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Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix - Intermission

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    "Why do I get a feeling I'll be explaining this to a lot of people in the near future?" Mokou rolled her eyes. If she was to really be around here, she'll have to be more open about herself, she thought. "Well..."

    "I'm from Earth, yes, but more specifically, I'm from a world called Gensokyo. Not a lot about Gensokyo was known to the others on Earth... until their exodus out of the dead world, of course. Gensokyo to be exact used to be a little pocket dimension that used to be situated near a lake in Japan. It is home to anything that was forgotten in the "outside world", so things like old and obsolete tools, mythical folk creatures such as Youkais, and even ancient buildings are found in that wonderful land." Mokou explained with a bit of difficulty. It's quite hard trying to explain the entire notion of what Gensokyo is to an outsider. "Now, when Earth was swallowed by the growing Sun, a bunch of residents on Gensokyo also fled using their own way. Something about storing their soul inside an object and leaving them to the care of some evil spirit that's been haunting a shrine. To this day, I cannot understand the thought process behind that: I wouldn't want to entrust my soul to an evil spirit."

    "Anyway, almost everyone went into this huge chest; and the chest was put into a different dimension by the evil spirit for safekeeping. This spirit is called Mima by the way; anyway, after doing that, Mima left Earth to look for a new place to create a new Gensokyo. But a couple of us could not get on board. I don't know what happened to two other people that were with me; probably also left Earth by some method since one of them is probably the smartest person in the history of being smart. But I was stuck on Earth, without hope of ever meeting anyone else or doing anything I liked. But for better or for worse, a meteorite struck the ground right in front of me. The shockwave from it had so much energy I was literally blown off to space faster than the escape velocity."

    "You might be asking yourself, how are you still alive if you were from Earth and didn't travel through a space ship?" Mokou smiled as she stopped walking, gathering Ethan's attention. She gathered a bit of energy, then suddenly a pair of wings, burning brightly like a phoenix's, emerged from her shoulder blades.

    "I have the power of the Phoenix in me." Mokou explained as she extinguished the fiery wings so that it won't burn the borrowed tank top. "I drank something called the Hourai Elixir a long time ago, and it gave me the curse of immortality. Hourai Elixir is the reason why every time I die, I resurrect. It's also the reason why I wasn't put into the giant chest I mentioned earlier; since drinking Hourai Elixir apparently pulls my soul entirely out of the cycle of life and death. I used to look back at that moment and think, I probably shouldn't have drank it. Living for this long was such a bore, but with so many new places to explore, I actually change my mind about that."



      After Mokou finished speaking, it was clear Ethan was confused, as evidenced by his long pause and him leaning slightly away from her in disbelief. It was insane to think that this girl, Mokou, was trillions of years old, lived in a pocket dimension closed off from the rest of the world, knew MAGIC, and had access to technology capable of inducing immortality. Ethan would have probably dropped Megumi and said "bullshit" to her story, but the fiery wings she had conjured up behind her only proved that she wasn't lying to him. After a good ten seconds, Ethan spoke again.

      "Wait, so not only did you have access to technology capable of creating immortality when such a thing shouldn't be possible until now, but you also lived in a land with magic, like 'wizards shooting fireballs and lightning at each other' kind of magic?", Ethan asked Mokou in disbelief.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        "Well firstly, it's not much of a technology to make an Elixir of Life; that too is magic." Mokou clarified with a chuckle as she began walking to the colony again. "And about your little statement about magic, yes, we do throw fireballs, lightning bolts, and ice spears at each other. If you just replace "wizards" with "amazing, relatable girls I would totally go to bed with," then it'll be perfect."



          Ethan continued to walk alongside Mokou, just visualizing everything she had described to him; the magic, the deadly projectiles being thrown about, the girls...

          "Sounds pretty 'perfect' to me.", Ethan playfully remarked to Mokou's description of the inhabitants of her world.

          To be honest, he was still quite surprised that all she said was true, especially since such things in this day and age were only reserved for fictitious books. There were very few people who believed in magic, superstition, or even the supernatural, but here was Mokou, a girl who's very existence defied all that should have been possible. All this information was truly the highlight of Ethan's day, discovering that magic actually existed.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



            "Yup. My final goal would be I guess to make sure I find Mima and the new Gensokyo she's about to release to the universe. Then my life will be back to normal..." Mokou hummed, reminiscing the old days on Earth... how tranquil, how serene they were... Peaceful they may be, but to Mokou, they were ultimately pretty boring to be honest. A few years... maybe decades of adventure would suit her wanderlust before she'll bother looking for new Gensokyo. "Actually... now that I think about it, I'd rather travel the galaxy; see new things and all. I have nothing to lose; even if I die, I'm immortal so I'll get right back on my feet."



              Ethan couldn't help but lightly grin at her response.

              "Yea, well welcome to the club.", Ethan said to Mokou. Little did she know that he was not only referring to her wanderlust, but her immortality as well.

              After twelve minutes, they still had close to an entire mile to go, but the sandstorm was already beginning to approach. It was quickly enveloping the colony and was surging straight for the trio.

              "Okay, my bad. The sandstorm will hit us in 12.5 minutes, meaning we have about half a minute before we're hit.", Ethan said as he began shuffling Megumi in his arms and pulled her hood over her face in an attempt to keep her face protected. He then looked over to Mokou, who had little to wear and nothing covering her face. Surely her body would survive most of the wind, but she was not going to be happy with 60 mph winds sandblasting her right in the face. Ethan simply sighed as he shuffled Megumi in his arms once more, grabbing the safety lock securing his helmet, and disengaging it. After that, Ethan removed his helmet and handed it to Mokou, revealing jet black hair, blue eyes, and a man in his mid twenties to early thirties.

              "Here. You might need this if you don't want to go blind.", Ethan casually said to Mokou as he held his helmet out to her. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.
              Last edited by S121; 07-18-2015, 05:09 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                Mokou blushed at the sudden chivalrous act of Ethan. He looked pretty good too, with his dark black hair and blue eyes. Mokou didn't get a chance to mingle with a lot of male in her life, so she had a natural inclination towards liking females... but Ethan... he made her question her preferences. "Thank you." Mokou took the helmet and put it on. Immediately, Mokou was greeted with a clearer image along with something like a radar and other blinking lights all across the screen.

                "Whoa... this is really cool." Mokou looked entranced as she explored what each of the HUD display did. However, she did keep in mind that the sandstorm was nearly on their way to intercept the two, and prepared to take off running to the colony at moment's notice while making sure she doesn't lose sight of Ethan.



                  Ethan followed closely behind as the sandstorm slammed into them. As soon as it did, Ethan could feel the storm impeding his run and slamming sand into his face, slowing him down to a walk. If he was not careful, he would be blown off his feet. The sand sprayed across his face, forcing him to keep his head tilted downward in an attempt to keep it from blowing into his nose and eyes, but the effort was futile. The sand burned his eyes and cheeks as it pelted him, causing him to wince as he forced himself to catch up to Mokou. Meanwhile, his body began to slowly adapt to the winds, causing his eyes and sinuses to become less and less sensitive to the sand, and his body to be more and more capable of pushing through the storm.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                    When the sandstorm suddenly struck the two, Mokou brought her center of gravity down by bending her knees and walking slowly, inhibited by the sheer force of the gushing wind. The sand was not very much of a problem as Ethan's helmet protected her and allowed her to see through the sands better.

                    Her relative safety however was jeopardized as a sudden wave of wind and sand knocked her off her feet and caused her to fly quite a distance before slamming onto the rocky ground. Red wounds and scarred skin formed all across Mokou's exposed skin as she winced, unable to get up because of the constant gushing wind. "A little bit of help, please?" Mokou struggled to say her words, but the sandstorm muted her speech out.



                      Ethan was blown off his feet by the same gust of wind that so easily threw Mokou, only to a lesser degree, thanks to him having his armor's, Megumi's, and his own weight, partially supressing the gust's ability to throw him, only throwing him ten feet back instead of how far it threw Mokou. quicklyRight as Ethan felt his feet leave the ground, he quickly activated his antigravity module and anchored his feet back to the ground. He then glanced over to Mokou, who was now pinned to the ground by the relentless winds, and trudged after her.

                      The high winds only served to push Ethan faster towards her, allowing him to cover the distance within a couple of seconds, and when he arrived, Ethan tightly held on to Megumi with one arm, all while reaching down for Mokou's hand and tightly grasping it. Ethan pulled Mokou to a stand with all of his might, barely being able to accomplish the task with his natural strength alone.

                      "Okay, we've got to get out of here. We're leaves in a hurricane right now.", Ethan shouted at the top of his lungs.
                      Last edited by S121; 07-18-2015, 05:53 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Foreign Colony – H-BP05
                        "You've encountered one." Ian made sure that detail sunk in before he spoke further. "A swarm is another story. And let's just say it's safer to assume all planets could be infected at this point." Shadows moved out from under the Oudri'sa towards the Hunters. One of them materialized into a cloaked female next to Ian. She watched the group of colonists closely.

                        Nihiliod Contagi’neg.” No Nihiliod Infections. Ian glanced at the Dei’arc Umbra sideways.

                        Gratyi, maki’ta. Exspe oudri’pawi.” Thank you, sister. Wait outside with the others. The Umbra nodded but looked once more towards the one that Ian was speaking to before.

                        Oudri’sata Dei’arc occu’suba.” That outsider encountered a Dei’arc before.

                        Veri?” Really? He turned his attention back to the man. “What planet did you come from?”


                          Prosperity | Sungrey

                          Nihiliods... A flare burst. A gas fire lighting in her heart. Those were the creatures who had attacked Ciela and sent her to this now-desolate place. And they destroyed her book, too! The book killers... allegedly...

                          Quickly, Terra smothered the burning rage inside her and calmed down again. So, these creatures existed elsewhere. Perhaps everywhere... including her home, if they were the creatures that had attacked her (and her poor book). And apparently they were called... Planet Killers? That sounded pretty dangerous. Terra had seen them as they tried to burrow into the civilians' struggling bodies. But were they truly strong enough to wipe out an entire planet?


                            Prosperity | Sungrey
                            BGM: Legend of Dragoon OST - Echo of Flame

                            "I came from Earth... But I believe the last planet we visited before jumping here was an Earth-like called... Alcyon. Saved a girl there. Went by.... Ignis." Phenom said, still glaring at the newcomers. As they spoke in their dialect, he noticed slight similarities to the languages of Earth. Not in grammar, of course, but it was almost as if... chunks of words were present in some places, but not in others. Nihiliod was clearly a word from their dialect though. But the words following, he recognized.

                            'Gratyi? Sounds like Grazie. Must be some form of gratitude. Contagi... Going off of how Nycto acted... Must mean... Contagion, or contamination. Neg... Negative? Nihiliod Contagi'neg.... Negative Nihiliod Contamination? It would make sense, seeing as she came out of my shadow.'

                            "Of course I'm not infected. You saw how I reacted to you. Do you think me so careless?" Phenom said, making a rather confident guess at what was being said. He paused for a moment before speaking again, "I see you have an Umbra. Has she lost her identity, too? She doesn't quite look like Nyctores did..." he said.
                            Last edited by Kilelicus; 07-19-2015, 12:04 AM.
                            Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                            "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                            Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee



                              Mokou got up, thanks to Ethan's help, and after a few seconds, she stabilized herself without having to hold on to Ethan. There have been only one other time when Mokou was blown off her feet so easily: when she was sparring a crow tengu Aya. "Yeah..." Mokou groaned under her breath and slowly marched on.

                              By the time Mokou and Ethan arrived at the colony, the sandstorm died down and dissipated, allowing the locals to go about their daily lives once again. The colony with its locals minding their own business reminded Mokou of a lively village in the Western United States.

                              "God... that was hell and back 9 times over." Mokou commented on the experience of sandstorm as she slowly wobbled back to a standing position. "At least... we're here, right?"


                                Foreign Colony – H-BP04
                                Choosing who would go after Ignis eventually came down to who knows how to repair an interceptor. Joe just so happened to be the only Brawler pilot of the three, thus he drew the short straw by default. The sandstorm put a damper on things as they were forced to wait in their fighters. Ok, you get a head start, Igni’ta. Just don’t do anything that we’ll regret later. As soon as the storm passed, Joe made for the colony as Lotus and Spear tended to the disabled Interceptor. Finding Ignis was going to be a challenge; he could pick her out of a crowd by detecting the power sources of her Ven’tec equipment.

                                Rather than rely solely on Ven’tec, Joe decided to take a more lowtech solution; asking the colonists if they saw her. Luckily he had asked Lotus what she looked like as he hadn’t seen her since she returned. She’ll be a lot older than how I remember her. Probably quicker, too. Hopefully she doesn’t keep trying to run. “Excuse me,” he caught the attention of a colonist, “Have you seen a girl here, about this tall, sandy-brown hair, red goggles, brown-ish black cloak?” The colonist shook his head no. “Ok, thanks.” This will take a while. He looked around again and picked out another. “Excuse me, have you seen-”


                                “Try to pull the conductors together. Let’s see if there’s enough slack to just reconnect.” Lotus was working on a circuit board in Ignis’s fighter she didn’t realize that she hit. It’s amazing the autopilot managed to control this without the port-side stabilizer board. A groan from the top part of the engine compartment told her that Spear couldn’t get the conductors together.

                                “Just not enough length in the cables; might need to splice off some off one of ours.” He looked over the side to Lotus. “Could be worse, the engine could have been shot.”

                                “Right. Well, I think I got the port stabilizer working again. Can you flip the power over to it?”

                                “Sure, just a sec.” Spear disappeared over the edge again and Lotus heard the distinct thud of the power switch being flipped. The power core gradually whirred to life and Lotus watched the conductors in the circuit panel glow red with Aura energy. Right when she was about to test the stabilizer functions, the hum of the core died down.

                                “Oh frict.” She looked up to Spear who looked over to center of the ship.

                                “Yep, there goes the Aura generator. I think it’s safe to say you’re too good at disabling fighters, maki’ta.”

                                Shacir.” She snapped. “I would like to see you do better.” He simply threw his hands up in silent surrender. She sat in front of the open panel rubbing her right temple. “We need to get this air-worthy at least; it doesn’t have to be combat capable.”

                                “So scrap the weapon systems and use the parts to fix up the propulsion?” Lotus nodded almost in defeat.

                                “Yeah. See what you can do with the generator. I’ll check to see if anything else decided to fail on us.”

                                “Roger that. And, Lotus, relax a bit, will ya? We’ll get it up and flying soon enough.”

                                “I hope so. Right now I’m grateful that the locals aren’t being curious.”

                                Foreign Colony – H-BP05

                                Ian looked to Elise. “If it’s our Igni’ta, she’s been busier than Eleos let on.” She nodded in agreement. As they spoke, the Umbra answered the man’s question.

                                “We are shadows, Oudri’sa. We sacrificed our identities so that we could become shadows; shadows of anyone we choose.” She pulled down her hood, revealing her black, shoulder-length hair. “Should we take on an identity, we lose that ability.” Her eyes narrowed as if scrutinizing him. “She spoke that name when she died, didn’t she? The one you call Nyctores?” A sigh escaped the Umbra’s lips as her shoulders relaxed. “We felt her leave us. When the Connexi Indevita happened, that feeling has haunted the Dei’arcs day after day, year after year.” She shook her head as if to dispel the thoughts of sorrow. “We are cautious of everyone, Oudri’sa, much like you were of maki’ti: the Hunteri.” She nodded back to the group behind her. “We have to be if we wish to prevent others from meeting the same fate.”

                                Hunteri Stronghold – Sedes Imperii
                                “I would say the one-and-only, but unfortunately Revere exists.” He smiled broadly. “Glad to see you haven’t been ripped apart by Nihiliods, maki’te; we could use your luck hereabouts.” He then turned to the woman. “And you, too, maki’ta. I don’t know how you survived, but thank the goddess you did.” Achlys walked up to Aion’s left side and the rest of the Hunteri came up behind them. “Oh and this is Achlys and Condor Squadron.”

                                "Mister Aion?" the voice of a young girl called out. "Mister Aion! It's me, Mimi!"

                                "Mimi?" His eyes widened. "What happened? Where's Nemesis?"

                                "Nihiliod attack on Duon. Nemesis was disabled and I was preserved in cryosleep. They salvaged my AI and Nemesis's body. We're here to recover Nemesis's AI and my body."

                                "Frict." Aion had a look of despair. "We need to get you to the labs."
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 07-19-2015, 09:50 PM.

