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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    My apologies. I just get a little self-conscious when it comes to weapons. Playing TF2 and hating anything strange or obnoxious tends to carry over to life.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



      Personally I am completely fine with weapons, what I find kind of weird is that many of these already have weapons from the beginning. Personally I was going to have Spira use a spear (a signature of Spira across any RP with bladed weapons), but it's going to take some time before she actually finds out that she prefers a spear.
      Born in the light.
      Molded in the dark

      Never Forget,
      Keep Fighting.
      –Don't Forget.
      Always, somewhere,
      someone is fighting for you.
      –As long as you remember her,
      you are not alone.



        I'm still in training myself so I'm still learning.


        All my chars had their weapons inherited from family so that's why they have theirs already.

        Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2
        "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


          You play TF2 and you hate Stranges? XP

          And yeah Sus remember the arcs we talked about yesterday?



            Yes I do remember the story arcs we talked about yesterday.


              Ufufufufufu. Well done lad.

              Back to topic.
              We have two vampires...
              But no Werewolves.

              Oooh tempted.


                Maybe we should put what we have so far like for me,

                Race: 2 human, 1 Dragon/Human.

                Type/Specialty: 3 swordsman

                Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2
                "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                  Wriggle, we don't have any big-bosom succubi, midget dwarves with firebeards, psychotic fairies or mystical elves either. TEMPTED.


                    WE DON'T HAVE SUCCUBI?!

                    Might be good to add those details to the list of characters.

                    Mine? Well tis a litrle bit more diverse.

                    Race: 1 Qilin 2 Human(?)

                    Type: Martial Artist, a regular Artist, and a con Artist.


                      Oh god, I can imagine a succubis trying to flirt with the shy/reserved chars.

                      Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2
                      "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."



                        Okay the inner grammar nazi in me is wanting to say that the Singular form of Succubi is a Succubus. While the Plural is Succubi...


                        I'm a bad person...

                        Anyways Succubi as much as I would find them interesting to have in the RP, I just can't really allow them as Succubi are a type of demons... and well... you know one of the rules... No demons... sorry...


                          Or what about an incubus?
                          "Hey there, sexy. How you doin'?"
                          "Erm... I... I... What are you..." Trista's cheeks flush a deep shade of red.
                          Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                          My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                          My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                          My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                            Incubus is a male Succubus.
                            Then it is wholeheartedly welcomed.

                            I might draw a map of the university to make it clear for the RPers to know where's where. Can you PM me or post on OOC the details of locations in the university?



                              Well if you are going to do that for me, then I'll be glad to give you the details of each location.



                                I did say "a succubis" meaning one and I know that succubi is the plural form but I always use succubis for both.


                                Any one of them would be funny anyways. I can still picture it.

                                Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2
                                "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."

