Hello, ITalkToSky here.
I'm pretty new to minecraft and completely useless to the mechanic to create mini-game, but when I saw the Dynmap, I decided to pitch in an idea of my own.
This event will be pretty large and probably will take longer time to complete or else we might need to keep score to determine winner. There is 2 variations. Both of which will require full use of gensokyo world, so I recommend copying it and make it a game zone.
Variation 1:
Gensokyo Total War
Type: Monthly or One-off
This game will involve 5 factions with 5 starting points and 5 unique banners. The team will be determined by the staff or something, I don't know. There should be a lot of players at one time though.
There is no mod or special item needed. The game will be played in survival.
Victory Condition:
Capture all 4 other HQ of other factions.
Capturing involve pressing button on command block within the HQ of the opposing faction.
When you took their base, the team members of that faction is now under your faction, along with their resources node. You also can start giving instruction too.
Capturing Resource Node:
Important location in the game (human village, myouren, palanquin, alice's house, etc.) will have RESOURCE NODE.
RESOURCE NODE will spawn resource blocks such as ores and wood every interval (recommended: minecraft day (it will encourage stocking up, not simply rushing). Every location will have every types of resources, but how much of each type will be determined.
To capture resources node, place the banner of your faction on the building AND THEN press the button on command block that will say "Human Village has fallen to .......". The resources node will be close to that command block.
The commander is elected among the members of the team. He will be the one calling the shots for major operation, like ordering people to capture city or coordinate attack. However, players do have certain level of autonomy. But don't be annoying and disobey every single order. Friendly and logical strategy argument is encouraged. How the group will act and react to situation will determine their fate.
Commander is still mortal (survival) and can be killed. They can decide to coordinate resources at main base or lead the charge. Their choice.
Starting Standard Gear
Wooden Swords + leather armour (iron is a commodity)
Seeds, carrot, potatoes, bucket and hoes (farm starter)
Lava and water (for cobble generator ONLY)
Food to feed the team for a day or two
Animal Spawn egg (not too over the top)
Thus, killing and looting their gear is highly encourage or you will suffer from shortage. Also Farms is ESSENTIAL for war economy.
Resource Node Spawn list:
1. Stone
2. Wood
3. Metal ores (irons, gold and diamond) in small amount
4. Hay block
5. Coal block (don't get creative and burn it, I know it is a valid scorched earth tactics as much as I like it, but fire spread, geez)
6. Snow block
7. Gravel
8. Dirt (for farm)
9. Clay? or anything I can't think off, feel free to comment and add.
1. Do not dig to gather resources underground. Trench for bow exchange allowed. Above the ground only.
2. Can use resources to create obstacle and reinforce the structure. (Use wood to block entrances and repair building damage)
3. Allow reconnaissance (but team chat will only allow you to communicate with only your team, no cheating pls)
4. Allow TNT cannon with block damage (Yeah, that's why I want to create separate world. It is more realistic for siege). TNT comes with resources, not too over the top though.
5. Fire nor lava is not allowed, as burning of the forest near Hakurei Shrine will result in bad lag.
6. Resource allocation is up to the commander. You can waste all your gold into golden apple for all I care :P
7. Maintain good sportsmanship. Be nice and don't rub your achievement into someones face, pls.
8. Playing unfairly is allowed, NOT cheating. Sneak attack, flanking, ambush, booby-trap, blitzkreig, butter army, Banzai charge, ender peal Ops and Diplomacy are allowed. Spawn in block or going creative, x-ray is NOT. Your level of thinking and strategy will give you the edge.
9. Stealing from piles of resources on the node the opponent owned is ALLOWED. Stealing harvested resources from chest is NOT allowed. Be sure to have some guard or harvest periodically.
10. Construction of Farms allowed.
1. Hakurei Faction
The most defensive of all. They started with no structural defence (walls), but they have natural one. The forest surrounding them will restrict the enemy to using to road for quick offensive. However, they may still cut through wood, but that will take time. Though, their terrain will also work against them as they can't send fast help to their further territory in case of emergency. Their starting resource level is low, but their high wood production allows them to construct large wood barricades, which will help them secure resource nodes based inside the forest.
Resources: Moderate, wood focuses.
Starting gear: Standard
2. Eientei Faction
They boast the highest resource income for their HQ over other factions. However, they suffer penalty of being stuck inside the Bamboo forest of lost, resulting in slow expansion speed. They have less territory at their disposal, but they all boast high resources, but be careful as loosing one might spell doom for these little rabbits. Their HQ also get natural defence from bamboo forest. This faction also have built-in partially completed farm in their HQ to boast their sustainability.
Resources: Very High, ores + wood
Starting gear: Standard + more shears + petty blocks (woods, cobble, etc.) + rabbits
3. Mayohiga Faction
They boast good HQ base defence from their wall and most of their territory is uncontested, resulting in good flow of income. However, the nodes are far apart, thus balance poorer harvesting and poorer outer nodes defence with good income. They also have good sustainability as loosing of nodes will not cripple them too hard, but too much can trigger death spiral.
Resources: Moderate, all-rounded
Starting gear: Standard
4. Scarlet Faction
They boast good HQ defence from walls and also good view around their base in case of enemy attack, but are vulnerable as their HQ is open (no nodes to act as front line defence). To counter this, their HQ is hardest to capture as command block are further in. However, scarlet faction is one of the most offensive of all faction. They have moderately high income HQ. However, they are highly isolated from resource nodes, with only few at their disposal. Yet, Remilia (from story not the admin) has hidden good stash of resources before hand at Lake of Blood. Only those from this faction can retrieve them (rule) and use them to aid in early conquest for more crucial resources. It is sink or swim or they will be wiped out early.
Resources: Moderate, High starting stash at Lake of Blood (also a moderately good resource node)
Starting gear: Standard + extra food from the Lake of Blood
5. Youkai Mountain Faction
They boast greatest natural terrain defence and sustainability. However, because of their terrain, the resource harvesting will be slow and also food farm will require extra effort and take longer time (regulated by their natural income). They also boast moderately high resource generation HQ and close proximity to nodes on mountain (moderately high production). However, their bane is Scarlet Faction that will rush to capture their outer territory. They struggle to secure good enough nodes to hunker and wait for opportunity to strike.
I suggest the players and commander study DynMap and terrain really well. Strategy for the the win.
Another Idea is West vs. East.
Same rule as above. Might end quicker?
Same amount of player on West and East team.
West occupy: Youkai Mountain + SDM mansion
East occupy: Mayohiga, Hakurei shrine and Eientei
(Comment: Human village is so dead (highly contested))
Feel free to suggest improvement and I really do hope to see this battle. Really wish to grace my eyes with the epicness. I really spent a lot of time thinking this up.
P.S. Hakugyokurou faction doesn't get to shine today.
I'm pretty new to minecraft and completely useless to the mechanic to create mini-game, but when I saw the Dynmap, I decided to pitch in an idea of my own.
This event will be pretty large and probably will take longer time to complete or else we might need to keep score to determine winner. There is 2 variations. Both of which will require full use of gensokyo world, so I recommend copying it and make it a game zone.
Variation 1:
Gensokyo Total War
Type: Monthly or One-off
This game will involve 5 factions with 5 starting points and 5 unique banners. The team will be determined by the staff or something, I don't know. There should be a lot of players at one time though.
There is no mod or special item needed. The game will be played in survival.
Victory Condition:
Capture all 4 other HQ of other factions.
Capturing involve pressing button on command block within the HQ of the opposing faction.
When you took their base, the team members of that faction is now under your faction, along with their resources node. You also can start giving instruction too.
Capturing Resource Node:
Important location in the game (human village, myouren, palanquin, alice's house, etc.) will have RESOURCE NODE.
RESOURCE NODE will spawn resource blocks such as ores and wood every interval (recommended: minecraft day (it will encourage stocking up, not simply rushing). Every location will have every types of resources, but how much of each type will be determined.
To capture resources node, place the banner of your faction on the building AND THEN press the button on command block that will say "Human Village has fallen to .......". The resources node will be close to that command block.
The commander is elected among the members of the team. He will be the one calling the shots for major operation, like ordering people to capture city or coordinate attack. However, players do have certain level of autonomy. But don't be annoying and disobey every single order. Friendly and logical strategy argument is encouraged. How the group will act and react to situation will determine their fate.
Commander is still mortal (survival) and can be killed. They can decide to coordinate resources at main base or lead the charge. Their choice.
Starting Standard Gear
Wooden Swords + leather armour (iron is a commodity)
Seeds, carrot, potatoes, bucket and hoes (farm starter)
Lava and water (for cobble generator ONLY)
Food to feed the team for a day or two
Animal Spawn egg (not too over the top)
Thus, killing and looting their gear is highly encourage or you will suffer from shortage. Also Farms is ESSENTIAL for war economy.
Resource Node Spawn list:
1. Stone
2. Wood
3. Metal ores (irons, gold and diamond) in small amount
4. Hay block
5. Coal block (don't get creative and burn it, I know it is a valid scorched earth tactics as much as I like it, but fire spread, geez)
6. Snow block
7. Gravel
8. Dirt (for farm)
9. Clay? or anything I can't think off, feel free to comment and add.
1. Do not dig to gather resources underground. Trench for bow exchange allowed. Above the ground only.
2. Can use resources to create obstacle and reinforce the structure. (Use wood to block entrances and repair building damage)
3. Allow reconnaissance (but team chat will only allow you to communicate with only your team, no cheating pls)
4. Allow TNT cannon with block damage (Yeah, that's why I want to create separate world. It is more realistic for siege). TNT comes with resources, not too over the top though.
5. Fire nor lava is not allowed, as burning of the forest near Hakurei Shrine will result in bad lag.
6. Resource allocation is up to the commander. You can waste all your gold into golden apple for all I care :P
7. Maintain good sportsmanship. Be nice and don't rub your achievement into someones face, pls.
8. Playing unfairly is allowed, NOT cheating. Sneak attack, flanking, ambush, booby-trap, blitzkreig, butter army, Banzai charge, ender peal Ops and Diplomacy are allowed. Spawn in block or going creative, x-ray is NOT. Your level of thinking and strategy will give you the edge.
9. Stealing from piles of resources on the node the opponent owned is ALLOWED. Stealing harvested resources from chest is NOT allowed. Be sure to have some guard or harvest periodically.
10. Construction of Farms allowed.
1. Hakurei Faction
The most defensive of all. They started with no structural defence (walls), but they have natural one. The forest surrounding them will restrict the enemy to using to road for quick offensive. However, they may still cut through wood, but that will take time. Though, their terrain will also work against them as they can't send fast help to their further territory in case of emergency. Their starting resource level is low, but their high wood production allows them to construct large wood barricades, which will help them secure resource nodes based inside the forest.
Resources: Moderate, wood focuses.
Starting gear: Standard
2. Eientei Faction
They boast the highest resource income for their HQ over other factions. However, they suffer penalty of being stuck inside the Bamboo forest of lost, resulting in slow expansion speed. They have less territory at their disposal, but they all boast high resources, but be careful as loosing one might spell doom for these little rabbits. Their HQ also get natural defence from bamboo forest. This faction also have built-in partially completed farm in their HQ to boast their sustainability.
Resources: Very High, ores + wood
Starting gear: Standard + more shears + petty blocks (woods, cobble, etc.) + rabbits
3. Mayohiga Faction
They boast good HQ base defence from their wall and most of their territory is uncontested, resulting in good flow of income. However, the nodes are far apart, thus balance poorer harvesting and poorer outer nodes defence with good income. They also have good sustainability as loosing of nodes will not cripple them too hard, but too much can trigger death spiral.
Resources: Moderate, all-rounded
Starting gear: Standard
4. Scarlet Faction
They boast good HQ defence from walls and also good view around their base in case of enemy attack, but are vulnerable as their HQ is open (no nodes to act as front line defence). To counter this, their HQ is hardest to capture as command block are further in. However, scarlet faction is one of the most offensive of all faction. They have moderately high income HQ. However, they are highly isolated from resource nodes, with only few at their disposal. Yet, Remilia (from story not the admin) has hidden good stash of resources before hand at Lake of Blood. Only those from this faction can retrieve them (rule) and use them to aid in early conquest for more crucial resources. It is sink or swim or they will be wiped out early.
Resources: Moderate, High starting stash at Lake of Blood (also a moderately good resource node)
Starting gear: Standard + extra food from the Lake of Blood
5. Youkai Mountain Faction
They boast greatest natural terrain defence and sustainability. However, because of their terrain, the resource harvesting will be slow and also food farm will require extra effort and take longer time (regulated by their natural income). They also boast moderately high resource generation HQ and close proximity to nodes on mountain (moderately high production). However, their bane is Scarlet Faction that will rush to capture their outer territory. They struggle to secure good enough nodes to hunker and wait for opportunity to strike.
I suggest the players and commander study DynMap and terrain really well. Strategy for the the win.
Another Idea is West vs. East.
Same rule as above. Might end quicker?
Same amount of player on West and East team.
West occupy: Youkai Mountain + SDM mansion
East occupy: Mayohiga, Hakurei shrine and Eientei
(Comment: Human village is so dead (highly contested))
Feel free to suggest improvement and I really do hope to see this battle. Really wish to grace my eyes with the epicness. I really spent a lot of time thinking this up.
P.S. Hakugyokurou faction doesn't get to shine today.