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Someone called me a Weeaboo in TF2...

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    Someone called me a Weeaboo in TF2...

    I'm posting the log of a conversation I had with a friend about the incident. It basically tells the story of how some jackass in TF2 called me a Weaaboo because I was talking about Touhou.
    [1:30:02 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: >someone called me a weeaboo when I was talking about Touhou
    [1:30:06 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: "m8 are you fuckin retarded"
    [1:30:29 AM] Utane Uta: Lol
    [1:30:40 AM] Utane Uta: Where was this
    [1:30:44 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: in tf2
    [1:30:54 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: >fuckin weeaboo faggot go to japan if you hate America so much
    [1:31:15 AM] Utane Uta: >and this is why I hate the human race
    [1:32:04 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: "I didn't even say I was American. Also, Touhou is a Japanese game series, not an anime. And on that note, sure, I'm interested in some Japanese things, but I respect the culture and don't try to act Japanese. That's what makes me not a Weeaboo. But calling me one with only the assumption that Touhou was an anime and not knowing whether or not I was American gives me enough proof that you're a fucking retard."
    [1:32:10 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: "Please, get out of the gene pool."
    [1:32:20 AM] Hinanaweed Teshno: that was my first and last burn because the guy rage quit after
    [1:32:48 AM] Utane Uta: FUCKING ROASTED

    I would post more stories here if it wasn't for the fact my Skype history extends to like 17,000roughlyestimated messages in under a minute.

    [A couple extra notes of that tale: The guy was using a mic and sounded like he was 20-ish. I can't remember his name either but it had football in there somewhere.]
    Last edited by Teshno; 03-31-2015, 02:44 AM.
    w-what is this autism aura??
    if I dont gook this lolisama now..........
    our western culture will be forever....


    My software doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.

    Do you have a hour emergency call systems broadcasting radio station WNYW or Internet Explorer?
    Well? Which one?

    Cyros admits the truth:


      Originally posted by Tenko View Post
      i feel this
      w-what is this autism aura??
      if I dont gook this lolisama now..........
      our western culture will be forever....



        You should of demanded an apology pizza


          Well of course, if there's one reference to an American sport (assuming that it is American football) we know it's probably some racist white trash (except for for a few cases)

          I think it's stupid how people automatically jump to conclusions, say something that a Japanese person made and your a weeaboo? I think not. I mean really, it's gotten to the point where I once said "I like sushi" and this one guy said "stop being such a weeaboo prick"

          Sorry for ranting, just gotta get that off my mind

