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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    Okay I'll give you a day or two.

    Also this was IN FACT inspired a bit by Negima.

    Also no Chachamaru... unless there is one in the form of an actual puppet animated by magic.

    Also the IC is now live, and Lunar Magic has been added to the list of magic types!!!

    Now please everyone, wait for me to make a post in the IC before posting.



      When i made my post, you only had the first post done with info and not the second one



      Name: Zero Zekai

      Race: Dragon/Human

      Age: 18

      Bio: Not much of a talker in class and keeps to himself most of the time. Has a hurt past by someone he cares about after saving said person. When he was 13, a witch attacked the place where him and some of his kin where staying at, his mother was killed, Zero went to attack but was struck by the witch and was left critical and fatally wounded. In order to save Zero, the head of the clan, who is Zero's father, asked their guardian dragon to forge a contract with Zero. The guardian dragon did and by doing so saved Zero's life but he can no longer remember anything about that day. Every time he tries to, he gets bad headaches, like a spell is in place to prevent him from remembering. The only thing he can remember from that day is that a witch killed his mother and what the witch looked like. Has many years of sword training but hasn't master his family techniques yet. Has great relations with his family until his magic surfaced. When his magic surfaced on his 15th birthday, he started training with his kin, which gives him a bit more experience than most people at Trinity Soul in using magic. Due to this, he can do some things most beginners can't, thanks to the dragon half of him being more in tuned to magic than a normal human is.

      Gender: Male

      What Element/and or type of magic: Summon - Mostly summons swords and other blade type weapons. Other types can be summoned as well but not often. Only uses it to protect others. After finding out that he is being sent to Trinity Soul, he thinks this is a good chance to find the witch that killed his mother by using their resources and to get better at using his magic in battle.

      Luggage: Traveling Bag. Sword wrapped on back and a Bokken (Wooden Sword).

      Appearance: Silver spiky hair, Red eyes, Black T-shirt, White Sleeveless hoodie single buttoned at mid stomach. Navy Blue pants. Red and White shoes.

      Why did you come to the University?: Was sent there by the head of the family to learn how to use and control his magic.

      Personality: Reserved around people he doesn't know but once he gets to know them, he opens up some. Kind hearted. Not much on the romantic side and is weak around females around his age (Minus family of course). Can get easily angered when mentioning his past, especially when witches are involved in the talk.

      Other: Can "Shift" his eyes into dragon eyes when angry/in battle. By being a half dragon, he can gets 4 arm length wings and can "scale" parts of his body. Can't summon many blades at one time without a major drawback. By using different type of weapons in a single battle, his magic drains faster than using one blade and leaves him weak to attacks and extremely exhausted. Can summon only one beats but doesn't have complete control over it yet. Will be able to summon more later on. Can feel others people's magic and when he gets used to someone's magic, he can find them from a certain distance. Only does this if he can't find them by looking (Will rarely use). He can do this thanks to training he got from his kin

      Suggestions: Do not call his feeling magic a sense, I'm not calling it that so please do not call it that too.


      Name: Raylin Kaishi

      Race: Human

      Age: 19

      Bio: A great swordsman and older twin. Comes from a family of sword masters. When she and her brother was younger, the two of them often trained with Zero before they had to move away due to family problems. The greatsword she carries was her mother's before she passed away. She promised her mother to only use it to protect others. With her powers and her brother, she decided to head to TSU to train further and to meet Zero again after all these years

      Gender: Female

      What Element/and or type of magic: Fire


      Why did you come to the University?: To master her flame and train and surprise an old friend

      Personality: A kind girl that loves to interact with people. As an older twin, she looks out for her brother. She is easy to talk to and outgoing but when angered, she is a fierce fighter which is a bad thing in you get in her way.

      Other: Flames on her hair and clothes when in battle. Even though she uses a greatsword, she is fast and agile.


      Name: Amata Kaishi

      Race: Human

      Age: 19

      Bio: A great swordsman and younger twin. When he and his sister was younger, the two of them often trained with Zero before they had to move away due to family problems. The two swords he uses come from his grandfather from his mother side. Like Raylin, he decided to go to TSU, even though he was dragged at first, to train and meet Zero again.

      Gender: Male

      What Element/and or type of magic: Fire


      Why did you come to the University?: To train mostly and was dragged there by his sister

      Personality: Kind of a delinquent and a hothead. Loves to fight and sometimes get lost in the fight that his sister has to stop him. Can be nice at times but rarely does.

      Other: Can use flames around his swords but that's it. He can attack and block with both swords.


      Name: Ryofu Hosen

      Race: Phoenix/Human

      Age: 19

      Bio: A half human and half phoenix female born to a phoenix mother. Her father died protecting her and her mother when they were attacked by rogue magicians when they were on a trip when she was 6. She was very expressionist before her magic awoke. When her magic awoke, she lost all expressions and she was told by her grandfather who is the head of her clan that she is to be married to a dragon heir to whom she has met when she was with her grandfather and mother when they went to visit the dragon clan. She uses a halberd to help channel her magic which belonged to her late father. She later finds out the name of her future husband's name and is told that he is at Trinity Soul University so she goes there to learn her magic better and to find her future husband.

      Gender: Female

      What Element/and or type of magic. Ultima


      Why did you come to the University?: To learn how to use her magic (of course) and to find her soon to be husband (Zero) that her clan arranged with the dragons.

      Personality: Due to having Ultima magic, shows no emotions but gets along with others well. Speaks in partial sentences (EX: person.... near..... run?)

      Other: When mad at someone.
      Last edited by Zekai; 06-10-2014, 08:53 PM.
      "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


        Another shy character? Man, this RP is not going to have much dialogue, is it?

        A dragon that wields swords. Oh man... If only you were to apply with a Nylocke clone. That would be SOOO awesome! But, I can't really argue with your choice.
        Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

        My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
        My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
        My NNID: OfficialTRXD



          he's not shy, just not good with non-family people. There's a reason he uses swords but i'll save that for the RP.
          "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


            I decided.

            I'm gonna send three characters in here as well.
            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 01-12-2014, 09:01 PM.


              Name: Jason Stone

              Race: Human

              Age: 19

              Bio: Jason was always looked at as weird or a freak, due to his unusual telekinetic abilities. Unlike everyone else that had elemental magic, magic that could affect light, darkness, or summon creatures, Jason had magic that could affect matter in ways no other magic type could. Some people were even scared, especially when people learned that he could cleanly cut through objects without difficulty, using nothing but his mind. This negative attention forced him to seclusion for most of his life, not speaking to anyone or getting close. One day, Jason saw one of his classmates getting bullied, so he stood up for them. The aggressor pulled out a knife, and simply by instinct, Jason reacted. Jason was trying to remove the knife from the bully's hand, but instead, he cleanly removed each of the bully's fingers from his hand. Jason got into a lot of trouble for removing the boy's fingers, even if it was an accident. His parents were furious with him, but at the same time, worried. Their son didn't really know how to control his abilities, and if he continued like this, then it was only a matter of time before this incident repeated itself. Seeing no better option, Jason's parents sent him to Trinity Soul, where he will learn to master his abilities.

              Gender: Male

              What Element/and or type of magic: Telekinesis. His telekinesis can work from the large scale, all the way to the atomic scale. Of course, the smaller or larger the object is, the harder it is for him to affect it. His abilities work by affecting the molecules, atoms, or individual parts of any given object, allowing him to warp, bend, and move things to his will. How this works is that he creates a sort of energy field that "sticks" to objects. In a way, it's similar to a magnetic field, only it can affect a wide range of materials and is more versatile. As time goes by, he will learn more advanced uses for his abilities, such as creating heat and fire by accelerating the air's vibrations until it ignites, compressing air, and many other tricks.

              Luggage: Clothes, a foldable knife he uses to practice his abilities on and uses as a universal tool, headphones, a music player, a PDA/cellphone, a few packs of gum, and a few books.

              Appearance: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, brown bomber jacket, sand colored long sleeve shirt, a black undershirt, black belt, blue jeans, and blue and white sneakers. He stands at 5'11" and weighs 180 lbs.


              Why did you come to the University?: He was sent to Trinity Soul to learn to control his abilities after an accident that resulted in someone losing their fingers. The person was able to get their fingers reattached, but Jason was still forced to go to Trinity Soul.

              Personality: Relatively calm and relaxed, but can quickly change his demeanor to fit the situation at hand, becoming friendly and more energetic. He prefers to mind his own business, but when he sees someone in need or a problem that needs to be solved, he will step in and help, even if he seems reluctant to do so. Most of the time, it seems as if he has something on his mind, and usually it's true.

              Other: He's somewhat quiet if he is not being specifically addressed, but is not afraid to open up to people.
              Last edited by S121; 01-12-2014, 08:35 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                Look at this page Zekai for how to post pictures

                Also I don't find much wrong with your app, except for the somewhat short bio. I do assume that you will be explaining more, and more about your characters backstory as the RP goes on correct?

                Originally posted by S121 View Post
                Name: Jason Stone

                Race: Human

                Age: 19

                Bio: Jason was always looked at as weird or a freak, due to his unusual telekinetic abilities. Unlike everyone else that had elemental magic, magic that could affect light, darkness, or summon creatures, Jason had magic that could affect matter in ways no other magic type could. Some people were even scared, especially when people learned that he could cleanly cut through objects without difficulty, using nothing but his mind. This negative attention forced him to seclusion for most of his life, not speaking to anyone or getting close. One day, Jason saw one of his classmates getting bullied, so he stood up for them. The aggressor pulled out a knife, and simply by instinct, Jason reacted. Jason was trying to remove the knife from the bully's hand, but instead, he cleanly removed each of the bully's fingers from his hand. Jason got into a lot of trouble for removing the boy's fingers, even if it was an accident. His parents were furious with him, but at the same time, worried. Their son didn't really know how to control his abilities, and if he continued like this, then it was only a matter of time before this incident repeated itself. Seeing no better option, Jason's parents sent him to Trinity Soul, where he will learn to master his abilities.

                Gender: Male

                What Element/and or type of magic: Telekinesis. His telekinesis can work from the large scale, all the way to the atomic scale. Of course, the smaller or larger the object is, the harder it is for him to affect it. His abilities work by affecting the molecules, atoms, or individual parts of any given object, allowing him to warp, bend, and move things to his will. How this works is that he creates a sort of energy field that "sticks" to objects. In a way, it's similar to a magnetic field, only it can affect a wide range of materials and is more versatile. As time goes by, he will learn more advanced uses for his abilities, such as creating heat and fire by accelerating the air's vibrations until it ignites, compressing air, and many other tricks.

                Luggage: Clothes, a foldable knife he uses to practice his abilities on and uses as a universal tool, headphones, a music player, a PDA/cellphone, a few packs of gum, and a few books.

                Appearance: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, brown bomber jacket, sand colored long sleeve shirt, a black undershirt, black belt, blue jeans, and blue and white sneakers. He stands at 5'11" and weighs 180 lbs.


                Why did you come to the University?: He was sent to Trinity Soul to learn to control his abilities after an accident that resulted in someone losing their fingers. The person was able to get their fingers reattached, but Jason was still forced to go to Trinity Soul.

                Personality: Relatively calm and relaxed, but can quickly change his demeanor to fit the situation at hand, becoming friendly and more energetic. He prefers to mind his own business, but when he sees someone in need or a problem that needs to be solved, he will step in and help, even if he seems reluctant to do so. Most of the time, it seems as if he has something on his mind, and usually it's true.

                Other: He's somewhat quiet if he is not being specifically addressed, but is not afraid to open up to people.
                Okay pretty good app S121. I'd say accepted.

                Oh yeah feel free to start posting in the IC now.
                Last edited by SUSTIC; 01-12-2014, 11:58 PM.


                  Oh... you had to make this RP... you really had to make this RP didn't you? You HAD to remake Trinity Soul University! I MUST APPLY!!!





                      Aeneas Pactos - Illusional Cardmaster

                      Name: Aeneas Pactos

                      Race: Human

                      Age: 22

                      Bio: Son of a wealthy Greek family that has gone down the path of gambling addiction, Aeneas is a card master that enjoys games like Poker. Also a master of illusion and Tarot card reading, Aeneas can read his clients' fortunes with approximately 90% accuracy. The 10% he did not accurately predict, Aeneas claims, is because he didn't want to tell the actual future for it would be too grim for the clients to bear.

                      He only came to learn about his potent power when he was running away from Russian mafia after a cheated Poker game gone wrong. Looking for a way out, he instinctively drew a card: IX The Hermit. The card glowed in his hand, and he was instantly teleported from where he was standing, Bolotnaya Square, to the outskirts, where his accomplice was waiting for him. Thanking the Lady Luck, Aeneas quickly left the scene, cheating the Russian Mafia about 25 million dollar.

                      That is his story to people he will tell in the Trinity Soul University. No one knows where this mysterious enigma came from. He merely acts as a "big-brother" figure to the relatively younger students. However, there is a certain aura about him that tells the people around him.

                      Go against him, and Lady Luck will not be smiling at you.

                      Gender: the Bio.

                      Magic Type: Other - Sub-type: Card Manipulation. This includes Card Combat, Artistic Creation, Cartomancy (Tarot Reading), and an uncanny amount of Luck. He can throw cards as a projectile weapon, seemingly endless amount of Bridge cards can be produced at once (which his illusion magic trick has something to do with it.) But the real jewel of its' crown is his Tarot cards and their magically imbued effect.

                      Spoiler: Tarot Card list

                      I - The Magician allows him to randomly select an element to imbue to his Bridge cards he throws.

                      II - The High Priestess allows the next card he throws to heal instead of hurt.

                      III - The Empress increases the speed of the next card that is thrown.

                      IV - The Emperor imbues the next card with luck. Mainly used in Poker games.

                      V - The Hierophant gives Aeneas a temporary shield that protects him from magic attacks.

                      VI - The Lovers gives Aeneas a temporary shield that protects him from physical attacks.

                      VII - The Chariot gives Aeneas a temporary speed boost that lasts for as long as he needs, but has a drawback that leaves him slower for twice the duration of the speed boost afterwards.

                      VIII - Justice clouds the other's judgmental skills, allowing Aeneas to get off with lying. Ironic, eh?

                      IX - The Hermit teleports Aeneas to a random, solid ground location a few miles away. Good for getting away from small skirmishes.

                      X - Wheel of Fortune swaps Aeneas' location with a target.

                      XI - Strength grants Aeneas enough strength to smash a boulder with his bare fist for a short amount of time.

                      XII - The Hanged Man grants Aeneas free reign against gravity for a short amount of time.

                      XIII - Death grants Aeneas a split second immortality. One of his most powerful imbuement, and therefore requires a long cooldown period. Requires a quick reflex.

                      XIV - Temperance imbues his next card to slow an enemy's movement down.

                      XV - The Devil gives Aeneas devil-like abilities for a short amount of time. One of his most powerful imbuement.

                      XVI - The Tower sets off a wall of cards that camouflages into surrounding, hiding Aeneas.

                      XVII - The Stars turn the area around him dark like the night for a set amount of time. The longer the amount of time, the longer the cooldown becomes.

                      XVIII - The Moon reveal a certain location within a kilometer of radius around him to his vision.

                      XIX - The Sun brightens up an area around him like day. Opposite of The Stars.

                      XX - Judgment imbues his next card to smite the target hit with non-elemental blast of energy. One of his most powerful imbuement.

                      XXI - The World is a combination of The Moon and The Hermit, giving him access to the vision and the accessibility to a location he select in a larger radius.

                      O - The Fool is not known...

                      Luggage: There are your usual clothes, furniture, and other things you need for a dorm life. The only thing to really note about his luggage is his assortment of deck of cards. He carries with him two sets of standard Bicycle Bridge cards, two sets of Tarot card, and a Yu-Gi-Oh Deck.


                      Just remove the beard.

                      Why did you come to this University: To seek refuge from the Russian Mafia and to learn where his Card Manipulation magic came from.


                      Charming and illusive, this enigma will live for thrill and seek danger in the otherwise dormant college life.

                      Other: You may ask, what do you mean, Other magic? Well, I don't know where Card magic would go to. Rune Magic seems too... Runic, and there is no such thing as Illusion Magic, so...

                      Theme: Sting plz stahp making me cry TTwTT

                      Huang Sha Yun - Oriental Emissary of the Sands

                      Name: 黄沙云 (Huang Sha Yun)

                      Race: Qilin

                      Age: 18

                      Bio: Descendant of an ancient clan of half-human half-Qilin, Sha Yun is a lively, cheerful girl from China. No one knows what she did before she came to Trinity Souls, all they know is that she is a force to be reckoned with.

                      Born with the mysterious power of the Deserts in the modern city of Xi'an, Sha Yun was no ordinary girl. While other girls of the time fiddled with Chinese dolls and flowers, Sha Yun mastered Martial Arts and enjoyed playing with the boys in a more... boyish activities. As she grew older, however, she realized that her power of the desert was too much for her friends to bear, when at age 10 she accidentally almost suffocated a boy to death. The boy was saved, and no one in Xi'an minded, but Sha Yun's pride prohibited her to continue her life as an ordinary girl. Leaving her apologizes as a letter, she traveled to the Shaolin Monastery in hopes of finding the inner peace...

                      8 years later, Sha Yun gratuated the Shaolin Monastery, mastering both Shao Lin Kung Fu and the famous Wing Chun. She returns to Xi'an, hopeful that her crime is forgiven. Her friends and family welcomed Sha Yun and held a big feast for her return. However, the resentment between her and her old guy friends grew, as she was often times left alone by her friends who become juvenile delinquents. Unable to fit in to the old world, Sha Yun decides to find a new world where her abnormality as a Qilin is not only accepted, but welcomed: Trinity Soul University.

                      "Nothing shall stand against my might!" - Huang Sha Yun

                      Gender: the Bio.

                      Magic Type: Earth Magic - Sub-type: Psammokinesis. AKA, Sand Manipulation. She can create sand as long as there is tiny speck of soil around her.

                      Luggage: She carries few traditional Qi Pao that has a giant split across the skirt part, revealing the side of her legs. This actually increases her fighting potential by giving her increased agility. Other than that, she also carries variety of contemporary clothes. The only thing to note about her luggage is a set of 30 pound dumbbell that she uses as a casual exercise.


                      Except her hair is brown and is longer.

                      Why did you come to this University: To fit in with other magical people.


                      Cheerful and easy-going, Sha Yun is quite popular amongst both skilled and unskilled, with enough compassion and amiability. However, when angry, she will mercilessly hunt down her opposition with a newfound determination.

                      Other: Other than her obvious sand manipulation, she can also berserk, going into a full Qilin mode. At this stage, she looks like this.

                      She carries a slight Chinese accent in her English. Don't make any Chinese racist jokes, or you'll find yourself buried 6 feet under by her tomb of sand.

                      Theme: Ip Man is a freaking badass.

                      Lynne Rousseau - Sketcher of Despair and Death

                      Name: Lynne Florence Rousseau

                      Race: Human

                      Age: 18

                      Bio: A silent girl with dark back story, Lynne never speaks to anyone except people she absolutely trusts. Always carrying a drawing pad, she tend to draw to communicate with those that she prefers not to speak with.

                      When she was 5, Lynne's home was broken into by a group of thieves operating under French gang. In the process of keeping Lynne safe, the father and mother were shot by the gangsters. As the gangsters proceeded on killing Lynne, a drawing that she was working on: a fairy knight, appeared into living, cutting through every gangster along the way before disappearing.

                      The loss of her parents sent her into internal madness. Cornered in her room after the authorities came to retrieve the body, she drew and drew, picturing the perfect world that she can think of and enjoying in its' ecstasy before it disappears into the illusory dream again. The night seemed like the eternal darkness, bounding her body, mind and soul into the nightmarish prison...

                      Until she received a flier of Trinity Soul University.

                      "There's something darker within that tiny body of hers. Something darker than... darkness." - Aeneas Pactos

                      Gender: the Bio.

                      Magic Type: Summoning - Sub-type: Drawing Creation.

                      Luggage: Mainly carries black clothes that cover up her body. Carries a high-quality drawing pad with an assortment of drawing equipment, as well as a high-end Macintosh laptop.


                      Why did you come to this University: ...


                      Absolutely silent. It's impossible to gauge how she acts unless you are in her innermost circle.

                      Other: None.


                      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 01-13-2014, 01:48 AM. Reason: Explanation of his magic.


                        Name: Jessica Dragonheat

                        Race: Water Dragon- A special species of dragons that are water based instead of fire based. They can fly like normal dragons, but they can't breathe fire. Instead they can fire strong torrents of boiling water from their mouths. In terms of endurance they are like that of a vampire, but they are not immortal. They also do not have the same regenerative abilities as a vampire. They can however live up to a few hundred years before death. They also have a more human form that is much weaker than their dragon form. They are relatively solitary species. Only interacting with other people of other races whenever they need something, or are just bored. They are also a ruthless race, and can be angered quite easily. Unlike other races that are non human they do not have enhanced senses. Only flight, and they ability to breathe underwater. Oh and don't forget water magic.

                        Age: 18

                        Bio: Jessica is relatively calm individual. Being born to a tribe of water dragons she is quite a bit of a hard case. Due to her tribe not having any more room in the village her born parents let her live in a village of water dragon outcasts. For years she grew up living with who she thought was her parents. When she became 17 she found out that her parents left her to live in a different village. A village that was considered 'bad' by others. Angered she thought that her parents didn't love her, and as such she just went on into the forest and started causing a rampage. She quickly calmed down, and decided to make herself stronger in order to prove to her real parents that she is worthy of living with them. Eventually she found out about Trinity Soul University, and decided to make it her goal to go there and become stronger... Oh and now that she is 18 she is allowed (in fact by the law of her tribe she must now find a husband...)

                        Gender: Female

                        What Element/and or type of magic: Water Magic. She can use it to breathe underwater, and fire torrents of steaming hot water from her mouth, only problem. She hasn't actually learned how to fire the water torrent from her mouth, and as such she can only breathe piping hot jets of steam from her mouth. She can however breathe underwater because its a natural ability.

                        Luggage: Nothing except the clothes of her human form.

                        Human form:

                        Dragon Form:

                        In her human form she stands at 5ft 8. In her dragon form she stands at 6ft 2. She only gets a minor boost in physical strength when in her dragon form. She does not get a boost of speed or anything when in her Dragon Form. It's just a minor enhancement.

                        Why did you come to the University?: To become stronger, and even find someone worthy enough to become her husband.

                        Personality: She is a bit quiet, and can be quite rude at times. Despite this she is very loyal, and will keep her word. Like most water dragons she has a bit of a anger problem. She is also a bit possessive over things, and even people. Especially someone she falls in love with. If she falls in love with someone, and deems said person worthy she will try and force the man to become her husband. At her current age she is old enough to marry by dragon standards.

                        Other: I agree to the rules.



                          T-Three... apps... from you plus one app from Neo almost right away... well sh*t. Give me time to look at your apps Wriggle.

                          Originally posted by NeoFox View Post
                          Name: Jessica Dragonheat

                          Race: Water Dragon- A special species of dragons that are water based instead of fire based. They can fly like normal dragons, but they can't breathe fire. Instead they can fire strong torrents of boiling water from their mouths. In terms of endurance they are like that of a vampire, but they are not immortal. They also do not have the same regenerative abilities as a vampire. They can however live up to a few hundred years before death. They also have a more human form that is much weaker than their dragon form. They are relatively solitary species. Only interacting with other people of other races whenever they need something, or are just bored. They are also a ruthless race, and can be angered quite easily. Unlike other races that are non human they do not have enhanced senses. Only flight, and they ability to breathe underwater. Oh and don't forget water magic.

                          Age: 18

                          Bio: Jessica is relatively calm individual. Being born to a tribe of water dragons she is quite a bit of a hard case. Due to her tribe not having any more room in the village her born parents let her live in a village of water dragon outcasts. For years she grew up living with who she thought was her parents. When she became 17 she found out that her parents left her to live in a different village. A village that was considered 'bad' by others. Angered she thought that her parents didn't love her, and as such she just went on into the forest and started causing a rampage. She quickly calmed down, and decided to make herself stronger in order to prove to her real parents that she is worthy of living with them. Eventually she found out about Trinity Soul University, and decided to make it her goal to go there and become stronger... Oh and now that she is 18 she is allowed (in fact by the law of her tribe she must now find a husband...)

                          Gender: Female

                          What Element/and or type of magic: Water Magic. She can use it to breathe underwater, and fire torrents of steaming hot water from her mouth, only problem. She hasn't actually learned how to fire the water torrent from her mouth, and as such she can only breathe piping hot jets of steam from her mouth. She can however breathe underwater because its a natural ability.

                          Luggage: Nothing except the clothes of her human form.

                          Human form:

                          Dragon Form:

                          In her human form she stands at 5ft 8. In her dragon form she stands at 6ft 2. She only gets a minor boost in physical strength when in her dragon form. She does not get a boost of speed or anything when in her Dragon Form. It's just a minor enhancement.

                          Why did you come to the University?: To become stronger, and even find someone worthy enough to become her husband.

                          Personality: She is a bit quiet, and can be quite rude at times. Despite this she is very loyal, and will keep her word. Like most water dragons she has a bit of a anger problem. She is also a bit possessive over things, and even people. Especially someone she falls in love with. If she falls in love with someone, and deems said person worthy she will try and force the man to become her husband. At her current age she is old enough to marry by dragon standards.

                          Other: I agree to the rules.
                          Okay Neo I see you brought over your character from the first remake of TSU... I don't see much wrong with your app. So I would say accepted NeoFox.


                            Name: Real name: Ystmurra (EEST-mu-RAH) Goes by: Allen

                            Race: Originally a ghoul, looks like a human. Can transform into his ghoul form to scare people. Usually does this to prank.

                            Age: 22

                            Bio: all his life, he had been tossed around the gutter, being shut out by everyone because they suspected him of being a demon due to his fire magic abilities and him being a ghoul. However... Ystmurra did not care whatsoever. He tried to make friends, but failed. But that didn't stop him from moving from town to town to do so. He eventually thought of going to the university. He may not have made many friends there, but many more than he ever had.

                            Gender: Male

                            What Element/and or type of magic: Fire; he usually uses his mouth as a Flamethrower. He only uses his eyes when he is in ghoul form as fire ball shooters.

                            Luggage: his arse through the door... And some clothes.

                            Appearance: his skin tone is a dark grey. He has black messy hair... Very messy hair. Like, bedhead messy. His clothes never get dirty, so he only has two pairs of clothes he switches every month or so. They consist of jeans and a formal shirt. He has bright red eyes. He always has a mischeivous smirk. Like this only with a formal shirt.

                            As a ghoul, he has dark grey torn robes and chains on each appendage. He has a skull for a face and bright red dots for eyes. You can see the fire swirling inside the skull as is the nature of all ghouls (meaning that inside the skull of each ghoul their power is swirling) Like this, only with fire swirling inside and a little more... Anime?

                            Why did you come to the University?: to make friends

                            Personality: playful and mischeivous. Sometimes likes to playfully hit on girls. When he is in a relationship, he becomes dedicated to it and will do anything to uphold the relationship. If a break-up occurs, he will become immensly depressed, but the day after acts as if the relationship never even happened.

                            Other: PLEASE NOTE that him turning into a ghoul DOES NOT MAKE HIM ANY STRONGER/FASTER/SMARTER. He simply becomes scarier.

                            Suggestions: if you can, add ghoul to the list of creatures (pleez, SUS? It's not like I'm breaking any of the rules... Righ?)



                              yes, more will be explained during rp, dont want to spoil some things.
                              "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                                Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
                                Aeneas Pactos - Illusional Cardmaster

                                NName: Aeneas Pactos

                                Race: Human

                                Age: 22

                                Bio: Son of a wealthy Greek family that has gone down the path of gambling addiction, Aeneas is a card master that enjoys games like Poker. Also a master of illusion and Tarot card reading, Aeneas can read his clients' fortunes with approximately 90% accuracy. The 10% he did not accurately predict, Aeneas claims, is because he didn't want to tell the actual future for it would be too grim for the clients to bear.

                                He only came to learn about his potent power when he was running away from Russian mafia after a cheated Poker game gone wrong. Looking for a way out, he instinctively drew a card: IX The Hermit. The card glowed in his hand, and he was instantly teleported from where he was standing, Bolotnaya Square, to the outskirts, where his accomplice was waiting for him. Thanking the Lady Luck, Aeneas quickly left the scene, cheating the Russian Mafia about 25 million dollar.

                                That is his story to people he will tell in the Trinity Soul University. No one knows where this mysterious enigma came from. He merely acts as a "big-brother" figure to the relatively younger students. However, there is a certain aura about him that tells the people around him.

                                Go against him, and Lady Luck will not be smiling at you.

                                Gender: the Bio.

                                Magic Type: Other - Sub-type: Card Manipulation. This includes Card Combat, Artistic Creation, Cartomancy (Tarot Reading), and an uncanny amount of Luck.

                                Luggage: There are your usual clothes, furniture, and other things you need for a dorm life. The only thing to really note about his luggage is his assortment of deck of cards. He carries with him two sets of standard Bicycle trading cards, two sets of Tarot card, and a Yu-Gi-Oh Deck.


                                Just remove the beard.

                                Why did you come to this University: To seek refuge from the Russian Mafia and to learn where his Card Manipulation magic came from.


                                Charming and illusive, this enigma will live for thrill and seek danger in the otherwise dormant college life.

                                Other: You may ask, what do you mean, Other magic? Well, I don't know where Card magic would go to. Rune Magic seems too... Runic, and there is no such thing as Illusion Magic, so...

                                Theme: Sting plz stahp making me cry TTwTT

                                Hmm... this app is fine, just give me a better description of the magic for this guy, so I can potentially add it.

                                Huang Sha Yun - Oriental Emissary of the Sands

                                Name: 黄沙云 (Huang Sha Yun)

                                Race: Qilin

                                Age: 18

                                Bio: Descendant of an ancient clan of half-human half-Qilin, Sha Yun is a lively, cheerful girl from China. No one knows what she did before she came to Trinity Souls, all they know is that she is a force to be reckoned with.

                                Born with the mysterious power of the Deserts in the modern city of Xi'an, Sha Yun was no ordinary girl. While other girls of the time fiddled with Chinese dolls and flowers, Sha Yun mastered Martial Arts and enjoyed playing with the boys in a more... boyish activities. As she grew older, however, she realized that her power of the desert was too much for her friends to bear, when at age 10 she accidentally almost suffocated a boy to death. The boy was saved, and no one in Xi'an minded, but Sha Yun's pride prohibited her to continue her life as an ordinary girl. Leaving her apologizes as a letter, she traveled to the Shaolin Monastery in hopes of finding the inner peace...

                                8 years later, Sha Yun gratuated the Shaolin Monastery, mastering both Shao Lin Kung Fu and the famous Wing Chun. She returns to Xi'an, hopeful that her crime is forgiven. Her friends and family welcomed Sha Yun and held a big feast for her return. However, the resentment between her and her old guy friends grew, as she was often times left alone by her friends who become juvenile delinquents. Unable to fit in to the old world, Sha Yun decides to find a new world where her abnormality as a Qilin is not only accepted, but welcomed: Trinity Soul University.

                                "Nothing shall stand against my might!" - Huang Sha Yun

                                Gender: the Bio.

                                Magic Type: Earth Magic - Sub-type: Psammokinesis. AKA, Sand Manipulation. She can create sand as long as there is tiny speck of soil around her.

                                Luggage: She carries few traditional Qi Pao that has a giant split across the skirt part, revealing the side of her legs. This actually increases her fighting potential by giving her increased agility. Other than that, she also carries variety of contemporary clothes. The only thing to note about her luggage is a set of 30 pound dumbbell that she uses as a casual exercise.


                                Except her hair is brown and is longer.

                                Why did you come to this University: To fit in with other magical people.


                                Cheerful and easy-going, Sha Yun is quite popular amongst both skilled and unskilled, with enough compassion and amiability. However, when angry, she will mercilessly hunt down her opposition with a newfound determination.

                                Other: Other than her obvious sand manipulation, she can also berserk, going into a full Qilin mode. At this stage, she looks like this.

                                She carries a slight Chinese accent in her English. Don't make any Chinese racist jokes, or you'll find yourself buried 6 feet under by her tomb of sand.

                                Theme: Ip Man is a freaking badass.

                                Okay this app seems fine, as I see nothing wrong with it.

                                Lynne Rousseau - Sketcher of Despair and Death

                                Name: Lynne Florence Rousseau

                                Race: Human

                                Age: 18

                                Bio: A silent girl with dark back story, Lynne never speaks to anyone except people she absolutely trusts. Always carrying a drawing pad, she tend to draw to communicate with those that she prefers not to speak with.

                                When she was 5, Lynne's home was broken into by a group of thieves operating under French gang. In the process of keeping Lynne safe, the father and mother were shot by the gangsters. As the gangsters proceeded on killing Lynne, a drawing that she was working on: a fairy knight, appeared into living, cutting through every gangster along the way before disappearing.

                                The loss of her parents sent her into internal madness. Cornered in her room after the authorities came to retrieve the body, she drew and drew, picturing the perfect world that she can think of and enjoying in its' ecstasy before it disappears into the illusory dream again. The night seemed like the eternal darkness, bounding her body, mind and soul into the nightmarish prison...

                                Until she received a flier of Trinity Soul University.

                                "There's something darker within that tiny body of hers. Something darker than... darkness." - Aeneas Pactos

                                Gender: the Bio.

                                Magic Type: Summoning - Sub-type: Drawing Creation.

                                Luggage: Mainly carries black clothes that cover up her body. Carries a high-quality drawing pad with an assortment of drawing equipment, as well as a high-end Macintosh laptop.


                                Why did you come to this University: ...


                                Absolutely silent. It's impossible to gauge how she acts unless you are in her innermost circle.

                                Other: None.


                                This one is accepted as well.

                                Okay now for Wonder's app...

                                Originally posted by wonderweiss View Post
                                Name: Real name: Ystmurra (EEST-mu-RAH) Goes by: Allen

                                Race: Originally a ghoul, looks like a human. Can transform into his ghoul form to scare people. Usually does this to prank.

                                Age: 22

                                Bio: all his life, he had been tossed around the gutter, being shut out by everyone because they suspected him of being a demon due to his fire magic abilities and him being a ghoul. However... Ystmurra did not care whatsoever. He tried to make friends, but failed. But that didn't stop him from moving from town to town to do so. He eventually thought of going to the university. He may not have made many friends there, but many more than he ever had.

                                Gender: Male

                                What Element/and or type of magic: Fire; he usually uses his mouth as a Flamethrower. He only uses his eyes when he is in ghoul form as fire ball shooters.

                                Luggage: his arse through the door... And some clothes.

                                Appearance: his skin tone is a dark grey. He has black messy hair... Very messy hair. Like, bedhead messy. His clothes never get dirty, so he only has two pairs of clothes he switches every month or so. They consist of jeans and a formal shirt. He has bright red eyes. He always has a mischeivous smirk. Like this only with a formal shirt.

                                As a ghoul, he has dark grey torn robes and chains on each appendage. He has a skull for a face and bright red dots for eyes. You can see the fire swirling inside the skull as is the nature of all ghouls (meaning that inside the skull of each ghoul their power is swirling) Like this, only with fire swirling inside and a little more... Anime?

                                Why did you come to the University?: to make friends

                                Personality: playful and mischeivous. Sometimes likes to playfully hit on girls. When he is in a relationship, he becomes dedicated to it and will do anything to uphold the relationship. If a break-up occurs, he will become immensly depressed, but the day after acts as if the relationship never even happened.

                                Other: PLEASE NOTE that him turning into a ghoul DOES NOT MAKE HIM ANY STRONGER/FASTER/SMARTER. He simply becomes scarier.

                                Suggestions: if you can, add ghoul to the list of creatures (pleez, SUS? It's not like I'm breaking any of the rules... Righ?)

                                Hmm I see nothing wrong with this app Wonder, and I don't like having lists of races as I usually feel like it would be hindering people's character creation. So you don't have to worry about that. Now Accepted Wonder!!!


                                Very well then! Accepted Zekai!!!

