Miko Info
It's high time I post some actual info on Miko, especially considering that it's our only Discord bot at this point. If there is anything you're confused about, don't be afraid to ask. Also, while I want to save most general purpose stuff for Miko Mk2, I'm still open to requests for simple commands. (No flowers or similar though)
General commands
Cleanup !cleanup Tries to manually clean up channels
Die !die|kill Shuts down the bot
Get logs !getLogs <channel name> <date> Gets the chat log for a specific time if it exists
Help !help [command|page] [command(if page specified previously)] Shows help for commands
Info !info See the info for Miko
shiftChannels !shiftChannels Shifts all channels so that only used channels are left
Status !status Sees the status of Miko
Safebooru !safebooru [tags] Fetch a random image from Safebooru
Music commands
Clear &clear Clears the current queue
Default volume &defvol|dvol Sets the current default volume
Next &n|next Plays the next song
Now playing &np|nowPlaying Shows information about the currently playing track
Pause &p|pause Pauses the current track
Queue &q|queue <url or identifier> Queue a now song
Remove &rem|remove <toRemove> Remove a specific amount of songs
Stop &s|stop Stops all music and clears the queue
SoundCloud Queue &scq|soundcloundQueue Alias for q scsearch:<your search>
Shuffle &shuffle Shuffles the current queue
Show Queue &sq|showQueue Shows the next 15 songs to play
Volume &vol|volume Sets the current volume
Youtube Queue &ytq|youtubeQueue Alias for q ytsearch:<your search>
Config commands
destructiveBlacklistModify ;destructiveBlacklistModify <channel> <add|remove> Adds or removes a channel to or from the blacklist for destroying channels
destructiveBlacklistShow ;destructiveBlacklistShow Shows the channels currently in the destructive blacklist. Rooms in this list can't be deleted by the destructive mode
destructiveModeEnabled ;destructiveModeEnabled <value> Sets if destructive mode is enabled. If it is, voice text channels will be deleted if they are empty
destructiveSaveLocation ;destructiveSaveLocation <path> Sets the save location to use when saving chat history
destructiveSaveOnDestroy ;destructiveSaveOnDestroy <value> Sets if a channels chat history should be saved to a file before they are destroyed
permissionsModify ;permissionsModify <everyone|join|leave> <add|remove> <permission> <value> Modifies a permission to voiceText events
Show voiceText permissions ;permissionsShow [everyone|join|leave] Shows the current permissions
permissionsShowAll ;permissionsShowAll Shows all the different permissions
setBotSpam ;setBotSpam <channel> Sets the channel where Miko will dump lot's of info
voiceTextSetEnabled ;voiceTextSetEnabled|setvtEnabled <boolean> Sets if voiceText mode is enabled. If it is, Miko will create a new text channel for each text channel
vtSetDynamicallyResize ;vtSetDynamicallyResize|voiceTextSetDynamicallyRes ize <boolean> Sets if miko should grow and shrink the amount of numbered channels on demand
It's high time I post some actual info on Miko, especially considering that it's our only Discord bot at this point. If there is anything you're confused about, don't be afraid to ask. Also, while I want to save most general purpose stuff for Miko Mk2, I'm still open to requests for simple commands. (No flowers or similar though)
General commands
Cleanup !cleanup Tries to manually clean up channels
Die !die|kill Shuts down the bot
Get logs !getLogs <channel name> <date> Gets the chat log for a specific time if it exists
Help !help [command|page] [command(if page specified previously)] Shows help for commands
Info !info See the info for Miko
shiftChannels !shiftChannels Shifts all channels so that only used channels are left
Status !status Sees the status of Miko
Safebooru !safebooru [tags] Fetch a random image from Safebooru
Music commands
Clear &clear Clears the current queue
Default volume &defvol|dvol Sets the current default volume
Next &n|next Plays the next song
Now playing &np|nowPlaying Shows information about the currently playing track
Pause &p|pause Pauses the current track
Queue &q|queue <url or identifier> Queue a now song
Remove &rem|remove <toRemove> Remove a specific amount of songs
Stop &s|stop Stops all music and clears the queue
SoundCloud Queue &scq|soundcloundQueue Alias for q scsearch:<your search>
Shuffle &shuffle Shuffles the current queue
Show Queue &sq|showQueue Shows the next 15 songs to play
Volume &vol|volume Sets the current volume
Youtube Queue &ytq|youtubeQueue Alias for q ytsearch:<your search>
Config commands
destructiveBlacklistModify ;destructiveBlacklistModify <channel> <add|remove> Adds or removes a channel to or from the blacklist for destroying channels
destructiveBlacklistShow ;destructiveBlacklistShow Shows the channels currently in the destructive blacklist. Rooms in this list can't be deleted by the destructive mode
destructiveModeEnabled ;destructiveModeEnabled <value> Sets if destructive mode is enabled. If it is, voice text channels will be deleted if they are empty
destructiveSaveLocation ;destructiveSaveLocation <path> Sets the save location to use when saving chat history
destructiveSaveOnDestroy ;destructiveSaveOnDestroy <value> Sets if a channels chat history should be saved to a file before they are destroyed
permissionsModify ;permissionsModify <everyone|join|leave> <add|remove> <permission> <value> Modifies a permission to voiceText events
Show voiceText permissions ;permissionsShow [everyone|join|leave] Shows the current permissions
permissionsShowAll ;permissionsShowAll Shows all the different permissions
setBotSpam ;setBotSpam <channel> Sets the channel where Miko will dump lot's of info
voiceTextSetEnabled ;voiceTextSetEnabled|setvtEnabled <boolean> Sets if voiceText mode is enabled. If it is, Miko will create a new text channel for each text channel
vtSetDynamicallyResize ;vtSetDynamicallyResize|voiceTextSetDynamicallyRes ize <boolean> Sets if miko should grow and shrink the amount of numbered channels on demand