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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    ... I need a thorough explaination of this entire setup then.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk


      for what I understand, Trista and cygnus are at the cafe seating near a big window and the lunar sorceress is the one closest to it
      so she is looking at the moon through the window while still beiing seated.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        @Kristia and Lunasa
        Yeah... My bad writing (along with Wriggle's haste and SUSTIC's... SUSTICkiness) did cause for a BAD setup.
        Kristia is right about a few things but not all of them.

        You know those long couch-like seats that you get in bars and some informal restaurants? That's what I thought SUSTIC meant by "booth". If you ever watched 'How I Met Your Mother', you immediately know what I'm talking about. At this singular booth of Trista and Cygnus', there are two long seats. Trista has one of these long seats to herself while Cygnus and Daichi are sat on the opposite side. The booth itself is located on the east side of the room, right next to a window. As I said in my post, this window presents a clear view of the night sky. In order for Trista to get close to the window and observe the sky, she shuffled/slided along her seat to get where she wanted to be. Trista wouldn't outright stand up and walk away from Cygnus. If her past were different, Trista would most likely have separation anxiety (a la No Game No Life).

        I might have to revise my posts in order to make all these details clear... *sigh*
        Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

        My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
        My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
        My NNID: OfficialTRXD


          well, it sounds ok for me, just little edition is needed
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            I see. Also How I Met Your Mother was amazing, one of my favorites actually.

            Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk


              I was kind of bargaining on whether or not people have actually watched that show. Such a good show. Heck, any show with Neil Patrick Harris (plays Barney) is automatically good. No. Anything with Neil Patrick Harris in it is automatically good.
              Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

              My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
              My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
              My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                And revealed for everyone to see.

                Name: Eve Seraph

                Race: Human

                Age: 19

                Bio: Eve comes from a village where magic isn't too known. Her family is a family of tailors and farmers. As born a female, she was raised on how to sew and make clothes as a tailor. As a young girl, she has had a fastination with magic and technology. She worked hard to be able to buy books and parts to make her Flyers. After searching in the nearby mountains for herbs, she stumbled upon a new cave and found some crystals. After touching one, 2 Spirits appeared in front of her and after forging a contract with them, she is able to use the crystals in the cave.

                When she arrived back home, she placed a crystal in a prototype Flyer and it started to work but then blew up. When she became 12, she left her village for a few years and went to a city to learn more about magic and technology. During her time in the city, she figured out that the crystals she found contained magic and with the help of her teachers, she was able to get a magic engine prototype that still is a work in progress but with still no real accomplishment achieved. Some time after she became 16 and walking back to her apartment from a part time job, she was jumped by a rapist. When she went to shove the rapist, a beam like magic came from her hands and sent the rapist away.

                Being shocked and yet amazed by what just happened, she rushed back to her place and called up her teachers. When she was examined, they found that she had an unknown type of magic. After going through some trials, every time she used her magic, it always came out in some type of ray or beam so they decided the classify it as Ray/Beam magic until it gets an official name. Ever since then, she always had Nemesis and Emperess with her.

                Some time after becoming 17, she thanked her teachers for everything and went back home. A couple of years after returning home, she received a letter from her teachers at the city saying that a school called Trinity Soul Univeristy heard about her and this new magic and would like her to come to learn more about magic and to better herself in magic. After talking with her family, she decided to go to TSU and learn much more. On the day she left for TSU, her family gave her the outfit she's wearing and wishes her the best at her new school.

                Gender: Female

                What Element/and or type of magic: Ray/Beam

                Front -

                Back -

                Why did you come to the University?: To figure out how to use her magic properly and to figure out what to do with her life.

                Personality: Kind and nice to others. Just don't mention breast size around her cause she will slap the crap out of you. Extremely smart.

                Other: The 2 Spirits that are with her are called Nemesis and Emperess. Nemesis is the black Spirit and Emperess is the white Spirit.
                They are always with her and assists her in battle. They can only communicate with Eve.
                She carries small crystals that help her use her magic, as in creating shields and such. Due to the incident with the rapist, Nemesis and Emperess won't let guys get near her.

                Suggestions: Thanks to SUS, S1 and TRXD perfecting my magic idea.

                -Beam Magic-
                Beam Magic, more specifically "Mana Magic", is a type of magic that has no element, or type. Instead, this magic type is mana itself and can manifest as beams and blasts, as well as other abilities, such as boosting the magical abilities of allies, infusing the caster with magic, creating shields, and various other things.

                Offensive Capabilities
                - Balls of energy and beams. Instead of burning, shocking, or freezing the target, the target is hit with kinetic and concussive force, kind of like getting hit with a solid object. Balls of energy are the equivalent of getting hit by kickballs, or even bowling balls, depending on how much magical energy is put into it. Beams can knock people back and hurt more than balls of energy, but can pierce through enemies and armor if more energy is put into it.

                Defensive Capabilities
                - The user can create barriers out of their magic, and can even increase their own physical abilities by inbuing themselves with their magic.

                Misc. Capabilities
                - If a magic user shares their magic with the beam magic user, the beam magic user will temporarily have their magic imbued with that particular magic type/element.
                - The user can boost other magic users' magical capabilities, and to an extent, his/her own.

                Anyone can learn Beam Magic by the way.
                Last edited by Zekai; 05-08-2014, 12:27 AM.
                "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                  Name: Jasmine "Serene" Selby

                  Race: Neko Girl (cat girl)

                  Age: 19

                  Bio: Jasmine at a young age was literally a normal girl, living a normal life. She had only one thing special about her, she was however quite... 'perky'. She was always the one to start a conversation, and was also always the one to be happy even in the most glum of situations. Jasmine had a lot of friends, and in turn a lot of acquaintances. This eventually led her to meet a young man by the name of Drake. When she first met him she liked him, she found him quite friendly and even nice... little did she know he was just a cold and heartless b***ard of a man.

                  Over the course of three months the two hung out quite often, becoming "closer and closer" as she put it. Eventually the two started dating, even though the relationship had always been one-sided... Jasmine really did grow to like Drake, and Drake never really liked her even though he seemed to really like her back. Though this kind of changed one day when she had announced her love for him in public... to a whole bunch of strangers. This had caused a lot of anger in Drake, she was creating unnecessary attention that he did not want. He went along with it though, and the two seemed to be happy... However secretly when they were alone Drake began to physically abuse her because of it, but he didn't tell her that. He just said that this was "my way of showing I love you..."

                  A week after Drake had left Jasmine, and the town they were in without saying a word. She thought that she had done something wrong, to make him leave. After all he said that his physical abuse was his way of showing love... but she didn't know the truth. Sadness and anger filled her heart and eventually brought out something she never knew before. Cat ears sprouted from her head, and a tail popped out of her tail-bone. Turned out she had always been a cat-girl that just didn't have the right drive, or
                  . The trigger that caused her cat-like features to sprout was sadness, something that she was feeling a lot of. Jasmine's magic also began to unfold. She discovered her magic, Wind Magic. She found she was able to manipulate the wind, but only on a minor scale. She was only capable of creating small little cyclones that could only physically effect clothing, and other light objects. Something good for distractions, but... not really her.

                  Jasmine was then enrolled into TSU... unaware that Drake... the man she still loves is there as well...

                  Gender: Female

                  What Element/and or type of magic: Wind Magic, all she can do currently though is make very small cyclones that can be used to cause distractions (like making a small leaf cyclone, or lifting up a girls skirt.)

                  Luggage: Clothing, a pair of glasses with a pink frame, a orange jacket that is a little too large for her, a bit of other various things as well like make-up, jewelry, and other things.

                  (WARNING THERE IS NO NUDITY, BUT IT IS QUITE SEXY [lol]) She wears a black T-Shirt underneath the jacket.

                  Why did you come to the University?: Her parents enrolled her into the University due to her magic, and the fact that they think she might be better there.

                  Personality: Jasmine is a perky girl that almost always has a smile on her face, always the one to start a conversation, and always the one to try and get others to smile. Albeit she does hide some of her emotions such as sadness, and anger. This is because she was taught to never look at the bad, and always look at the good. Despite this she still has a hard time hiding her sadness, and when saddened she will try to deny being sad at all. Other than that she is quite normal, aside from the fact that she does get too attached to people quite easily. Also her cat-side is quite obvious especially when catnip is involved. This would cause her to go into a playful frenzy.

                  Other: Due to her cat traits she has slightly increased hearing, and smell. Though she is not used to her enhanced senses, thus causing her to reel-back in pain and/or fear/shock at intense aromas or sounds.

                  Sus helped me with this app as well, but not as much as my other apps. He just helped a little with the bio.


                    *nosebleeds with both girls*

                    I-I like them.. *faints*
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Kristy, I know you prefer the cat girl more.
                      "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                        Lol Kristia.

                        Anyways Zekai... I'm not sure about your app. I will need to wait and think about it more.


                        Accepted Jasmine, you may now use the character Jasmine.


                          oh but zekai, you should know that when I had Elsword, my character was an eve seraph ^^
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Well, that's funny because I have a Battle Seraph Eve right now.
                            "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                              yeah, the last form was still on work for the latin american version of the game when I was playing
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Everyone I have an announcement. I added a new magic type that should have been added a long time ago. It's Sound Magic, so yeah... go check it out if you all want to.

