I'm posting the log of a conversation I had with a friend about the incident. It basically tells the story of how some jackass in TF2 called me a Weaaboo because I was talking about Touhou.
[1:30:02 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: >someone called me a weeaboo when I was talking about Touhou
[1:30:06 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: "m8 are you fuckin retarded"
[1:30:29 AM] Utane Uta: Lol
[1:30:40 AM] Utane Uta: Where was this
[1:30:44 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: in tf2
[1:30:54 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: >fuckin weeaboo faggot go to japan if you hate America so much
[1:31:15 AM] Utane Uta: >and this is why I hate the human race
[1:32:04 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: "I didn't even say I was American. Also, Touhou is a Japanese game series, not an anime. And on that note, sure, I'm interested in some Japanese things, but I respect the culture and don't try to act Japanese. That's what makes me not a Weeaboo. But calling me one with only the assumption that Touhou was an anime and not knowing whether or not I was American gives me enough proof that you're a fucking retard."
[1:32:10 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: "Please, get out of the gene pool."
[1:32:20 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: that was my first and last burn because the guy rage quit after
[1:32:48 AM] Utane Uta: FUCKING ROASTED
I would post more stories here if it wasn't for the fact my Skype history extends to like 17,000roughlyestimated messages in under a minute.
[A couple extra notes of that tale: The guy was using a mic and sounded like he was 20-ish. I can't remember his name either but it had football in there somewhere.]