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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    What did I do to poor Kiara for rooms
    It's a room near the nurse office, right?



      Since I'm rooming alone, instead of using a bed, can I use a hammock? Zero can sleep better on a hammock than a bed and he has back issues (reveal the reason why later on in RP).
      "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


        Feedback time!

        How is he?

        Name: Azeruk Zakeru

        Race: Human

        Age: 20

        Bio: Azeruk has no idea who his parents are, or even his name. Because of that he simply gave himself a name: Azeruk Zakeru. The only thing Azeruk knows is that his parents seemed to be either assassins, battlemages, or some other form of combat mage, based on the blades he found in the abandoned, destroyed house he woke up in. Ever since then, Azeruk has been trying to find out who he is, and how he sees it, learning how to better use his abilities will help him in his future travels. As time went on, Azeruk trained by himself and with various teachers from dawn until dusk, training tirelessly until he became very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, swordfighting, and magic use. Of course, after a while, the teachers had nothing left to teach him, which left him with little meaning left in his life. Looking for the next opportunity, Azeruk learned about Trinity Soul, a school where masters of magic train students to become better. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, Azeruk packed his belongings and made his way towards Trinity Soul.

        Gender: Male

        Element/and or type of magic: Light. Unlike most of the other students, Azeruk is quite skilled with his ability to control light, due to him training extensively with it. He can absorb light, store it, fire lasers, orbs, and can imbue himself and his weapons with light. More often than not, the area around Azeruk seems to always be darker than the rest of the area outside of his influence. This is because more often than not, Azeruk is absorbing the light around him for later. This is quite taxing for him, but he does it so that he can get better.

        Luggage: A large duffle bag full of swords, knives, and various other blades, along with some clothes.

        Appearance: Azeruk's has small enchanted metal plates inside of the torso and shoulder parts of his clothes, giving his vital organs protection from various types of damage and magic. He is 6'2'' and weighs 190 lbs.

        Why did you come to the University?: Azeruk came to the university to become a master of light.

        Personality: Azeruk is very, very serious about his training, and more often than not, will be doing something that will have to do with it. He is mostly a loner and is not very tolerant towards people that are foolhardy, and incompetent. He does not suffer fools lightly, and will tell you so if you get on his nerves. Of course, that does not mean that he is completely unpleasant. He sometimes helps others, and does have a little bit of a sense of humor, even if he doesn't show it. Since his light magic is the only thing he identifies with, it has become his purpose. In the end, he is a talented light mage, but is wound tighter than most people would care to deal with.

        Other: He knows the sub-types of light magic, but he's not a master at them. because of the fact that he knows more than the other students, it will take a longer amount of time before he will get better at using his magic. Also, he doesn't know about his past, but he will begin to remember, depending on what happens, along with how others interact with him.
        Last edited by S121; 02-19-2014, 05:58 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          Uh... sure? He can probably purchase or make one for his room.

          Also I'm off for the night everyone. DON'T take control of ANY of the staff members. That means no control over the Headmaster, Nurse Hanna, or the teachers please. In fact it will basically be like this RP will be on pause until I get back later tonight.


            Yea. I just found a charger so yea... But jolly good that'll do. I'm leaving in a few.


              In the spirit of my avatar being Big Boss and wonderweiss being above me, I'm going to make a vampire character for this RP because vampires are mostly cool.

              Question: what is the current male to female ratio in regards to the playbase? As in, how many player-controlled females are there, and how many player-controlled males are there?


                Umm... Honestly I'd say they're evenly rationed out, but that's just a guess. I'd say there are more guys.



                  Here's an updated list of all the RPers and characters.

                  Katrix - Spira

                  SUSTIC - Andrew Smith and Kaname

                  Cucoo5 - Kiara Aquala

                  TRXD - Trista Soul

                  Zekai - Zero Zekai

                  S121 - Jason Stone and Azeruk Kazeru (Possible. Unconfirmed)

                  WriggleRid3r - Aeneas Pactos, Huang Sha Yun, and Lynne Rousseau

                  NeoFox - Jessica Dragonheat

                  wonderweiss - Ystmurra "Allen"

                  bookdragon2000 - Akasaka Kage

                  That would mean that there is an exact 50/50 ratio, if you count Azeruk.

                  Wow, I never noticed that. 0_0
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Name: Sarah Hunnigan

                    Race: Vampire

                    Age: 20 years old.

                    Bio: The Hunnigans are a new family of vampires that have arisen in Scotland over two-hundred years ago with roots in the far-eastern Harukaze family. While their exploits are few, whatever infamy the state of being vampires brings is shadowed by the good deeds and courteousness of the Hunnigans. Sarah was born into the family to a Leon and Sylvia Hunnigan, healthy and energetic. She grew up in her family's lands, never straying too far from home unless curiosity got the better of her or her parents took her for a walk under darkened skies. The vampire family never made it a point to interact with humanity, whether they knew of what they did with magic or they had some premonition, but it never stopped them from helping the occasional traveler or tourist who lost their way. Sarah desired to interact with humans as well as others of her own kind, and when she realized she could control bits and specks of dark energy, she held another desire to improve on her skills.

                    At first, her parents denied her request to leave the country for magical training. They were only looking out for her wellbeing, and her status as a vampire would pose as a problem to humans, given that vampires tended to feed upon them. But Sarah was persistent in her desires, and with her father's stubbornness coursing through her veins, the young vampire wouldn't take no for an answer. Eventually members of the family decided amongst themselves and decided that nothing worth mentioning was accomplished by huddling in dark castles. Sarah would be sent to Trinity Soul University to train her magical talents and receive a proper education. She would be the first family member to attend, and she had a lot to live up to.

                    Gender: Female

                    Element/Type of Magic: Dark Magic, although she tends to employ it for defensive and buffing purposes. For example, Sarah would aspire to merge darkness into materials for protection or support like hovering shields or harmless orbs to distract others.

                    Luggage: A week's worth of blood stored safely in a vial case, a couple books on human colloquialisms and cuisine, magic pamphlets, clothes, shoes, notebooks and pens, a few assorted snacks, etc., and a training staff created by Sarah's mother.


                    WITH REDDER HAIR AND EYES

                    Why did you come to the University?: I suppose I should be frank here. I want to learn how to better control my inborn magical powers and help those who need assistance by utilizing my skills. I would like to learn and test the capabilities of dark magic, mainly not to harm, but to protect or support. If I can reflect light as well as the elder vampires, gathering blood will be much easier for me.

                    Personality: Sarah isn't the typical broody vampire that has been depicted to humanity since the late 1700s. Gregarious, blunt, friendly, and enthusiastic, Sarah prefers to be in the company of her friends and loved ones. While she loves to tell tales and offer jokes, she is neither boastful nor arrogant. She can be slow to catch things as they come at her, like ideas and suggestions, and she can be surprisingly stubborn when it comes to changing things.

                    Other: KRIEG!!! But in all seriousness, being out in direct sunlight puts a strain on Sarah. She'll feel weak, and she won't be able to perform magic as well as she would if she was indoors.

                    Suggestions: None
                    Last edited by Major Mario; 01-14-2014, 12:01 AM.



                      KIARA'S NEW BFF~

                      Ahem- anyway I meant to say that I see a mutual friendship among Kiara as a medical student and Sarah


                        Ah, to hell with it, i'll join the RP.

                        Name: Soane

                        Race: Vampire

                        Age: Unknown, though she looks around 19

                        Bio: Soane originally was part of a rich family of vampires, who gained their money and fame through blackmail, threats, and backstabbing. When Soane was only a toddler, a rival family had enough of them. Hundreds of people stormed the family's mansion and the parents sent their head maid to get her away, sending along with them a magical statue of a panther which could summon a panther known as Guen as a guardian. The head maid and Soane escaped, but the parents died, and the mansion burned to nothing but cinders.

                        Eventually the maid led her to an uncle of the family, a master swordsman. There, Soane lived a decent life, training in the ways of her uncle. She grew to an equal skill to the uncle, and even beat him in combat. Then, the uncle died of old age, due to him not being a vampire like the rest of the family. Soane herself inherited the house, but later moved out, looking for something new to enjoy in her oddly simple life.

                        Gender: Female

                        What Element/and or type of magic: Wind

                        Luggage: A pair of scimitars, a refilling vial of blood, and an almost indestructable onyx figurine of a panther, from which she can call Guen, along with

                        Appearance: Soane has long black hair, going down to her waist. Her skin is somewhat pale and her eyes are red. She wears a trenchcoat with armor hidden underneath, and wears combat boots. She also has a belt which holds her schimitars and panther figurine.

                        Why did you come to the University?: Moved out, discovered I have a little bit of magical abilities, so I applied so I can see if I can become more powerful with those abilities.

                        Personality: Despite her skill with swords, she's actually quite laid back, though she doesn't talk to many people except her panther. She's not one to gloat, and would rather be near the back end of the class than the front. she has an observant eye quick to catch the slightest mistake, and due to this, will try, try, and try again to get something right. But, if it comes down to it and she warms up to you, she can be quite caring and sweet, though she knows her limits.

                        Other: Though she is a very experienced swordsman, she doesn't pick fights unless someone attacks her first.
                        Last edited by Koishi; 01-14-2014, 04:48 PM.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          KIARA'S SECOND NEW BFF~
                          ....same reason with major's vampire. >w>;


                            Hmm so many vampires running amock...

                            I guess it's time for some Vampire hunting, eh?



                              Need to get past the friendly ghoul before you can harm them

                              WARNING: PRETTY CREEPY.


                                Originally posted by S121 View Post
                                Feedback time!

                                How is he?

                                Name: Azeruk Zakeru

                                Race: Human

                                Age: 20

                                Bio: Azeruk has no idea who his parents are, or even his name. Because of that he simply gave himself a name: Azeruk Zakeru. The only thing Azeruk knows is that his parents seemed to be either assassins, battlemages, or some other form of combat mage, based on the blades he found in the abandoned, destroyed house he woke up in. Ever since then, Azeruk has been trying to find out who he is, and how he sees it, learning how to better use his abilities will help him in his future travels. As time went on, Azeruk trained by himself and with various teachers from dawn until dusk, training tirelessly until he became very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, swordfighting, and magic use. Of course, after a while, the teachers had nothing left to teach him, which left him with little meaning left in his life. Looking for the next opportunity, Azeruk learned about Trinity Soul, a school where masters of magic train students to become better. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, Azeruk packed his belongings and made his way towards Trinity Soul.

                                Gender: Male

                                Element/and or type of magic: Light. Unlike most of the other students, Azeruk is quite skilled with his ability to control light, due to him training extensively with it. He can absorb light, store it, fire lasers, orbs, and can imbue himself and his weapons with light. More often than not, the area around Azeruk seems to always be darker than the rest of the area outside of his influence. This is because more often than not, Azeruk is absorbing the light around him for later. This is quite taxing for him, but he does it so that he can get better.

                                Luggage: A large duffle bag full of swords, knives, and various other blades, along with some clothes.

                                Appearance: Azeruk's has small enchanted metal plates inside of the torso and shoulder parts of his clothes, giving his vital organs protection from various types of damage and magic.


                                Why did you come to the University?: Azeruk came to the university to become a master of light.

                                Personality: Azeruk is very, very serious about his training, and more often than not, will be doing something that will have to do with it. He is mostly a loner and is not very tolerant towards people that are foolhardy, and incompetent. He does not suffer fools lightly, and will tell you so if you get on his nerves. Of course, that does not mean that he is completely unpleasant. He sometimes helps others, and does have a little bit of a sense of humor, even if he doesn't show it. Since his light magic is the only thing he identifies with, it has become his purpose. In the end, he is a talented light mage, but is wound tighter than most people would care to deal with.

                                Other: He knows the sub-types of light magic, but he's not a master at them. because of the fact that he knows more than the other students, it will take a longer amount of time before he will get better at using his magic.

                                I don't see much wrong with him. I'd say he is accepted S1... just... be careful with all those sharp and pointy blades xD.

                                Originally posted by Major Mario View Post
                                Name: Sarah Hunnigan

                                Race: Vampire

                                Age: 20 years old.

                                Bio: The Hunnigans are a new family of vampires that have arisen in Scotland over two-hundred years ago with roots in the far-eastern Harukaze family. While their exploits are few, whatever infamy the state of being vampires brings is shadowed by the good deeds and courteousness of the Hunnigans. Sarah was born into the family to a Leon and Sylvia Hunnigan, healthy and energetic. She grew up in her family's lands, never straying too far from home unless curiosity got the better of her or her parents took her for a walk under darkened skies. The vampire family never made it a point to interact with humanity, whether they knew of what they did with magic or they had some premonition, but it never stopped them from helping the occasional traveler or tourist who lost their way. Sarah desired to interact with humans as well as others of her own kind, and when she realized she could control bits and specks of dark energy, she held another desire to improve on her skills.

                                At first, her parents denied her request to leave the country for magical training. They were only looking out for her wellbeing, and her status as a vampire would pose as a problem to humans, given that vampires tended to feed upon them. But Sarah was persistent in her desires, and with her father's stubbornness coursing through her veins, the young vampire wouldn't take no for an answer. Eventually members of the family decided amongst themselves and decided that nothing worth mentioning was accomplished by huddling in dark castles. Sarah would be sent to Trinity Soul University to train her magical talents and receive a proper education. She would be the first family member to attend, and she had a lot to live up to.

                                Gender: Female

                                Element/Type of Magic: Dark Magic, although she tends to employ it for defensive and buffing purposes. For example, Sarah would aspire to merge darkness into materials for protection or support like hovering shields or harmless orbs to distract others.

                                Luggage: A week's worth of blood stored safely in a vial case, a couple books on human colloquialisms and cuisine, magic pamphlets, clothes, shoes, notebooks and pens, a few assorted snacks, etc., and a training staff created by Sarah's mother.


                                WITH REDDER HAIR AND EYES

                                Why did you come to the University?: I suppose I should be frank here. I want to learn how to better control my inborn magical powers and help those who need assistance by utilizing my skills. I would like to learn and test the capabilities of dark magic, mainly not to harm, but to protect or support. If I can reflect light as well as the elder vampires, gathering blood will be much easier for me.

                                Personality: Sarah isn't the typical broody vampire that has been depicted to humanity since the late 1700s. Gregarious, blunt, friendly, and enthusiastic, Sarah prefers to be in the company of her friends and loved ones. While she loves to tell tales and offer jokes, she is neither boastful nor arrogant. She can be slow to catch things as they come at her, like ideas and suggestions, and she can be surprisingly stubborn when it comes to changing things.

                                Other: KRIEG!!! But in all seriousness, being out in direct sunlight puts a strain on Sarah. She'll feel weak, and she won't be able to perform magic as well as she would if she was indoors.

                                Suggestions: None

                                As expected for some reason I see currently nothing wrong with this application Major. Accepted.

                                Originally posted by Mima View Post
                                Ah, to hell with it, i'll join the RP.

                                Name: Soane

                                Race: Vampire

                                Age: Unknown, though she looks around 19

                                Bio: Soane originally was part of a rich family of vampires, who gained their money and fame through blackmail, threats, and backstabbing. When Soane was only a toddler, a rival family had enough of them. Hundreds of people stormed the family's mansion and the parents sent their head maid to get her away, sending along with them a magical statue of a panther which could summon a panther known as Guen as a guardian. The head maid and Soane escaped, but the parents died, and the mansion burned to nothing but cinders.

                                Eventually the maid led her to an uncle of the family, a master swordsman. There, Soane lived a decent life, training in the ways of her uncle. She grew to an equal skill to the uncle, and even beat him in combat. Then, the uncle died of old age, due to him not being a vampire like the rest of the family. Soane herself inherited the house, but later moved out, looking for something new to enjoy in her oddly simple life.

                                Gender: Female

                                What Element/and or type of magic: Wind

                                Luggage: A pair of scimitars, a refilling vial of blood, and an almost indestructable onyx figurine of a panther, from which she can call Guen, along with

                                Appearance: Soane has long black hair, going down to her waist. Her skin is somewhat pale and her eyes are red. She wears a trenchcoat with armor hidden underneath, and wears combat boots. She also has a belt which holds her schimitars and panther figurine.

                                Why did you come to the University?: Moved out, discovered I have a little bit of magical abilities, so I applied so I can see if I can become more powerful with those abilities.

                                Personality: Despite her skill with swords, she's actually quite laid back, though she doesn't talk to many people except her panther. She's not one to gloat, and would rather be near the back end of the class than the front. she has an observant eye quick to catch the slightest mistake, and due to this, will try, try, and try again to get something right. But, if it comes down to it and she warms up to you, she can be quite caring and sweet, though she knows her limits.

                                Okay just asking a few questions here... how strong is the panther guardian, how skilled is she with a sword, and how does she prefer to use wind magic (be creative with this one)?

