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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    @Zekai and SUSTIC
    I must agree familiars like that might seem rather OP and extremely unfair. Unless the familiar is never used in combat until much later on or, like in Pokémon, it refuses to listen to you; then I don't think such a thing would be approved.
    EDIT: It appears the Pokémon idea seems to be the one that is going ahead. Nice to know.

    @Anyone curious about Trista's powers
    I fear that some BS alarms might be getting pulled due to lack of explanation over what Trista can do or what the heck is going on in her posts. Although SUSTIC seems to be rolling with it perfectly fine, I'm unsure on what you guys are thinking about this Lunar sense thing. Any opinions, questions or are you all fine with it?
    Last edited by Luna Pixu; 01-17-2014, 06:29 PM.
    Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

    My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
    My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
    My NNID: OfficialTRXD



      I don't plan to use him in battle at all unless the situation is dire.

      As you said, "Your Character, Your magic." I don't mind at all.

      Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk 2
      "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."



        Ever since I put a themes section in the apps for FaF it's just been a kind of thing I do.

        Oh and I recently stumpbled upon this masterpiece. I wonder where I will use it.
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          Sssshhh... No one is recognizing you Lynne. It's fine.


          Hmm... I wonder if I should have a separate fem. Character to use when Trxd goes offline and stuff.


            @ SUSTIC
            Now that you've gotten a feel for Zeilyph's personality, where would you like to put her? Maybe as a guidance councilor?



              A guidance councilor sounds nice Wonder.

              I also should mention that Andrew has a tendency to speak his mind when he's terrified.



                I finally realized what I can do with Kiara~

                Murder Mystery~<3

                Dis gon' B Gud...



                  Who's getting murdered?


                    @ Major

                    Some random NPC students...or a random teacher.

                    I'm working it out here...


                      Okay here is my fourth freaking character.

                      Name: Hajime ???

                      Race: Human ???

                      Age: 23

                      Bio: For the most part completely unknown. All that is known is that Hajime had become a bit of an outcast due to his abilities which he obtained at a later age. Occasionally being called "the Winged Demon." For some unknown reason... yet he knows. He knows full well why he is called "the Winged Demon". It's because of a curse (more like a spell of sorts) that was put on him. You see when he became 21 he fell in love with an incredibly powerful witch (a young and beautiful one at that lol), and the witch did return his feelings. However she told him that he cannot truly be with her unless he were to complete a test. She grants him magical powers, but powers he cannot fully control. If he learns to overcome this power he can truly be with her. Hence why he had traveled all the way to Trinity Soul University.

                      Gender: Male

                      What Element/and or type of magic: Dark Magic - Form Change.
                      Thanks to the witch that he fell in love with he was granted a powerful form of Dark Magic. The Form Change. A nearly forgotten spell only used by a small handful of people in the world today. The only downsides to it... it's incredibly difficult to control and master, in his normal human form he cannot feel pain, he cannot use magic in his default form, he becomes a entirely different person when he activates his magic, and he is incredibly weak against other magic types. The Form Change magic is a type of magic of the Dark Magic type that involves one changing their entire form and body into that of something else with enhanced abilities. The only problem though is that Hajime's alternate form is a entire physical and speed based form. Preferring to use physical attacks, and using his high speed and flight to avoid attacks and/or rush towards opponents.

                      This form also has obvious weaknesses. He loses most control over this form (to the extent where he is pretty much a entirely different person), and he also has a increased weakness to all magical attacks (and magical effects like paralysis traps set up by Rune Magic) have double if not triple the effect. All he gains is a slight increase to speed, and his physical attacks become infused with dark magic which makes his attacks effective against other elements except for Light Magic. Which he is incredibly weak against in general. This form is also draining, and taxing on him as he feels completely exhausted (and will occasionally cough up blood after he reverts to his normal form even if he wasn't injured at all when in his darkness form.) He cannot use any magic in his standard human form. Even in his darkness form he can only discharge dark magic into opponents through physical contact.

                      Luggage: Not much, as he only has a bag of spare clothes and a ring on his left index finger which was a gift from the witch he fell in love with. This ring is the source of his power, and he is unable to remove it whatsoever, nor can it break. He is cursed to wear it until he overcomes the spell.

                      Human form:
                      He stands at 6ft 1.

                      Darkness (Form Change) Form:
                      He stands at 6ft 2 in this form, and always flies instead of walking. In fact in this form he does not even need to walk as he simply can hover without flapping his wings. However he only hovers a few inches above the ground. In order for him to fly he must flap his wings. His entire body (wings, skin, and all) become pitch black, and red. This makes it impossible to see his facial features as his facial features aside from his nose completely fades. Almost like he is shrouded in perpetual darkness.

                      Why did you come to the University?: To try and overcome the curse (or spell depending on how you look at it) in order to earn his true loves favor (and permission to marry her.)

                      At first in his human form he seems quiet, and well reserved. That is however due to his emotions only capable of being truly shown in his darkness form. This makes him seem to be quiet, reserved, and even downright boring. However this all changes when he enters his darkness form. In his human form he also tends to work out a lot, pushing his body to it's limits.

                      In his darkness form he becomes much different. He ends up becoming highly arrogant, lazy, and prideful (almost to the point where he will not even fight claiming "it's just a waste of time"), yet is also cunning beyond belief. This would seem to make him a dangerous adversary in unarmed combat, but due to his arrogance and pride he can get too carried away and can easily be out done. Yet in the rare cases where he does actually wish to fight opponents, and actually does become serious (which is rare) he can be really dangerous. Also his voice in his darkness form sounds drastically different. As it sounds like 4 different people talking simultaneously.

                      1: His normal voice.

                      2: An older man's voice.

                      3: A distinct female's voice.

                      4: The voice of a young child.

                      These four voices can all be heard simultaneously whenever he speaks in his darkness form.

                      Other: He does not live in a dorm. Instead he lives within the woods surrounding the campus.

                      Suggestions: NONE!!!


                        Hey Sus, for the murder mystery, can I use like "Generic Student(s)" and "Generic Victim(s)" to set it up a bit? I'll explain in more detail later.



                          Well to keep it more of a mystery tell the details to me, and S1 (cuz he is a mod.)


                            Imagine... Neo's half dragon in dragon form vs. Zeilyph and Ystmurra in ghoul form vs. 'Hajime' in darkness form...

                            We should do a monster fest in the rp. That'd be cool. Plus it'll comfort those uncomfortable with showing their true selves.


                              I'll do that tomorrow.

                              Oh and also: "Generic Evil Spirit" ? *that would posses the killer
                              *heavily influenced by Phoenix Wright
                              Last edited by Cucoo5; 01-20-2014, 01:19 AM.


                                NPC Name: Witch Maya

                                Age: Unknown, but is assumed to be 20.

                                Abilities: As a witch she possesses powerful dark magic capabilities, and a spell book that allows her to perform a vast variety of spells. However Witches must recite spells from their spell books (or from memory if she remembers a spell.) Witches can also use spells similar to those of other elements, but a dark magic version. For example Drake's Ice Wave spell can be mimicked with a Dark Crystal Wave which is basically the same as the normal ice wave, except instead of ice crystals the crystals are pure black crystals made of darkness which would have a similar effect. However instead of ice and being cold, it will be dark based and can be countered by anything that can counter dark magic. Also thanks to magical abilities (and a spell or two from her spell book) she can shape shift into certain animals ranging from a black cat, to a crow, and a even a small mouse (and sometimes will backfire on her and temporarily transform herself into a toad.) These transformations are only temporary though, and only last for ten minutes before she reverts to normal. She also has to wait five whole hours before being able to transform again.

                                Gender: Female

                                Appearance: She stands at 5ft 8-9, and those wings she has are only fake as they are a part of her outfit.

                                Personality: She is perky, fun to hang out with, a bit mischievous (likes to mess with people sometimes with pranks), and is a bit of a seductress at times as well. However her feelings remain with Hajime, and only Hajime even though according to Witch law "Any man that wishes to be with a witch, must first perform a difficult test" which is what she is putting Hajime through right now. She also had decided to follow Hajime to keep an eye on him. She also randomly roams the University since she does not take classes.

                                Other: PLEASE NOTE THAT ACTUAL WITCHES LIKE WITCH MAYA ARE NOT TRULY ALLOWED. They may be welcomed to the University, but actual witches like Maya have a bad reputation for being mischievous and have actually been against traditional magic styles. They may be welcomed to roam the University at will, they are not allowed to partake or observe any classes.


