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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    The joke about "those" kinds of clubs are the kinds of clubs that are not suitable in any way for kids. Like bars, and well... I don't really want to say it. Oh and people can create their own clubs. I am going to be adding an application for a Club if one wishes to make a club. Just before making a club, ask around the OOC if others would wish to join one. So yes a Occult club can exist IF you really want one. Though since it is a magical RP it might seem a bit too ordinary.


      I can understand that. That's why I didn't want to force it on this RP.

      No comment. I am not going to argue about this.
      Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

      My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
      My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
      My NNID: OfficialTRXD


        @ TRXD

        No, seriously, I don't know what the craze is about it.
        I've only ever seen it being used as a romantic symbol and a few rituals and puzzles that are time specific for a certain time of year when the moon is at a certain position. As an elemental, I've never heard of it like that...

        @ SUS
        You missed my indirect question about which character I should use.



          Oh sorry about that Cucoo. A bit distracted with my app. Go with whichever character you would find fit. I personally find that both would be interesting. Kiara would be a nice apprentice for Nurse Hanna... *chuckles evilly*



            For the little time it was in the FaF concept, it was supposed to be a element used with divination and things like that.


            Shamelessly basing this of something else

            Spoiler: Spira
            Name: Spira

            Race: Human

            Age: 18

            Bio: Spira is a person that have had a rough life so far. When she was younger she was always in the position of the one that everyone blamed for everything that went wrong. Spira knew that most of the time it was someone else that was the real blame, but she didn't like to put blame on others. If she did she would be no better than them. She tried many things until she found something that seemed to work. From that day on she stuck with that and began to isolate herself more and more from others.

            Once, when she was being blamed for how isolated she was and how hard it was to work with her it snapped for her. Now they were blaming her for even her way of not being blamed. "Burn in hell" She simply said to him. Then something happened which she did not expect. Just around him a fire started burning him alive until there were nothing more than ashes left. She didn't know what just happened, but she hurried home as fast as she could. Once home she tought of what just happened. She didn't really know herself. At this point she realized that he may have been right. One part of her wanted to blame the person for provoking her like that, but deep down she knew that she had no one else to blame but herself. That was when she hear about Trinity Soul. It matched just what she needed. Now she is looking for another way to live that is similar to the one she is living now, but a little bit less isolated.

            Gender: Female

            What Element/and or type of magic: Fire. She doesn't really use her magic to much as she don't know too much about it.

            Luggage: A few books she loves to read, a laptop, a smartphone, clothes, music, headphones,

            Appearance: Long red hair, normal clothes, slightly tall.
            Spoiler: Something like this, just longer hair and more modern clothes

            Why did you come to the University?: She is looking for a way to control her magic. In addition she is also looking for another way to live which is similar, but not quite as isolated as her current way of living.

            Personality: Lives for her own benefit. That is not saying that she is mean or anything like that. She just believes that everyone have to help them selves. She usually say that the way she lives, if she ever makes a mistake, she have no one else to blame but herself. She also thinks that no one should blame her for anything because of how she lives. If she ever does something with others, she is mainly looking at what's in it for her.

            Other: She is meant to change slightly in personality if she does find another life style is likes.


            Again basing on something else. Still no shame.
            Spoiler: Skari

            Name: Skari

            Race: Human

            Age: 18

            Bio: When she was younger, she always experienced problems with her hair clinging to her face due to static electricity. As she grew older, the problem grew bigger. One day when she tried touching her hair, she generated a spark of electricity. From here, she experimented and tried to find out what was happening. After some time she found out that, she have magic. After this, she began practicing her magic. When she became skilled enough, she sometimes did little "tricks" at her friends giving them static electricity. Although she have a lot more control over it now, she still struggles a bit with her hair.

            Gender: Female

            What Element/and or type of magic: Electricity. Normally she uses it in the form of static electricity. She can then later use something else, which triggers an electrostatic discharge. I also intend for her to learn how to make St. Elmo's fire, ball lightning and other more unusual forms of lightning. She also doesn't feel the pain of a electrostatic discharge as much as other, altough this is something she just started training and I intend for her to train more on this.

            Luggage: a few changes of cloth, some books, and a few metals objects she uses in her jokes to cause an electrostatic discharge or she may use them to get rid of static electricity buildup in her hair.



            Zerochan link. Click for large image


            Zerochan link. Click for large image

            I'm thinking of normally use then one with the long hair, but she may some days use the other one.

            Why did you come to the University?: To learn more about her magic, learn new "tricks" and stop her hair from clinging to her face.

            Personality: She is usually a cheerful girl that have no problems at all at becoming popular. She is also quite intelligent and may at times be a little stubborn or even mean.

            Other: Just asking the others here, but could it be a idea since she is supposed to be that kind of person that it's very easy to become friends with to just start of a little bit more positive about her?

            Normal theme:

            Battle theme:

            Drama theme:

            Spoiler: Sinuda

            Name: Sinuda

            Race: Human

            Age: 18

            Bio: Sinuda had always been silent type. If you got past that tough and actually got to know her she was quite a nice person. She would care about people and would not want the to be hurt no matter what. All that changed one day. Her only friend had fallen and had s small scratch on her knee. Sinuda bent over and touched it to inspect it. At that instant something happened. The flow of blood accelerated. In a few seconds it became a fountain. It only took a few more seconds before her only friend died from blood loss.

            It didn't take long before her parents found out about what had happened. They immediately saw her as something inhuman. They locked her up in a dark room with no windows. In this room she lived for a few years until her parents found out about Trinity Soul. They immediately got her in as they thought that it fitted her much better and they would most certainly know how to handle a inhuman creature like her.

            Gender: Female

            What Element/and or type of magic: Blood magic. She haven't really found any way to use it yet as she have lived isolated from everything else for that past years.

            Luggage: Nothing else besides some clotches, her parents believe that she doesn't deserve anything else.


            Why did you come to the University?: She was forced by her parents.

            Personality: Sinuda have grown very quiet because of the time she have spent isolated in her room. She normally show no signs of emotion whatsoever, the only exception to this is when she sees blood however. As the years went by she began to practice small amounts of her magic on her self. This is the only thing she finds "joy" in.

            Other: Please note that because of the fact that she is a very quiet person that show no signs of emotion it may be a little bit hard to write long posts for her. I apologize in advance for this.

            Theme: Normal theme

            Blood theme

            Spoiler: Kathryn

            Name: Kathryn

            Race: Mermaid

            Age: 19

            Bio: At the age of 5 years old Kathryn's body underwent a weird procedure which after a few days had transformed her entire lower body into that of a fish. She had turned into a mermaid. During this period, she had to stay hidden from most people's view. Luckily she found a way to return her body to normal. It was not perfect tough. She was had lost all control over her legs. She couldn't move them, she couldn't even feel them. Thus she had to sit in a wheelchair from that day on. Although she knew how to transform her body back she never did. She was too embarrassed about it. She did keep things that you wouldn't see like her ability to breath under water, but that was it. When she was 16 years old, she learned about her water magic. Of course, she drew the line between her magic quite quickly and thus she was embarrassed about her magic as well. She wasn't too embarrassed about this tough and she quickly began using it with people she trusted around.

            Gender: Female

            What Element/and or type of magic: Water (duh). She normally just play with her magic in different ways.

            Luggage: Some clothes, her wheelchair, a smartphone, something to write and raw with and a book where she can write and draw.



            Why did you come to the University?: To learn how she would control her magic and possible find a way to walk again. Also to maybe find a place where she would be comfortable to show what she really was.

            Personality: Altough she mayb be a little bit shy, she is normally a very talkitive person that easily makes friends this is partly due to the fact that she need help very often due to her legs.
            Last edited by Katrix; 02-21-2014, 06:16 PM.
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              Okay here is my app:

              Name: Andrew Smith

              Race: Human

              Age: 19

              Bio: Andrew has always been an... odd kid. He was always cheery, happy, and even a bit normal for the most part. There was one thing though that always stood out about him was his case of Scopophobia or the morbid fear of being seen or stared at. He never liked it when someone stared at him directly. Whenever someone stared at him directly he would occasionally freak out, and have a panic attack. Yet despite this he always tries to be social, even against his own will... sadly he fails at this quite often, and when he has enough he will usually flee the scene or hide in a nearby closet or bush if possible. Most people usually find him to be just a shy person. It's unknown why Andrew is like this. Andrew when he was younger spent a lot of time with his grandfather, the only person who he truly was able to get past his Scopophobia. As such Andrew was always calm around his grandfather.

              The relationship Andrew had with his grandfather was quite tight, as his father had joined the military shortly after he was born in order to help support his family. As such his grandfather was always there to help support him. His grandfather taught him to be kind, respectful, and even observant of his surroundings as he would never know if something was amiss or wrong. When Andrew reached the age 15 his grandfather was hospitalized after coming down ill. Ever since then Andrew went into a slight depression. The hospital his grandfather was put in can make sure he is fine and healthy, but it made Andrew fearful. He wanted to keep his grandfather alive for as long as can be. He loved his grandfather. One day however when he was just lazing about in his room drawing random crap when he suddenly got the urge to draw... runes...

              Andrew proceeded to draw the runes all over his room in marker. Each one having different or odd effects like creating small crystal pillars, and even one had paralyzed him temporarily. After this "phase" ended Andrew was feeling drained, and his mother was quite upset, yet also didn't know what to think of the mess. The next day Andrew had decided to visit his grandfather, and tell him what happened. That's when his grandfather chuckled and told him that he has a special ability called "magic" more specifically Rune Magic. Andrew couldn't realize that he had magical abilities. He heard of other people who had magical powers, but never thought that he himself would get magical abilities. His grandfather assured him that his magic could be used for wondrous things that could help many people, and told him about Trinity Soul University and that if he ever wishes to learn more about his magic and even perfect it he should head over to that University when he comes of age. Now that he is 19 Andrew is headed off to Trinity Soul University not only to perfect his magic, but also find a way to use his magic to help his still ill grandfather. Right now though he is on the bus on his way there... freaking out a bit...

              Gender: Male

              What Element/and or type of magic?: Rune Magic. More specifically healing, and trapping magic. He is not too experienced with this magic, and only knows a basic weak barrier rune spell.

              Luggage: A simple bag full of clothes, his glasses, a notebook or two, a toothbrush, an energy bar, and another bag with a small laptop and a few other things as well.

              Appearance: He stands at 5ft 9, relatively short when compared to other members of his family. This makes him come off as a bit more shy, and helpless than normal.

              Why did you come to the University?: Because he wishes to find a way to perfect his magic, and help his grandfather get better. He also wishes to try and overcome his Scpophobia.

              Personality: As mentioned in his Bio he is usually cheery, happy, and carefree when he is alone (or thinks he is alone.) Yet the moment someone actually STARES at him directly and he notices his normal happy and cheery demeanor changes completely to that of a shy, scared, and nervous wreck of a human being that will do anything to escape the situation, or draw attention away from himself. Usually he'll try and hide in, behind or under something. However if there is nothing to hide behind he will usually scream for people to stop staring at him, or even fake passing out. Other than his Scopophobia he is a normal, and even kind person who can be a trustworthy friend once you get to know him... if you can get to know him that is... Also since his grandfather taught him to be observant he takes that both figuratively (as in he can notice if someone is hiding an emotion like if someone is sad, but is acting happy or something), and literally (as in actually hiding behind objects and taking notes of his surroundings usually.)

              Other: N/A

              Suggestions: N/A



                Name: Kiara Aquala

                Race: Human/ Water Nymph (Keeping her true to EG)

                Age: 19

                Bio: She is a water nymph from a far away kingdom. Her purpose at the university is to find someone that can help teach her how to apply water magic on a large scale, though she enrolled as a student to keep her true identity a secret. She did not want to state that she was trying to help save the Dark Mages of her home from a terrible plague nor say that she is a royal advisor.

                Gender: Female

                Element/and or type of magic: Water - Nymph mastery of the element, doesn't know how to apply it for different things. Since she is cursed, her abilities are lesser but she is capable of advanced water manipulation.


                - Medical Equipment
                - Memento Pocket Watch


                Change eye color to more of a blue

                Why did you come to the University?: To research how to apply magic to medical practices, specifically on a large scale.

                Personality: She tends to look for the good in people and, even though she might feel like all hope is lost, she will continue onward with a task. There will be times when she doubts herself and her cause, but given slight motivation, she will press on.

                She appears Human, but she is actually a Water Nymph.

                Spoiler: Old App

                Ok I'ma bite on the nurse apprentice concept.
                I can see Kiara defending the Nurse (it will take me a while to memorize the name)

                Name: Kiara Aquala

                Race: Human/ Water Nymph (Keeping her true to EG)

                Age: 19

                Bio: She's a medical student who has some natural skill with water magic but she has a tough time using it for anything other than causing it to rain based on her mood or just moving relatively large quantities short distances. (Prepare for those comical mini storm clouds)

                Gender: Female

                Element/and or type of magic: Water - Wants to use it for medical purposes


                - Medical Equipment
                - (insert some things I can't think of right now)


                Change eye color to more of a blue

                Why did you come to the University?: To learn how to apply magic to medical practices.

                Personality: She tends to look for the good in people and, even though she might feel like all hope is lost, she will continue onward with a task. There will be times when she doubts herself and her cause, but given slight motivation, she will press on.

                She appears Human, but she is actually a Water Nymph.
                Last edited by Cucoo5; 02-12-2014, 01:30 AM.


                  Wow 3 applicants (including myself, if I don't include myself then 2.) Well let's see here...

                  Originally posted by Katrix View Post

                  Name: Spira

                  Race: Human

                  Age: 18

                  Bio: Spira is a person that have had a rough life so far. When she was younger she was always in the position of the one that everyone blamed for everything that went wrong. Spira knew that most of the time it was someone else that was the real blame, but she didn't like to put blame on others. If she did she would be no better than them. She tried many things until she found something that seemed to work. From that day on she stuck with that and began to isolate herself more and more from others.

                  Once, when she was being blamed for how isolated she was and how hard it was to work with her it snapped for her. Now they were blaming her for even her way of not being blamed. "Burn in hell" She simply said to him. Then something happened which she did not expect. Just around him a fire started burning him alive until there were nothing more than ashes left. She didn't know what just happened, but she hurried home as fast as she could. Once home she tought of what just happened. She didn't really know herself. At this point she realized that he may have been right. One part of her wanted to blame the person for provoking her like that, but deep down she knew that she had no one else to blame but herself. That was when she hear about Trinity Soul. It matched just what she needed. Now she is looking for another way to live that is similar to the one she is living now, but a little bit less isolated.

                  Gender: Female

                  What Element/and or type of magic: Fire. She doesn't really use her magic to much as she don't know too much about it.

                  Luggage: A few books she loves to read, a laptop, a smartphone, clothes, music, headphones,

                  Appearance: Long red hair, normal clothes, slightly tall.
                  Spoiler: Something like this, just longer hair and more modern clothes

                  Why did you come to the University?: She is looking for a way to control her magic. In addition she is also looking for another way to live which is similar, but not quite as isolated as her current way of living.

                  Personality: Lives for her own benefit. That is not saying that she is mean or anything like that. She just believes that everyone have to help them selves. She usually say that the way she lives, if she ever makes a mistake, she have no one else to blame but herself. She also thinks that no one should blame her for anything because of how she lives. If she ever does something with others, she is mainly looking at what's in it for her.

                  Other: She is meant to change slightly in personality if she does find another life style is likes.


                  I like the app. She seems like she will be an interesting character to interact with at the least. Anyways accepted Katrix.

                  Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                  Ok I'ma bite on the nurse apprentice concept.
                  I can see Kiara defending the Nurse (it will take me a while to memorize the name)

                  Name: Kiara Aquala

                  Race: Human/ Water Nymph (Keeping her true to EG)

                  Age: 19

                  Bio: She's a medical student who has some natural skill with water magic but she has a tough time using it for anything other than causing it to rain based on her mood or just moving relatively large quantities short distances. (Prepare for those comical mini storm clouds)

                  Gender: Female

                  Element/and or type of magic: Water - Wants to use it for medical purposes


                  - Medical Equipment
                  - (insert some things I can't think of right now)


                  Change eye color to more of a blue

                  Why did you come to the University?: To learn how to apply magic to medical practices.

                  Personality: She tends to look for the good in people and, even though she might feel like all hope is lost, she will continue onward with a task. There will be times when she doubts herself and her cause, but given slight motivation, she will press on.

                  She appears Human, but she is actually a Water Nymph.

                  Interesting character Cucoo. As for the short bio... that's one of the only things about the app I don't really like as it's short, but in the original and previous remake of this RP I had it to where one does not need to have a long bio. As long as they at least give a few details, and leave the major backstory info to be revealed throughout the course of the RP I can allow it. As long as you promise to reveal some of her past as the RP goes on. Also if you could add a bit more... info to her personality that would be nice.


                    @ SUS

                    If EG means anything to ye, yes I develop the character purely through story. I can never summarize one of my characters as I use story events to define them. It's the same issue I had with making an application for Alvis of Xenoblade in AtWaG. He is defined so much by the story events, it's hard to summarize things.

                    I don't see how I can add more details to her personality because that is the exact personality I intended for her. Slightly Naďve and situational-ly dependent on whether she is upbeat or not. She has traumas, but that will be something I have to develop in the story itself as I can't think of how to adapt her.

                    Because EG Kiara's traumas was she was involved in a war of a kingdom of light vs dark mages where her best friend was a dark mage who was killed in their attempt to defeat the dark mage empress that sought to take over the planet of Alcyon. (You can find the more complete summary of this in the Shattered Ice Flower OOC)

                    I can't see that being used here so I have to treat her like a character that has no notable prior experiences and develop her as the story goes.



                      Fair enough. Accepted now. Once we get 1 more applicant (looking at you S1, because you said you were going to be joining this in Mumble when I told you all about it.)


                        TRXD's app list:
                        Spoiler: Trista Soul
                        Name: Trista Soul

                        Race: Human

                        Age: 18

                        Bio: Trista is a simple girl who grew up in the town of Ceres in California. A quiet town that one could almost imagine being part of an innocent 80's sitcom or a work of fiction. Throughout her life in Ceres, Trista had been subjected through a series of events. A majority of it being bullying, torment, and numerous other things. Some of which Trista does not wish to remember or recall. Due to this, Trista began to seclude herself away from others and developed a very self-conscious nature. Only speaking to her friends and parents. As a child, Trista always admired and loved to observe the moon and the stars. Trista does not truly know why but from a very young age she was always to drawn to them. Their mystical nature, their luminosity, and the mysteries that they presented. Whenever she was sad, upset or lonely; Trista would always remind herself of the night sky and its beauty. The few friends that she had would call her Trista Moon or Tristar because of this.

                        On one night, an unusual event happened. One of which Trista only knows. She has never told it to anyone else. Not even her parents. One night in her room, Trista was gazing up at the moon. Admiring its beauty and all that it beheld. How mystical and wonderful it was. Placing her hands on her heart and thinking of nothing but of her life and what it had become. In that moment, all of the world around faded out of her perception. Her mind clear and her heart settled. In that brief instance, Trista felt that she had become one with the night itself. And upon opening her eyes, she saw a glowing blue-white light fill the entirety of her room for a few seconds before disappearing. Trista was initially confused by this and wondered where it had come from. But upon thinking the whole event over, Trista then realised the truth. The light came from her. She had been granted the power of the very object she admired more than anything else. She had been granted the power of the moon. Lunar magic. Much like everything else about herself, Trista then kept her magic a secret from everyone around her except for her friends and her family. Afraid of what people would think of her abilities, Trista stuck to an almost normal life. A life where Trista did not use her magic at all except when she was alone. This, of course, changed when her 18th birthday came and her parents told her about Trinity Soul University. A magical university where one could learn how to use their magic without the fear of being judged. Trista very quickly took interest in it and applied for the university.

                        Gender: Female

                        Element or Type of Magic: Trista uses a special element of magic, Lunar magic. Lunar magic is the element associated with the moon. Lunar mages draw their power from the moon itself and use its powers for their own means. Lunar magic typically consists of support and healing magic with a few extra abilities here and there. Even if the moon is not present, Lunar mages can still use their magic. But it will be very weak and can only be used for so long before the user can no longer use it. At which point, the user must 'recharge' themselves under moonlight. Despite the simplicity of this, it has been known that some Lunar mages depend upon the moon's presence and its white light more than just to grant them the ability to use magic. Some Lunar mages are shown to even be granted sustenance and energy by the moon. By overworking themselves and/or depriving themselves of moonlight, these Lunar mages can become very tired and worn out. Some even falling sleep very often, only to return to normal upon being put under moonlight.

                        Trista rarely uses her magic. She is afraid of people seeing her use magic and she will never show her abilities to anyone except her good friends, any authority, or relatives. When Trista does use her magic, she tends to focus on healing people or using whatever abilities she has at hand and what she likes to use. It is a very rare thing to see Trista use her magic in front of anyone she does not trust. But, if put in the right circumstances, she will use her magic when necessary.

                        Luggage: A collection of books, an old constellation map, some additional clothes including some alternatively coloured blazers, all the other essentials, and a small foldable telescope.


                        Trista is a small 4' 10". Trista has long, pale blonde hair with a purple headband in it. Trista's headband has a crescent moon on it, similar to the crescent on Patchouli's hat. Trista herself has pale skin and has sky blue eyes. Trista is typically seen wearing a blue blazer with a short, black, pleated skirt and deep blue thigh-highs. Beneath her blazer, Trista wears a plain white shirt with a pink ribbon tie. Unusually, there is a patch over the blazer's front pocket which has a lunar emblem on it. Due to the nature of the patch, it is unknown if it was made to fix a hole in the blazer or to add decoration to the blazer.

                        Why did you come to the University?: To learn how to perfect Lunar magic and how to use it to help people.

                        Personality: Trista is a very shy and quiet person. She doesn't like making contact with people and gets scared or goes very quiet whenever she is spoken to. This can be to extents where Trista will refuse to say anything to a person out of fear or even run away from the person. Despite this, Trista can be shown to bond with people very well if they can get past her shy nature. Trista is known to be very kind and selfless around her friends and the ones she cares about. Getting to that kind of level of trust with Trista is a very hard task as it can be rather hard for Trista to make friends or for anyone to make friends with her.

                        Main Theme


                        Battle Theme


                        Alt. Battle Theme
                        Spoiler: Will be used in a major point in Trista's story. Do not listen if you do not want ANY spoilers

                        Spoiler: Grotias Latham
                        Name: Grotias Latham

                        Race: Elf. Specifically, the typical RPG wood elf. If you've played Elder Scrolls, then you know what kind. Except taller.

                        Age: 20

                        Bio: It is said that somewhere, in a part of the world, there is a huge region that is completely undisturbed by common man. This region has a plethora of forests, tundra, and taiga. One of these forests is known as the forest of Elves, Zeneros. Grotias was born and raised within the village of Heimstor, a village located near the heart of Zeneros. Grotias' name, Grotias Latham, is a phrase in Elven tongue which means 'Child of Solid Earth'. This name was given to him as per tradition in Heimstor and the surrounding area. Elves born in that area are given a first name which usually refers to an element or concept and a last name which is an adjective. In the case of Grotias, his last name derives from 'lathe' meaning 'hard' or 'solid'. Little did the elven folk know that Grotias' would become much more than that. At the age of 16, Grotias developed magic. Something which was more common amongst elves than other races. Despite this, Grotias' powers were something rather interesting amongst those of most elven mages. A set of powers of which Grotias refers to as 'Grota Atra' or 'Earthen Blessing'. With his 'Grota Atra', Grotias quickly discovered that he could shift the land around him, create and shape objects of stone, and even cover himself in stone to increase his physical strength. Unfortunately, despite his liking towards his abilities, he couldn't control it that well. More often than not, Grotias would cause destruction to any nearby trees or buildings by accidentally shift the ground too much. Sometimes, he would get enraged and cause havoc by attempting to crush people with stone. The destruction and chaos from this caused his fellow elven kin to become distant from Grotias. Fearful of his ability to shift the land and form stone structures. This chaos reached a climax at the age of 18 when Grotias got so angry at everything around him that he created massive stone spikes within Heimstor. The force of spikes was so large that it destroyed several houses and injured numerous people. Due to his uncontrollable nature and short temper, Grotias was banished from Heimstor and, before long, most of Zenera civilisation. For two years, Grotias spent his time exploring and trying find ways to control his magic, with almost no luck. Eventually, Grotias heard about a magical university. One that could teach him how to master his arts. Master the Grota Atra.

                        Taking up this opportunity to master his magic and prove to the Zenera elves that he is in control, Grotias enrolled for Trinity Soul University.

                        Gender: Male

                        Element of Magic: Earth. Grotias uses his magic for a variety of uses but he mostly uses it for combat. Grotias likes to shape the earth around him and use it to his advantage. Making walls of rock and earth to protect him or even cover himself in stone to enhance his physical strength. Despite his elven body and blood, Grotias does not use ranged attacks that often. Sure, he can throw rocks when need be, but Grotias finds that boring. He likes to smash people at close range.

                        Luggage: Clothing, essentials, everything that is to be expected. Not much else.

                        Appearance: Grotias is not exactly what you would expect from an elf. A large, rather muscular body. Medium-long dark hair. Has elven ears. Grotias wears some deep brown leather armour worn by elven warriors and has a black tattoo on the right side of his face. In short, Grotias is your typical bruiser mixed with your typical RPG wood elf.

                        Example of Grotias' head and facial features:


                        Example of Grotias' armour and bodyshape:


                        Why did you come to the University? To learn how to control and master the powers of the Earth. To master the 'Grota Atra'.

                        Personality: Grotias is your typical, ever-furious, bruiser. Grotias is very easy to enrage and does not like it when people try to outsmart him. Due to this, Grotias doesn't think things through. He usually just uses the most aggressive or destructive option whenever put in certain situations. If a wise guy is annoying him, STONE PUNCH! If there's a group of hostiles surrounding him, STONE SPIKES! Grotias doesn't use strategy or brains, he uses brawn and sheer force. As long as you do not anger or annoy Grotias, he won't bother you. Most of the time. Leave him alone, he'll leave you alone.

                        Other: Like all other apps, this one shall be moved over to the original app post. This app still needs some work but it is mostly there. I just need to find an image and a theme, refine a few things, and he should be done.

                        Suggestions: Well... There's the whole thing about the "Why did you come to this university?" section but I'll leave that for another time. I'll most likely bash SUSTIC about it.

                        (I was secretly going to use this for sh*ts and giggles but I'm not. It's TOO urban and too... bleh!)


                        I know it sounds battle theme-y. But let's face it, if you've read this app, you're going to know that anytime that you encounter this guy. You're at risk of engaging in a battle.

                        Spoiler: Old Trista App, this is only here for history's sake
                        Right, here's my application. And no, I will not be using a supernatural or a lunar creature for my character's race.

                        Name: Trista Soul

                        Race: Human

                        Age: 18

                        Bio: Throughout her life, Trista has been ridiculed and mocked because of her name and her passive, kind nature. "Trista No-Soul" or "Trista Fool" were the names that people gave her. She eventually began to develop a very shy and self-conscious nature and started to seclude herself and refuse to talk to anyone. As a child, Trista always admired and loved to observe the moon and the stars. Whenever she was sad, upset or lonely; Trista would always remind herself of the night sky and its beauty. The few friends that she had called her Trista Moon or Tristar because of this.

                        One night, she had returned home from a harsh day of studies and bullying and rushed up to her room. The level of stress applied to Trista had been far much more than what was given to her on a regular basis. Trista looked up to the night sky and let her emotions pass through her. Trista wished for people to leave her alone and for all the bullying to stop. When this happened, the entire room was bathed in a harsh white light for more than a few seconds. Trista was initially confused by this and wondered where it had come from. But then she had realised. The light came from her. Since that very night, she kept her magic a secret from everyone around her except for her friends and her family. When her 18th birthday came, her parents told her about Trinity Soul and Trista took interest in it and applied for the university.

                        Gender: Female

                        Element or Type of Magic: See suggestions. If suggestion is denied or I feel that it will cause too much hassle, she will use Light magic. Trista rarely uses her magic. The only times she ever does is the original incident and the occasional healing. Over time, she will learn to use more defensive and support magic.

                        Luggage: Some books, additional clothes, all the other essentials, and a small foldable telescope.


                        Blue clothing instead of purple and a lighter shade of blonde hair.

                        Why did you come to the University?: To learn more about her magic and to learn how to use it for the greater good.

                        Personality: Trista is shy and quiet. She doesn't like making contact with people and gets scared or goes very quiet whenever she speaks to someone. If a person does manage to get past Trista's shy nature, Trista will open up and try to be as kind to that person as possible. Trista doesn't like to engage in open combat and gets outright scared whenever someone attacks her or a friend of hers.

                        Suggestions: I would like to introduce a different element of magic to be used by Trista in this RP. Lunar magic. Lunar magic is its own seperate element of magic or a sub-element of light. Lunar magic requires the user to draw their power from the moon in order to use it. Imagine it like a magical rechargeable battery. One can draw the power from the moon and use for later even in daytime. Due to the nature of the element, it is weakened when used under sunlight or during the day but its power is increased under moonlight or during the night. Lunar magic consists of a variety of mostly passive or defensive magic. These can include barriers and wards, healing, and basic projectiles.

                        Main Theme


                        Battle Theme


                        (Yes, I'm using two themes from the same game. Until I can find something other than themes from my Arch-Nemesis, it'll have to do)
                        Last edited by Luna Pixu; 05-12-2014, 04:29 PM.
                        Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                        My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                        My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                        My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                          Originally posted by TRXD View Post
                          Right, here's my application. And no, I will not be using a supernatural or a lunar creature for my character's race.

                          Name: Trista Soul

                          Race: Human

                          Age: 18

                          Bio: Throughout her life, Trista has been ridiculed and mocked because of her name and the "Trista No-Soul" or "Trista Fool" were the names that people gave her. She eventually began to develop a very shy and self-conscious nature and started to seclude herself and refuse to talk to anyone. As a child, Trista has always admired and loved to observe the moon and the stars. Whenever she was sad, upset or lonely; Trista would always remind herself of the night sky. The few friends that she had called her Trista Moon or Tristar because of this.

                          One night, she had returned home from a harsh day of studies and bullying and rushed up to her room. The level of stress applied to Trista had been far much more than what was given to her on a regular basis. Trista looked up to the night sky and let her emotions pass through her. The level of desire for people to leave her alone and for all the bullying to stop caused the entire room to be bathed in a harsh white light for more than a few seconds. The light came from her. Since that very night, she kept her magic a secret from everyone around her except for her friends and her family. When her 18th birthday came, her parents told her about Trinity Soul and Trista took interest in it and applied for the university.

                          Gender: Female

                          Element or Type of Magic: See suggestions. If suggestion is denied or I feel that it will cause too much hassle, she will use Light magic. Trista rarely uses her magic. The only times she ever does is the original incident and the occasional healing. Over time, she will learn to use more defensive and support magic.

                          Luggage: Some books, additional clothes, all the other essentials, and a small foldable telescope.


                          Blue clothing instead of purple and a lighter shade of blonde hair.

                          Why did you come to the University?: To learn more about her magic and to learn how to use it for the greater good.

                          Personality: Trista is shy and quiet. She doesn't like making contact with people and gets scared or goes very quiet whenever she speaks to someone. If a person does manage to get past Trista's shy nature, Trista will open up and try to be as kind to that person as possible. Trista doesn't like to engage in open combat and gets outright scared whenever someone attacks her or a friend of hers.

                          Suggestions: I would like to introduce a different element of magic to be used by Trista in this RP. Lunar magic. Lunar magic is its own seperate element of magic or a sub-element of light. Lunar magic requires the user to draw their power from the moon in order to use it. Imagine it like a magical rechargeable battery. One can draw the power from the moon and use for later even in daytime. Due to the nature of the element, it is weakened when used under sunlight or during the day but its power is increased under moonlight or during the night. Lunar magic consists of a variety of mostly passive or defensive magic. These can include barriers and wards, healing, and basic projectiles.
                          Nice app, and interesting character TRXD! Oh and about Lunar Magic. I see nothing really wrong with it. It's like a strict support magic type with how you described it, but one can still fight back if they have the right spells. While during the day they might not be all too powerful, they would be much more useful during the night. Especially during a Full Moon it seems. I will be adding Lunar Magic to the list of different Magic Types.

                          Okay we have just enough people to start the IC!!! I will get to work on it right away!


                            I'm... so... tempted...



                              ...If you want... I can reserve a spot for you... so you can quite literally apply at any time in the RP if you so wish...


                                Give me a day to ponder... I really like this... Reminds me of Negima. But I have 5 other RPs.

                                Making the app itself isn't going to be difficult, I already have one thought out.

                                Speaking of Negima...

                                No Chachamaru? D:

