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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    I know you may be using a phone usually, but... don't you think you can... try a bit harder to try and make slightly... better posts? Also Andrew replied to both Jason, and Allen telling them not to leave.


      Okay guys heading off for the night. Like usual don't do anything with the teachers or Nurse Hanna. You can interact with each other still though if you wish to. So anything involving the staff members are on pause until tomorrow.


        Okay guys I'm sorry, but I am back for now. I just can't sleep for some reason.



          I hate to get on your case about this, but you really should stick to the "minimum of 3 sentences" rule.

          Just describe Allen's thoughts, or his body language. That tends to fill the quota pretty quickly. Remember, more information helps those you're replying to.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Having a near-mute helps a lot in filling up the quota =w=


              Aright. I'll try my best this time.


                Glad to hear that, soldier!


                  @ major
                  No... Must... Resist...

                  Gah, I can't help it! Yes sir Big Boss!


                    @wonder and major

                    -snickers at the two for their joke- sorry, I can't help it.
                    "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."



                      I... I... I... GHNIFDOSP[HNGIKOFSPJHGIKFZSL.HNFIUOSDHG!?!?!?


                      I remember in the first remake of TSU on a different forums. I basically did something very similar to what you did with those two characters. Instead it was with a Elsword Rune Slayer, and Raven Reckless fist, and I heavily changed their characters and used their appearance. Of course I kept a bit of their key elements very similar.

                      I'd say... accepted as I know, and played Elsword first hand and am familiar with Elsword as the Infinity Sword's fighting style. Elesis however not so familiar, but I do my research and watched videos of her gameplay. I'm not saying that these are Elsword and Elesis from the games (Raylin, and Amata's abilities and appearance are inspired by Elsword and Elesis), but I am saying that I know what they can be capable of. They also seem mostly balanced as Raylin seems to be a better swordswoman who uses flames around her clothes to sort of serve as fire, while Amata seems like a not as skilled swordsman but uses flames around his swords to enhance his combat. Yet he can hold his own in a sword fight for the most part correct?

                      Anyways accepted, and PLEASE just PLEASE don't be too OP. Don't go picking fights with random people unless they say you can!...


                        Why do so many people want their characters to have weapons? And so large or numerous? Freud has a few words for this. But in all seriousness, I don't see how bringing weapons accomplishes much in this RP, seeing as it's set in the present where technology is prevalent. Unless everyone has been living under a rock, bladed weapons are very, very rare. A gun would be more common, and even then, I don't know if you people are aware of America, but weapons at a school? That's a near death-sentence (we won't kill you, but wasting your time is akin to ruining your life).



                          I know about Infinity Sword's attacks since i watched the trailer for it and Elesis is from Grand Chase. Her outfit is Elsword inspired. I wanted to play Elsword but my laptop can't handle it ;_;. I planned on changing their styles anyways so it won't be like the games. Amata only uses the two swords and can't summon more and don't worry about the OP, I hate OPing people anyways and as for the fights, I won't use actual people, just random no-name NPCs. Raylin is the better swordsman that Amata. Amata can't beat her at all.


                          I'm a swordsman in RL so I like to use sword chars and not everyone likes to use guns. Haven't you ever head of magic weapons? They are common in magic stories, I've seen them a lot.
                          Last edited by Zekai; 01-15-2014, 10:38 AM.
                          "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."



                            Actually. There is an Elesis in Elsword as well in Korea. Though the Elsword Elesis is based on Elesis Sieghart from Grand Chase, sharing the same first name, personality, red color theme, appearance, and in-game poses, as well as Elsword having a similar background story to Elesis Sieghart. This led to the belief that they are the same character. However, both Elesis characters have different background stories as stated on the wiki.

                            The picture you used for your app for Raylin is Elsword Elesis's Grand Master class.


                            Yeah there are a lot of swordsmen and all. Also swords in the RP are a bit more popular among magic users due to the fact that they are easier to channel magic through, as they feel and act more like a natural extension of the body. Guns you would have to channel magic through the gun, and the bullet in order to use a gun magically.

                            Not only that but Trinity Soul University isn't your normal University remember? There are all sorts of different races among the students ranging from Elves, to vampires. As long as the swords themselves aren't used against other students or Staff Members then it's fine. A student can have a lot of sharp weapons like knives and all in their dorm, and even on person (except during classes, and in sparring matches. In those cases training swords are supplied to the students.)

                            As long as no student actually uses the swords or weapons against others on campus with the intent to harm or kill then they are fine. On the other hand though... guns are a big no no as even though are harder to use magically. They are still highly dangerous to most students and staff members as they can be used at a safe distance, and even with magic a bullet is still hard to dodge and can even be fatal if a student is struck in the right place.
                            Last edited by SUSTIC; 01-15-2014, 10:42 AM.



                              Oh? That I didn't know, like I said, want to play but can't due to laptop not handling it but I do keep track of updates and other things.
                              "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                                @ Zekai
                                You're a swordsman IRL?! Teach me your ways!

                                I always wanted to be a swordsman.

