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    For the sake of Mythology:

    Name: Skin Walkers

    Height can often vary. As well as what kind of animal pelt they are wearing.

    Classification: Creature

    Threat Level: 4-6

    Origin/Country of Origin: Navajo mythology

    Skin Walkers are considered and believed to be witches of Navajo tribes, that has obtained the ability to change it's shape into that of various animals. Usually often coyotes, but possibly can change into mountain lions, bears, owls/hawks, or deer. However some stories report that skinwalkers can usually transform into any animal as long as they have the pelt or remains (like say a necklace made of the bones of a hawk, or a mountain lion skin.) Although a skin-walker is most frequently seen as a coyote, wolf, fox, eagle, owl, or crow, the Yee Naaldlooshii is said to have the power to assume the form of any animal they choose, a decision based on what specific abilities are needed. For example, a skin-walker may use a bird form for expedient travel in pursuit, escape, or otherwise. Some Navajo also believe that skin-walkers have the ability to steal the face of a person. The Navajo believe that if you ever lock eyes with a skin-walker, they can absorb themselves into your body. Alternately, some Navajos believe that if you make eye contact with a skin-walker, your body will freeze up with fear, and the skin-walker will use that fear to gain power and energy.

    Some say skin-walkers can have the power to read human's thoughts. They also possess the ability to make any human or animal noise they choose, regardless of their current form. A skin-walker may use the voice of a relative or the cry of an infant to lure victims out of the safety of their homes, since a skin-walker cannot enter an inhabited home without invitation, similar to vampires.

    Original Myth/Backstory:

    The Navajo have some of the most well documented, and arguably some of the most interesting lore surrounding skin-walkers.

    The ’ánt’įįhnii(practitioners of witchery) are people who have received supernatural power by breaking a cultural taboo. Upon initiation of ’ánt’įįhnii, a person is said to gain the power to become a yee naaldlooshii(which means "with it, he goes on all fours" in the Navajo language). This is done via a dance/song ceremony used to curse instead of to heal. Although both men and women can become ’ánt’įįhnii, men are more commonly initiated. It is generally thought that only childless women can become witches. Not every witch is a skin walker, but every skin walker is a witch.

    In some stories, people who have attained the highest rank are called

    clizyati, which means pure evil. This can be achieved by killing a close blood relative, incest, necrophilia, or other culturally taboo and evil acts. Upon completing one or more of these acts is said to destroy their humanity and allow them to become fully initiated in the way of witchery.


    Skin Walkers can often be spotted and singled out from other people, because their eyes glow like an animal's in the dark, sometimes even more so, even in human form. In animal form they can be spotted by moving stiffly and unnaturally, or acting strangely.

    Along with this, the fact that they are unable to enter an inhabited home without being invited is another possible way to deal with a Skin Walker should you grow paranoid of being possibly hunted by one. As you can probably hide in your home and not answer the door unless you are SURE that the person knocking is someone you trust.

    Skin Walkers aren't also that common in the southern states and are more around the western/mid-western United States. As such most people in the eastern states are typically safe from them. Even then Skin Walkers, though they hate humanity, they tend not to directly interact with humans unless they have good reason to, and as such will most likely leave you alone or try and use their trickery to lead you away from them. However this isn't a guarantee. As Skin Walkers are as intelligent as humans, and evil with the power of traditional Native American style witchcraft. So they can just be after you for various reasons whether you pissed them off or not. Either because they need something from you, or they are just doing it for the sake of their own personal entertainment.

    Lastly... Skin Walkers are kinda just humans with shapeshifting powers. As such they are quite vulnerable to harm. Gun shots and even stabbing them will visibly effect one and possibly ward them off for a while. Granted they will probably heal from it faster than a normal human. Causing them too much damage can actually end up killing them. For example if you shoot or stab a skin walker enough they can bleed out and possibly die. They can die by destroying their brain (like by beheading), and they can potentially drown to death should they be unable to shift into an animal that can breathe underwater.

    Skin Walkers, due to their evil nature and their practices of witchcraft. Symbols of a holy presence can probably ward them and keep them at bay. Items such as a cross, and even 'sacred' locations like Churches are places that Skin Walkers might actively try to avoid.

    When it comes to harming them, it might be best to try and use weapons laced or flat out made with silver just in case. As Silver is often used as the go-to for most supernatural shapeshifters. Also a stake or any sharp object through the heart might be enough.

    You also might be able to save your own skin as remember. Skin Walkers are Navajo witches practically. They are intelligent. So you may actually be able to strike up a deal with them to save your own hide, in return you give them something of importance to you... Or you just end up doing a 'favor' for them. But you also must remember. Skin Walkers are REALLY tricky. So even if you do strike up a deal, there is a chance that they may not be keeping their end of the bargain and kill you or curse you anyways after you fulfill your end of the deal.


    I'm mainly making this for the roster of supernatural beings. Just to help Lily out a bit.
    Last edited by SUSTIC; 04-03-2017, 10:58 PM.


      I finished my thingy I just made.

      It is a thingy. A thingy thing thingy.


        One more for a more... peaceful creature, and also just because.


        Name: Sasquatch. Or more commonly called... Bigfoot.

        Is reported to stand at around 8 ft - 12 feet tall. Hair/fur coloration ranges from blacks to browns.

        Classification: Creature

        Threat Level: 1-4. Bigfoot is a lot like a common animal with nothing supernatural. Is often territorial, but often leaves you alone and tries to avoid contact with people. Though curiosity on it's part, and curiosity and accidental trespassing into it's territory on the part of humans has caused a few run ins over the years. It might attack like any other animal when cornered, and when it does it could possibly kill a man as it is larger... and stronger than a human. It also is a bit smarter, possibly along the lines of very early man. So approach with some caution.

        Origin/Country of Origin: North America. Though sightings of very similar creatures have been seen worldwide. Usually in areas with vast forests where it can hide and live in relative peace.


        Sasquatch or 'Bigfoot' is a large, possibly primeape in origin creature. With it's hulking size it is honestly quite formidable and even intimidating beast. For good reason too, as it has been recorded to have quite an impressive amount of physical strength. Enough to bend over and break rather large branches with ease. Possibly even has the strength to break a humans bones if not careful. It also possibly has better vision, or vision good enough to help see at night as some sightings have been reported at night in the dark so it might just be nocturnal.

        Also due to it's size, and the length of it's legs it has been reported to be quite fast. Not super human fast, but quick enough to get out of sight rather quickly. Or at least able to outrun an average human due to it's gait (manner of walking.) Combined with how it's been living in the wild for most of (if not all of) it's life, and it's hulking size. It makes it hard to keep up with when in the middle of the vast forests where it's said to inhabit. On top of that it's fur/hair coloration of browns and blacks can sometimes make it blend in with the trees at times, especially during the night.

        As a primeape, or at the least a distant relative of one. Has a enough intelligence to make simple shelters out of large branches, dried grass, leaves, and other things. It's also naturally curious and often tries to stay out of sight. Probably having learned that humans can be quite dangerous.

        Original Myth/Backstory:
        Everyone knows the story of Sasquatch. The large hairy, big footed beast (or rather family of beasts) has been reported to be seen for decades if not centuries by hunters, farmers, and well... people in general all over the Pacific Northwest of North America. Sasquatch is the name that certain Native American tribes have reportedly given this mythical beast.

        Over the ages there have been many sightings and documentations of 'Wild Men' or hairy ape-like creatures throughout the Pacific Northwest, all commonly thought to be Sasquatch, or rather... related to sasquatch. From casts of supposed footprints of the beast, to photographs and even on the occasion footage of the creature, there is no doubt that Sasquatch is one of the most infamous Cryptids of North America. Almost every state in the US has some sort of variant of Bigfoot. Ranging from the rather hostile version known as Momo from the state of Missouri, to the Ohio Grassman, all of which have similarities. Although there have been many hoaxes of the creature, the mystery still remains. All in all... Bigfoot just wants to be left alone.

        Bigfoot/Sasquatch is... not really supernatural in any way, shape, or form really. It's often described as being just like any ordinary animal... just... that it's a large primeape that can probably break your bones if you piss it off too much. However this means that it is also quite vulnerable. Most natural means can possibly kill it, and some reports have people claiming they shot the beast and (in god knows how many reports), have killed one. So it's a safe bet a good fashioned hunting rifle, and good aim is one of the only things you'd need should you find yourself face-to-face with one. As any conventional weapon should be able to hurt it. However you still might want to be careful, as it is said to be quite a lot harder to put down than any ol' dear.

        Aside from that... Bigfoot is often... harmless really. Yeah it's an animal, but it's also intelligent and tries to stay away from people as often as it can. Though it's own curiosity along with people trespassing onto it's 'territory' will cause some encounters usually. However in the event you do wander into it's territory it often won't actually attack you. You might hear loud howls/roars that sound... not like any normal animal that you'd expect to hear in the forests. Usually described as a mix between a human yelling, mixed with some kind of strange howl to it. With often it getting more defensive by throwing things at you like pine cones, and ROCKS (which with it's strength it can throw some pretty decently big ones that would hurt if you got hit by one) until you leave it's territory. However oftentimes it's peaceful, and most interactions are often it and a person bumping into each other before it just... wanders off. Some stories and legends say that a hunter would end up getting saved by the creature in some way shape or form. However that's usually just legend.

        It's also often described as an omnivore, but prefers to eat things like wild berries, fruits, fish, and usually even food accidentally left out by campers. In fact some encounters have been caused by it searching through someone's garbage cans. Usually look for food or something. So it's not like it'll actually attack and try to kill you and eat you. However that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful.

        All in all Bigfoot is often harmless, and usually doesn't harm humans and tries to stay away from people. However pissing it off too much (by going too far into it's territory, or cornering it in some way) might cause it to attack in self-defense or in an attempt to say 'get the fuck off my land.'


        It is also the mascot for a brand of beef jerky. So as a note, do not try to prank Sasquatch. As Messin' with Sasquatch ish bad.


          @Sustic both of them are accepted and now, as some of you have been REALLY waiting for

          "If I cut the strings that held me hostage would i fall and shatter?"




              Thunderbirds OP. Pls Nerf.

              Name: Thunderbird


              Classification: Creature/Deity

              Threat Level: 9 (Not hostile, however it’s abilities alone make it incredibly dangerous, capable of felling even the toughest foes in a single hit.)

              Origin/Country of Origin: North America

              Abilities: Ability to conjure thunderstorms, lightning, flooding, and various other weather phenomenon. Can cause life to bloom and spring to life simply from it's presence.

              Can fire lightning from their eyes. Yes, I'm serious.

              Can see through any object with a glance. Meaning one cannot hide from a Thunderbird.

              It can seemingly take human form, usually using it’s own feathers as clothing. While in human form, it has a small club which can, and I quote “never fails to kill anyone against whom it is swung”. Meaning, for lack of a better term, it can kill anything, if it wants to and it can reasonably hit it.

              Original Myth/Backstory: The Thunderbird is said be a being of great power and strength, revered by many Native American tribes. It is described as a gigantic eagle-like bird, one with wings powerful enough to cause thunder and lightning.

              It’s said that it’s appearance brings not only devastating storms, but also a great celebration of life, which many believe coincides with the appearance of spring. They can cause great destruction and flooding, but also seed and bloom life around them, all as they wish.

              There are several interpretations on it’s purpose. One says it is a god of the skies, controlling the overworld. Others speak of how it is the messenger of the sun, and controls rains along with controlling and devouring giant horned snakes known as Misikinubik. Others believe that it serves the purpose of fighting great underwater spirits and punishes humans who have broken rules on morality.

              Weakness/Weaknesses: Nobody has actually gotten into a fight with a Thunderbird and lived, as they are highly revered and respected creatures, considered as gods in animal form, and due to this, incredibly dangerous if provoked.

              It is said one can drive a Thunderbird away with fervent prayer and offerings to it. It does not exactly matter what you offer, but that you do it with firm belief and respect towards the creature and the land that you stand on.

              Another notable thing is that while intelligent, they are slow-witted and culturally backwards, considering humans as very, very clever creatures. Meaning, while dangerous, they can be tricked or fooled quite easily.

              Other: Other notable facts include:

              It is large enough to hunt and devour whales.

              It does not have just a beak, but series of serrated teeth inside as well. It can seemingly launch these as lightning-bolts, if it wants to.

              One can ask for things from the Thunderbirds. These can range from rainstorms, blessings and luck in battle, visions of the future, and so on. They will usually take raw tobacco or beaver meat and pelts as acceptable offerings.

              Apparently, they can eat through their lightning. For example, if a field of maize was struck by lightning, the maize and that around it would be considered "eaten".

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                @Koish Mainly because it isn't very hostile by nature I would accept it, I just would put a small rule that it can only be used 10 times in the whole rp for how strong It is.
                "If I cut the strings that held me hostage would i fall and shatter?"


                  THIS. IS. DONE.


                  Name: Original name was Johnathan Smith. However he had changed his name recently to Jacob Smithson
                  Age: 33


                  He stands at 6ft 1. Underneath his coat he seems to wear a black suit, white undershirt, with a blue necktie. When it comes to pants he wears brown slacks, with oddly some durable black boots. He also often has a holster on the right side of his pants which he uses to hold his sidearm.

                  Personality: Acutulus Flame: Johnathan or 'John' for short is the current Acutulus flame, and as such he is a surprisingly calm individual who often keeps his cool in most situations. Hell even when he was much younger he wasn't always that... hyperactive. He was usually a well behaved child all through his life, and it just seemed to become more prominent when he became 12 years old. As a person he never lashes out, as even when angry, depressed, or even scared he'll always managed to calm down enough to have a clear head. He never is really angry all the time. Just... calm. People describe him often as not a grumpy guy. Just a sensible, calm, and often reasonable authority figure at times.

                  When scared yes he'll jump and even get scared, but he'll be sure to try and keep as calm as he can be. Which makes him often work best when under pressure compared to others. It was this reason that he was often put in charge of many investigations back in his home city. Other than that he's also quite a smart man, who often tries to figure out things in more sensible way. He's also never the first to pull the trigger in a situation that calls him to use his gun.


                  Johnathan Smith was born as the older brother of two siblings in a small town in the state of Michigan. Growing up was kinda... quiet and honestly peaceful during his families early years. When he was young his father was a police officer in the city's police force. This wasn't normally a big deal to most, but to young little Johnny the big police officer that was Henry Smith was honestly quite an inspiration. Johnathan looked up to his Father, who in the Police force was honestly quite high up in rank. Considered the police chief's right hand man. His father was honest, respectful, and a good person in general...

                  For his younger brother however things were different. Daniel 'Danny' Smith of whom was around 4 years younger than Johnathanwas different. Little Danny was more curious, and after hearing some spooky ghost stories from his friends, Danny grew interested in the paranormal. Of which Johnathan never really cared and even dismissed it as 'stupid and dumb'. While their parents were indifferent to it.

                  Over the years Johnny was often the one who never got in trouble, while Danny was the one who got in trouble often as he was often caught sneaking out well past his curfew to go hang out with his friends at cemetaries or out in the woods. Only to get dragged and scolded by Ol' Daddy Smith come midnight. It was due to Danny always getting in trouble that their father told Johnathan to keep an eye out for his younger brother. Their father flat out told Johnny often that he was going to become responsible for his brother one day. Johnathan, who clearly looked up to his father who was the 'best police officer ever' in his eyes, listened to his father's orders to look after his brother. From that day onward Johnny was often slowly becoming the one to get Danny out of trouble...

                  Things grew worse on Johnathan's 12 birthday. In the middle of his son's birthday party, Henry Smith suddenly got called in because of a major incident down at the bank involving some robbers holding people at gunpoint. Despite Johnathan's reluctance to let his father go, he realized that it was more important for his father to go and potentially save lives rather than be there for his birthday. As such he let his father go handle things...

                  Henry Smith did not come home that night.

                  Word quickly spread that his father was shot dead when a firefight broke out between law enforcement and the group of thugs who were robbing the local bank... Henry's family did not react well to it. Danny and their mother was mourning. While Johnathan was beginning to mourn... but in quiet. For some reason he didn't feel like crying. Rather he was just... missing his father. Yet remembering all the fond memories of his father. Johnathan was the most calm out of his family during this dark time. Much to the confusion to his mother who was clearly confused, yet proud that he was managing to keep a clear head and not be dwelling on the sadness of his father's death. After all the believe firmly that Henry Smith had went off to a far better place...

                  Then the years began to go by. Middle school and highschool was pretty smooth for him growing up surprisingly. Not so much Danny who was often getting rather poor grades...

                  By the time it was ready for Johnathan to start thinking about a career choice, he was beginning to get some ideas in his head already. He was thinking... maybe he should become a member of Law Enforcement himself. Much like his father. In fact thinking about it made him want to become a Police officer more and more as he thought that it would make his father proud if he followed in his footsteps. As such he went to a police academy after he finished a total of 3 years of college.

                  The Police Academy was... tougher for him though. Yes he was doing... well enough, and he did eventually become a police officer just like his father. However after many tasks and calls he was beginning to... handle things in far different ways. He often never drew his firearm out at somebody and was always calm. Not only that be he had a keen eye, and often settled things like a well... detective almost. Soon... he decided to try and shift proffessions a little. He learned that if he filled out a written test, and did some more training for the task. He could become a Private Investigator for the city... and so he did.

                  After more training and a written test, he was able to get the job as a private investigator. A job that payed quite well. He was given all the things he would need for the job. A year later though Danny, who had dropped out of highschool about 2 years prior, and Johnathan had found out their mother developed a tumor in her brain. It was serious enough to warrant emergency surgery to get it removed... which unfortunately did not end well...

                  It was at this point in time that Johnathan and Danny were not left without a job. Johnathan was around 27 at this time, and Danny 23 when their mother had passed away. Both brothers were distraught over their mother's passing, but Johnathan wasn't entirely worried about what their future had in store for him. Rather he was more worried about his brother's fate. As his father's words all those years ago about how he would be responsible for Danny one day rang through Johnathan's mind. As such Johnathan's first course of action was to find a new place for him and his brother, which thankfully he was able to find a decently good home for himself and Danny. A home that was still inside the same city that they grew up in, but was a bit closer to the wilderness. All the while his brother was beginning to dabble in the occult once again. With things like Ouiji Boards and other things. Deep down Danny wanted to try and contact the spirits of their parents, which Johnathan was highly skeptical of... but decided not to interrupt his brother as it was at the least distracting him and giving his brother something to do while Johnathan himself went out for sometimes a few days at a time for work.

                  One day though when Johnathan had gone out to investigate a case that would take all night, his brother found that to be the perfect time to try a little ritual he found out from a 'friend.' A ritual known as the Midnight Game. A game that summon a powerful entity that, if you fail the Midnight Game. Will kill you. However if you succeed... no one really knows what would happen. However thinking about it Danny somehow got to the conclusion that maybe summoning this Midnight Man through this ritualistic 'game' would also open up the place to more spirits which might let him contact his parents. So... doing a bit of research before hand, he had the stuff ready.

                  When Johnathan left for the night, Danny started the ritual. He wrote his name on a piece of paper and bled a little on it. Then once he turned off all the lights and knocked on the door proper once it hit 12:00 am... things went south pretty bad.

                  Everything at first seemed fine. It seemed quiet. Eerie, but quiet. Danny with his candle had taken out his Ouiji Board and began to try and contact spirits, but as he did felt a presence watching him from the darkness... and as he asked the first question... "Is anybody there?" the candle went out. Danny freaked the fuck out and began to panic he quickly grabbed his container of salt and made a proper circle around him, and was at first safe. However from the darkness he could see a shadowy figure that seemed to be a man wearing a trench coat, and wearing a fedora. This strange figure seemed to taunt, and mock Daniel as he hid within his safe little salt circle. Eventually though as he had gotten rightfully scared, he took out his cellphone and began to call his brother... Bad move. He had broken one of the rules of the Midnight Game. Do not use any light source other than a candle. Which his cellphone had given off a rather bright light.

                  Calling his brother on the phone, Danny began to panic and explain to Johnathan about the shit he's done and that there was someone in the house now and wants him dead. Johnathan was worried, but didn't think it was anything supernatural. Rather he was worried that someone had broken into the home.

                  Over the phone Johnathan overheard Danny getting angry, and terrified at this shadowy creature that kept trying to scare Danny more and more. To the point that Danny began cursing, and shouting insults at this shadowy figure while cursing at his brother telling him to get home soon. Getting quite worried about this Johnathan said he was going to call an officer to come and investigate... Until Johnathan heard a voice that sent chills down his spine.

                  It was a quiet, yet deep, raspy whisper that simply said "He MINE now" before Danny's screaming cut to silence.

                  Hearing this Johnathan was now downright worried. He dropped what he was doing and had rushed home as fast as he could. When he got home he found the front door hanging wide open. All the lights in the house were off. The smell of melted candle wax was in the air... and the place looked like a mess. Oddly of all there was a... unfinished salt circle on the floor. Danny must not have properly finished it. All the while Johnathan could hear a faint cackle in the distance.

                  Unfortunately Johnathan had gotten caught up in the Midnight Man's grasp as well. As he entered the sight of the ritual before sunrise. Though Johnathan did not know this at all. Hearing this laugh that seemed to come from outside, the detective quickly ran out and began searching. He called in a squad of officers for backup. Through the rest of the night up until sunrise Johnathan and the officers investigated what happened. However they could not find any traces of breaking or entering. No sign of a struggle... except for one clue. The shirt Danny was wearing. It seemed to have a hole torn through the front of it, and was bloodied a bit. This actually got Johnathan worrying about what happened to his brother...

                  After that night Johnathan did get in trouble for abandoning a case, but reluctantly gave him a warning understanding some of the shit that's happened to Johnathan before. Though Johnathan was given a break from work for a while. At least to give him some time to rest and get his shit together.

                  During the 2 weeks of absence from work, he was beginning to experience... odd happenings. Things like objects occasionally moving around when he's not looking. Lights turning off at random times. Shadows moving when they shouldn't be, and more terrifyingly. Vivid nightmares of a shadowy figure hunting, chasing, and trying to kill him in his dreams. Something of which was... odd to say the least. As he kept having these dreams for months he began to wonder... maybe this supernatural stuff that his brother was going on about was true... So he began to start doing some research on things. He did research on what his brother did that night and it led him to something called the Midnight Man.

                  The Midnight Man upon doing some research was... odd. There didn't seem to be much information on the Midnight Man himself, but there was information on his ritual... which seemed to match the things he found the night his brother had disappeared. This just began to create more questions as he furthered his research. All the while as the months went by Johnathan began to witness... odd things. As well as notice more... unusual happenings. He'd often see shadows in the corners of his eyes, and a few cases he had come across he began to realize... Some of these deaths that were just cast off as 'wild animal attacks' didn't really make sense. The attacks were blamed on bears, or wild dogs. However bears weren't really... active around this time of year, and wild dogs tended to avoid people more often than not. Not only that but the attacks seemed to have been done to people who were completely alone, and no one was able to witness what happened. Johnathan was getting himself deeper into the world of the supernatural.

                  Years began to roll by as he began to learn about 'Shadow People'. Entities of various different shapes and sizes, but almost always just out of sight. With the key characterstic of Shadow People being that they appear to be completely pitch black like a shadow. While he was beginning to learn more about these Shadow People, and after a close call with what he presumed to be the one behind the 'animal attacks' that happened over the years, he became a firm believer in the world of the Paranormal.

                  However about one year ago from current day, he had left his home town and went into secrecy. Much to the confusion of his old companions at the Police Station. All while he was eventually listed as a missing person. Johnathan has now been on the search for information on this 'Midnight Man', and what he had done to his brother. All the while he had legally changed his name to Jacob Smithson, gotten a new license plate, and has been travelling the country (and posing as state officers or state detectives to make gathering info easier) as best as he could just to figure out more about this Midnight Man while filling out a small journal filled with information he has gathered on Shadow People so far. During his journey's though the Midnight Man still haunts him for trespassing on the site of the ritual... not only that but the Midnight Man knows of the blood connection Johnathan or... 'Jacob' has been having his nightmares be invaded by the Midnight Man.

                  As a (ex)Detective Johnathan or 'Jacob' has a sharp eye. Sometimes it is hard for him to miss something, as he has a keen eye for the little details and stuff. On top of that he is quite smart, and has some above average problem solving skills. Or at least is quite good at piecing together evidence. Over the years he has seen quite a bit of things that don't surprise him too much anymore. He has gotten relatively used to the presence of supernatural creatues like Shadow People, but he isn't super used to the presence of much else. In fact he still believes Shadow People are one of the only few things out there. He doesn't entirely believe in other entities and deities. However he is NOT close minded, and is much more open to believing in other supernatural entities should they exist.

                  On top of that thanks to his original training to become a Police Officer, which he kinda kept up with his exercises, he is a rather healthy and fit person. However the reason he became a detective in the first place was because he wasn't fond of direct confrontations, and never really got into too many fist fights. As such he isn't the most skilled in hand-to-hand combat, only skilled enough to at least defend himself against a ordinary human thug. However when it comes to firearms he is... quite a bit more proficient oddly. His keen eyes, and healthy reflexes makes him a pretty good shot, especially in emergencies. However he doesn't have too much experience with firearms outside typical side arms. Like the trusty Berretta 92 FS.

                  With his keen eyes and knack for noticing the smaller details, problem solving skills, and quick aim in emergencies. On top of his knack for remaining calm in almost any given situation, he makes for a reliable ally to have.

                  His equipment:
                  The Berretta 92 FS:

                  A standard issue Berretta 92 FS chambered to hold a clip 13 .40 S&W handgun rounds. It's reliable and he often has it fully loaded, with one back up clip on his belt at all times in a small pouch.

                  His standard, rather common, heavy duty and reliable, old, Maglight Flashlight:

                  It may be big... but it sure is bright, and makes for a rather decent club when need be.

                  He also in his possession has a shoe box underneath his carseat that contains his notebook of info on Shadow People he's been filling out. So far not a whole lot in it, just some info on one or two types of Shadow Beings he has come across. As well as one of the means that is best used to fend one off. Bright lights. A BOX half full of .40 S&W handgun rounds that he keeps to reload those clips of his handgun when need be. He also has his old ID, passport, some spare D batteries for his flashlight (or just in case he needs them), a tape recorder, and a few small old cellphones (some of which still has stuff like pictures and stuff saved on them), and a photo of his family when he was a kid.

                  His car: A 2005 Toyota Camry. An old car of his that he's had for a long while. It's not broken or run down yet, and it works more than fine enough. Still has quite a bit of miles on it. Has undergone a few major repairs here and there, but it continues to serve him incredibly well.

                  Last edited by SUSTIC; 04-04-2017, 11:24 PM.


                    My app is completely donezo now.


                      I want everyone to note that midnightman is Sustics, Please do not touch the midnight man!!!

                      Also @Sustic good starting app, accepted
                      "If I cut the strings that held me hostage would i fall and shatter?"


                        Name: Drayden Fenwald

                        Age: 21

                        Appearance: Stands at 5'9", has a slight, scraggly shadow, with a decent soul patch on his face. Short, brown hair covers his head, with blue eyes. He tends to wear a leather jacket, and a backpack as well, allowing him to carry only the essentials he needs for his job.

                        Personality: Drayden is a rather gruff human, or at least, that's what he tries to give off as his image, allowing himself freedom to simply be ignored or left alone. He is rather nice to know, and a great friend and ally if on his good side. He is the Bearer of the Fortitudo flame, and tends to be rather foolhardy it seems to others, but to him, he simply knows what he needs to do. He treats most things like a job, with tasks and plans on how to achieve the goals set out before him. He very rarely keeps friends, and in fact, he tends to avoid most if he can help it.

                        Biography: Drayden has been a loner since his school days, only really going to any outings because of his parents. He never really cared for people, only exploring the wilderness, much to his own father's delight. His father would take the young Drayden on regular hunting trips, teaching him in the way a hunter.. and ex military father can. He's learned how to strip a rifle, clean it, as well as how to identify most weapons by sounds, though its easier to guess at some of the bigger guns being used than it is to hear them cocked. He's learn patience, and how to be brave, saving his father from a bear who had thought the pair to be food. Lucky enough, the one bullet Drayden had needed was enough.
                        Drayden now goes around, having been contracted at 20 years of age to hunt down super natural creatures who have in other terms, gone rogue. He has been training even further on the types of beings he will be best against, and how to deal with those he isn't as good at.

                        Skills: Knowledge of guns, knives and bullet smithing are some of Drayden's skills, while hunting and tracking are just as good. Close quarters combat is not his forte, but if needed, he can, and will go toe to toe with someone. A well kept hunting rifle is usually within reach, and he is a great shot, but won't out sniper those who have more dedicated sniper rifles. He knows how hide away if needed, as well as ways of making sure he's hidden.

                        (I'll edit this later with a bit extra, plus a picture of weapon, my time is short enough as is.)
                        Beep, boop.. I do the chicken coop!


                          Due to me selling my house and moving, this RP will be put on hold for a little bit until I officially move.

                          Sent from my SM-G386W using Tapatalk
                          "If I cut the strings that held me hostage would i fall and shatter?"


                            Letting everyone know that I will take this off of hiatus in two days aswell as anything I haven't been posting for in other rps, I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused you all.

                            Sent from my SM-G386W using Tapatalk
                            "If I cut the strings that held me hostage would i fall and shatter?"




                              LILY DOES THIS MEAN YOU ARE BACK

                              I MISS UUUU!!

                              Okay enough joking around, but seriously. Welcome back.


                                @Sustic yeah, in a couple of days I'll be set up for the forum rps again.

                                Sent from my SM-G386W using Tapatalk
                                "If I cut the strings that held me hostage would i fall and shatter?"

