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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    I was somewhat concerned when I saw that post of Lunasa's. I'm not trying to go back to the whole sense controversy at all; but I will say that this is treading on thin ground. In more ways than just in terms of the sense. Lunasa has stated that Aaron does have some powers related to the moon, of which I dismissed as being as thinking that it was like the Waterbenders in Avatar: The Last Airbender in which their power does vary upon the lunar phases. But it turns out that it's more than that. Concerningly.

    I'm not trying to be a monopolistic b*tch and claim everything for myself, but I'm not so keen on when people poke a bit too hard at the concept of Lunar magic. A concept of which I have been trying to shape since the very beginning of the RP (despite initial tension and debate) and I am still trying to get it to a point where I'm fine with other lunar mages showing off their abilities outside of my control. At the moment, Aaron isn't doing anything specifically wrong but this may reach a point where it'll become more of a hassle and trouble. Could be my persistence and my nature when it comes to self-made concepts and ideas.

    After all, it could be that Aaron is secretly dual-elemented and Lunasa is playing a light game of follow the leader in which Aaron will only show his lunar abilities a some time after Trista learns them. Could be me but I have no clue. And speaking of which...

    Could we actually talk about Aaron's lunar abilities? Given that it's alright with you and you are willing to share.
    Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

    My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
    My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
    My NNID: OfficialTRXD


      If you haven't realized already, Aaron is a half-vampire and his vampirism is connected to lunar energy. Please note that lunar energy is something different from lunar magic. From what I see, Trista's connection to the moon also makes her emit some amount of lunar energy which Aaron, being a half-vampire for his whole life, can sense. Aaron's main and only magical ability is water and its various states, with no amount of lunar magic.

      By absorbing lunar energy, Aaron can sustain himself in his vampire stage by giving him a slight boost to vampiric ability such as enhanced sight, strength, and agility plus possible enhanced hearing. Very slightly, might I add, as he is actually more human than vampire and has less or weaker vampiric traits than most half breeds do.

      Regarding Aaron and Trista, Aaron is curious about this energy that he senses in Trista and decides to follow her. At some point Cygnus may catch him and make him go away, after which Aaron will either continue to follow Trista at a greater distance and more cautiously as to not get caught by Cygnus again or completely leave Trista alone and even attempt to avoid her.

      This is okay right?

      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
      Last edited by Lunasa Prismriver; 04-29-2014, 04:29 PM.


        Half-vampire? Huh... Strange. I knew there were signs but I didn't think those signs pointed towards vampirism. And I love vampire fiction! But when I read the signs, I thought of something else. When I thought of Aaron's wings, I thought it meant angelic/avian wings not vampiric wings. When Aaron's eyes went red, I thought that it was something else. Not vampirism.

        Well... Goes to show how much I know...

        Everything's alright. All clear.
        Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

        My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
        My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
        My NNID: OfficialTRXD



          Oh, sorry about that. I probably should have been more descriptive about that part, that must have caused a lot of confusion. I might go back to rewrite those parts sometime later.

          Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
          Last edited by Lunasa Prismriver; 04-29-2014, 04:31 PM.


            I have a request to ask of the mods of this RP.

            Remember my app for Serena, and how I haven't even made an intro post yet?

            Mind if I scrap her completely? I mean I already have another character idea that might work better for this RP. Even an NPC to go along with this new character I have planned.

            Remember Serena Tao has not even had an intro post yet, and as such she is still technically just a character app. So I can scrap her without messing up anything.

            HINT: This character idea I have comes with a butler, is a vampire, and is based off of yet another BlazBlue character. (Totally not creative in the slightest and I am ashamed of it.)

            I already talked with Sustic about it and he said it's okay. I just want to ask the mods as well, just in case. Yes I know he is the owner, but I still feel like I should ask the mods and let anyone know.


              Oh, it's perfectly fine. If SUSTIC's cool with it then so am I.

              And lack of creativity? Pfft. You obviously aren't aware of my main TSU character, Trista. She has the personality traits taken from a lot of characters. Madoka's kindness, Hanako (from Katawa Shoujo)'s shyness, and several other traits and behaviours taken from several obvious sources. Heck, Trista's dialogue pattern is a nod to a popular shy character (who shall not be named). Worse yet. Trista's name was accidentally formed from the name of the damn RP! Trista Soul - Trinity Soul. It was an accident but it was the stupidest one I may have ever done. A lot of us do these kinds of things. Your Serena and Blazblue characters are not the first.

              Also, do I hear vampires?! Gimme gimme gimme!
              Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

              My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
              My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
              My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                In fact Trinity Soul University is not the most original idea in the world either FYI. Lol. There are a lot of magical school RP's, anime's, manga's, books, shows, and other things out there. TSU just happens to be one of them.



                  Seems okay to me.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                    Name: Charlotte R. Spade

                    Race: Vampire

                    Age: Looks to be of 15, but is actually in her 30's due to being turned into a vampire when she was only 15.

                    Bio: Charlotte of the Spade family was always a good daughter. She always did what she was told, and has always been well mannered. After all Charlotte always wanted to please her parents, make them proud of her... but the thing is... Her parents were always too busy with other things. They were more focused on their work, treated their servants with more respect, and more importantly... never really wanted a daughter. Yes, her parents always had preferred if they had a son rather than a daughter. This caused them to either treat Charlotte with an indifferent attitude, or flat out ignore her. Charlotte never understood why her parents always wanted a boy instead of a girl, but it made her feel... pointless. The only person who ever seemed to care about her was her butler Jonathan, who no matter what was always there for her and treated her like she was his own daughter.

                    When Charlotte was of the age of 15 she was having tea outside under the full moon... when the moon suddenly seemed to... be covered by a shadow of some sort... A bat-like shadow. Suddenly down from the sky a strange bat-like monstrosity came down and began to attack the youn girl. Charlotte screamed as her butler Jonathan came running out, seeing what was happening Jonathan sprang into action and tackled the beast off of his dear Charlotte. Jonathan fought the creature off until it finally fled the area. Almost immediately after Jonathan ran over to Charlotte who was covered in wounds, she was torn apart... blood everywhere. Jonathan was distraught by this, thinking that she had been murder when suddenly... Her wounds started to heal.

                    Turned out that the beast was some sort of vampiric monster, and that when it attacked Charlotte it transferred the curse of the Vampire over to her, turning her into such a beast. For several years Charlotte had not been accustomed to being a vampire, but she is now after 15 years... although she still despises being a vampire. Now at the age of 34 she is attending the Trinity Soul University, using her excuse of being a vampire to leave her past behind her and start anew.

                    Gender: Female

                    What Element/and or type of magic: Blood Magic - Solidification: Charlotte is capable of using her blood magic in a... slightly common way. She can take any blood that is ALREADY outside of a person's body, and harden it into many different shapes. So far she can only make small beads, star shapes, and small cubes made out of solidified blood that looks like blood red crystals. Once she turns blood into a crystal she cannot change it back no matter what, as such she uses this ability to make special blood colored jewelry made out of well... blood. She cannot use the blood of someone if their blood is inside the body, as the blood has to be OUTSIDE of the body in order for her to use her magic on it. This makes it not a very combatitive form of Blood Magic, which compliments her personality as she is not a fighter at heart.

                    Luggage: Some clothes, a hair brush, a bat shaped pillow (ironic), and a black parasol she uses outside during the day to protect her from the sun.

                    She stands at a short 5ft 3.

                    Why did you come to the University?: To start a new life in an attempt to forget her parents completely after the many years of neglect from them.

                    Personality: She is kind, and well mannered, yet Charlotte is deep down... a brat. Yes she is well mannered, as she never speaks unless spoken to, and always tries to keep her calm. Charlotte is the kind of girl that would study her hardest when it comes to her classes. But she does have little patience when it comes to trivial things, and even though she wishes to make friends she has a hard time doing so due to her sheltered childhood. People who have gotten to know her call her a "Freaking Well Mannered Brat". A name she had gotten... accustomed to, yet despises. She also has quite low expectations for certain things, considering that some things like other people to be a bit low-life until she gets to know someone. This can make her come off as a bit rude at times.

                    Other: N/A other than the fact that I am making the app for her Butler Jonathan.

                    Last edited by SereneGrace; 06-01-2014, 02:50 PM.



                      How interesting. Two characters of the same race yet two different ideas of vampirism. It also seems that Charlotte and Aaron are complete opposites.

                      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk


                        Okay now here is her Butler Jonathan.

                        NPC Name: Jonathan

                        Age: Well into his 50's, being about 35 or so when Charlotte first turned into a vampire. Also despite his age he is quite a healthy and well-fit man, one would say he is not even human.

                        Abilities: Dark Magic: Teleportation/Close Combat: Jonathan is quite a skilled Dark Magic user, using his dark magic to teleport from one location to another if enough energy is used. Although this is highly draining for him, and as such he only uses it to teleport to his mistress or to teleport both himself and Charlotte out of danger. He's also quite adept at using Dark magic in his attacks, embueing each punch and kick of his with a bit of Dark Magic to create a small black shockwave when he strikes someone. Luckily he is quite skilled in the Hapkido fighting style to compliment his magic.

                        Gender: Male

                        He stands at 6ft 1.

                        Personality: He is quite sensible, and always remains calm in most situations. Only ever losing his cool whenever someone harms or attempts to do something bad to Charlotte of whom he considers as a daughter. He will go to any lengths to make Charlotte as happy, and comfortable as can be. This compared to Charlotte's original parents makes him seem like a saint. He loves her to the extent that he doesn't care that she is a vampire, deciding to go with her and leaving the rest of the Spade family behind.

                        When it comes to other matters he is like I said, calm. He respects others, and whenever he is not helping Charlotte he will be helping to help others if he is asked to do something (though he is more likely to help someone with something if they had earned his trust.) This makes him not just loyal to Charlotte, but even to others... as long as they had earned his trust.


                          Kind and well-mannered? When I saw that picture, I was thinking of a somewhat bratty and childish character like Remilia. It gives an air of Lawful Evil or Chaotic Neutral instead of what seems like a proposed Good or Lawful Good. Hmm... Regardless, it's nice to see another vampire character. After all, I really like them (or absolutely love them in the case of the Scarlet sisters).
                          Could this be a partial replacement for Sarah (Bloody) Hunnigan? Well, not completely as Sarah is still a student and a character but her owner has gone. Maybe permanently. But, who knows? (Maybe SUSTIC and/or myself).

                          It appears that Charlotte is another rich girl of sorts. One that has a butler and everything... I can go along with that. Right now, we only have at least 2 other rich characters so we aren't at risk of having too many. You know, I would like to see some kind of rivalry of rich families. Namely Spade vs. Noelle (Rachel's family). I would include Stallion but all of the Stallions except for Cygnus were murdered and Cygnus would not engage in combat unless he deemed the target a threat.

                          Blood Magic. That seems alright. We definitely need more characters in certain elements. Blood is a slight exception considering the minute rule around it and also the nature of it. But it's nice to see that Katrix isn't completely controlling the blood scene. But where Charlotte's magic is in making blood crystals (which sounds AWESOME!), Sinuda's magic is more varied and chaotic. But so far, the only examples that have been shown or alluded to are Sinuda's blood solidification, hemokinesis, and manipulation of blood flow. If taken in a certain direction, Blood Magic could become highly dangerous to both the user and their target.

                          All in all, this is a decent app. The only complaints I really have are minor ones that make little difference and also the age. This isn't necessarily a problem considering vampiric growth cycles (or lack of a growth cycle) but the general age for students is 18-24. But this can be changed for other races and certain exceptions. And in the case of vampirism, I think exceptions can be made. I usually go by a combination of the Young Dracula and Scarlet Archives takes on vampiric development where natural born vampires start with a development like humans but slows down at a certain age (varying from vampire to vampire). For vampires who had been turned, like Charlotte, their physical age is either fixed or their growth is slowed to speeds even lower than that of natural borns. With this in mind, it's fair to say that Charlotte can be accepted with an age of 30. Because, despite it being middle-aged for humans, that can be considered young for vampires.

                          So in short, I think Charlotte is good to go. A very interesting and mixed up character which might add quite a bit to the story. Accepted by TRXD
                          Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                          My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                          My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                          My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                            If it makes any solace to you TRXD I did allow Jasmine to make a character with Blood Magic.

                            Also as for age as long as one is of 18 years of age (which includes a vampire that is stuck in the body of a 15 year old, yet is well over 20) they can attend the university. So Charlotte is mostly in the clear when it comes to age.



                              Yeah I feel like I should have made a few slight changes to it with the age, and a bit of her personality.

                              As for Blood Magic I did ask Sustic if I could use Blood Magic and he did say yes to it.


                                @SUSTIC and Serena
                                Did you honestly think that I didn't think of that? That why I said about the "minute rule", the rule being that you need SUSTIC's permission to have blood magic for your character. A rule that is obviously in place due to the level of danger that be brought about from using such a thing.
                                Seriously, when two people know each other IRL, I think it's to be expected that one of them asked the other beforehand.

                                And why are you picking on that paragraph, out of all the others? Blood magic was the thing that I was the most ok with. I had no problems with it at all. Literally none and yet people think otherwise. Why do people sometimes think the exact opposite of what I think or what I want people to think?
                                Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                                My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                                My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                                My NNID: OfficialTRXD

