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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Wow... this is the longest period of inactivity ever...


      Yea, sorry about that.

      I fell asleep at around 1:30 and woke up at 9:00, but I was still tired, so I went back to sleep and woke up at 11:00.

      I was asleep for 9-10 hours.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Ya know what? That just happened to me. I was gonna stay awake, but I noticed that when I was watching spongebob, my vision grew out of focus again. And while I went back to sleep, this is what happened: I was in bed. And then I begin falling asleep. I close my eyes.. BOOM. the minute I close my eyes, it felt like I got shot in the head.


          Okay I have a good news and a bad news to tell you.

          Good news is that I will be back, active, starting Wednesday.

          Bad news is that it isn't going to be permanent.


            Welcome back!

            How long will you be active?

            EDIT: Oh, almost forgot. Do you need a recap?
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Yay, that's just what we need.
              We pretty much exhausted everything else already
              Born in the light.
              Molded in the dark

              Never Forget,
              Keep Fighting.
              –Don't Forget.
              Always, somewhere,
              someone is fighting for you.
              –As long as you remember her,
              you are not alone.


                A week.

                So yeah, back to back in the RP with my buddy Yukari Yakumo.
                {Duck, fool.}
                I need to know the following:

                1: Where's everybody
                I doubt anybody really moved anywhere out of Hawaii except all my 2hu's, but still.

                2: New characters
                Wait... Who the F**k is Samus, and HM, and MIDI? What the F**k is Sonic doing here?

                3: WTF happened



                  HM is the revived announcer. MIHI is the term for his current being: a Manually Input Human Intelligence. I love how you don't even mention Gerard.


                    What happened, well really recently a lot of Johns happened.
                    Born in the light.
                    Molded in the dark

                    Never Forget,
                    Keep Fighting.
                    –Don't Forget.
                    Always, somewhere,
                    someone is fighting for you.
                    –As long as you remember her,
                    you are not alone.


                      Here's a recap from my front.

                      Renamon kept trying to break through to John and brought Cortana up.

                      John had a series of flashbacks and had an epiphany as to why he couldn't let go.

                      Cortana loved him, but he was too oblivious to see it.

                      John finally broke down and after a while recovered.

                      Renamon changed his perspective.

                      John was then greeted by a helecopter drone (HM).

                      John and the helicopter drone (HM/the Announcer) went to the TISF, a facility dedicated to technologies for the future.

                      HM created a robot for a body, one that can transform its appearance, but triggered an alarm.

                      John heard the alarm and ran away, while HM smashed through the place.

                      John overheard the news in a nearby bar and went to investigate, due to the fact that the Announcer appeared on the television.

                      After investigating, a scientist told John about HM and the robot that he took.

                      John said that he needed weapons and the scientist took him to the weapons lab, where he got some of his universe's weapons, along with his upgrade weapons.

                      He was then given a bag called "Bullet-Proof" and a large ammo bag.

                      John set out to kill HM and went to the beach, where Renamon, Nera and Samus distracted him.

                      John then confronted HM, but learned that HM was not allowed to hurt or kill John, due to the restrictions that DiZ put on him.

                      John wasn't going to kill an enemy that couldn't fight back, so he reluctantly accepted HM as an ally.

                      HM offered to take him to a casino and said that there would be girls there, but John said that he didn't work that way, due to one of his augmentations.

                      It basically increases his healing rate and his growth hormone output, but suppresses his sex drive.

                      The Higher Power then dropped in and kept teasing John about being in a relationship with Yukari.

                      After this, John decided to go to the casino anyway.

                      Once there, John watched as HM and one of his friends sang.

                      John then beat HM's friend at Poker and won 10,000 dollars.

                      After a while, John and HM left.

                      HM told John that he realized that they make better friends than enemies and John agreed.

                      They finally settled their differences.

                      HM then flipped into one of his personalities and began punching trees, to blow off some steam.

                      John asked what was the matter and HM told him that his father died a while back, in Base 3.

                      John felt guilty, but didn't say anything.

                      Instead, John consoled him and made him feel better.

                      They headed back to the beach, where they told Huey and Jason that they settled their differences.

                      Jason and Huey began to fix the Mantis and Pupa, while John decided to take a walk in the city.

                      In the city, he thought about becoming more human, and how he was not going to take Yukari for granted, not like he did with Cortana.

                      He then began to plan ways to "become more human".

                      After a while, John encountered a mystery person, an evil replica that attacked him.

                      It ran away and turned HM against John.

                      John sprinted after the replica, but HM tried to fight him.

                      After a while, John convinced HM that he was the real John.

                      They found the "Evil John" at the beach and fought.

                      After John stabbed him in the thigh, the dark Spartan, said that it was a waste of time and left.

                      As for Isaac's side, Isaac is helping Yuyuko get Axl back.

                      Isaac and Alia fixed Zero at her house.

                      Zero and X then finally met at the beach, where Yuyuko brought an unconscious Axl to them.

                      Isaac took Yuyuko and Axl to Alia's house, where they tried to find what was wrong with Axl.

                      Isaac entered Axl's mind, where he found Lumine.

                      Lumine booted him out into the physical world and created a firewall.

                      Isaac created an electromagnet and messed up the firewall, while Alia prepped the transporter to carry Yuyuko and Isaac into Axl's mind.

                      They made it into Axl's mind, but Lumine turned it into something from Isaac's memories, the USG Ishimura.

                      After Isaac talked to Yuyuko about the Necromorphs and accidentally offending her, they found Lumine.

                      Lumine created a horde of Necromorphs, but Isaac lured them all away, leaving Yuyuko against Lumine, but Lumine disappeared.

                      Isaac ran through the ship until he found a windo to space.

                      Isaac shot the windo and all the Necromorphs got sucked out, while Isaac held on to the floor.

                      After the room was empty, Isaac backtracked his way to Yuyuko, but was halted by Necromorphs.

                      Isaac fought them off, but was slightly injured.

                      Isaac continued, but was hit by a giant Necromorph called a Brute.

                      Isaac eventually killed it, but the fighting caused all the Necromorphs in the area to converge on Isaac's location, in a mess hall.

                      Isaac fought them off, but was critically injured.

                      Lumine turned the ship into a void and talked to Yuyuko, while Isaac healed his injuries hith a Med Pack.

                      Alia brought them back to the real world and they all devised a pplan to kill Lumine.

                      Isaac got X and Zero and brought them back to the house.

                      Isaac and Zero then went into "Cyberspace" and destroyed Lumine's Firewall and were brought back into the real world.

                      Yuyuko and X are now preparing to enter Axl's mind, to kill Lumine.

                      (Just a heads up, Lumine is supposed to go to the moon after the fight. I think that might piss of the Lunarians...)
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        (Double post, but it's for a good cause...)

                        Who are the new guys?

                        As for the Sonic characters, SUSTIC joined again, but decided to scrap his old Character.

                        Samus is a Character introduced by Kristia.

                        Where is everybody

                        All your Characters are still at the Resort.

                        Everybody else is scattered across Honolulu, but they'll come back.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Okay... who's Lumine, then?


                            This guy.

                            (NeoFox's Post)
                            What's Lumine capable of?

                            A lot of things.
                            Lumine is a New Generation Reploid, though unlike Axl Lumine is NOT a prototype. Lumine also contains the copy ability like Axl, though Lumine's is more "perfect" Lumine is literally able to copy a person's voice, appearance, personality, and abilities perfectly with little to no drawbacks. Lumine is capable of free flight, as well as teleportation.
                            Lumine is sadistic, he finds pleasure in the torment of others though he is also sophisticated to some degree. He also shows some signs of insanity.

                            In his 2nd form Lumine is far stronger in every aspect (but he loses the ability to transform into others. Though he can still copy a person's abilities.) Lumine is also capable of a special move called "Paradise Lost" where he literally enshrouds his opponent with complete and total darkness. It is then that he proceeds to murder his opponent viciously by attacking his opponent on a mental AND physical level. (In MegaMan X8 Lumine's "Paradise Lost" is an insta-kill if not countered.) Lumine is also capable of firing and summoning energy projectiles at will in this form. The projectiles look and act like large glowing needles.

                            Lumine's only goal is to use Axl as a vessel to not only destroy humanity, but EVERYTHING except New Generation Reploids.

                            Here's the guy's wiki page.

                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              ...guy? That's... Ok.

                              So for this entire week I'm going to focus on getting everybody to Gensokyo and having the Devourer bros come earlier than expected. From there, we're going to do what seems like a combination of Halo's gameplay and SC2's campaign.
                              Remember Shimamura who sold Yuuka a laptop? He and a bunch of Kappa have put together an upgrade module that you can use when your character gets to Gensokyo.

                              Okay which character do you guys want updates on first?


                                As for who HM is, he's what left of the announcer after DiZ digitized him and put him in a robot.
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

