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Corrupture: Redestructed

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    Corrupture: Redestructed


    The Backstory

    It was a dark time. 2017... No. It wasn't dark. Rather, it was... Peaceful... was peaceful.

    There was once a young boy named Vector Leire. He excelled in school and was a renowned athlete in all sports. But all that mattered to him was that he loved someone.

    However, he was in love but never knew if his crush ever loved him back. She left before he could find out and he saved up everything he had to buy a car and go meet her. But when he did meet her... Things did not go out very well. She had already moved on. He thought it was alright. He thought he could move on. He thought he could.

    But he couldn't. It was eating away at him. He couldn't perform well at work anymore. He wasn't doing well. No one seemed to take note. No one seemed to care. One night, he was thinking. He was thinking on everything that he had done and experienced. His life was only one set. He got fired because he was depressed and his boss didn't care at all. No athletes accepted him for his poor performance. Then, he remembered his love. He remembered everything they did together. Everything he did for her. Every moment they had. And then he remembered how she moved on... And that's when he snapped. That's when he went insane.

    The following years, his depression converted to rage as he took it out on everybody around him. He had nothing to do. No one to love. Nothing to live for. He began committing crimes to fill the void in his heart. But it was only ever half filled. Then... He did something heinous. He used his amazing intelligence to track down the man that his love had moved on to... And set the entire place ablaze. He could do nothing but stare blankly. He didn't even smile. He knew it did nothing for him. He was too enraged to ever smile. Police arrived and tried to stop him. But he rushed into the flaming building.

    In there, he ignored the heat and avoided the flames. He heard someone cry for help. He walked over to see that the man that had been with his love was trapped. He couldn't move. The man recognized him. He asked him to help. But he simply looked down on him. And whispered...

    "It's all your fault. If you hadn't come along I would be with her. I would still have a job. I would have something to live for. But whether or not you noticed, you ruined me. She doesn't deserve someone like you..."

    He took out a gun and pointed at the man's head. The man let out a scream of horror before the gun fired. The man died by his hand. And at that moment, he realized... He was a little more content when he killed.

    He escaped the building and began his corrupted spree of crimes. He stole. He hacked. He even killed. He had become America's most wanted.

    One day, the police managed to apprehend him. He was about to be taken away, but he noticed the news crew was there for the capture of the country's deadliest criminal. He pleaded one request: to send a message to people to convince them not to become what he had become. He said this.

    "... People of America... I am the country's most hated man... But let me tell you... I did it because I had nothing to live for... Stay in school... Shape up... Always love... And if you can't, learn to accept it... Don't become like me..."

    But that... Is when the world went to hell.

    "... But if you can't... If you really think the world turned it's back to you...

    "Make it pay. Leave a mark in you own way! Let them know who they deserted! Take it by force and make it pay! It's not your fault!!! It's theirs!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!?!? TAKE REVENGE!!!"

    Police took notice and took him away. He was still yelling.


    The door shut as the police car rode away.

    This was the story... Of Vector Leire.

    Vector Leire in his cell (minus eyepatch and earrings).

    The Present

    An entire year has passed since the outbreak began. Crime had never been more of an issue ever. The death rate was also raking up. The department of protection had set up a new division for these kinds of attacks known as the DCERT(Division for Capturing or Eliminating Renegade Threats), founded by Jonathan Woods, willing to go to great lengths to stop these corrupt minds, even if it means killing them. But some think that this way is brutal and unjust. Enter the Psyches, a subdivision of both the corrupt and the DCERT. Of them is Mark Zeigman, a professional psychiatrist under the DCERT who will teach the ways of communication to those who seek it, and trying to convince the corrupt that there are better ways to live. But do not be fooled, for the psyches belong not only to the DCERT. There are those who seek out the vulnerable and use that vulnerability to get them to join the corrupt.

    Left: Johnathan Woods. Right: Mark Zeigman.

    There is a new player in the field! With Vector in captivity, Someone has to take charge. Meet Austin Silver Cullen, A.K.A. the Conductor. He is the more wild version of Vector, a mentally unstable lunatic willing to go to great lengths to get what he wants.

    ALSO NEW!!!

    As some may recall, I asked who has ever watched Psychopass. Introducing the CR Radar (Corruption Reader)!!! A cross between DBZ's scouter and Psychopass' Dominator. It is a small glass panel that when pointed at someone, can read definite corruption levels on even the most sane looking people. And if you are in a pinch, don't worry. The radar can be strapped to a weapon. The levels range from 0-100, 0 being a saint (honestly, if you are a saint what are you even doing in the middle of the war? Just saying) and 100 being Vector Lyre's level of corruptivity, impossibly for anyone to reach. The closest to 100 anyone has ever gotten is Austin with a 94 level reading. This will be in the application as Base Corruption Level, or what you start with.

    How to judge your own corruptivity level? If you are a corrupt, you fall between 60 and 90. A good DCERT officer is between 5 and 30. The average man can range between 5 and 59 (just because you're not an officer doesn't mean you can't be sane). Anyone between 40 and 59 are fair play to precautionary measures placed by DCERT officers. At least until your corruption level is stable. The range labeled as stable fall from 0-40

    NOTE: Sounds too good to be true, right? Here we go. The scouter isn't perfect. The only weak side it has is that you have to wait for it to charge up before each use. So use them at your own risk.

    But guess what? The CR radar is CUSTOMIZABLE!!! The only component it really uses is the glass. It can be fitted into glasses, a scope, anywhere glass would typically be used. It's a strong glass so it won't break easily. It will break under the force of being run over or, of course, a bullet.

    Just imagine this but clear. Only you can see the text it presents.

    Your Role

    Pick a faction, create your character, and fight for your cause. Remember, you are subject to switching factions, but it has to be with reason and it has to happen as a process (as opposed to POOF! I'm here) your actions will determine the fate of the world.

    Your job as....

    A Corrupt

    You have to create chaos across the globe. However, another goal is freeing Vector from his prison/asylum. If you do so, your faction will gain structure and power.

    A DCERT Officer

    You have to stop the corrupt from taking over the world. You are the only ones authorized the new CR radar. You might also train under Jonathan.

    Subsection: A Psyche

    This one has changed. Because of the apparent negligence to acknowledge this as its own role, it has become a subsection to both factions. Convince the corrupted people to be hospitalized and change for the better. Or recruit new corruptees using your silver tongue. Maybe you work under Mark Zeigman.

    The template is as follows.

    Name of Character:




    Faction: (Corrupt, DCERT)

    Base Corruptivity Level:



    Reason you're in that faction:

    Extra Note: Jonathan Woods and Mark Zeigman are still FREE TO TAKE. All that is set is the faction they are in and the appearance (they're right up there). You can alter them any other way you see fit. I must approve it. And I'm sorry to say, but first come, first serve.

    Good luck. Will you need it?

    This time, you will.
    Last edited by wonderweiss; 02-10-2015, 11:54 PM.

    Okay, here's my app. I still need to make the adaptations though.

    Name of Character: Ethan Ambers

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20


    Height: 5'10" (177.8 cm)

    Weight: 200

    He has bullet, slash, and stab scars scattered across his torso and back from the incident involving his family. Because of this, he tries to hide them with shirts.

    Faction: DCERT (other) (See reason for faction)

    Base Corruptivity Level: 59.9 (Ethan has not committed any crimes yet, but he is definitely out for blood.)

    Biography: To be honest, Ethan didn't really care all too much about the world's problems. How he saw it, it was simply the world being as it usually was. People killed each other every day, and nothing was really going to change that. Humans weren't human unless they were either in conflict, or at someone else's throat. Of course, Ethan's apathy towards the world's problems soon changed one day when he was at a family reunion.

    While Ethan was at one of his family's usual reunion parties, a crazed, troubled man broke into the house with a gun and opened fire. Ethan was shot multiple times, then was left for dead as the man finished the rest of the household. Once everything was quiet, Ethan tried to crawl to a phone, but the man intercepted him and shot Ethan again. When the man ran out of bullets, he switched to a knife. A neighbor called the police, and when they got there, many of Ethan's family members were dead, with only a few left in critical condition. Ethan and what was left of his family were taken to the hospital and placed into ICU. A couple days later, the rest of Ethan's family died in the ICU, leaving Ethan as the only survivor.

    Ethan remained in the hospital for the better part of a few months before being let out, due to his injuries. During that time, the police had listened to Ethan's story, but could do little else. They were so backed up with various other crimes that they couldn't track the man that killed Ethan's family. Ethan grew bitter about the entire situation, how the police couldn't do anything. Ethan thought about what had happened to him, to his family. Why was it that that man would break into a house and gun down everyone inside? What was going through that man's head when he did that? Ethan didn't know, but as the days passed, Ethan learned about a man named Vector Leire, how he riled up all the troubled people in the world and convinced them to act out against the world. This man, this monster was the reason Ethan's family was dead. As Ethan thought about this, he became more and more troubled by what had happened. He became angry at the man for what he had done, and angry at Vector, that sub-human scum for being the catalyst. Ethan knew what he wanted to do. Ethan wanted revenge. He was going to make sure that both that man and Vector would pay. Those people that would do the same to innocent people like Ethan deserved the same fate. They were all going to burn for what they had done. They were all going to pay.

    After a couple months of being in the hospital, Ethan was allowed back out. Of course, it wouldn't be easy for him to adjust back to ordinary life. While in the hospital, he would get these horrible hallucinations and nightmares about his family being massacred. Not only that, he also felt depressed, tired, and had very little patience or enthusiasm for anything. The only thing Ethan really had to look to for hope was his plan.

    Ethan wanted to make The Corrupt pay, but he certainly wasn't going to do it with just his fists. Ethan needed a means to end The Corrupt, something that would give him the power to change things, the power to make a difference, the power to take his life back. When nobody was looking, Ethan would steal one of the armor prototypes he was working on, and that night, when everyone would leave to go home, Ethan would sneak the armor and weapon systems off of school grounds. After that, Ethan would don the armor and begin his hunt, his war against The Corrupt. Of course, after that, it would be a matter of finding a means to pay for ammunition and weapons, as well as a means to repair his armor in the event it got damaged. With that in mind, Ethan applied for internship, and after a couple of days, he had found a place he could work at. Now, it's just a matter of getting the job, and soon after that, the armor and weapons. He doesn't care if his plan is suicidal, he always meant for this to be a one way trip anyways. After all, he has nothing to lose... doesn't he?

    Personality: Before the incident, Ethan was a calm, kind individual. He still is, but not in the same way he used to be. Now, he's more silent and seems more depressed than calm. He's more cynical about how the world works, and is downright merciless towards The Corrupt and anyone affiliated with them. In general, he's usually glum, even bitter at times. Of course despite that, it's still possible to see him in a positive mood every once in a while. Even when he is in his worst moods, he always has a soft spot for people that have been wronged, especially if it involved The Corrupt. Because of that, he is willing to help those that need it. Despite his emotions and inner turmoil, he is good at hiding his emotions, sometimes acting the opposite of how he really feels. He is also somewhat ashamed about his scars. They remind him of the incident with his family and it makes him feel as if he's been permanently marked, tainted by the incident.

    Reason you're in that faction: Ethan wants Corrupt to pay for what they have done, but is often at odds with DCERT. After all, he is a vigilante. He doesn't care about ideologies or the causes the factions are fighting for, and he couldn't care less about the "war" between DECERT and The Corrupt. All Ethan wants is for The Corrupt to die. He's a vigilante, which means that he's on the wrong side of the law. In a way, he's a Corrupt, yet he is a Corrupt that wants to kill The Corrupt. He essentially thinks about Vector's message like this:

    "... But if you can't... If you really think the world turned it's back to you... Make The Corrupt pay. Leave a mark in you own way! Let them know who they wronged! Take it by force and make them pay! It's not your fault!!! It's theirs!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!?!? TAKE REVENGE!!! MAKE EVERYBODY PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO YOU!!! THEN KILL ME IN THESE DAMNABLE SHACKLES!!! THEN I SHALL LEAD YOU TO SALVATION-"

    How he sees it, the world turned its back on him. If the world won't help him, then Ethan will help himself. The Corrupt wronged him, took everything away from him, and if Vector wants Ethan to rise up like all the others, then he will do so. He will rise up and put an end to his suffering. He will make The Corrupt pay for what they had done to him and kill Vector. Her knows that him being a vigilante makes him an enemy of both sides, but he doesn't care. His sole reason for living now is to kill The Corrupt, to take revenge for his family.

    Skills: Ethan is in college to study for an engineering degree. As such, he is a talented engineer and has a knack for science and technology, as well as how things work. On top of that, he is also skilled with hacking, albeit not to the point of being called a master. Lately, he's been thinking of taking up shooting guns, martial arts, and using knives as a hobby. He also knows first-aid.


    A liquid armor bodysuit is worn as the first layer of defense. When struck by a high-velocity projectile, the armor will harden around the struck area, negating the kinetic energy of the projectile and protecting the user from harm. It is resistant to gunfire, explosives, and heavy impacts, but not as effective against knives. Over that liquid armor is a coating to hold the non-Newtonian fluid. It is made up of a material that is stronger than steel and Kevlar, yet as flexible as a diving suit. This material is not as resistant to gunfire as the liquid armor, but is much more resistant against slower velocity objects. Over the bodysuit is a set of thick, liquid armor plates. These serve the same purpose as Kevlar vests and the like, but are much stronger, lighter, and more flexible. Overall, the armor is also resistant to chemical and biological weapons, due to it being a sealed environment.

    The helmet is powered by the suit and relays various bits of tactical data to the user, such as the armor and user's condition, the time, transmission signals, can process data, has GPS, etc. It has also been modified to interface with the phone, can access the internet, and even has a cooling system. It also has an air canister, in case biological, or chemical weapons are being used by the enemy. As for the arms and legs, each limb has a thin exosuit limb attached to it. These limbs are powered by the battery pack inside the suit, and allow the user to carry more weight, punch harder, suffer from less fatigue, and allows the user to run slightly faster. The leg exolimbs provide the user with a 300% increase in lifting capacity, while the ones on the arms provide a 35% increase in upper body strength. Powering the suit is a coiled Graphene battery that is stored along the user's spine. It is capable of powering the armor for a couple days before running out of power.


    Wrist-Mounted Defense System
    This wrist mounted weapon system was originally a part of one of the older armor prototypes, but was taken for Ethan's use. The wrist mounted weapon system is capable of shooting tiny missiles that are capable of homing in on a target and exploding with as much force as a fragmentation grenade.

    Prototype Gun
    This prototype gun is capable of firing various types of projectiles, such as miniature homing missiles, 15mm guided rounds, and 4.6mm rounds. It can hold up to four rounds, but is still a powerful and formidable weapon.

    2 Ruger SR40's
    The Ruger SR40 is .40 caliber handgun that can hold up to 15 rounds in each clip. Due to the gun's weight, it has less recoil than most other pistols.

    2 Knives
    These knives are made out of a strong steel and are capable of surviving a considerable amount of punishment before losing their edges. They have a spike on the bottom of the handle and can be used as a way to quickly incapacitate enemies. The spike is capable of piercing bone, so caution must be used when trying to incapacitate enemies in a non-lethal way. It also has an extra blade on the back of the handle, inside of the hook. This is used to cut ropes, belts, straps, and anything else that can fit in the slot.


    Hacking Phone

    A special smartphone that has been modified to interface with various electronics. For example, the device can cause stoplights to turn from red to green, wirelessly interface with computers, gather intel, hack into various electronics, gather information on people, scan people's corruptivity level, and if the conditions are right, can even shut down different parts of the power grid. This phone is flexible and very durable, due to it being made out of Graphene. The phone has been modified to stick to surfaces for storage purposes.[spoiler]

    Theme: I saw one person do it, so now I just have to.

    I know this is the Psychopass theme, but I couldn't resist. It fits the character so well; the intense electric guitar, the sorrowful piano and violin, the electronic beat... it just matches so many aspects. The second theme just really emphasizes what his final goal is, how he wants to do one thing before his end. Because of the one video limit for posts, I have put the first song as a link.

    Psychopass Theme

    Vengeance - Zack Hemsey

    Extra Notes: The armor is heavily based off of a real concept that is supposed to be implemented in the near future.

    The other note is that Ethan will not have all of his equipment at the start. He still needs to get all his equipment, save for the phone. There's also a good chance that if he finds a good weapon, he'll take it, or even make a couple home-made weapons.

    Also, his Corruption level is very likely to increase substantially. After all, he will be killing a lot of people, stealing weapons and vehicles, hacking stuff, breaking into buildings, and speeding down highways.
    Last edited by S121; 02-13-2015, 12:31 AM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      I'll accept it as soon as a (reasonable) BCL(Base Corruption Level) is placed. As far as faction...

      TO EVERYONE!!!



      Okay enough caps. So this is what it would look like.

      Faction: DCERT Other (see Reason)

      I hope this helps. And I made a modification to the CR radar section. Do check it out.


        Seems a bit more fleshed out than before. Might give it a try. Also, Wonder, the faction thing for this one's a bit different. I don't see why there can't be a neutral position, really. It's a war, but sometimes sides can be blurred.

        Name of Character: Soane Withergreen

        Gender: Female

        Age: 32

        Appearance: Soane herself is quite tall, around 6'2", and can be quite the sight. She has long waist-length hair dyed white, with part of it tied up in a side ponytail wrapped by a grouping of three red beads. She has somewhat pale skin which is contrasted by her bright blue eyes.

        Normally she wears a plain grey t-shirt and black pants, covered by a light, but long black leather trench coat with a kevlar covering on the interior of both the shirt and the coat. A simple necklace with a large-caliber bullet casing attached to it adorns her neck. She normally wears gray slip-on shoes, and lastly, she has black gloves with detachable ends, so they can be both fingerless and normal. Occasionally, she wears a plain black mask to hide her face from identification.

        Faction: Neutral/Other (See reason)

        Base Corruptivity Level: 40

        Biography: Soane lived a somber childhood, raised solely by her father, who himself worked a very shady business in illegal weapons trafficking, acting as a sort of middleman for orders. Because of this dangerous profession, he taught Soane how to use, clean, and efficiently hide weapons.

        However, one day, when she was around 13, the law enforcement finally found out about her father around the time they started cracking down on anything they deemed "corrupt". They had little time, so the dad sent Soane off, while he stayed behind, detonated the weapons, and drew attention away from her as she escaped with what little she had.

        From that point onward, she was on her own. She got by through pickpocketing and other less-than reputable acts of the thieving variety. She learned what she needed to learn from online classes, and trained further with weapons and other things of use.

        Eventually, when she hit the age of 23, she learned even more, and eventually became a freelance hitman. She started off small, taking out easy targets, moving up the ladder, getting bigger and better jobs, though, of course, that meant more and more aliases to cover her tracks, as she moved throughout the US, back and forth. She continues that pattern to this day, with many people trying to hound her down and kill her. They've never succeeded.

        Weapons: She uses a Taurus Model 44 as a sidearm, and a silenced G3SG/1, an in emergencies, she has a small Kukri in a sheath hidden in a compartment inside her coat.

        Personality: Soane is in a word, cold. She almost never expresses any emotion, and many would say that she acts more like a machine than a human. She cuts pleasentries and gets straight to the point. She alwayss tries to find the quickest and most efficient manner to solve a problem, and can be very patient. It takes a lot to piss her off, but if you do, the best thing you can do is hide until she cools down, or risk injury/and or potential death.

        Reason you're in that faction: Soane is a professional hitman and an assassin. She doesn't care who she needs to kill, regardless of faction. She could be seen as an ally and an enemy to both, someone who walks in-between the lines. She isn't insane, like the Corrupted, nor does she see any reason to help DCERT, due to her less than fevorable past with them.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Name of Character: Sara Lynchwood

          Gender: female

          Age: 24

          (This is where most info is a rop off of one of my favorite anime characters so deal with it)

          Appearance:Sara is a woman in her mid-to-late twenties with a moderately muscular and curvaceous build, blonde hair that reaches the middle of her back and brown eyes. The Sara has broad shoulders from her military training and flared hips appropriate for her age.

          Her usual attire are a brownish black turtle neck, a double rib(?) pistol holster and a light grey jacket over it, black pants with military styled boots and a brown belt with ammo straped on it.

          An image of her

          Faction: vigilante (See reason)

          Base Corruptivity Level: 30ish

          Biography: Sara was on the military when the whole corruption mess started, as what she expected, the military was sent to deal with the major problems such as firefights or warzones caused by all of it. Soon even some soldiers started acting by their own and she saw how even some of her friends opted to take more than what they usually got during the battles. She tried to stop even to the point of aiming at one of her colleagues head when he lusted for blood of civilians, unfortunately she had to shoot at him before innocents were murdered. Lynchwood decided to leave the military since the corruption was getting too close to her.

          Surviving by her own as a mercenary, Sara only accepted works from honest people that did need help, the pay was low, but she was rather fine with it since she was at least weeding out the world`s problem, one step at a time. Soon the DERT contacted and wanted to take her into their troops since she could be a great asset to their ideals, but had to keep an eye on her since she declared in her interview that she wouldn`t kill someone unless he or she truly deserved it.

          Now, the weapon`s specialist works usually as a lone wolf dealing with what the higher ups marks as the enemy. She decides what missions to do thanks to her instinct even though she risks her career or her own life by deceiving direct orders.

          Lynchwood fears that even the people of DCERT may become or are already corrupted

          Personality: Sara is a quiet, collected woman, with a serious but courteous demeanor. She is viewed by her peers as the model of a perfect soldier; strictly disciplined and extremely rational, she rarely relaxes when on the job and is usually tasked with keeping her colleagues on track. Though from the outside she might seem strict, rigid, and even a little mean, Lynchwood is not as cold and distant as she may appear. Those close to her know that there is more to her than her no-nonsense attitude; beneath her professional aura is a kind soul who understands the difficulty of carrying a heavy burden.

          Weapons: (Time for what many people like and need)
          Aside from having expertise in most types of actual weaponry, Lynchwood usually uses what many people call "outdated" weapons, yet her skill surpass most of soldiers with updated weapons

          The Webley Revolver: A standard issue service pistol for the armed forces.The Webley is a top-break revolver with automatic extraction. That is, breaking the revolver open for reloading also operates the extractor. This removes the spent cartridges from the cylinder. Firing the large .455 Webley cartridge, Webley service revolvers are among the most powerful top-break revolvers ever produced.

          The FN Model 1910: A blowback-operated, semi-automatic pistol, this pistol uses a novel operating spring location surrounding the barrel. It incorporates the standard Browning striker-firing mechanism and a grip safety along with a magazine safety and an external safety lever (known as the "triple safety") in a compact package.Offers a .32 ACP (7-round magazine) calibre.

          The Karabiner 98 Kurz:It is a bolt action rifle chambered for the 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge. The Karabiner 98k is a controlled-feed bolt-action rifle based on the Mauser M 98 system. Its internal magazine can be loaded with five 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridges from a stripper clip or one-by-one. this rifle uses a turned-down bolt handle that makes it easier to rapidly operate the bolt, reduces the amount the handle projected beyond the receiver, and enables mounting of aiming optics directly above the receiver on the Karabiner 98k. The rifle is furnished with a short length of cleaning rod, fitted through the bayonet stud.

          Other: The reason for being neutral is because Sara fights for what is morally good, she won´t hesitate on aim her weapons at an authority if said authority is doing something that threatens the civilians, that is why the blonde is alert even with those she works with, because everyone can be corrupted
          Last edited by Kristia; 02-11-2015, 06:40 PM.
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Question! What's the character limitation per RPer?


              Bringing my app from the original one and modifying it for this revamp.

              Also seeing the CR Radar I just can't help but have a character of mine wield that damn thing in his hand then crush it while yelling "IT'S OVER 9000!!!" Just for shits and giggles.


                Name of Character: Drake Alger

                Gender: Male

                Age: 21

                He stands at 6ft 2. Though instead of the emblem that you see in the picture is not there. Instead on his jackets right shoulder is the emblem of the Corrupt, while on the left it is the emblem of the DCERT. On the back of his jacket is the emblem of the Psyche (if they even have one.) His eyes underneath his glasses are a dark blue. Also a fun fact in that he has dark circles under his eyes which are usually hidden by his glasses. This is mostly due to lack of sleep and stress.

                Faction: Neutral Mercenary- He is not on either side. He does not hold anything against either side, yet he does not favor either side as well. As such he is willing to work for anyone who hires him. Say the Corrupt hire him, he will work for them unless the DCERT pays him or gives him a better offer.

                Base Corruptivity Level: Around 39-45 or so.
                Biography: Drake Alger, of the Alger family has had a rather interesting yet boring past. He grew up in a rather rough neighborhood, there were gang fights every other day, and this made going anywhere in the city a fight for survival. As such he had gotten into quite a few fights whenever he left his home, in turn eventually taught him how to fight and defend himself in hand-to-hand combat. Even though he did train himself to fight back when he needed to it still wasn't enough. As such his two brothers, his younger brother, and his older brother had helped him and they formed their own little "gang" of sorts. Of which their gang never became big or anything, as it only consisted of the three Alger brothers. Though when the DCERT, and the Corrupt started to become headline news, their little trio of brothers was split. Drake's older brother Andrew, and his younger brother Maxwell split.

                Andrew began to see that the Corrupt would eventually become too dangerous, and as such joined DCERT in hopes that he can one protect his family and friends from the Corrupt. Unfortunately for Andrew the youngest sibling of the three Maxwell saw that the Corrupt were truly wronged, and should not be treated the way they are. As such Maxwell became a Corrupt.

                The brothers began to split even further, with Drake being the only one... unmoved by their decisions. He dealt with gangs, and other life threatening situations and he was unswayed. Drake saw this whole thing pointless, as such he didn't join either side. The three brothers eventually got to the point where they don't even speak to each other. In fact they actually became bitter enemies towards each other. Something that still persists to this day.

                Now Drake works as a freelancer since he lives alone (he needs to make a living somehow), he does not care which side he works for, nor does he care which side he is against. Because of his brothers decisions he just doesn't feel any hostility. From their words Drake finds that both sides have their points, and their arguments. Because he had become a freelancer he did take up quite a bit of physical training to make sure his body is at it's best, and some training to hone his combat skills.

                Currently he is willing to work for either side depending on how much he is offered...

                Personality: Drake is a rather calm, and relaxed person. Due to the conditions he grew up in he is rather hardy emotionally, not being phased by much when it comes to conflicts. It is hard to piss him off, yet it is also somewhat easy to at least annoy him. Other than that he is rather average. Though when he has a job he is actually quite clever, and surprisingly determined to get his job done. His intelligence is quite average, if not slightly smarter than the average civilian, and yet he is quite clever and is sometimes said to be a tactical genius, capable of thinking of complex plans and strategies in a few minutes once given the information. He is also quite Street Smart due to the conditions that he grew up in.

                At times inside, and outside missions he doesn't care about anyone but himself, only assisting teammates if they truly need help, and he is hired to do so (like he is hired by the DCERT to take out some Corrupt, he will help his teammates on the squad he had been hired to work for.) Even outside of missions and work Drake just does not seem to care about anyone but himself, though it isn't uncommon for him to get attached to someone he has worked with in the past.

                In his eyes neither side is his enemy, nor is either side his "friend".

                Reason you're in that faction: He is not really in a Faction, and as such is a mercenary because it is the closest one to being true Neutral. When in reality he would easily work for any side if they pay him enough, or give him a good enough offer.

                Extra Note:
                His weapons:
                The SIG Sauer P226 9mm handgun:
                A standard 9mm handgun, that is quite reliable. It is something his older brother Andrew gave him after becoming a DCERT so that Drake would at least be able to defend himself.

                A Black Aluminum Bat that his younger brother Maxwell gave him.

                Drake does not use either of these weapons unless he has to, or just feels like it. Other than that he relies on his reliable Hand-to-Hand combat skills, of which Drake is even better at as he trains his body with physical training, cardio, and hand-to-hand combat training for 3 hours a day, for 4 days a week.

                He also knows his way around vehicles, knowing how to drive a Car, Truck, and Motorbikes.

                Good luck. Will you need it?: Even with a strong body, and quick mind one will not be able to get far. Sometimes all they need is a little bit of luck. (Take this as however you wish Wonder.)
                Last edited by SUSTIC; 02-18-2015, 02:11 PM.



                  Up to three, but if you want more, just ask. But know that characters beyond the third count will be judged thoroughly.

                  Nicely done.


                  Well done, but I'll need that base corruption level. But more importantly, the reason you are in you faction is actually not just based on why you are in it, but why you choose to fight against the corrupt.

                  STILL NEEDS WORK

                  Good, but again, I'll need that corruption level. It may seem trivial, but it does help.

                  STILL NEEDS WORK


                    Okay, I'll let you know if I need more than 3. Trust me, if you've read my recent apps, you'll see why my bios are top-shelf quality.


                    Name of Character: "Nitro" Ameshiro

                    Gender: Female

                    Age: 18



                    Height: 5'3"
                    Weight: 122 lb
                    Measurement: 35-24-33
                    Hair Color: Blue
                    Eye Color: Blue

                    Nitro's outward appearance could only be described as "anime-like". With bizarre natural color hair of deep blue, large eyes, defined facial angles, and otherworldly figures, she looks beyond exotic, and almost fantastical.

                    Common attire for Nitro includes T-shirts, tank tops, jeans, shorts, and occasionally jackets. Even though Nitro lives in San Francisco, where windy is an understatement, she prefers lighter clothes. She loathes skirts, especially since wearing skirts and dresses generally impede her while she's doing her engineer work.

                    Faction: "Whoever pays me the most."

                    Base Corruptivity Level: 55

                    While Nitro doesn't really possess the violence of others with high Corruptivity level, the reason for such a high amount is because of what happened to her last year in the RP and how that event has forged her view of the world.



                    Intelligent, amiable, and attractive, Nitro is a cheerful Japanese-American engineer from Hawaii who has fifty rocket-scientists' smarts and an anime character looks. Her joviality makes one wonder, how did she develop such hatred for the world?

                    Nitro's parents immigrated from Japan to Hawaii with Nitro was still just an infant. Nitro's father was a computer engineer who suffered a financial crisis after his business in Japan failed, while her mother was a nurse. To start their life anew, Nitro's parents rented a room and restarted from the bottom: her father working for a retail store while her mother served as a waitress in a Japanese restaurant. Life was tough, but watching Nitro grow into a cute little girl renewed her parent's strength to carry on in their lives.

                    Ever since Nitro was 5, she showed gift in engineering. In fact, she was very gifted, prodigal even. It all started when Nitro fixed a malfunctioning washer and dryer for the landlord that the company repairman couldn't. The landlord, who viewed Nitro's family with negative connotation, quickly showed favor to the prodigal child, giving her and her family gifts from time to time in exchange of Nitro repairing other broken machines in the landlord's shop.

                    One day, when Nitro was 10, the landlord brought Nitro on her vacation day to his workplace: an utility company that provides gas and electricity to about half of Honolulu. Apparently, for the past few days, the company's primary electricity generator has been malfunctioning, and the landlord took Nitro to his workplace as a last resort before the reserve runs out. The entire company, even the president, observed Nitro tour around the generator for a few minutes, their ears and their eyes open for whatever solution she makes. However, what she said was something nobody expected:

                    "This thing isn't very good. I can make something better."

                    Skeptical, but without any choice, the president gave Nitro his fullest support for her to create a new generator. She spent day after day, taking barely any sleep, and created a hydroelectric generator that took any kind of water in, filtered out every impure things, such as garbage, salt, and whatnot, and used the water to produce more electricity than ever. The company was now able to provide the entirety of Honolulu surplus of electricity, even to the houses at the most remote location of the city. Nitro was heralded a hero, and the event caught worldwide attention.

                    Already, companies were eager to hire this marvelous girl. They promised Nitro and her family better life, best education, and instant full employment once Nitro became of age. After careful consideration, Nitro and her family moved to the Bay Area in California, where she worked for a medium-sized energy company looking for renovative, clean energy. At the age of 11, Nitro graduated high school. A year later, she earned her BA at Engineering in Berkeley. Nitro earned her Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering when she was 14, all the while creating a fusion-powered energy core she named Crouton Reactor (She thought the word crouton sounded funny.) She appeared in both scientific and celebrity gossip magazines, as not only was her already peerless intelligence grew without known boundary, but also because she was growing up, physically, into a lavishing beauty.

                    But with fame came hardship. A day after Vector Leire was captured, a group of inspired hooligans broke into the Ameshiro household and kidnapped a now 17-year old Nitro while she was sleeping away her fatigue from working on a second-generation Crouton Reactor. Her parents were on a night-out together to Pier 39, and they found out that their daughter was abducted several hours after it happened. The house was trashed, particularly Nitro's workshop, as the strewn tools and the mess displayed signs of struggle. The parents called the police, and the investigation began.

                    Meanwhile, Nitro found out that the abductors were hired by a rival company run by a president who was corrupted by Vector's speech. With a new alias by the named of "Alpha", to him, whose company was deemed second-rate compared the the company Nitro worked for, Nitro was the target of his vengeance, his wrath. He could have killed her right then and there, in that dark room lit only by a swinging light bulb, tied to shackles hung from the ceiling and held at gun-point. But such a talent could not go to waste. Day after day Alpha tortured the prodigal engineer to work for him instead. It was brutal. Nitro was kept in a kneeling position, her arms hoisted up by the shackles connected to the ceiling by a long chain. All she was given for food were a small, moldy bread, cold chowder that smelled like raw fish, and an old apple each day. From 8 AM to 8 PM, every 3 hours, Alpha walked into the room with only one question, if Nitro would work for him or not. Every time Nitro would refuse, and with refusal came the torture. The torture came in many variety, mostly inhumane things that a proper human being should not perform on another person. She was beat up, lit on fire, submerged in both boiling hot and icy cold water, and more for a month until Alpha decided to give up. Before leaving Nitro for good, the despicable man said to his hired thugs:

                    "Do whatever you want with her. But after you're done, kill her so that everything's clean."

                    Some of the hired men were sympathetic for Nitro. They didn't sign up to do anything to the girl: only to kidnap her. However, the other men couldn't shy themselves away from Nitro's luscious body. A fight broke out between the two sides, and in the midst of chaos, one of the thug that was particularly fond of Nitro approached her with a key and unlocked her shackles off. Then, he hid Nitro within his coat and escaped the scene of the crime. The rest of the thugs who fought in that dark room were later apprehended as the man who freed Nitro knew every single one of them by name. Nitro returned to her family safely, while the man who freed Nitro only had to serve a year in prison. He later said in an interview that, if he was one of those men apprehended at the site, he would've been sentenced to a lifetime in prison.

                    Alpha's company was declared untrustworthy by the government. The president, Alpha, is still on the run.

                    In any case, Nitro was now safe. However, permanent damage was done to her brain, particularly her belief about the world. One thing that Alpha said before he left for good particularly troubled Nitro.

                    "As you get ravaged by those men, think about how this world runs, my little engineer. This world isn't run on hope, belief, or dream. It isn't run by the government, or by people. It's run by money. I paid those men to kidnap you, I paid the neighbors to keep quiet about this abduction. I had money. You did not. And thus, you die, today. Think about that while you take your last few breaths."

                    While Alpha was a dastardly man that deserved to die in hell, what he said made sense. All this time, Nitro was oblivious: she thought the world was lovable: a blank canvas for her and countless other artists to paint on. However, after what happened, Nitro realized that the world was not a blank canvas. The canvas was black. And no matter what she did, it will only get blacker and blacker.

                    With whatever money she saved up, Nitro rented a building: a single-story building by Mission and 8th, close to the Civic Center Plaza. There, she set up an all-purpose engineering shop. She lived an unhealthy life: not particularly a physically unhealthy one, but mentally unhealthy one. With whatever money she earned, she spent it on life's luxuries. Why bother saving money, why bother creating innovative technology for the world, if all those will be swept away by the tides of time? It'll be better to spend the money on the satisfaction of now and keep the innovation for yourself to enjoy.

                    Her view of the world, of course, will all change when Nitro meets a certain engineer who has nothing to lose and everything to gain...


                    Nitro at work is very different from when she is not at work, to the point that some people might suggest she has dual personality. When she is immersed in her work, she is all-business. She does not take humor, she is more authoritative, and she is so meticulous with her work because of her congenital Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. However, when that work is done, Nitro is a completely different person. She cracks jokes and fools around when she is around her friends, and generally stays cheerful and friendly even when there are no friends or acquaintances around.

                    Reason you're in that faction:

                    Nitro just doesn't care about the world anymore. Whether the DCERTs root out all the Corrupts and return the world to its peaceful state a year ago, or the Corrupts successfully destroy the society in a whirling flame of anarchy, Nitro doesn't care. What she did care about, however, is the fact that for either side to successfully win, they need a way to trump the other side. One way is to possess the most futuristic and efficient technology, and Nitro was known by the world for the most innovative engineer of all time. It'll only be a matter of time until both sides approach her with an offer.

                    Only one aspect will decide.

                    Which side will give her the most money?

                    Extra Note:

                    - Nitro has PTSD: If Nitro is reminded of the time she was imprisoned, she will break down and go into panic mode: which consist of shuddering and vibrating, hiding in a corner with utterly terrified expression, and whimpers and eventually moans and screams of protest against an imaginary oppressor. It is up to whoever's near Nitro to calm her down, otherwise Nitro could actually go deranged and insane; if she isn't already.
                    - Nitro lives in San Francisco.
                    - Nitro loves: red velvet cake, tangerines, alcohol, electronic music
                    - Nitro hates: dark chocolate, tea, classical music
                    - Idk, Nitro's a hard character to find a theme for. She's such a complex character.

                    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 02-13-2015, 02:08 AM.


                      edition done
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        @ Kristia

                        There we are.

                        And quite honestly, if you're willing to point a gun at a DCERT member for corrupt actions... I honestly don't see why that warrants another faction. I'm going to label you under DCERT unless you have a stronger justification for going neutral. Otherwise,



                        Hmm,.. I see no problem with it.


                        And guys, I know that being neutral has its perks, but let's please try and have at least one character with a side. I personally feel that there are too many neutrals. THIS DOES NOT MEAN ANYONE HAS TO CHANGE ANYTHING. Just please keep that in mind.
                        Last edited by wonderweiss; 02-11-2015, 07:50 PM.



                          Done with my app.

                          Is it all good? Anything wrong with the corruptivity level? I tried to make him seem like his crime-spree is imminent without making him a Corrupt.

                          Also, what is Corruptivity? Is it based on the crimes you commit or might/will commit, the person's mental state and/or morals, or both the crimes and mental state?
                          Last edited by S121; 02-12-2015, 07:14 AM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            I fixed my app. Also don't forget Wonder. I have 2 other characters. One for DCERT and one for Corrupt. I just need to refine them a bit.


                              @ S121
                              To answer your question, the reader is based on your mental state, your history, and your general possibility of inflicting harm. All of that calculates into the corruptivity level, using a weight system similar to a grading system. But that's just for reference. Just shoot it and it'll show up. I'm really leaning towards the owner giving the corruptivity level after being scanned, but I worry for shenanigans...

                              I'll figure it out later.

