Celestora System
NGO Patrol Ship
Maraīs smirk didnīt went off even though she had a gun pointed on her head "Hmm a girl you ask? I have seen many things on this ship and many people having affected by the ruckus" she said as the consoleīs screen showed how some soldiers were struggling with the maintenance droids and similar ocurrences on other rooms
"But a girl? I havenīt seen an inocent girl here and tell you what, even though I knew, I would decline" she got up seeing the man with calmness
"Now Iīll suggest you something, either let me go and nothing happens since I know nothing about the girl you are searching for or things could end bad for you stranger" the white haired said with a warning tone despite her calmness
Celestora System
NGO Patrol Ship
Maraīs smirk didnīt went off even though she had a gun pointed on her head "Hmm a girl you ask? I have seen many things on this ship and many people having affected by the ruckus" she said as the consoleīs screen showed how some soldiers were struggling with the maintenance droids and similar ocurrences on other rooms
"But a girl? I havenīt seen an inocent girl here and tell you what, even though I knew, I would decline" she got up seeing the man with calmness
"Now Iīll suggest you something, either let me go and nothing happens since I know nothing about the girl you are searching for or things could end bad for you stranger" the white haired said with a warning tone despite her calmness