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    Majora's Mask
    When Majora gives you the Fierce Diety mask and says "You're the bad guy."

    Cryptic but massive plot twist once you figure it out.


      mmh you mean when you turn into Oni Link ?


        Primarily what Majora says before the battle.
        I figured out what it really implies (and then I find a video where a guy analyzes it and comes to the same conclusion) and it is deep...


          So what you're after, Madvicius, isn't a simple "Huh? Didn't see that coming?"
          But some straight up Attack on Titan level WTF-ery, yes?
          (Great show if you're into anime and looking for some suspense/action/horror)

          And like Cucoo is saying, the closest we've got to that so far is Majora's Mask.
          But MM's story, while dark (and a gloriously compelling thought-piece as far as Zelda stories go,) does lack that suspenseful oomph.

          I'll admit, a Zelda game with a story so mind-blowingly epic that every time you clear a dungeon
          you fear the worst for what could have befallen Hyrule during your adventure would be very awesome.

          At the same time though, I worry that if they try too hard for a story like that
          Aonuma and his teams will work themselves into a corner with the pressure to one-up it in the next game.


            Just to be clear I played and finished every Zelda games even Zelda II ( shame on me xD ).
            I liked the universe which is interresting but the problem they've got now is that it's been 27 years
            now from the first game and they should refresh a bit cuz even if they tried to change some little thing
            it stays too much in the "roots" of the ever seen in the past Zelda games. The way the story is
            built and developed during the time. Zelda might be good for people discovering for the first time or
            for those who has played only 2 or 3 games before, but it's getting too much redundant.
            It's often princess kidnapped, find something to access the holy sword, 4 element temples, use the holy sword against the bad, rescue the princess.
            What is saving the licence currently is the known name of the licence, people that will always buy something Zelda, people that want to give a try,
            the try of creators to inovate through design and soundtrack, and sometimes elements of gameplay.
            I only hope they can do things about that, it wouldn't hurt to have a little renewal.


              Apparently, that's exactly what they're going for.
              Aonuma said in a recent interview that they're trying to break the mold with Zelda Wii U.
              (I can't recall the details.)
              Which I actually find a little scary since I've grown pretty complacent with how things are now.
              (And like you, I've played and beat every game... except Zelda II. T-T)

              And what you say is totally true (at least for me) about buying Zelda because it's Zelda.
              Even if I finish the game and go "Meh. It was okay." I'll still buy the next one because it's Zelda.
              However, that kind of brand loyalty can work in their favor.
              If they try something bat-shit crazy, fans will still play it.
              And if it bombs, they might lose few, but people'll still buy the next one. (I know I will.)

              You might also be happy to know that A Link Between Worlds is doing Zelda 1's "do the dungeons in any order" routine.
              Though that's more going back to the roots than branching off of them. ^_^;


                Cheers to being those that have all teh Zeldas.

                And I'll say this, Zelda has been kinda going down hill ever since TP.
                TP was good...cinematically speaking. If only they elaborated on...the resistance.
                Honestly, I felt TP was missing some back story elements. That's just me.
                ST was an abomination. The only good thing about it was the comedy at the beginning and then the end. I was going: "Why did they make this?!"
                And then I remembered from the interview thing that they were revisiting their childhood...
                SS was redemption for gameplay mechanics...The story...was lacking. Great concepts...just...
                Classic teen guy gets teen girl scenario.
       least it's not as bad as you-know-what with mr. sparkles the wannabe vampire.

                But I would say the next Zelda needs this:

                - The graphics shown in the tech demo
                - A story like MM and its story mechanics...(I want the limited number of day cycle again with multiple side things going on.)
                - The Gameplay of SS
                - The Items from the 2D games (like the Oracle games and any others.)
                - And OoT's 12 dungeons.
                - The size of the world map from WW with a combination of land and sea travel, and maybe a skyloft concept in addition again, except unlike the way it was in SS, have all regions be accessible to each-other.

                @ Moose + Mad

                Concerning what I shall forever reference as LttP 2, that is a step in the right direction for the series. If it has the complexity of the original LttP in terms of puzzles w/o a Navi, Midna, Fi, etc. then yes, it will be perfect.
                As soon as they put in something like a Navi or a Midna, or a Fi, I will scream.
                The Zelda series can do without them. Seriously.

                I AM AN ADVOCATE OF THE SERIES RETURNING TO ITS ROOTS. Yes, they need to make the story a lot better and more like a MM again, but in terms of everything else, the roots are king.
                And I repeat, if LttP 2 does have what LttP did have, then yes.


                  I'm crossing fingers for having a brand new Zelda full of new things on wii U


                    Me~ :3 First game is Twilight Princess, then I fell in love with Majora's Mask. I've also playing OoT and Spirit Tracks. Love all the musics~
                    Hi! I'm a mermaid living in the Misty Lake, Wakasagihime!
                    But just call me Waka. Almost everyone does!


                      Some news for y'all.
                      I was reading a bit about Aounuma's panel at the New York Comic Con,
                      and it looks like he's confirmed that ALBW (ALttP 2) will have some kind of connection to Majora's Mask.
                      Sounds pretty exciting, at least to me. ^.^

                      And Sakuya,
                      Zelda music is great!
                      I think I'd have to say the Deku Palace Theme from MM is my favorite piece. ^_^


                        I haz retained my title of "owner of all major Zelda titles to date."
                        ( owo)

                        Normally I set my games to [download later]
                        Not this time~

                        I kinda have mixed feelings going in for ALBW...
                        Part of me feels its just a halfbaked attempt to make a new Zelda by using ALttP...
                        Another part of me is squealing in absolute joy because they did base it off of ALttP.

                        Will post my true first impression later today after 5:00 PM EST.

                        @ Megamoose + Sakuya-chan

                        Yes. The music is to die for. I went to the symphony of the Goddess and I had a complete nostalgia eargasm when they played Ballad of the Windfish. Deku Palace is another piece I just find absolutely mesmerizing... *starts humming it again*

                        EDIT 1:
                        First impression. It has the basics. Oh it is beautiful...
                        General Locations get marked on the map, you can place pins on the map to mark locations yourself. The puzzles are reminisce of classic era. It parallels the gameplay of ALttP but its definitely new in most regards. Map in general is ALttP, but a lot of the things are different. It starts off about the equivalent of OoT, FSA, or MC in tone of the story.
                        It is a direct sequel to ALttP as it follows the exploits of the Link in it. Not sure yet if its the same Link...I think it's a different one.
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-22-2013, 12:15 PM.


                          I am quite the Zelda fan. I have played a few of the games including OoT and TP. I haven't played SS, MM or WW though.

                          I liked PH but it was rather easy in comparison to the other Zelda games but it had a decent story and made very good use of the DS' capabilities especially the touchscreen.
                          ST was bad. It was extremely linear and repetitive. The story was predictable and lame. This is what the game essentially is: Go to some tower to restore some tracks in a zone; Find zone's sage; Jam with sage; Restore all tracks; Beat boss of zone; Repeat four more times; Go to final zone that has a clichéd location; Go through annoying multipart fight; Have final showdown; The end.
                          The travel system was too simple and very restrictive compared to PH and there were no memorable moments asides from finding Linebeck's grandson. Also, I never actually beat the game because the game could not detect me blowing into my mic well. This meant that I am presently stuck in the desert zone trying to jam with the sage. I get it almost correct but my mic fucks up and I instantly fail regardless of how small the fuck may have been! Grr!

                          I have heard so much praise over WW and MM for the past few years. I need to check them out as soon as possible. And since WWHD came out a while back, I now have a reason to buy a Wii U. Well apart from Pikmin 3, Smash Bros, and several other titles.

                          Edit: I know this thread should be dead and that Cucoo and I may have necro-posted. But I honestly thought this thread was new when I looked at it. Sue me for not knowing the date of the last post prior to Cucoo's.
                          Last edited by Luna Pixu; 11-22-2013, 01:30 PM. Reason: Disclaimer for mods
                          Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                          My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                          My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                          My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                            New Zelda came out.
                            It's completely and utterly relevant.

                            And thank you so much for summing up why I disliked ST.

                            And it ain't praise ye be hearing about WW and MM. It's fact.


                              Link Between Worlds? Oh yeah, that just came out today. I need to go and buy that as soon as I can. I was aware that it was coming out this month, I just didn't know when.
                              From what I can tell, the game is basically a sequel to LttP which makes two things instantly spring to mind: "A sequel, huh? Is it going to be like the typical dreaded sequels which never meets the standards that the previous game had?" or "OMG! A sequel to LttP! I must play it!" The story from what I can gather is basically two worlds: Hyrule and Lorule (nice pun there, Nintendo) are being merged or simultaneously attacked or something like that and Link must travel between both to save Zelda, save both worlds, and stop the villain who... what the fuck is the villain supposed to be? Marilyn Manson's ginger brother? *a person in shades and a suit steps out of nowhere whispers into TRXD's ear* Oh... Wait, that's a woman?! It looks like a man!
                              Anyways... From my perspective, this could just be a typical parallel world story which follows the same formula as all other parallel world stories. The mechanics, from I've seen, look rather interesting and are definitely worth checking out. Especially that whole premise of becoming a doodle on a wall and interacting with your surroundings as a doodle. I could be completely wrong about the story and the actual game or I could be right. I'll have to find out when I get my copy later.
                              Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                              My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                              My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                              My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                                Ya, I'm not too pleased with the villain so far. Just met...her..? O.e; So far Yuga is being referenced as a he...
                                Looking for perfection? Turning people into paintings...?
                                they turned it down for the younger audiences. Not as dark as ALttP so far...

                                The gameplay is of that of the classic follows a similar formula to that of ALttP so they did good there.
                                They missed a mark with the music a bit. They used the similar Overworld theme, was hoping for a remastered Hyrule castle theme, but they changed it.
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-22-2013, 02:47 PM.

