Tomorrow (Friday 10th April) until Sunday/Monday, I will be in Nottingham attending Amecon (or Amechibi as it's being called this year). Because of the fact that I'll be away from both my parents' house and my apartment, I will not be able to attend to any of my duties on the server while I am in Nottingham. I will try to post here as often as I can but my time online will be severely limited as I will be busy engaging with the activities present at the convention. If anything, I'll be spending most of my spare time in Nottingham on Twitter, imgur, and reddit rather than anywhere else.
Of course, I'll try to keep a direct line open through Skype or Steam, should anyone need me, so I won't be completely gone. Just inactive and too busy getting drunk or gawking at merch (I'll try to keep both mutually-exclusive but no promises).
Apologies if this causes any inconveniences. All server questions and staff requests should be directed to either Tewi, Katrix, or any other mod/admin who can fill my role while I'm away.
Bye for now!
- Luna (TRXD)
Of course, I'll try to keep a direct line open through Skype or Steam, should anyone need me, so I won't be completely gone. Just inactive and too busy getting drunk or gawking at merch (I'll try to keep both mutually-exclusive but no promises).
Apologies if this causes any inconveniences. All server questions and staff requests should be directed to either Tewi, Katrix, or any other mod/admin who can fill my role while I'm away.
Spoiler: Something
Bye for now!
- Luna (TRXD)