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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Celestora System
    NGO Patrol Ship

    Maraīs smirk didnīt went off even though she had a gun pointed on her head "Hmm a girl you ask? I have seen many things on this ship and many people having affected by the ruckus" she said as the consoleīs screen showed how some soldiers were struggling with the maintenance droids and similar ocurrences on other rooms

    "But a girl? I havenīt seen an inocent girl here and tell you what, even though I knew, I would decline" she got up seeing the man with calmness

    "Now Iīll suggest you something, either let me go and nothing happens since I know nothing about the girl you are searching for or things could end bad for you stranger" the white haired said with a warning tone despite her calmness
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Celestora System
      NGO Patrol Ship

      The man shook his head and smiled. "Always the clever one...But..." He looked at her with a wry grin as he put away his gun. "I know you're lying to me..."

      "...Mara." His grin slowly faded as his face turned grave. "You don't know yet, but there is more to this so called 'War of Eternity' than just a humans fighting due to their insatiable greed." He turned and began to leave. "I'll let you play with Anankerisa for now, but know this: The time will come when everything comes down to one thing, and one thing only. The question is: Will you do what is necessary for the sake of this Eternal Galaxy?" And thus, he left. As he rounded the corner, he seemed to vanish. All that remained was a small burn mark on the floor...


      Helios System
      Planet: Duon

      Nero leapt to his feet, turned, and stood at rigid attention while saluting. "UH-uh-Y-yes Ma'am! It was completely necessary! I swear! Please...not the face again...!" And with that, Nero ducked scurried across the floor and broke into an all out run to get out of the transport. Once outside he cried out in fear. "SAVE ME-!!!"
      This reaction by Nero elicited an uproar of laughter by everyone that heard.
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-05-2013, 12:42 AM.


        Sol Inceneron
        One of Inopia's moons, Nhiome's Sol Inceneron base

        "Now that you are in here, and my ship is fixed, what do you want? I already told you I'm not interested in joining, the only thing I am interested in right now is finishing my final project before I die, and I'm gonna need all the time available without being distracted by the likes of you." Nhiome said as he walked right past her, heading towards the area the last ship was under construction. He called back over his shoulder, " since you made me fall behind the schedule, and you doubt my capabilities, I shall allow you to see the final ship while I try to catch up on the schedule. If you try to in any way use those little toys you carry on your back, you can be assured that they won't work, so don't try."

        He stopped by the stores to load up on even more metals and resources, before turning to navigate through the base, towards the last ship. Which he had decided to call "divine wind" or KaziKame ...
        How many times can you die a day~?
        How many times have you died a day~?


          Helios System
          Planet: Duon

          As Mima floated out of the transport, she made a chuckle low enough for only her to hear. It almost...reminded her of something. A pain shot through he head at the speed of a bullet, and she almost fell to the ground, her staff holding her up for a bit, before, try as she might not to, collapsed, and was out cold.

          Celestoria System
          Orbiting Mortem

          The Reaper got a odd ping on it's sensors, it was what seemed to be a lone ship, sending out a distress signal. The ship turned towards the source of the signal, and zoomed off, leaving nothing in it's wake.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Sol Inceneron
            One of Inopia's moons, Nhiome's Sol Inceneron base

            "Your so certain you'll die?" Ember shook her head as she followed him. "Such a pessimist and yet still young." Once she looked at what Nhiome was building she paused. "And you take a passion in building these? Tsk, do you have no heart of soul?" she leaned against a crate. "Have you ever heard of the Legend of the Shards of Starlight?" She smiled softly and recited one of the passages.

            " war storms and thunders and starts the inferno that consumes all that it touches and reduces all to mere ashes...those with a will to change cruel fate stand up from the smoldering embers. With hope and strength of the heart, they force the clock of fate to change again, to move on to a new time, to bring new fortune."

            Ember then repeated the one phrase: "With hope and strength of the heart..." She closed her eyes and quietly finished her thought. "These legends bear more than some fairy tale for children's bedtime stories. There's a truth that rings true of everything. The War of Eternity, the rising violence, everything. The legends can explain everything, if you believe them." She opened her eyes again. "Words from the wise. Take them to heart, and maybe you too can change the clock of cruel fate."

            And with that she began to leave but waited for his response.


            Helios System
            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

            "Oi! Miss!" some of the onlookers rushed over to her. Nero stopped and turned and ran back.
            "Your flying was too much for her mate."
            "Now look what you did!"
            "Tsk! Don't go blaming me...She's..." Nero Paused. "We just need a medic. She's fine. This is's something else."
            "Back to being cryptic old Nero again eh?"


            Aion jumped out of his fighter and watched the others do the same. There will be time to mourn later, he thought. In the meantime he went over to where the Two transports had transferred to from the Zeta Carrier. Joe ran up to him. "Oi, you alright matey?"
            "Ya, I'm fine. Gonna focus on the transports for now."
            "Right, happy thoughts now. Evan wouldn't want us to dwell on it. So! Where's that fine...perky lass, Kiara?"
            "Heh, always one with words, Joe."
            "You'd be lost without me huh?"
            "BIG BROTHER~!"
            "Well Joe, seems your sister is fine."
            "You don't say?" Joe then opened his arms for his oncoming sister. "C'mere you rogue! Everything all right?"
            "I'll say, your sister is quite the optimist." Kiara walked up to them.
            "Ah, Kiara, good to see you."
            "Likewise to you. I'm glad both of you survived and I have to thank you for your help."
            "Oh it's nothing, just our job." Joe pried himself from Terrisa. "Say, where's this Nero fellow? I want to see the madman behind that mad flying."
            "Oh he's over there-" Kiara stopped her sentence short when she saw the group of people. "What's going on?"
            "Let's find out shall we?" Aion ran over to the group with Joe, Terrisa, and Kiara close behind.


              Sol Inceneron
              One of Inopia's moons, Nhiome's Sol Inceneron base

              Nhiome watched her leave and let her, he then turned his attention back to KaziKame, It was 80% completed, the hull and structure was there, he was only now installing the weapons, engines, controls and other technologies. It was somewhere between the size of a zeta and a Lambda class battle cruiser. Its speed was even greater than the fighters, because even though it was larger, it could carry two much bigger and more powerful engines. It was a much larger and more refined version of the fighters, this was the first and last of its class. It had shield potency of about 4, powerful enough to not need to worry about fighters. It would carry 8 of those pulse cannons which has a range of 180 degrees that his fighters carried, 3 on each side, 1 in front and 1 behind. It will carry 2 of those special projectile gun as well, it would also mount 4 Cruiser Rapids, 4 Heavy Rapids. Its complementary of weaponry was completed by Nhiome's latest creation, A gun that could rival even that of a Cruiser Charged, yet fires more rapidly, this would require a special power source, the power source of which would eventually kill him.

              He took off his right glove and looked at his bare hand. He tested it and a small flame appeared for a brief moment before he cut it off. "Of course I will die, a person just does not recover from this." He muttered to himself as he pulled his glove back on to cover it. To cover the aura crystal that fused with his skin there and had nearly completely covered his hand and was creeping up his right arm.

              He then turned back to installing the equipment withing KaziKame.
              How many times can you die a day~?
              How many times have you died a day~?


                Sol Inceneron
                One of Inopia's moons, Nhiome's Sol Inceneron base

                When he didn't respond, she sighed and went back to her fighter. She took one last glance and thought she saw a spark, but paid it no mind. She took off and headed for the warp gate. "Time to go back to Helios." On her way there, the rest of her squad formed up on her wing. "He'll turn around eventually." She said to herself.


                  Sol Inceneron
                  One of Inopia's moons, Nhiome's Sol Inceneron base

                  Nhiome had just finished connecting, calibrating and testing the special projectile guns, the pulse cannons and engines were already added in, now all was left was to install the remaining tech, the Rapid guns, and the last most powerful gun. He sat down for a break and jolted back upright as an alarm swept through the entire station for 5 seconds before switching off. Nhiome ran into the control room and checked for the problem. The alpha fleet was approaching. They only possibility was that they found his location. The moon his base was located on was no where near any stations on Inopia or the warp gate. In fact the fleet was at that very moment bypassing such a station on Inopia, and on their current course, they would not reach any of the outlying planets. So unless they were planning to exit this system, they had found him. He quickly ran into his armory where he was keeping some experimental bullets, waiting for them to become ready, it was passive yet could easily cause chaos aboard a ship. He quickly loaded 2 of the new bullets into each ship and remotely commanded all the ships from KuroiKame. The three ships, KuroiKame, ShiroiKame and YaKame exited the station and headed to confront the alpha fleet.
                  How many times can you die a day~?
                  How many times have you died a day~?



                    Mima sat on little bench in the middle of the forest, a little girl next ot her with yellowiish blonde hair, wearing a purple witch's hat and dress.

                    "Marisa...what do you REALLY know about youkai?" Mima asked the girl.

                    "Well, that they're big and scary and powerful." Marisa replied.

                    Mima chuckled. "What if I told you that I was a youkai?"

                    Marisa then backed to the other side of the bench. "Does that mean you're going to hurt me?"

                    "If you think all youkai are like that, then you don't know anything about us." Mima replied, putting her arm around the little Marisa's shoulder.

                    "Do you want to be strong, like us?" Mima asked.

                    "Y-y-yes." Marisa sputtered.

                    "Good." Mima stood up, floating above her.

                    "I shall be your teacher, and you, little Kirisame, shall be my apprentice." Mima tapped the end of her staff on Marisa's head, and then everything became dark.

                    Helios System
                    Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                    Mima's eyes shot open, as she looked at the people around her.

                    "What...happened?" Mima asked.

                    Celestoria System
                    Dark side of Mortem's moon

                    The Reaper's ship, still cloaked, approached what seemed to be an ancient looking ship, almost cut in half down the middle. The Reaper then stopped the ship in space, and went to the back room of the ship. In there was a personal transporter system, which it stepped onto, setting the coordinates for the ship. After a few seconds, the transporter was activated, sending The Reaper down into the ship.

                    The ship itself was a wreck, exposed wires, ripped up floors. Someone, or something had gone through this ship. The Reaper readied it's scythe, in case the creature was still around.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                      Sol Inceneron
                      Near one of Inopia's moons

                      Four Omega Class Destroyers were en route to the moon of Inopia, backed by fifty Drone Fighters. "Search for a base, we want to eliminate this rat once and for all." The officer in charge grumbled to himself then. "Damned Delta Division can't keep its territories in line..."


                      Helios System
                      Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                      Terrisa had knelt down next to Mima, with Nero nearby looking concerned. The patrol that was on the transport had formed a sort of circle around her.
                      "Are you ok, Miss?" Terrisa's little voice squeaked slightly as she spoke.
                      "You fainted, Miss. Let me know if Nero's flying was too much and I'll deal with him for ya." The soldier that had accompanied Nero added.
                      "it wasn't my flying. Hey, Mima...was it a memory that surfaced?"


                      Celestoria System
                      Dark side of Mortem's moon

                      Inside the ship, there was a information log that kept playing a cryptic message. What it said seemed to be complete gibberish...



                        Helios System
                        Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                        "I think so, yeah, a memory. It was from a very, very long time ago, I think, at least, it felt that way." Mima replied, pushing herself up using her staff.

                        Celestoria System
                        Dark Side of Mortem's moon

                        The Reaper approached the information log, tapping it's uit into the ship's systems to see if it could find anything to tell what happened here. It sifted through countless logs, until it got to the systems for the cameras. That could possibly shed some light on the situation.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~~Chapter 2 | In Memories of the Past~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          Helios System
                          Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                          Nero helped Mima up, and Terrisa hugged her.
                          "Aye, I woulda warned ya that my sis is a hugger." Joe chuckled as both he and Aion walked up to Mima. "So, I'm guessing you were on Transport Delta 9? I would guess that with the way it was flying, anyone would pass out."
                          Aion nodded in agreement and turned to the man with the blue bandana. "And you must be Nero."
                          "Aye, that I am, sir."
                          "The name's Aion. This here is Joe and Terrisa."
                          "Son, you got some mad flight skills." Joe commented. "Where did you learn to fly like that?"
                          "Uhm...that was my first time ever."
                          "I see...Look out, natural born pilot over here! Hahaha! Oh and what's with your face?" Joe pointed at the red mark on the side of Nero's cheek.
                          Nero merely glanced over to Mima.
                          "What's your name, Miss?" Terrisa looked up at Mima.


                          Celestora System
                          Dark Side of Mortem's moon

                          The camera's revealed the crew studying something and a little girl with a red dress was standing near the scientists. Suddenly she slowly turned her head to the camera and her laughter could be heard. However it wasn't just emanating from the console.


                            Helios System
                            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                            "Mima, it's Mima." she replied with a smile.

                            Celstoria System
                            Dark Side of Mortem's moon

                            "A normal being does not do that. But a higher being.." The Reaper said to seemingly no one as he disconnected from the ship's systems.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Helios System
                              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                              Terrisa ran around Mima playfully. Joe chuckled at his sister's antics.
                              Aion then addressed Mima again. "You don't seem to be here for joining up with the Strike Fighters...where you from? I would guess you're from Celestora System based on your clothes."


                              Celestora System
                              Dark Side of Mortem's moon

                              The laughter of the child seemed to move down a corridor in the ship. But nothing was there...


                                Celestora System
                                NGO Patrol Ship

                                Mara walked out of the room and went towards her vessel ("Canīt people be direct with what they say? always criptic puzzles and symbols, I thought that was for religious cults, but guess that military people have become a cult of some sort") she thought

                                While getting to her ship, the bioroid said outloud "Hey little one, wherever you are, you are welcome to join, Im leaving this place" and soon the ship started to float and ready to go.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


