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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post

    Quick, how many times have I used this?
    And why does it keep fitting?

    According to the current number of people on...
    ...there should be 7 votes in both number and selection polls.
    *sees only 5 in selection*

    4 more to go in selection
    2 more to go in number
    Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-20-2013, 04:45 PM.


      Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post
      Currently it was Ran of Hamel.
      But now it's...
      The Succubus Queen Karis True Form...
      She reminds me of Juri Han. On that note, a lot of poses are familiar.



        So this is what the polls say right now:

        For Season II, we will have

        3 GMs

        2 Assistant GMs


        According to the poll results...
        Everyone is a Patrol

        Chara Director
        Everyone is one


        This creates a paradox with my system...
        Votes for Wonder is one more in the Patrol, which would mean he would be only a patrol...
        Same goes with S121 where he would be in Character Director

        the polls say that everyone should be a Patrol and Chara Director...
        Which would remove the options.

        Which would mean that if we consider Major as a assist GM as a part of the total tally of 2...
        Then Wonder would automatically be an Assistant GM to fill the second slot.

        Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-20-2013, 07:05 PM.


          I guess it would work, but here is the question: Do we really need assist GMs. I mean we already have 3 GMs. The description if the assist GM is "Assisstant GM: Runner-up for the GM." Seeing as we already have 3 GMs do we even need that?

          Anyway, going to bed good night
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            @ Katrix

            I was starting to ask the same thing...
            The quantity we had resulting from the number poll...
            was 5 (3 GMs and 2 Assist)

            There's about 10 of us.
            Which would mean half of us would be GMs.
            If we remove the 2 Assist (but keep Major as an exception) then we would have 3 of the 10 of us as GMs...
            ...honestly this would sound better if there was more of us .-.

            Oh and G'night



              Not unless we keep the old system where we ALL keep each other in check.

              Sometimes, no system is the best system.

              It keeps things simplistic without having to worry who's supposed to do which job. We won't have to wait for a GM to make a certain decision. we all keep each other in line because we all have equal power.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                I like S121's idea. Things worked better the way they were.


                  @ S121


                  In that case Part of me say we keep Major as he is and have Major, or Someone we choose, to simply make and manage the OP of the OOC and create the IC Thread.

                  I think that was our initial concept to a degree.

                  Should I proceed with the last Poll Rampage for deciding that last concept of who makes the OOC Post in order to manage it/keep it up to date with information? i.e. current participants and summary section and everything else in terms of updates?
                  Have an update person?

                  and then that'll be it for my poll madness.

                  And you'll all never want to see me make another poll...ever...
                  Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-20-2013, 07:28 PM.



                    I think we should keep Major as a consultant, or adviser, sort of like how he's already been. We should hold his opinion in high regard because he is the creator of the entire RP.

                    As for the OP, we need someone that has all the facts, writes well, has a good grasp of the rules (what works and what doesn't work), and is good at organizing the OP.

                    What we need to do is find who is the best qualified and ask them to do it. Of course, they can refuse if they want. In that case, we ask the next best qualified person.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                      Then if the next best qualified person refuses we then ask the NEXT next best qualified person. Then if that person refuses we rinse and repeat until we go back to the first person we asked, tie them up, hold them hostage, and force them to write the OP.


                        @ S121

                        Exactly...Major is the Creator and thus his say is law. Ok maybe not that extreme, but a close second to that.

                        As for the OOC's OP
                        Honestly I was thinking someone capable of being active enough to update it.
                        For the writing concept, I would say whoever it is should consult Major for that. So the only thing would be active enough and willing enough to put aside their time to look through things, find things that need to be added and updated into the OP and will remain objective about things and not let their own ideas influence what gets put into the OOC's OP.

                        Also how would we measure who is qualified in the first place?
                        I think we should use a poll to determine that...

                        And the world will cringe every time I mention a poll...


                          *SIGH* I finally found John's 2nd app. -_-;


                          STOP RIGHT THERE!!! 0_0

                          Before we create any more polls, we really need to get rid of a few. I'm sure the Forum mods are not happy about all the threads.

                          Well, I have the time and dedication and organization, but none of the writing skills.

                          You have the writing skills and the organization, but not as much time.

                          Major has the writing skills and organization, but none of the time, or at least I don't think he does....

                          I think what we should do is ask everyone to contribute to writing the second season's story summary, maybe ask each volunteer to type up a summary and pick the better summary.

                          Once that's done, we use this thread to collaborate and decide which organization method would be best for the OP.

                          Personally, I think Major is better at writing than the both of us, as evidenced by his post regarding the end of this season, so maybe we can get some of his input.

                          What do you think?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            @ S121

                            *just clicked the submit thread*
                            .................................................. .........

                            Replace "Remembered Something"
                            with "Realized Something"

                            ...and you really think I dun have the time :V
                            I can keep an OOC updated :V
                            just look at the date of the announcement section~
                            ...It's ICs that I tend to not update as fast >3>;

                            Anyway, that aside, Your analysis is pretty close for that...

                            And the concept with the summary section was what I was thinking, so I agree with that.

                            And what you mean by organization method?
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-20-2013, 07:56 PM.



                              ... NO BLUE WATERMELON FOR YOU!!!

                              NO COOKIE FOR YOU!

                              Oh and...


                              NO STARBURST FOR YOU!!!



                                I mean how a person organizes the OP (use of spoilers, scroll boxes, setting up titles, etc.).

                                Check this one's OP to see what I mean.

                                Anyways, I just found John's season 2 app. It's not quite done, but would you like to see it?

                                Just be warned that he rivals Link in terms of equipment. He actually uses a large bag to carry all of his weapons, as well as all of his magnetic holsters. I'm thinking of having him take less weapons in the second season, and store the rest in a weapons cache.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

