The Haunted Mansion...
"The Point"
A ghost has infiltrated the (already somewhat haunted) Scarlet mansion!
"The Goal(s)"
1. Be the last one alive before... the ghost...
2. Somehow kill the ghost (It's simple. We kill the batman).
"The Type"
I was planning to make it a one time thing, but hey; your choice!
"The Rules"
1. If you win, you are the next round's ghost. There will be... an undecided number of rounds...
2. The ghost must have the invisibility potion at all times. Other acceptable potion will be the speed and jump potion (well, you can fly, but ya know, just in case.)
3. The event shall take place in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Don't worry. I'm sure Meiling will let you through (lol)
4. Good sportsmanship.
5. You may kill the ghost. HOWEVER the only weapon you may use is your own bare, blocky hands.
6. As in most horror stories, "The doors only opened one way... there was no way out!" so I am going to have to ask someone to enclose the mansion in a giant glass dome or something of the sort.
7.The only weapon the ghost is allowed to carry is an iron sword.
8. Have fun. AGAIN (for those of you who read The Touhou Games by moi) you are not actually fighting for your lives. Competitiveness is STILL allowed as long as you don't become angrier than Satan's pet hornets on fire.
Have a safe trip... for the doors only open one way this time... (Commence evil laughing)!!!!!!!!!
"The Point"
A ghost has infiltrated the (already somewhat haunted) Scarlet mansion!
"The Goal(s)"
1. Be the last one alive before... the ghost...
2. Somehow kill the ghost (It's simple. We kill the batman).
"The Type"
I was planning to make it a one time thing, but hey; your choice!
"The Rules"
1. If you win, you are the next round's ghost. There will be... an undecided number of rounds...
2. The ghost must have the invisibility potion at all times. Other acceptable potion will be the speed and jump potion (well, you can fly, but ya know, just in case.)
3. The event shall take place in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Don't worry. I'm sure Meiling will let you through (lol)
4. Good sportsmanship.
5. You may kill the ghost. HOWEVER the only weapon you may use is your own bare, blocky hands.
6. As in most horror stories, "The doors only opened one way... there was no way out!" so I am going to have to ask someone to enclose the mansion in a giant glass dome or something of the sort.
7.The only weapon the ghost is allowed to carry is an iron sword.
8. Have fun. AGAIN (for those of you who read The Touhou Games by moi) you are not actually fighting for your lives. Competitiveness is STILL allowed as long as you don't become angrier than Satan's pet hornets on fire.
Have a safe trip... for the doors only open one way this time... (Commence evil laughing)!!!!!!!!!