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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Here's a conundrum for you guys while I brb for 2 hours or so.

    If there's an earthquake on Mars, would it still be called an earthquake?


      @ Wriggle


      EDIT it was something else...
      The technical term...let me find it.
      I think it's just reffered to as seismic activity/quakes or something...

      EDIT 2

      The answer is all of the above.
      earthquake is true but not as accurate and only works if you are using "earth" in reference to the ground
      Seismic activity and the other technical terms are the more accurate and are what would be used technically speaking.

      In random news...
      There was snow where I am...
      was =w=

      Oh wait...winter hasn't begun...
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-20-2013, 10:13 PM.



        Well, I have an important question for John's bio.

        You said that John would have to travel to the Associate's Library within a month.

        Will Yuuka have her soul by the second season, or is that going to be John's first mission in the second season?


        Yuuka could kick all their asses at once, with one arm behind her back.

        Anyways, I imagined that Lily would look like Daisy-023, even before I saw Daisy's pic.

        I'll probably just say that Lily has the same armor as well, just to avoid any confusion. If not, then imagine the armor being Gen 2-ized.


        Ha! I know that pic!


        0_0 .............

        It might be a little late for that. Due to choices made in the RP, John picked up the ability to use Darkness and Light magic. More often than not, his guns do almost nothing anyway because almost everyone has the ability to dodge bullets, or is just plain bulletproof, making him obsolete. I also thought that since John was trained to adapt to any given situation, he would resort to magic, seeing how effective and versatile of a weapon it is. Spartans are trained to adapt, so when he sees that he's not doing anything to the enemy, then it's time to find a better weapon... -_-;

        The whole reason for the spellcards is that since he would have spent so much time in Gensokyo, he would need a way of fighting without resorting to shooting and killing people. The Spellcards are a system created to serve that exact purpose, so it would only be reasonable that he would adopt that system. Not only that, but he needed a way to have a better chance of killing The Auditor. He knows that his guns would do little against him, so lethal-level Danmaku was a promising alternative.
        Last edited by S121; 11-20-2013, 10:25 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Did... Did anyone see my post?



            Now I can kind of picture the child now.

            Lily and Raven's child (if they ever do have one) would probably end up having long black hair, short black hair, long blond hair, short blond hair, or maybe a sort of grey for some reason...

            The child's eye color would also probably be Green, Lily's blue eye color, or Raven's yellow eye color.

            Damn I wish I could draw...


              @ Major
              The question? Yes.

              Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
              @ Major

              It's a continuation that picks up after a year or so time skip.

              I call dibs on first reply so I can keep things like this chart

              and a summary section updated.
              @ SUS

              PM me that description
              I'll make the result in PSO2's CC


                I liked Daisy 023, looks pretty decent
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                  I thought the Time Skip would only be a few months not a year?


                    @ SUS

                    I read year somewhere, that's what stuck in my mind .-.
                    ...I don't know what everyone wants for that...
                    ..............................another poll...



                      Make another poll, and I will kill every staburst, and starburst factory in the world.

                      Also I do remember people saying a few months, and possibly starting at or before close Christmas



                        It will only be a couple months.


                        Yep. Her appearance just sort of matched Lily's personality, so I thought that it would fit.


                        You also forgot John and Yukari's Daughter.


                        I'll get on that. I'll send you as much information as I can.

                        Hopefully Cucoo does the same.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          I KNEW IT! The time skip is going to be a couple months! I was right!

                          Also I found a few Veteran Commander pictures:


                            @ SUS

                            *saw 2nd pic first*
                            *Thought it was Okuu*

                            @ S121

                            The chart contains everything I know practically...
                            In a encompasses everything that has resulted in the RP.



                              Funny thing, Okuu x Raven was a couple idea for the RP until Lily became an official character in the RP.



                                Aw crap. I feel so terrible. -_-;;;

                                I'm sorry, but I forgot to mention that Gerard is friends with Six and is an acquaintance of John's.

                                Sorry. -_-;;;
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

