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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Alcyon - Shrine of Seasons - Central Hall

    Bardock froze in place completely as he heard a loud voice could be heard echoing throughout the place. "What? Where is that voice coming from!?" Bardock asked as he was confused, as at first it was hard to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. However quickly Bardock jumped back and got on the defensive as what appeared to be a shadowy girl appeared right in front of him. "What!? Is that a- no it can't be a ghost... but... did she... just call me a bug!?" He commented as he began trying to make of what just happened, although when whatever he just saw called him a bug it began to drive him to anger a bit.

    "I'm not a bug okay! All I'm here for is to find out what happened to the pilot of that ship outside in the forest!" Bardock said as his body began to get surrounded by a rather intense aura of Ki.

    "I am a proud Saiyan Warrior... SO DON'T CALL ME A BUG!!!" He yelled as he went flying at a slowly increasingly high speed down the northern hall.


      Shrine of Seasons

      "Mmmm... Not necessarily calling you a bug~ that would be silly~ but if there is one in you... And thus a part of you... Ah~ technicalities! I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on you... Can't let mistress get infected by the bugs now~"

      The girl appeared in a doorway ahead that led to stairs going down. "As for the pilot...I don't know. Mistress wasn't like her father. She dreads flying. More like her mother... Fear of the Void and all that~" she said as she was hanging upside down. "Are you afraid of the Void? You should be! It's the cause of the bugs." She disappeared again. Her voice further along down the stairs. "You might not want to come this way. Mean things protect this place. Not as bad as the bugs but still mean. Lots of traps. Can't do it alone. Unless you're us... Which makes it easier..."

      Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


        Alcyon - Shrine of Seasons

        Bardock continued to fly, but he began to slow down as the aura of ki around him began to diminish a bit. The look on Bardock's face was one of confusion, annoyance, and a bit of anger. Now this strange girl was not calling her a bug, but rather that a bug was inside of him...? On top of that she is now talking about something called a void? This confused Bardock a bit more but he continued to listen, and follow the girl at a pretty constant pace until he came upon a large door with a staircase leading down.

        Landing in the doorway Bardock looked down at the staircase as he heard the voice of the girl coming from down the stairs. "Mean traps? Can't do it alone? You wish. I've dealt with far more dangerous stuff than measly old traps. So I can handle anything this place throws at me. Then again... I might not still be in top condition... but who cares? I've recovered enough and I feel far stronger than I was before." Bardock commented as he began slowly and carefully proceed down the stairs, he was still somewhat cautious, as if one were to examine his left hand one would see a small basket ball sized orb of Ki surrounding his hand, and lighting up the area. He was using this orb as not just a means to protect himself should sudden danger show its smug face, but also as a makeshift light source.

        "I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore..."


          Alcyon - Enroute to SOS location (Shrine of Seasons)

          Even though the ship had its drawbacks, it was stable enough for a relaxed flight, Bryn was piloting the vessel with ease as she was looking on the front window searching for a trail of smoke or something related to the signal she was following

          Meanwhile, Runa was looking around the ship, her curiousness was both a curse and a blessing since she always wanted to see new things. She was on the lounge at the moment, checking on the different binders and any box around, she had a glint on her eyes because there were still-on-progress projects and blueprints around ("Looks like I got the jackpot, I wonder if this woman would like a workshop partner")

          Then the ship stumbled for a bit making the engineer lose her balance and fall on the couch "Please tell me this thing will hold on" she spoke holding on the furniture and received a laugh from the pilot "You are scared for a little turbulence? it willbe ok, the worst that could happen is to just lose the energy and glide our way to the ground, this time I can actually land"

          "I wonder why that doesn´t makes me feel better" the redhead commented with sarcasm as they headed to what looked like a trail of smoke.
          Last edited by Kristia; 12-02-2014, 02:25 AM.
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            (24 hours people)
            Alcyon - SOS location (Shrine of Seasons)

            After a rather.. crude landing, The duo walked towards the source of the smoke and found what looked like a building hidden between the planet´s flora "Interesting, looks like our stranded being decided to enter this place" Bryn commented as they eyed the entrance

            Runa had her SMG ready as her mind was telling her to be alerted "I´m sure there will be a welcoming party to greet us, or maybe an empty ruin, anyways, we better be careful" she spoke prepared for possible attacks either by the wild life or a trap as they walked inside the ruins.
            Last edited by Kristia; 12-02-2014, 02:25 AM.
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Alcyon - Shrine of Seasons

              "Well, the traps are only mean if you trigger them. Trying not to trigger them is the hard part. Typically takes four people, cause only the four nymphs could get down here normally...
              Buuuuuuuut there's a secret to getting by with less..." The voice of the girl echoed from further down. "Buuuuuuut... I'm not going to say~ Nuh-uh! Not helping! Cause I changed it, see? Changed it to trap the bugs! ...well I don't know if they work... But hey~ if they do work then that would mean you are part of the bugs! Ah~! Yeah! That's how I can test you to make sure you're not infected! Out-smart the traps then you're not infected! If you don't then you are! If you don't and you aren't... Well I'll at least be able to sleep knowing you weren't! ...If I even needed sleep. Kinda the deal with being an Umbra... You loose all sense of who you are and sometimes what you are... Sometimes I forget if I even need to eat or sleep, been a few years... A few thousand, maybe a few million... I forget! I don't even remember why I became Demonarc. Maybe if I knew who I was back then... Ah! But thats haaaaaard and booooring. It's fun being able to turn into people! Mess with their tiny little minds... Tehehe~ Though it's kinda lonely... All the people of the galaxy were pretty much wiped out by the bugs. Bugs killed everyone~ except me. I was tricky. I just had to hide in the shadows~! Well... Until those types of bugs came looking for me. Those were scary. They didn't have anything. They would just pass through me when I was a shadow... I could hear it... The thoughts... It was like... The Void was speaking. They were trying to scare me out... But nuh-uh! Ghostie-bugs aren't as mean as real-bugs! I just hid. Oh-! Had a promise! Yea... Had a promise to protect the Nymphs! They die, Mana's season's go poof~! They're here. Should check on them... But... Mean traps that can keep me out... Not fun. I like fun. Bugs are not fun. They killed aaaaall the fun. I like looking at stars. That's fun. But the my favorite star disappeared. Poof~ just like that! Might be the bugs... They don't want me to have fun... So I decided to make a lot of stars my favorite! That was fun~
              But then they all started to disappear. That's not fun. Why are the stars disappearing? Do you know? I think bugs but bugs don't kill stars."

              Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


                Alcyon - Shrine of Seasons

                Bardock continued down the stairs as he used the glowing orb of Ki in his left hand as a continuous light source. Thankfully it was working rather well for the time being, however it was getting hard to concentrate to keep said orb stable with the mysterious little girl continuously talking to him. The Saiyan was getting annoyed by the constant chatter whatever this "thing" is.

                "Listen I don't know anything about this 'void' or these nymphs or bugs you are talking about. I don't even know anything about the stars disappearing okay? The only reason why I'm here was to check and see if a pilot from a nearby landing was alright, but now I'm more interested to see how dangerous these traps you speak of are. So you better have fun, because I'm going to show you how useless your pathetic traps are..." Bardock replied bluntly, yet harshly as he was beginning to get more annoyed, but also a bit eager to see how dangerous these traps this strange being is talking about.


                  Alcyon Space - Reiya's Ship

                  Reiya didn't like the way Add is talking and floated off to the cockpit and sat in the captain's chair and strapped in. "Reimi, he wants to get there fast so give it to him." Reiya said in an 'so take this you jerk' kind if tone with a smirk on her face. "Understood. Activating hyperdrive." Reimi said and then a bubble formed around the ship and then went into warp space. Anything that wasn't strapped or held down instantly got thrown backwards and since Reiya kept the gravity light on the ship, Add went flying backwards and perfectly up the stairs into a wall.

                  Sent by Tapatalk
                  "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                    Alcyon - Shrine of Seasons

                    Walking through what they now knew was some sort of shrine, The women looked at the scenery, what was obvious was that it referred to the seasons of a year and that they had an element per season "I would guess the signal wasn´t of another ship, but coming from inside this place" the emerald eyed stated walking carefully, she knew this sort of places had traps.

                    "I just wish we don´t have to deal with a dead end wall and be trapped by another one, it would take time to pass through something like that" Runa spoke turning on her weapon´s flashlight to have a better view of the are as they headed downstairs.
                    Last edited by Kristia; 12-02-2014, 02:26 AM.
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                      Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

                      John understood what Mara had said to him, but he did not believe that what she said had justified what Eve had done to Hajime. Eve may have slapped her male companion, but that still didn't take away from the fact that Eve was strong enough to have killed Hajime. To John, Eve was lucky that she hadn't killed him.

                      "There's dominant, then there's physically abusive.", John quipped at Mara before looking over to Eve.

                      "Restrain yourself next time. You may not know it, but it's not all that hard to kill a person. If Hajime was normal, he would have died. , John firmly said to Eve as he turned his gaze back over to their destination.

                      After a brief moment of staring at the door in front of them, John suddenly spoke, this time in a more serious tone, as if to rally hid new companions to leave the sanctuary. John still needed to force open the large doors of the sanctuary for the group to leave, but it was wise to get everyone ready for a possible confrontation with the shadows when they left the sanctuary.

                      "Let's move. We're only wasting time by talking."

                      Crash Site - Nevaaras

                      "Oh boy, this should be fun...", Ethan quietly said to Simon as he readied his weapon for the likely confrontation.

                      "So what do we do after we pull both switches? If there's too many of them, can we close the door from the other side?", Ethan finally asked SiMo.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Crash Site

                        "When the switches are pulled, the manual override is released on the door, and it opens, then closes after a short period, as a safety precaution. We run through to the door before it closes. What was that saying you humans had? Easy as cake?" SiMo replied, walking in a calm and swift manner to the small metal booth containing one of the levers.

                        "One last tip. Aim for the parts on the creatures that glow. Those are nerve centers." SiMo added, small hand gripping the lever and waiting."

                        Isle of Spirits

                        "True, i'll give you that. Though i'd give a good guess that our 'friends' are waiting outside for us. I can flash 'em with my spells, if need be." Mima said, looking over to John. "Though, i'd reckon we need to move fast. Really fast."
                        Last edited by Koishi; 11-30-2014, 09:43 AM.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          ((Time for me to post in this RP... in fact need to try and post more often. Also this post is a response to Sustic's last post for Nevaraas which can be found here: ))
                          Nevaaras CY-001

                          Megumi's response stirred a bit of anger inside the White Ranger as he simply looked back at her from behind his helmet's visor.

                          "You say that, and yet I can tell that you are trying to refrain yourself from doing it. So just put the blade down Ma'am, and come with me..." Said the White Ranger as he took a few cautious steps forward... his hand on his blade Saba which is holstered on his belt. "Now... just calm down okay?"


                            Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                            Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

                            John turned his head over to Mima and lightly nodded at her assumptions, silently agreeing with her before speaking.

                            "Your spells should provide enough light to scare them off. Either me or you can cover the front. The other would have to cover the flanks. If we do this right, we won't need to worry about getting out really fast, we'll just need to keep a brisk pace.", John said to Mima.

                            After speaking to Mima, John looked over to Mara and Eve and remained silent. If Mima needed to move really fast, John could easily accomplish that on his own two feet, but now he had a team. John didn't know how fast Mima could fly, but he doubted that Mara and Eve would be able to keep pace with a SPARTAN at full sprint and a flying spirit, especially Eve, who was carrying Hajime over her shoulder. Now that John thought about it, if they weren't careful, their group could easily be attacked from the rear. Someone needed to cover it. With that in mind, John finally spoke.

                            "We need someone to cover the rear of the formation. I will if you can't.", John said to Mara and Eve.

                            Crash Site - Nevaaras

                            "Got it.", Ethan said as he walked to the other booth.

                            Once Ethan entered the booth, he placed his hand on the lever and looked across the room to SiMo, ready for the signal. As he waited, Ethan tightened his grip on his gun in anticipation. If he and SiMo were attacked, Ethan had a feeling that there would be more than just a couple dozen.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              (As of now, The bioroid in Alchyon is called Bryn, she has black hair and emerald eyes while the Mirror of Sea bioroid is called Mara, she has white hair and golden eyes)

                              Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits

                              I can deal with the back area by using this" Mara gestured her Portal device "Or be direct if needed" she spoke flexing her hands. Yes the bioroid looked frail, but inside the synthetic/organic flesh was a combination of technology, nature´s wonders and willpower.

                              The white haired woman then looked at the group "You tell us the pace we need, and we can manage a way to go with it"
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                                Manor of Eternity - Sanctuary of Light

                                John nodded at Mara as she assured him of her capabilities. To be honest, John was a little skeptical of her abilities in combat, but despite his doubts, he trusted her enough to keep them safe. Perhaps it was because John had once known her, but whatever it was, John had a lurking feeling that he had placed his life in Mara's hands before, and that she had proven herself to him.

                                "That depends on how fast Eve can move while carrying Hajime.", John said to Mara before focusing hid attention on Eve.

                                "How fast can you move with Hajime?", John asked Eve.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

