I see. Didn't catch that we weren't 1.8
As an extra note, The Sponge from the mod packs works, so I was able to use that
No announcement yet.
RTY 2 Bugs and techincal stuff
Unless sponge was explicitly modded to soak up water, sponge didn't regain its abilities until 1.8.
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Why no sponge?
Trying to clear out a large portion of water under my tree and i made a sponge to help. It doesn't do anything ._.
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Originally posted by Katrix View PostThere is one thing I need however. As removing Progression involves removing progression, I need people to tell me what quests they have completed so that I can restore that progress in the new system. At the moment the plan is to have the new and the old system run on top of each other and cause some mess for a few days so that people are sure to be able to transfear their progress, before I disable Progression.
Spoiler: The members
Spoiler: The progression
I also already have the thing, but I can't hand it in yet. =/
Last edited by 99465; 10-13-2015, 07:01 PM.
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Ooo, double post.
So, I have some good news, and some more good new, and some wonderful news.
The first good news is that I fixed the glostone quest thingy.
The second good news is that I found the reason why you can't craft Unstable Ingots. Progression.
The wonderful news is that I can fix both of these bugs, plus many more by disabling Progression, and If I'm correct, I don't even need to push trough an update to fix it. There is one thing I need however. As removing Progression involves removing progression, I need people to tell me what quests they have completed so that I can restore that progress in the new system. At the moment the plan is to have the new and the old system run on top of each other and cause some mess for a few days so that people are sure to be able to transfear their progress, before I disable Progression.
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Originally posted by Katrix View PostIdeally she should be around as rare, if not rarer than the other TH friendly mobs.
Also, something that's been a bit of a nuisance now is the random Timed Out d/c's I've been having.
This is the console log of everything around the most recent of them (Highlighted in red for timestamp)
[14:09:28] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: Mw.load: loading...
[14:09:28] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: generating block colours
[14:09:28] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: loading block colour overrides file E:\Minecraft\FTB\ReleasetheYukkuri\minecraft\confi g\MapWriterBlockColourOverrides.txt
[14:09:28] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: generating block map colours from textures
[14:09:28] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: created new MwTexture from GL texture id 11 (2048x2048) (4194304 pixels)
[14:09:28] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: processed 5501 block textures, 21282 skipped, 333 exceptions
[14:09:28] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: loading block colour overrides file E:\Minecraft\FTB\ReleasetheYukkuri\minecraft\confi g\MapWriterBlockColourOverrides.txt
[14:09:28] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: saving block colours to 'E:\Minecraft\FTB\ReleasetheYukkuri\minecraft\conf ig\MapWriterBlockColours.txt'
[14:09:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] codechickencore.update
[14:09:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] And I grabbed the Botania update AND I THREW IT ON THE GROUND! MAAAN!
[14:09:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You are running Botania build 221, the latest is build 224.
[14:09:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Click for... [Download] [Website] [Changelog]
[14:09:31] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: ================================================== ===========
[14:09:31] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Offendor: truetyper/TrueTypeFont.loadImage(Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImageI
[14:09:31] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[14:09:31] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: ================================================== ===========
[14:09:31] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [truetyper.TrueTypeFont::94]: TrueTypeFont loaded: java.awt.Font[family=Arial,name=Arial,style=plain,size=12] - AntiAlias = true
[14:09:32] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [gravisuite.GraviSuite:addLog:148]: [GraviSuite] Keyregistry: IC2 ALT key found
[14:09:32] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [gravisuite.GraviSuite:addLog:148]: [GraviSuite] Keyregistry: IC2 Boost key found
[14:09:32] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [gravisuite.GraviSuite:addLog:148]: [GraviSuite] Keyregistry: IC2 MODE SWITCH key found
[14:09:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] InvTweaks: Configuration loaded.
[14:09:42] [Client thread/INFO] [inventorytweaks]: net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngameMenu
[14:10:11] [Netty Client IO #0/ERROR] [FML]: NetworkDispatcher exception
[14:10:11] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Restoring client configs.
[14:10:11] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
[14:10:11] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:cobblestoneWall for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvableWall com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.cobblest oneWall. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[14:10:11] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chiselbsidian2 for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.obsidian 2. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[14:10:11] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:voidstonerunic for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.voidston erunic. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[14:10:11] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:circuits for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.circuits . Is there something wrong with the registry?
[14:10:11] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
[14:10:15] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: Mw.close: closing...
[14:10:15] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: waiting for 166 tasks to finish...
[14:10:15] [Client thread/INFO] [MapWriter]: done
Perhaps there's something on your end that might shed some light on this?
EDIT: Found the source of the problem (at least I think I did). It seems Vis Amulet when connecting to vis relays to charge causes issues. I pulled it out of my amulet slot and so far it seems to be stable again.
Edit: Ok I it seemed to be a ram issue. The problem was I dedicated too much ram to rty...Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-11-2015, 11:14 PM.
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Looking into it.
1. I'm not REMOVING her in any way. I might not have used much time on making her, but that still means I used time on her. I might tweak get, but not remove her.
2. I've already said that it's a bug that she spawns that much. Ideally she should be around as rare, if not rarer than the other TH friendly mobs.
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Alright. Reimu has to go.
I went into the Twilight forest, cuz it should be fun to explore these new places, right?
Nope. Luckily, Leon was with me, so he could actually fight Them. All 5 of them that eventually spawned within a small area. Currently, what you SHOULD have on you before entering the T.Forest prepares you just fine for fighting fairies. Fighting 2-4 reimu's at once? No. This has to stop now.
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Originally posted by bluppo8 View PostThe "Building the Portal" quest, the "Balancers" stage doesn't work. I tried both manual submit and submitting using the QDS, but to no avail (RIP the 8 glowstone illuminators I threw into the QDS).
Great teamwork for the RTY crew! XD
But yeah, I've had the same problem.
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The "Building the Portal" quest, the "Balancers" stage doesn't work. I tried both manual submit and submitting using the QDS, but to no avail (RIP the 8 glowstone illuminators I threw into the QDS).
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wierd, either way it would be something to look into for some of the stuff, if reimu was a neutral like an enderman or a pigmen kind of deal that'd be pretty cool so you could talk to her but she'd also attack you if you attacked her. and for the ingot thing it's only an inconvenience due to the cost change when it comes to unstable ingots vs semi-stable nuggets.
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Alright, I got internet so I can now respond to stuff. First off, when it comes to Reimu and slowdown, I was hoping it wouldn't happen, but I guess it did. I don't know what happens, but what I do know is that it's completely client sides. On the server side, everything works fine. Best way to explain it is some local tps or something like that.
When it comes to spawning and numbers, I had hoped I made her a rare enough spawn, but I guess not. I'll try to make her much more rare in the next version(think rarer than the rino and sakuya).
I'm still not completely sure how I want her to behave. The best thing would be if I found a way to make her passive like wolfs are. My original idea was also for her to hunt fairies, but I didn't manage to get that in in time.
As for why I chose to make Reimu, because it's very little work. All I had to do was to make her attacks. Everything else was already done. I'll probably continue doing this for some time. Less work that way.
When it comes to crafting table in crafting table, will be fixed once I remove progression.
When it comes to unstable ingots no idea what that is about. I didn't touch them.
I'll come home in around 10 hours do I can probably look more into stuff then.
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So we have no idea how this happened, but something somehow blew a hole in Tewi's blood altar. We are working on repairs, but nobody was even in the area when it was destroyed.
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i have a ping of 54ms even when fighting reimu. I do /tps it says it's at 20 (which is max) idk why reimu causes so much lag she just does.
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