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[IC Board] - The Infinite Project: A Future Base RP

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    [IC Board] - The Infinite Project: A Future Base RP

    For the OOC please go to the following link below:

    The OOC is where one applies, talk "out of character" and can discuss things about the RP. Now please go there for any of the things I just mentioned.


    It is the year 2173... and it has been roughly 70 years since the long 30 year war had finally came to an end.. Things are calm and back to normal. The US became the first government to colonize the moon while the Russians were the first to successfully send a man to Mars and back. After this war many new phenomena started happening all over the world. Reports on people with psychic abilities started popping up, spirits have been established as actual existing beings. Hell they even have even been considered to still be people in most countries! Many things have happened and the world is already about to be plunged into chaos... as you should know... 40 years ago all major governments had started a project to develop powerful super-humans in case another war were to be started. Already there are more than at least a hundred super-humans throughout the world. These super-humans were created from the highly modified DNA of humans. These super-humans were designed to be used in any future wars. However ten years ago a lone super-human by the code-name of Infinity had awoken from his cryo-pod a week early. After testing was done on Infinity the results came back negative. Due to him waking earlier than expected his abilities hadn't activated yet. Since it was far too late to put him back into his cryo-pod they had no other choice but to terminate him as he was considered to have no use any longer... unfortunately for them though Infinity did not wish to be terminated. As such he tried to break free of his prison, and much to his luck his abilities had activated, allowing his escape. Afterward Infinity had taken up the name Hajime as he managed to go hide in Tokyo. Word quickly spread through the major governments that a super-human had managed to escape. After the other super-humans got word of this they decided that they didn't have to work with the government anymore and attempted to escape themselves... some have succeeded... while others failed...

    Now lets jump to current day. Super-humans are now considered fugitives of most military organizations. Most super-humans wish to live normal lives like the original escapee Infinity A.K.A. Hajime, while others despise the military organization and wish to tear them down piece by piece for attempting to use them as slaves. The original escapee Hajime is now thought to be dead. It is thought that his body had destabilized and he had died somewhere in the streets... Now whose side will you join? Will you fight for those who just wish to live normal lives, or will you side with those who despise the military for what they are?


    Different Races list is in the OOC


    Rule 1: No power-gaming, god-modding, meta-gaming or anything of the sort. Breaking any of those rules results in a warning.

    Rule 2: Be balanced when planning out a character. Even though I will allow people to make up their own abilities and races if they wish I don't want anyone to have overpowered characters.

    Rule 3: Please have at least decent grammar when writing a post. I don't want people to type l1k DiZ 4 teh lulz (fail internet speak FTW!) I know this is a standard for role-plays, but I just want to remind people.

    Rule 4: This isn't really a rule, but more like a special note. Even though my character Hajime is a main character in my story he will still be one of the main characters in the RP. Though the spotlight will also be shown onto other characters as well. Everyone will have an equal part in the expanding story.

    Rule 5: You can have more than one character. In fact the total amount of characters anyone can have is 5. Though if you don't think you can handle controlling multiple characters then feel free to stick to just one. I don't care how much characters you have.

    Rule 6: Be kind and respectful to others. If I find you directly (and purposefully) insulting another member of the RP in the OOC then I will have to give you a personal warning, and if you continue then I will have to kick you out of the RP temporarily. Then when you come back and continue to cause trouble then I or any mod of the RP will have to report you.

    Rule 7: Keep post length consistent. It doesn't have to be like 4-5 pages long if it doesn't have to be. At least try and make posts of 3 sentences in length at the least.

    Rule 8: Keep all the rules in mind. Break any of them and I will have to give you a warning. If you have received more than 3 warnings then I will kick you out of the RP temporarily. Then on your return if you continue to cause problems then I will ban you from this RP. I don't like being mean, but this is the best way to keep things calm and peaceful OOC wise.

    Rule 9: Do not swear. If you do swear at least censor it like sh*t or f*ck. This carries over both to the IC and OOC.

    Rule 10: Here in the IC please put the name of your location in underlined bold at the top of each post much like in All the World's a Game. This is just to let people know where your character is. Better yet also add the name of your character/s in the post as well.

    Rule 11: Romance is allowed. Just no explicit stuff. We don't want to know what goes on in the bedroom between two characters in a relationship. I mean kids could be on here for crying out loud! (Though if there are kids then they shouldn't really be on the internet without adult supervision.)

    Rule 12: Have fun!

    Rule 13: In the OTHER: section of the app type "Infinity is Key" to know you at least read the rules.

    Applications are in the OOC.


    SUSTIC - Hajime

    Katrix - Spira

    Bookdragon2000 - Hikaru

    Cucoo - Eleos "Gunner" Mithras

    --BEYOND THIS POINT IS THE IC! ALL Role-Playing starts here!--
    Last edited by SUSTIC; 10-14-2013, 06:05 PM.

    Tokyo, Japan - Old Residential District - 10:00 PM - Hajime
    __________________________________________________ _____

    It was dark... the city lights shined brightly as what appeared to be a young man can be seen running through the city's alleyways...
    The man kept running deeper into the city's residential district. This man is none other than Hajime. Recently he had taken up residence in an old worn down apartment complex. A place where no one would really suspect someone like him to hide out in. After all the surrounding area has been well known for being bum central. No one really wandered into this area anymore due to the recent killings that have taken place. However Hajime takes no heed to these reports. This place was and is his home. He will never leave this place unless he truly has to.

    As Hajime entered the old Apartment Complex he stopped to catch his breath. "Finally... home..." He said as he leaned against one of the many ornate pillars in the main lobby. This place was once a popular residential building. Many people had lived in these apartments... now it's empty... everyone had eventually abandoned this place after the first 2 killings happened in the area people slowly started to leave... over time the place became empty... now it's empty... save for Hajime, and the occasional bum trying to find a place of shelter.

    After Hajime had rested enough he proceeded to make his way upstairs. On the second floor there were a few homeless people gathering around a steel drum that was being used to contain a fire for both warmth, and a means to cook any food they had.
    As soon as Hajime was seen one of the homeless men turned to him and smiled. "Well if it isn't Hajime! Tell me did ya find any food while you were out?" The man asked as Hajime reached into his coat pocket. "All I could find was a can of corn..." Replied Hajime in a sort of deadpan tone as he took out an obvious can of corn. Hajime tossed the can to the group of homeless people as he decided to go to the roof and watch the night sky.


      Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops 10:09 PM

      It had been a rough day for Spira. She had to go to the town again as the tarpaulin for her house had broken. Well it was more like a shelter, but she called it her house. She lived there, that was enough to make it a home right?

      She didn't like to go to the city at noon so she usually waited a bit. When she got to the city she usually preferred to traverse the city from the rooftops. Although there usually wasn't any danger down on the ground she liked it better high up. The first stop when she was in the city was a few nice people she knew in the city. They would usually but herbs and other goods from the forest that she brought. This was usually how she got the money to buy anything at all as she didn't have any job or thing that. After getting the money the last thing to do was to get the tarpaulin. She usually kept the rest of the money for her self. Although she didn't need it things like that could come in handy. She could remember several times when she managed to trick bandits away from her place in the forest by dropping coins on the ground to lure them out in the open for example.

      Now she only needed to head home. The darkness at this hour wasn't a problem as her night vision allowed her to see in the dark just fine. In addition to that her eyes would kind of glow if people looked at the which was both cool and handy. It made it easier for her to be mistaken as a normal cat so she wouldn't run into problems too often. That's when she saw him. A strange man also on top of the rooftop she had just landed on. What was he doing here. Wasn't the rooftops mostly hers? She decided to just sit down on all four and look at him until he looked back. One time he had to do it right?
      Born in the light.
      Molded in the dark

      Never Forget,
      Keep Fighting.
      –Don't Forget.
      Always, somewhere,
      someone is fighting for you.
      –As long as you remember her,
      you are not alone.


        Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops 10:17 PM

        As Hajime made it to the rooftops he decided to sit down and rest for the night...

        Hajime looked up at the bright starry sky... unfortunately though it wasn't all that "starry" due to the bright lights of the city. Only a few stars can be seen in the night sky... however this still calmed Hajime. As he was about to lean his head back out of the corner of his eye he spotted her... a girl with noticeable cat ears, whiskers, tail, and even a cat-like mouth can faintly be seen in the darkness on the same rooftop that he was on. Hajime simply stared back at the cat-girl cautiously. All he knew was that whoever this person was... could be hostile. Hajime slowly stood up as he kept his eyes locked on the cat-girl... he was still relatively tired, and was not in the mood to fight. As such he was ready to run if need be.

        "Identify yourself..." He said as he placed his hand on the door leading to the main stairwell.


          Tokyo, Japan - Apartment 9:58 PM

          The apartment was dark, save for a desk lamp that emitted a soft yellow light. A man sat in a chair reclined slightly, his fedora tilted down over his eyes. On the table before him were parts for a Sniper Rifle he had previously prepared, ready to be assembled. He picked up the stock with engraved wood on either side and placed the long barrel in place, gently securing the two pieces. He turned one knob slowly and with deliberate precision to align the barrel correctly. Locking it together he then slide the scope into place carefully. A soft click told him it was secured. Next he tipped his hat up as he held the weapon up, aiming down the sight. With a gentle nudge, he turned a small dial at the base of the scope. Perfect alignment. Switching his grip on the weapon so that it rested in his left arm, he then tilted it so the left side was facing up and pulled back the bolt and took five bullets and loaded them in with one repeating fluid motion. Locking the chamber, he shifted it again and held it up once more looking through the scope at a potted plant with a target sketched onto it. A fan was blowing on it causing the vines hanging down the sides to sway. The man quickly calculated the velocity and direction of the wind, adjusted his aim and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. The man looked up from the scope and smiled as he lowered the muzzle of the rifle. His hand tapped the safety which was locked in place. Finally, he picked up a strap and clipped it into place on the stock of the rifle. As he did this he picked up a small red embroidered handkerchief and then tied it to the barrel with the tails of the knot facing to the left. Carefully he sat the gun down on the table and looked at the piece of paper that sat there. It was a client request. He picked it up and read through it again. In it there was a letter.

          "Mr. Eleos Mithras,

          I humbly request....
          Eliminate Super-Human Project...
          Sighted near a residential district...

          General R...

          "Humbly." The man said with a sarcastic tone. He didn't bother reading it fully again and threw it aside. "Please..." He then picked up his rifle and sat down at a nearby couch and placed it on the coffee table. He adjusted a pillow and fell into a lying position, tilting his fedora to cover his eyes again. He then lifted a hand over the couch and pointed two fingers like a gun at the desk lamp.
          "Boom..." He made a firing motion with his hand and the lamp turned off.
          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-15-2013, 02:33 AM.


            Japan, Yokohama, Docks

            Hikaru was sitting on a crate on the docks and watched as tourists started disembarking from the large cruise ship that was stopping by Yokohama for a short visit. He was now waiting for Kate Lynn, the other of his kind that he was to meet. Their kind had many ways to communicate and one way was various hidden and encrypted website where they shared general information. But some information was considered to sensitive to risk on the internet, so these were often shared face-to-face. Kate Lynn was one of the "ambassadors" that often traveled between the countries to pick up and share information. In general, the closest werecat to where she arrived at in Japan would meet her, and this time, it was his turn.

            He dropped down from the crate and stalked forward towards a small girl that had just stepped off the ship. Kate Lynn constantly changed disguises and this time she was dressed as a Chinese student, the disguise was aided by her dark complexion. He had identified her by the bracelet with a strange set of three parallel lines running around the band. Ambassadors wore these bracelets to allow other werecats to identify them because due to their constant travelling, they habitually changed the way they looked. She would recognise him easily, he had already told her what to expect.

            Once she noticed him, she came forward and asked, "So what do you have to share?" Hikaru shook his head and then flicked his tail to tell her to follow him and then headed towards the market district, where his hideout was located. Kate Lynn followed behind, muttering, " Oh yeah, forgot he was mute, I assume he has arranged a way to communicate effectively, body language can only be used to communicate so much." Then she raised her volume and called out to him, "Wait, give me a second." She then quickly ducked into an empty alleyway between two buildings.

            Soon, the black cat with white spots was joined by another cat, the second cat was a uniform dark grey. The two cats then set off, following a complicated and long-winded path that made use of roofs, fences, walls and the crowd. They could no longer be tracked easily.
            Last edited by bookdragon2000; 10-15-2013, 04:43 AM.
            How many times can you die a day~?
            How many times have you died a day~?


              Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops 10:18 PM

              "Spira" she answered in a way making it sound like she didn't understand that he felt threatened. "What are you doing up one the rooftops? Not many people go up here. What brings you up here." She jumped up to a place that was a little bit higher up so that she could look slightly down at the new person. "Is there anything interesting going on here? There have to be. People don't usually go up to the rooftops, not this late at least. Or are you just a weird, but at the same time very normal human?" While talking she grew more and more excited, but when she said the last sentence she sounded much sadder.

              She then cheered right up again. "So, what is going on?" She jumped over to another part of the building again. "Or have I simply been wasting all this time here for nothing? If that is so I guess I have to just continue then." She then just continued to stare at him waiting for a answer.
              Born in the light.
              Molded in the dark

              Never Forget,
              Keep Fighting.
              –Don't Forget.
              Always, somewhere,
              someone is fighting for you.
              –As long as you remember her,
              you are not alone.


                (Okay no longer do we have to post what time it is. I shall post the time when I find it necessary or when someone asks.)
                Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops - Old Residential District

                Hajime let out a somewhat sigh of relief as he sat back down in front of the door. "Oh I'm doing nothing at all... just resting..." He said as he leaned his head back.
                "Nothing's going on... at least nothing that I should be caring about..." Said Hajime as he looked up at the sky.

                "Weird?... I guess I am weird..." He thought as he turned to Spira. "Well I'm not exactly a normal human... so I guess I am weird..."

                He then paused for a bit as he looked off in the distance almost blankly...

                "No one can know who I am... must keep my identity a secret..." Hajime thought as he remained completely quiet. Ignoring Spira's last question.


                  Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops - Old Residential District

                  When she heard that there wasn't really anything going on she was sad. "So I really have been wasting my time." She was just about to continue on, but then she heard that he wasn't exactly human. At wasn't too normal that she meat someone else special so this really was something. She did have a friend that was part rabbit in her childhood, but that was about it. Just like everything else in her life she had disappeared and she had moved on. "You're not human? Well you don't look like a animal of any sorts so that can't be it so tell me, how are you special then? I've only met one other special person other than myself as I have been living in the woods pretty much my whole life. Don't just stand there, tell me. Show me what you can do. The suspense is killing me. Maybe I didn't waste my time after all. "
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops - Old Residential District

                    Hajime looked at Spira then at his hands which were covered by his gloves.

                    "Sorry but I can't..." He said quite bluntly. "If I did it could cost me my life... my freedom..." He said as he stood back up. "I will tell you my name though. It's Hajime... and I am sorry if I'm wasting your time." Said Hajime as he took one final look at the moon.
                    "The only thing I can really tell you is that I am far from normal... I lived here for practically my whole life. Don't have much friends... nor do I live a peaceful life... I feel like I'm always on the run from something..." He said as he turned to Spira. "Before you do leave I must ask you that you tell no one about me." He asked kindly as he opened the door to the main stairwell. Without so much as a goodbye he went into the building. Locking the door to the stairwell behind him...


                    Tokyo, Japan - City Streets - Warehouse District

                    In the Warehouse District a young man with long brown hair and wearing a white T-Shirt and black jeans can be seen walking back and forth in front one of the Warehouses.
                    "Dammit... he said he will be here by now..." Said the man as he took out a cellphone. As he did he dialed someone's number.

                    "Hey it's Ryoji... where are ya!?..." He said into the phone.

                    "Oh hey Ryoji... yea sorry about that. Got stuck working at the docks as part of my "community service" I won't be able to help ya out man..." Said the man on the other end.

                    "Damn... guess it's going to be a solo mission tonight..."

                    "I will still get 50% of the reward right?"

                    "Eh yea sure... 50%... more like 50% of your body burned..."

                    "What was that?"

                    "Oh nothing. Just talking to myself!"

                    "Oh okay then... talk to ya later man."

                    "Talk to ya later..." They exchanged. After the little conversation Ryoji put away his cellphone.

                    "Have to do everything myself nowadays." He said as he barged into Warehouse 4...


                      Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops - Old Residential District

                      She was a little disappointed when she couldn't see any of his special tricks, but when he told her that it was to preserve his life and freedom she didn't care to much anymore. "Oh, well I suppose you're right. Life and freedom is more important than cool things, but just by a margin. And I'll be sure to remember that name. And to be honest I don't think it was totally a waste of time. I did at least get to meet a special person, right?"

                      When he went inside she wasn't totally happy, but she supposed she had to continue anyway. She still had to repair her home after all so she just continued to jump from rooftop to rooftop.
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops - Old Residential District

                        Hajime didn't say anything as the door was shut tightly behind him... however after a few minutes of thinking he opened the door once more and looked at Spira. "Yea... I guess so... Maybe sometime soon if we ever see each other again I will show you some of my special "tricks." Now if you'll excuse me I must be off... it's getting quite late." He said as he closed the door once more. The clicking of the lock echoed faintly within the building.

                        Tokyo, Japan - Warehouse District- Warehouse 4

                        After Ryoji barged into Warehouse 4 which was completely empty of people he smirked. "Looks like things are going to get easy for me..." He said as his hand was suddenly engulfed in a small flame...


                          Japan, Yokohama's Market district, Hikaru's base

                          Hikaru had led Kate Lynn into a narrow space which was between two others, nobody had noticed this space due to its small dimensions except for Hikaru. He had found an entrance via a small hole in the wall, he had already widened the hole slightly and made it easier to enter, but had also kept it hidden. He turned into human form and switched on a laptop in there. Kate Lynn followed his example and also changed to human form, then she sat in a corner, asking, "What do you have for me?"

                          Hikaru opened some folders and handed the laptop to Kate Lynn along with a thumb drive. He took out another laptop and typed a message, "Those are the files containing the new information I gathered about the Japanese military, naval activities, also the latest information of the Japanese super soldiers. The Japan government are apparently testing new modified super soldiers, I have not been able to gather much so far, but I don't think they have been successful so far. The thumb drive contains all those files too, it is encrypted with the usual encryption. Any information for me about super soldier related activities in the other countries?"

                          Kate Lynn finished reading the message and handed over a thumb drive, "back at you, same encryption, the usual." She then started looking through the files. Hikaru plugged in the thumb drive and after applying the decryption key, started reading.
                          How many times can you die a day~?
                          How many times have you died a day~?


                            Tokyo, Japan - Rooftops - Old Residential District

                            When the door opened again Spira's face lit up one last time. Even more so when he said that one time she may be able to see his "tricks". When the door closed again she waited a few minutes to see if he would open the door again. When that didn't happen she continued her on her way out of the city trough by jumping from rooftop to rooftop. It may be getting late for normal people, but for it would be prime hunting time when she got back to the forest. That was usually how things went for her. Sleep during the day, hunt during the night.
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              Tokyo, Japan - Old Apartment Complex - 9:37 AM

                              The moon had set, and the sun had rose. The night faded as the morning sun had crept in.

                              Hajime had fallen asleep shortly after his little conversation with Spira last night. As the sun shined through the old tattered curtains he was using to block out the sun in his room in the old apartment complex Hajime yawned as he sat up. "Damn... morning already..." He said as he looked at the many X shaped scars across the palms of his hands. He sighed as he got up off the old mattress he was using as a bed. Hajime quickly grabbed his gloves, and coat and quickly got dressed before leaving the room.

                              As he walked through the lobby he made a quick stop by the small group of homeless people that were camping in the old apartment for the night. The group of people were gathered around what appears to be an old radio of some sort. The radio was broadcasting something about one of the warehouses in the warehouse district being burnt down by someone. Apparently the warehouse was holding a shipment of Prototype Nano-Bots...

                              "Last night Warehouse 4 was burnt down by some unidentified thief. Warehouse 4 was housing a shipment of experimental Prototype Nano-Bots that could be used for medical purposes. Apparently the guards that were stationed there had both vanished shortly before the incident. The security cameras were able to pick up what looks to be a young man somewhere in his early 20's. The man was dressed in a white T-Shirt, brown pants made of cotton. We have yet to identify this vandal, but we have identified that he is in fact a Pyro-Kinetic of sorts as the camera feed had shown no signs of the unidentified man using anything else to start the fire. If you see this man be warned as he could be highly dangerous. If by chance you do see this man, call the police and stay away..." The radio buzzed as it was lost the broadcast.

                              Hajime simply stared at the radio and thought... "A man in a white T-Shirt and cotton pants? As well as a Pyro-Kinetic?... Sounds like a certain someone I know..." Hajime muttered to himself as he quickly dashes out of the building. His destination: The Warehouse District.

