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Suggestions, fixes and imporvements for RTY

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    Katrix (and experienced mod players like me) have played a lot of IC2. We are aware of the actual Carbon Mesh recipe being 4 Fibres. It's just a bug in NEI. Some of the IC2 recipes do not show correctly in NEI because they either show (broken) legacy IC2 recipes or we do not have the right NEI plugins, if we have any at all. If a recipe looks off or isn't completely working, ask someone who is confirmed to have mod experience. Your best bet is someone like Katrix or myself. Or anyone who has had a good amount of mod experience (or used to be addicted to watch Forgecraft videos ).

    To confirm Katrix's point, the Bone bow is unfixable. Only Azanor can fix it (or has already been fixed it in a later version). It appears to be a massive rendering issue for players who see the Bone Bow's non-self-held model. A good number of things appear to have rendering issues in Thaumcraft including staring directly at an Aura Node. My guess is that either Voxel Map, WAILA, or some other interface/rendering mod may be the cause or that Azanor released his mod a bit too soon.

    The Gravity Gun is a big annoyance. One would think that on a server where anyone can fly Fly Kicking will be disabled. That apparently is not the case. It's a technicality that I can understand as to why it's in place but it's highly redundant here. Fly Kicking is the result of checking if the player is off the ground. If the player is not falling and has been in the air for a given amount of time, they are kicked. This can happen when one lags in mid-air, if one uses an illegal flight mod, or if one is somehow forced to hover like with the Gravity Gun.
    The only way to properly disable Fly Kicking is to enabled flying in the file of the server. By modifying the boolean value for allow-fight from false to true. Something that I'm unsure if Katrix would actually have access to. If Katrix does, good. If not, we'll have to contact Remi.
    Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

    My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
    My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
    My NNID: OfficialTRXD


      I had done some editing and other stuff and I was able to fix a few things, some nei errors, but it occasionally glitches and shows the wrong recipe

      I just noticed what your avatar is and what the runes say! (The runes say "katrix") Jeez, I need to take a break from watching magica madoka XD (



        No they don't...? Where in the world did you get that idea from?
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          I've had a long day today, the park that i volunteer at had some issues and I had to be there ;^;
          Somebody made a mess in the bathroom and I got bathroom duty ;^;
          I'm just tired...


            Originally posted by Nuclearblt View Post
            I just noticed what your avatar is and what the runes say! (The runes say "katrix") Jeez, I need to take a break from watching magica madoka XD (
            You were close.
            After finding out (through your message) where the code came from, I decided to check it for myself.
            It says Kathrin.
            Now comes the thinking: Is Kathrin the long unknown 3rd account of Katrix?
            Originally posted by Mogeko
            Yummy prosciutto! Praise be to prosciutto!
            Originally posted by Lord Prosciutto
            Praise be to prosciutto.
            ..... I forgive the sin of all Mogeko.
            Release the Yukkuri:


              I knew it wouldn't be Katrix. Look at the number of glyphs. It's too long for Katrix. Same goes for other guesses like Homura and such as they are, again, too short.

              If Leon's guess is correct (half-correct), then the glyphs should actually be saying Kathryn. Deriving from a recurring OC name of Katrix's (which might have its own derivations). There might be omissions in the alphabet like in Daedric where certain letters are omitted. That or we are wrong.

              I may have really liked the show and 3rd movie but I have yet to delve too deeply into things. Those glyphs? Cannot translate them. Well, not effectively.

              I presumed that certain uncraftables could be fixed. But as to how was another question altogether. I'll keep that mind and the others should too.
              Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

              My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
              My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
              My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                @katrix, TRXD, Leon
                heehee sorry for the misunderstanding ;3;
                I was tired (even though the still doesn't give me an excuse)
                I am looking for some more glitches and broken stuff to report


                  So I have quite the retarded story to share.

                  I'm out in a wilderness, not far from DariruKuro's place [where I currently reside.] and I was digging a pit via Primal Foci. This ball of energy is VERY powerful and should be used with caution, so I keep my distance and fire only one at a time. I wasn't in the explosion's radius the entire time.

                  About 20 seconds into it, somehow it kills me and states "Th3_3p1c_G4m3r was blown up by nuclearblt." By the radar, nuclearblt was nowhere near me and I wasn't close to the Primal's explosive radius. I shrugged it off as a death message bug and went back to get my items. Upon getting there, however, no grave was found. I only got my sword, goggles of revealing, pants, food, and large backpack for when I go mining [Which is empty.]

                  I had lost my pickaxe, BOTH my chestpiece and thaumostatic harness, my small bag [Which contained many valuable items, ranging from dolls to gravity guns and etc.], and my boots of the traveller. What's worse than all of these is that I lost not only my Primal Staff, but also my Foci Bag which held all of the current Foci except for Pech's Curse, along with the Shock, Fire, Firebat, and Primal foci's having Potency III.

                  I'm already working on getting everything back, but if anyone could explain why the hell the server just told me to piss off and negated my grave, along with most of my items, that'd be great.

                  EDIT: I forgot to mention, but all of the armor is Runic.
                  Last edited by Teshno; 07-10-2014, 06:55 PM. Reason: Forgot to mention
                  w-what is this autism aura??
                  if I dont gook this lolisama now..........
                  our western culture will be forever....



                    Ok big post inbound.

                    I'll subdivide this into sections because I got a lot to dump from my brain. (and therefore is a lot of derping.)

                    First I'll start with another mod suggestion, and this time I can pretty much list the pros/cons because I can see how this would work out and what it would affect.

                    Spoiler: The Morph Mod

                    Ok so I went tinkering in other modpacks in the FTB launcher and dug alittle deeper into the Galacticraft pack.
                    So there was one thing that always baffled me: why I kept turning into a chicken or a zombie.
                    Thanks to a little guidance from others and digging in config files I figured out this was caused by the Morph mod (I took a wild guess that a mod named Morph was the cause of my morphing.)

                    Anyway here's my little rundown on it because I can already see how this could be a fun mod to have (and since it's fun and useful to me it must be overpowered.)

                    So the basics is that it allows one to turn into anything that person kills (with certain exceptions determined by the config file, with the default exception being anything labeled as a "Boss")
                    With this, you also get certain traits that the mobs have when you are morphed as them. i.e. Chickens have the "parachute" ability, Zombie Pigmen have "Fire Resistance" ability, etc. etc.
                    If it isn't blatantly obvious, I'll list off what these abilities could affect.

                    Starting with the Overworld Vanilla mobs, there's the chicken and ocelot: they have abilities that would negate the need for longfall boots (although the negative is you have to morph first before you jump, can't be a last second "oh sh*t this is a bigger drop than I thought." as morph time is a few seconds and the abilities don't kick in until the end of the morph.)
                    Next is Squid which would replace the need for the water breathing potions and Nitori's cap. This morph also comes with a negative effect of not being able to breath out of water.

                    Now Nether Vanilla mobs,
                    Pretty much, most of them seem to have fire resistance ability which *obviously* negates the need for the respective potions. However, if I'm correct, these morphs will sometimes carry the negative effect of water weakness (water causes damage.)
                    Also, Ghasts and even (I think) (haven't tried this yet) Blazes have the flight ability (pretty much creative mode flight) which would negate anything that provides the ability to fly (jetpacks and thaumostatic harness for example).

                    Spoiler: Edit:

                    Might help if I just looked at the wiki for anything I was uncertain about

                    Ability | Description | Obtained by killing

                    Climb: Hold forward to climb straight up a vertical wall. Careful on the way down. | Spider
                    Fly: Double-tap jump to enter creative flight. Off until the player has entered the nether by default. | Blaze, Ghast, bat
                    Float: Slowly float downward like a chicken. | Chicken
                    Fire Immunity: No fire damage. | All Nether Mobs
                    Hostile: Hostile mobs won't target the player. This is off by default. It can be enabled in the properties file.
                    Swim: Can breath underwater. Can't breath above water. | Squid
                    Sunburn: Burns in the sun. | Zombie, Skeleton
                    Water Allergy: Takes damage when in contact with water. | Blaze, Enderman
                    Step: Increases the stepping height. Can now step 1 block up without jumping. | Horse
                    Poison Resistance: Take less damage from poison. | Cave Spider
                    Wither Resistance: Take less damage from wither poisoning. | Wither Skeleton

                    I'm going to take another wild guess and assume Lycanites is compatible. If this is true then the problem is that there's a lot of mobs that can fly.
                    Now this is where the config files have a way to balance that.

                    So there's this option:

                    # Disable the flight ability until a player...
                    # 0 = Enable early game flight
                    # 1 = ...has reached the nether
                    # 2 = ...has killed the Wither

                    So this could justify flight as a reward for killing the wither.
                    P.S. Boss morphs are disabled by default (due to glitches that can happen with big bosses like ender dragon, hydra, naga, etc.)

                    Now another thing that could balance out the morphs is this:

                    # Will you lose all your morphs on death?
                    # 0 = No
                    # 1 = Yes

                    Which now makes it so that, let's say you have a few thousand morphs.
                    And then you die.
                    Have fun hunting everything all over again~

                    Now if that ain't good enough and just certain abilities seem a bit much, there's this option:

                    # Prevent players from acquiring these mobs as a morph.
                    # Leave blank to allow acquisition of all compatible mobs.
                    # Formatting is as follows: <class>, <class>, <class>
                    # Example: am2.entities.EntityBattleChicken, biomesoplenty.entities.EntityJungleSpider,

                    So it would be possible to pick out the OP mob morphs and thin down the abilities that way

                    And if that's still not enough to balance things, there's this

                    # Enable abilities?
                    # 0 = No
                    # 1 = Yes

                    Stripping the abilities then makes this more a cosmetic mod with one small perk: the ability to be small.
                    i.e. you become a chicken: you now can squeeze into 1x1x1 holes instead of the 1x1x2 holes you normally need.

                    So at the end of the day, this would be nice to have no matter what is done to it.

                    Spoiler: A question about mods in general

                    So obviously I'm doing my own little bit of tinkering and I'm trying to do my own bit o' testing. So I've tried to take another mod pack and add in things to it. So I've decided to completely screw up improve the Lapitos Galacticraft pack.
                    One of the first things I tried was adding in buildcraft (because familiarity with the pipe system) and the one thing I expected to happen did happen: a conflict with the oil and fuel.
                    So I've done some more digging and according to what I found, it says that the fact that the error message that says that "items 3377 and 3385 (oil and fuel for galacticraft) is missing" is because buildcraft is overwriting them.
                    Well I decided to ignore this error because screw everything science.
                    So it functions, surprisingly and the only issue that seems to persist is when one tries to use the creative mode vanilla search bar in the inventory to search oil or fuel (because the game crashes whenever you type in the first two letters of either. So I like to think that the game is just saying "well F U too." whenever I type that in.

                    So my question is, how big of a issue would this be in the server, because everything else seems to be working so far.

                    Next question is: when a mod is added and makes the launcher not launch the game at all (launcher disappears as normal then reappears with no error message to be seen.)
                    what does it mean (or is there an actual file that contains the error message I seek?)
                    (This was me trying to add in OpenBlocks to the Lapitos Galacticraft)

                    This is not the first time it's happened to me... when I tried to make voxel, buildcraft, mekanism, and galactricraft work together, galacticraft broke it the same way...though this was when I was using forge/voxel instead of the FTB launcher to construct things.

                    Spoiler: removal of items and/or certain functions

                    Ok so more on my tinkering with things is this:
                    First: I know that mekanism comes with universal cables...and therefore UE where anything works with anything (even without the universal cables).
                    Question is, is it possible to have it without that part of it? Reasoning is: Mekanism, Galacticraft, and anything else seems to be pretty much independent to certain degrees in terms of their power infrastructure.

                    So then, if I'm correct, then things that are reliant on other power infrastructures (i.e. Calclavia's MFFS) would still work but everything else is still independent (because if I recall this was the main reason why Mekanism was initially not considered, because of it's UE cables.)
                    EDIT: Oh wait...mekanism only has...
                    ...oh well nvm on this one because then mekasnism wouldn't work....
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 07-10-2014, 07:39 PM.



                      Still wrong And no, it's not my third user. I've already been on the main server with my third user multiple times, having some fun while doing so.


                      Lag? What do you want us to do about it?


                      Morph, while it is a very interesting mod, I myself normally think of it as OP. Removing abilities however...

                      As for Glactricraft and overrides, my guess is that the mod is just coded in a bad way. And if it would be a problem, not directly, but I'm a little afraid of what other causes it might have.

                      As for removing of items and functions, I've been looking a fair bit into this. If everything goes as planned, it could be easier to balance mods, BUT I could also make broken recipes work again.
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        @ Katrix

                        Yea, the abilities can get op. But it still is fun and useful without.

                        it's not an ability but the fact that you can turn into something small just makes it so nice to get into tight spots (i.e. placing buildcraft piping in ceilings.)
                        So it's convenient in that aspect.

                        And yea, so far all I can say is that Galacticraft, even though the creator says that it should work with buildcraft, doesn't really work with it. I tried adding additional pipes and it got really unstable. I think that it might be a case of which loaded first in the pack: Galacticraft or buildcraft
                        I'll see what happens, but maybe if I disable galacticraft and load in buildcraft stuff without it then load it in, it might work better... (because what's odd is that railcraft is in the pack...without buildcraft.)

                        Edit: Ok nope...still not working the way I was hoping it would. There might be something else I'm missing but I'm not that good with this to see what...
                        Supposedly, they should work together...but I'm not getting that. Maybe it's the version I'm working with.

                        Also, if it is possible to remove things, it "might" fix the oil and fuel conflict... heavy doubt because I don't think that's what is going on.

                        Oh and an edit to my prior post: I made openblock work, I was just missing the openmods part of it. 'doh

                        basically I'm slowly merging the galacticraft modpack with RTY mods just to see if I can make everything work for the heck of it. (because galacticraft pack has ars magica, thermal expansion, and MFFS)

                        Oh and I can definitely see where when Thermal expansion is added, it will be almost necessary to disable its ore generation somehow. Actually, that's another question: how would one disable that? Because I want to do it with my own thing...
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 07-10-2014, 09:20 PM.



                          Removing thinsg won't fix bad code, besides, I'm only able to remove any access to the item, not the item itself.

                          As for TE generation.

                          # world
                          world {
                              # feature
                              feature {
                          One of the reasons that we're adding it tough is to get the silver, so some of the things need to stay on.
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            I will decipher those runes
                            This might take awhile...

                            Edit: 1 minute later I herpderped and got "Kathryn"
                            Edit 2: I just realises TRXD just said this above :P
                            Last edited by Nuclearblt; 07-10-2014, 09:40 PM.


                              @ Katrix
                              Well joy...
                              I feel stupid if that was sitting right there in the config file =w=;

                              And just to document it here, I actually did make galacticraft work with RTY.
                              Instead of trying to make it work the other way, I just tacked it on and it works perfectly fine so far.

                              now I really can be the steam punk Legend of Zelda in Space man.


                                Is galactic craft be part of the new and improved mod pack?

