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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Yea. And ya know what? You do know that malfunction is the insane side of him. He is already unpredictable as it is. If you give him the ID, next thing ya know, you have nyan cat humping burrito buffalo on your back while flying through time.


      @ Neo
      Edited my post with Gerard.


        Either that, or he'll become so insane that he becomes catatonic and gets stuck inside of a hallucination.

        Is there really a limit to insanity, where you truly hit the very end of the sanity/insanity spectrum, or does your mind implode and become like a black hole?
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Ouch... Fail...


            What would happen if someone had every major mental illness known to man?

            Surely their minds would self-destruct.

            Who knows? Maybe that's how to kill a person that uses an Improbability drive.

            Overload their minds until they break.

            I sound like one of those stoner dudes...

            But really, it's an interesting topic.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Dark Mantis is a dark type Reploid with razor sharp blades. Standing at 6ft 3 this Maverick has control of darkness. Making the area much darker than it is. This Reploid is also a top notch assassin with very stealthy movements.


                It runs in the family


                  Well, I'm heading off. I'm starting to not see straight. G'night ya'll.


                    I was thinking of a leader of the Neo-Yakuza base in London or so.

                    HINT: It is one of the most memorable villains from the Resident Evil series.


                      Ah, a major base in europe. Probably base 6.

                      Ps. I think I know who it is... -w-


                        Nighty night.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Night. Also it's pretty obvious. His first name starts with A and his last name starts with W.


                            Mmm... One moar post.


                              Here is a hint guys. Lumine is going to be defeated, but will still survive the battle. Right afterwards though he will have enough energy to enter the real world. Once that happens we will get Axl back and stronger than ever! Out of the X series trio (X, Zero, and Axl) Axl will be the first one to get an upgrade. The upgrade? White Axl!

                              White Axl:

                              After Lumine emerges from Axl's mind and into the real world the shard inside Axl's head will no longer have Lumine's data, but it will have Lumine's power. This will increase Axl's

                              Speed: Making him slightly faster, with slightly better reaction time

                              Stronger Armor: 50% stronger body to take slightly less damage.

                              Stronger Copy Ability: Axl will now have a 2 types of the Copy Ability

                              Perfect Copy Ability: Much like Lumine's being more perfect by gaining ones full abilities, appearance, and voice. However he must still hit a target with the copy shot first to obtain a more perfect transformation, and he must be transformed into another person in order to use that person's abilities to their fullest.

                              Standard Copy Ability: A much weaker transformation. He can use this without the copy shot, however this means he can only copy another person's appearance, voice, and their abilities to a far weaker extent.

                              Axl's firepower does not increase.

                              I plan on Axl waking up after Lumine leaves his body. Lumine after leaving Axl's body will enter his second form and fly off to the moon. Axl with his new powers will have Alia transport him to the moon to battle Lumine. A battle of the Copy Ability! On the moon! After that I plan on having Axl take temporary leave to go with Yuyuko to train in the Hakugyokurou with his new abilities? Until the Devourer Arc begins. Once that arc truly begins is when Axl makes a true return.


                                Good morning guys.

                                Btw, I think HM already got his upgrade I think: The Final War Machine (the one he's currently using)

                                Changes color.

                                Changes 'muscular inflation' to match the desired shape (i.e. fat, skinny, tall, short)

                                Leads human women into temptation.

                                The strength, speed, and defense to *almost* match that of a spartan. Not exactly the same, but very close.

                                All skills related to tactical dance increased (i.e. flexibility, durability, stamina, etc.)

                                Can disable AI by putting a piece of him inside and forcing it to work.

                                Can possess any electronic.

                                Malfunction improbability increased.

                                I'm wondering on Gerard's upgrade. Probably armor and a legendary sword known to cut anything... HF blade, cough cough....... Youmu vs. Gerard cough cough. Might even give him a new more advanced gun.

                                Then there's Otori with the ID, Snake... hmm, that's a hard one. Volgin I might give him an exponential increase in voltage power. Ocelot... does he need an upgrade? Huey, I'll have HM give him an 'apology gift.' Is that everyone non-touhou related?

