Hello people
It's been some weeks I haven't been on, but who cares.
I have joined Yukkuricraft few weeks after it went public so about 3 years ago. Since then
I have had a lot of great times with people already present and some that came later.
But little by little things have changed, and not really in good ways.
Now, for me YC isn't anymore the one I've known and appreciated. It became
quite oppressive, people forming sub-clans and some people trash talking in the
back of others because it's "fun". Showing some sort of disrespect toward some people
that are a bit different.
I also noticed since few weeks, even monthes that some people with who I could
talk or have fun with before, started to ignore me or directly showed that they didn't want
me to interract with them anymore, even simply saying Hi to them resulted into some
rude way to answer, so I stopped interracting with them.
Even if I'm leaving, and knowing that only few people really know me on YC, no one
will even care about that departure, but at least I know that some will be happy about that
fabulous news, knowing that quite a lot of people really don't appreciate me.
Recently my interractions with YC were limited to being connected on mumble or steam and having people
coming to me just to ask "hey I don't know how to do that, can you do it", or "hey what does this thing means",
whereas the rest of the time they just ignored me or tried to avoid me.
Being approched only for this and when they had what they wanted, they just disapeared.
I don't want to be just some "stuff" that is placed in a closet and that is used then put again in the closet.
That's not a proper way to deal with people and show them some respect sorry to tell that.
Maybe one day YC will change into something a bit better, at least I hope.
RTY was kinda interesting though, I hope that you'll manage to make it even funnier.
There are still some people I appreciate and may keep contact with.
Here is my latest piece of art that illustrates my departure:

subtle references to some past shenanigans
It's been some weeks I haven't been on, but who cares.
I have joined Yukkuricraft few weeks after it went public so about 3 years ago. Since then
I have had a lot of great times with people already present and some that came later.
But little by little things have changed, and not really in good ways.
Now, for me YC isn't anymore the one I've known and appreciated. It became
quite oppressive, people forming sub-clans and some people trash talking in the
back of others because it's "fun". Showing some sort of disrespect toward some people
that are a bit different.
I also noticed since few weeks, even monthes that some people with who I could
talk or have fun with before, started to ignore me or directly showed that they didn't want
me to interract with them anymore, even simply saying Hi to them resulted into some
rude way to answer, so I stopped interracting with them.
Even if I'm leaving, and knowing that only few people really know me on YC, no one
will even care about that departure, but at least I know that some will be happy about that
fabulous news, knowing that quite a lot of people really don't appreciate me.
Recently my interractions with YC were limited to being connected on mumble or steam and having people
coming to me just to ask "hey I don't know how to do that, can you do it", or "hey what does this thing means",
whereas the rest of the time they just ignored me or tried to avoid me.
Being approched only for this and when they had what they wanted, they just disapeared.
I don't want to be just some "stuff" that is placed in a closet and that is used then put again in the closet.
That's not a proper way to deal with people and show them some respect sorry to tell that.
Maybe one day YC will change into something a bit better, at least I hope.
RTY was kinda interesting though, I hope that you'll manage to make it even funnier.
There are still some people I appreciate and may keep contact with.
Here is my latest piece of art that illustrates my departure:

subtle references to some past shenanigans