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All the World's a Pokemon - OOC

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    All the World's a Pokemon - OOC

    All the World's a Pokemon


    A spin-off to All the World's a Game, All the World's a Pokemon is a casual role-play where you take one character from the AtWaG series and apply that character to a desired Pokemon world. The selected character will embark on a journey just like the regular Pokemon franchise game, with the eventual goal of either reaching the title of League Champion, finishing the Pokedex, or catching Legendaries.


    - You may select a Character that you have controlled in AtWaG. If you did not join AtWaG, then you can choose any character you like from any media: Video game, TV shows, cartoons, etcetra. No OCs allowed, they're too complicated. Do note that the Characters you select will not have their abilities in here. So if you want to choose something like Diablo, do note that you can't rampage through towns and steal gym badges just because you can't level up your Bagon up
    - You will be given three randomly selected, unevolved Pokemons that you can select as your starter. The background for your Character is all up to you to develop in the first few IC posts.
    - Encounterable Pokemons in the route follows the most recent version of the game, with several exceptions where I, the GM, decides to toss in random situational Pokemon just to let each RPer have the optimal team he or she desires.
    - Each RPer can select which region he/she wishes the character to be in. Be advised that I will probably restrict player pool in each world to 2 or 3.
    - Gym leaders will be the same, except with more diverse Pokemons for added flair and strategy. All gym leaders will be controlled by the GM.

    Rules and Guidelines

    1. No Legendaries may be used in your party

    - If there's anything that I hate in competitive Pokemon, is the allowance of legendaries in some tournaments. They have generally high stats and yet lackluster movesets that makes the game boring and not interesting. Seriously.
    - You can still have your character catch the legendaries, but just don't use them in battles.

    Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
    I have given thought on whether legendary Pokemon should be limited but available on people's parties, and this is my edition.

    - Each RPer will be allowed to own and operate ONE legendary Pokemon not in the Pokemon B/W Uber tier list. Such legendary Pokemon include:

    > Celebi
    > Heatran
    > Jirachi
    > Keldeo
    > Landorus Therian
    > Latias
    > Latios
    > Terrakion
    > Thundurus Therian
    > Kyurem
    > Azelf
    > Cobalion
    > Meloetta
    > Mew
    > Raikou
    > Registeel
    > Shaymin
    > Tornadus
    > Virizion
    > Victini
    > Zapdos
    > Cresselia
    > Entei
    > Mesprit
    > Uxie
    > Articuno
    > Moltres
    > Regice
    > Regigigas
    > Regirock
    > Genesect
    > And maybe some I have missed...

    - This said legendary cannot be used in post-game tournaments that I might host.
    2. No Overleveling

    - We don't want your starter Pokemon Charmander to already be a Charizard before taking on Brock.
    - Underleveling to a point is fine in extent to add dramatic effect to the battles, but don't expect the opponent's Pokemons to faint easily.

    3. No Hax

    - PLEASE DON'T FIND RARE CANDY EVERY TIME YOU TAKE A STEP. Once or twice is fine, but 8 times in a row is a bit too much (Real life experience)
    - In same case, don't have your Pokemon be caught into a pokeball, full health, every single time. Add some diversity to it.
    - You can only use 5 items per boss battles. You can, however, switch as many times as you like.
    - Similarly, don't keep your Pokemon from fainting all the time. They can live with sliver of health, but if you overdo it, it will be frowned upon. You have Pokemon Center for a reason.

    4. Connect With your Pokemon

    - Give them nicknames. Have your Characters interact with your Pokemon. If you want your Pokemon to enter a beauty contests, by all means go for it.
    - If you want, you can have them roaming/walking with you instead of stashing them in your Pokeballs.
    - You can also have your Pokemons respond to you in a sentient way instead of having them talk in "Pikas" and other weird noises those critters make. I for example will be following this.

    5. Keep your Character's location and time handy

    - I wouldn't be too picky about the time, but I need to know your Character's locations to be able to know what wild Pokemon and trainers you can encounter.

    Also, even though I'm not adding this to the rules, please try to keep the post quality up. I don't want certain people (Not pointing any fingers at them) give this any destructive criticism just because I see someone type a one-sentence post in a FREAKING POKEMON RP. (How is it even possible? You have so many things to talk about it's nearly improbable to write short.)

    So please increase the post length. I know I have to work on this too, but at least note that I will try to make the battles as interesting as I can for you guys(and gals). Doing so will immediately solve the machine-gun posting, because you have to really think about the post you make.

    Note that this set of rules will change as the RP rolls on.

    Suggestions and Other Shenanigans.

    - Since I'm randomly generating three Pokemons for a player, there might be situations where you might be unlucky and get a Magikarp, Sunkern and a Farfetch'd.

    Or you might get lucky and get ubers like Deinos, Axew, and Dratini.

    In which case, you can file a re-shuffle. Each player will be given two re-roll chances. If you use them all, and you still get stinky set of Pokemons to choose from, Sorry, but your luck just ran out.
    - You can post on your application your desired team, and I will do my best to fulfill that team.
    - Consider actually coming up with a strategy for this team. Later on in the RP, I might gather up all the players and some more trainers for a tournament, and having some strategy for your Pokemons will definitely put you in an upper position. At the very least, don't have six Bug types like some trainers do. (hint hint)
    - This is a casual RP. There is minimal "SAVE THE WORLD FROM EVIL" gimmick in this. If you want things to be comical, go ahead, we love to laugh.
    - As always, have fun.

    Application process

    Your application needs to have the following:

    Name: Name of the Character you will be using. Simple.
    Example: My character will be none other than Yuuka Kazami.

    Appearance: A link to a picture will do. Try not to post a full sized image. It might cause lag for those who use their phone to access the forum.
    *note: It might be best if you show the image of the Character where the Character is wearing what he/she/it will be wearing in the journey. If you can't find any, just explain it under this subject.

    Region: Which of the five (Don't want to deal with X/Y stuff) regions in Pokemon: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova, would you like your Character to be in? Give me a reason too. Example: I want Yuuka to be in Hoenn region, not only because of its' water biome and incredible town designs, but because of how familiar I am to this region compared to everywhere else.

    Personality: I wouldn't take emotionless for an answer by the way. This allows me to enrich the battles.
    Example: Yuuka looks intimidating on the outside, but she always has a soft side for companionship and tenderness.

    These are completely optional, but you can put them in as you please.

    Desired pokemon team: You can put down your entire desired team, or just give some ideas of what kind of Pokemon you would like to have. Would you like glass cannons? Mixed attackers? Would you like certain Pokemons? Note that I can't guarantee the team to be assembled as such.
    Example: I have my entire team assembled.
    *note: Legendaries in this will be laughed at and ignored.

    Fame: Do you want your Character to be celebrities, like Elesa from B/W? Or do you want your Character to be a hidden master, like Red from the 2nd gen? Whatever the case, put them here.
    Example: I want Yuuka to gradually gain fame as she battles and beats the gym leaders.

    Custom rivals: Do you want your Character to have a custom-made rivals if there are no other Characters in your region?

    Yeah, you really don't have to put a lot into this.

    If you have questions, post them in the OOC comment below.

    Thank you for considering!

    Current Accepted Application and Pokemon Teams:

    Name: Wriggle - Yuuka Kazami
    Region: Hoenn
    1. Lilac (Eevee) / Female / Level: 10 / Nature: Timid / Ability: Run Away
    Moves: Tackle / Tail Whip / Helping Hand / Sand Attack

    2. Kappa (Lotad) / Male / Level: 9 / Nature: Serious / Ability: Swift Swim
    Moves: Astonish / Growl / Absorb / Nature Power

    3. Fraxinella (Larvesta) / Female / Level: 10 / Nature: Calm / Ability: Flame Body
    Moves: Ember / String Shot / Leech Life

    Name: Kristia - Renamon
    Region: Sinnoh
    1. Diana (Combee) / Female / Level: 14 / Nature: Sassy / Ability: Honey Gather
    Moves: Gust / Sweet Scent / Bug Bite

    2. Rhea (Gastly) / Female / Level: 12 / Nature: Rash / Ability: Levitate
    Moves: Lick / Curse / Hypnosis / Mean Look

    Name: S121 (Pringles) - John
    Region: Sinnoh
    1. Aegis (Aron) / Male / Level: 14 / Nature: Adamant / Ability: Sturdy
    Moves: Headbutt / Harden / Mud-Slap / Metal Claw

    2. Staryu / Genderless / Level: 12 / Nature: Modest / Ability: Swift Swim
    Moves: Water Gun / Harden / Rapid Spin / Recover

    Name: Cucoo5 (Cuckoo) - Lyrica Prismriver
    Region: Johto
    1. Digsalot (Drilbur) / Male / Level: 7 / Nature: Docile / Ability: Sand Rush
    Moves: Scratch / Mud Sport / Rapid Spin

    2. Mystia (Pidgey) / Female / Level: 5 / Nature: Lonely / Ability: Keen Eye
    Moves: Tackle / Sand Attack

    Name: SUSTIC - Chung Seiker
    Region: Hoenn
    1. Sandbite (Sandile) / Male / Level: 7 / Nature: Jolly / Ability: Intimidate
    Moves: Leer / Rage / Bite

    2. Seedran (Seedot) / Female / Level: 4 / Nature: Mild / Ability: Chlorophyll
    Moves: Tackle / Harden / Bide

    Name: Mima - Koishi Komeiji
    Region: Sinnoh
    1. Snow (Snorunt) / Female / Level: 13 / Nature: Hardy / Ability: Inner Focus
    Moves: Icy Wind / Leer / Double Team / Bite

    2. Tenshi (Graveler) / Male / Level: 12 / Nature: Brave / Ability: Sand Veil
    Moves: Tackle / Harden / Rollout / Rock Polish

    3. Wiggly (Omanyte) / Male / Level: 12 / Nature: Lax / Ability: Shell Armor
    Moves: Constrict / Withdraw / Bite / Water Gun

    4. Kogasa (Gligar) / Female / Level: 13 / Nature: Impish / Ability: Hyper Cutter
    Moves: Poison Sting / Sand-Attack / Harden / Knock-Off

    Name: NeoFox - Hidden Phantom
    Region: Unova
    1. Stryke (Bagon) / Male / Level: 5 / Nature: Bold / Ability: Rock Head
    Moves: Rage / Bite

    Name: Mega134 - Dante
    Region: Johto
    1. Chronos (Piplup) / Male / Level: 5 / Nature: Serious / Ability: Torrent
    Moves: Tackle / Growl

    Name: Major Mario - Sherry Birkin
    Region: Hoenn
    1. Mac (Machop) / Male / Level: 10 / Nature: Impish / Ability: Guts
    Moves: Low Kick / Leer / Karate Chop

    2. Claire (Taillow) / Female / Level: 11 / Nature: Brave / Ability: Scrappy
    Moves: Peck / Growl / Focus Energy / Quick Attack

    3. Gregor (Joltik) / Male / Level: 9 / Nature: / Ability: Compoundeyes
    Moves: Leech Life / String Shot / Screech / Thunder Wave

    Name: Lord_Jacobus1 - Sekibanki
    Region: Unova
    1. Aurelia (Barboach) / Female / Level: 7 / Nature: Careful / Ability: Oblivious
    Moves: Mud Slap / Mud Sport / Water Sport

    Name: TossMan - Alfred Davis
    Region: Kanto
    1. Lappenchen (Shuppet) / Female / Level: 5 / Nature: Rash / Ability: Insomnia
    Moves: Knock Off / Screech
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 02-15-2014, 11:00 PM. Reason: Update #022

    Might as well send an application now or never

    Name: Renamon
    She was the first and my favorite. point.

    Appearance: Many of you should know the appearance of the fox.

    But due the fact that her only cover is fur, im adding clothes for her:
    Here she is in her normal attire
    poke rena.jpg

    And without the jacket (ignore the grey fur, her colors are the original)
    poke rena 2.jpg

    Region: I would like to start on Sinnoh, that region has a good variety in terms of elements, I know quite good information about its surroundings and poke. So yeah I hope it is possible (extra note, my favorite poke is there)

    Personality: Renamon is usually calm looking with her natural face, but in the inside, she cares deeply of her partners and the inoccent people. She tries to stop problems with speech first, but if she has to fight, a fight is possible too.

    Desired pokemon team: As I have formed my team since the begginings of the game, here they are:

    Nera: a Female Riolu that I hatched from an egg in my adventures and soon would become the lucario I always enjoy talking with.

    Gaspar: a Male Haunter found in an abandoned house in the forest, he is a mischevious prankster by nature

    Celia: a Female Gardevoir that has experience of age, acting more as an advisor, but can also give a good fight

    Lina: A female Frosslass that acts as a lady, but can become a tsundere if teased, mostly by Gaspar

    Aro: A male Swampert who is like a sailor enjoying the peace time and a hell of a tank guy, he is scared of reduced spaces

    note: they can all go down to the child version of their evolutionary cycle if needed

    Fame: Renamon is a starter, but I think since she isn´t exactly a human, the gossip of a bipedal fox trainer may occur during her adventure

    Custom rivals: If no one appears in Sinnoh, a rival would be good, who can it be? that is the correct question
    Last edited by Kristia; 10-16-2013, 01:35 AM.
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Sinnoh it is then.

      From the random pokemon generation, you have the choice of:

      Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokemon

      Sigilyph, the Avianoid Pokemon

      Mudkip, the Mud Fish Pokemon


        Can´t believe im saying this.. but re roll >_<
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          You have one re-roll left. You have:

          Pidove, the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon

          Magnemite, the Magnet Pokemon

          Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon

          You had a Mudkip up though.


            @ Wriggle

            What's a good site that lists all the pokemon w/ pictures?

            Long ago I once made a team of pokemon...I just can't remember them...and I don't even think it was effective. I went off of "what looked cute/awesome" cause I don't like a lot of the ways pokemon look...And I think I might have looked at the...uhm to use a Fire Emblem term: Element triangle.

            I have a very basic understanding of pokemon from Touhoumon =w=; combined with the old childhood memories of watching the tv series when it was the 1st season.

            EDIT: I forget often times the power of google. found a list


              You can always go to for the entire list, and then go to Bulbapedia for more stats.

              Even if you don't have a designated team ready, I can always make a plausible one for you (I go to tournies and stuff.)


                and re roll again, Im in a good rush of airheadness
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Heck, might as well.

                  I have some funny situations in mind.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    You have no reroll left. You have: (and I wouldn't type out their dex and image cuz im on my phone now)

                    Combee Ditto and Munna

                    File your application in.


                      I already know the answer but do I have the choice of gender?
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        You have.

                        One thing I'd recommend (and what you will do probably) is to pick up Munna and replace Gardevoir with Musharna.


                          Just temporary list of all the Pokémon I like the look of...



















                          other than that I'm kinda clueless on how to build the right kind of team. Need one of each element right?


                            Actually im selecting a female combee

                            why? there is always something good on the insects from time to time, I barely know about Unova (no offense) im more as a story than stats sadly, yet I managed to beat the game

                            So female combee with her name called Diana
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Combee it is then. Enjoy your Vespiquen, it's a good bug pokemon. Not the best, but unique and strategically good.

                              Make an application first. Then we shall talk.

                              Oh and for those of you who's wondering

                              I'm not taking any OCs.

