problem.

                                Which part of Skari's dialogue gave Raylin the idea that it wasn't what she meant?

                                Just type out what part of the dialogue, because I can see both sides of the argument, and there's a possibility that you, or SUSTIC is right.

                                Originally posted by Katrix View Post
                                TSU Female Dorm: 106A

                                When she hear something she treasures she got a little bit confused. That wasn't what she meant at all. Despite that she still said "I guess that would work, so come on show me. As for me, I have these metal devices that maes my magic easier for me to control at some points. Who would have guessed that magic would be so annoying at time."

                                Like Cucoo said, there's a possibility that your character inferred that she was wrong in her guess, making this entire problem nothing at all, or it could just be a simple mistake. No big deal, easy fix.
                                Last edited by S121; 01-20-2014, 01:23 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

