And Shikieiki is at the palace as well, still wondering where komachi went after asking yumeko.
Plus, you forgot the australia arc, which sustic has no idea about. Naked Snake from thee MGS3 game has ended up in australia and joined up witha group that runs an australian bar. In the mean time, the leader of base 2 is Colonel Volgin, again from the MGS3 game, and he wants snake alive.
By the way, whether or not you know this, cuz I dont know how long you've been out, there are seven major neo yakuza bases scattered around the globe. Each in every continent. Base 2 is in australia.
Plus, you forgot the australia arc, which sustic has no idea about. Naked Snake from thee MGS3 game has ended up in australia and joined up witha group that runs an australian bar. In the mean time, the leader of base 2 is Colonel Volgin, again from the MGS3 game, and he wants snake alive.
By the way, whether or not you know this, cuz I dont know how long you've been out, there are seven major neo yakuza bases scattered around the globe. Each in every continent. Base 2 is in australia.