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RTY 2 Bugs and techincal stuff

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  • 99465
    Originally posted by troublexassassin View Post
    I dont' really see how optifine is going to help since all that does is eddit graphic settings to improve fps. as i stated before i had a constant of 60 fps the problem was it took the server a full two minutes or longer to register any of my actions, chunks started unloaded making it imposible for me to flee and i would start taking hits from absolutely nothing.

    I don't know what fast craft is but i have a hard time thinking it cold fix something like this
    Okay... I didn't see that thing about the 60fps there, so whoops for that one.

    Now, firstly, that post was not specifically to Tewi, but to people in general, in case you're having problems with fps.

    Secondly, not only fps improved for me. I also got a better response time from the server (lower ping).
    Try doing /ping. I'm currently at 348 with that, tho I was higher without the 2 mods.

    Also, if it's really connection, then it's most likely something on your side, cuz I don't have that problem, even when fighting 2 Reimus at the same time.

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  • Tewi_Inaba
    I dont' really see how optifine is going to help since all that does is eddit graphic settings to improve fps. as i stated before i had a constant of 60 fps the problem was it took the server a full two minutes or longer to register any of my actions, chunks started unloaded making it imposible for me to flee and i would start taking hits from absolutely nothing.

    I don't know what fast craft is but i have a hard time thinking it cold fix something like this

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  • 99465
    Originally posted by PhantomNerifes View Post
    to this, either provide a link to a suitable version and a mini-tutorial to this or don't complain about someone else's problem as if it was yours. (some of us don't bother with these things unless it's absolutely neccessary and frankly those who don't have it are running it just fine until either recently or at the very beginning, hence no immediate need for it)
    Right, forgot about that.
    I was mainly quoting Katrix on that part, but I'll give some links just in case:
    Optifine (Grab the latest in any of the 1.7.10 categories):
    Fastcraft (just above the white box of "changelog", you'll see a download):

    EDIT: Okay, fully awake now, lemme elaborate.
    To install these mods, you use the download instructions given above and you'll get .jar files.
    Now you look through your computer/laptop/whatever and find the ReleasetheYukkuri folder. In there, find the minecraft and in that you'll find a mods folder. (I'll have to check this at home, cuz I'm on my school laptop now (not the laptop with RTY on it)).
    All you have to do is place the 2 mods in the mods folder, start up RTY again and it'll run a lot smoother (I went from about 5fps to about 20fps).

    Also, I'm not "trying to complain about someone else's problem as if it was mine". I'm trying to solve the problem that Tewi noticed, or at least give a temporary solution until Katrix comes back from his time off, so we can all enjoy our time on RTY. (basically: I'm only trying to help. I am not trying to be mean or condescending.)
    Also, it was also my problem, as I've stated, so yeh...
    Last edited by 99465; 10-07-2015, 05:46 AM.

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  • Sekibanki
    I got myself to crash twice when I try putting a crafting table in the player crafting slots. relevant:

    pastebin of the log:
    Last edited by Sekibanki; 10-07-2015, 12:24 AM.

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  • PhantomNerifes
    To add onto the reimu thing, the absolute amount of bullets she spawns is more along the lines of th8's lunatic mode. while facing one reimu is fine sometimes depending on where she is beign fought at, imagine FIVE all firing at once. the only balance i see to it is if they so much as hit each other (which they will guaranteed) they begin fighting each other, which again causes issues because of so much shit going on.

    Originally posted by 99465 View Post
    Okay, first of all, get Optifine and Fastcraft again (updating deleted them most likely).
    to this, either provide a link to a suitable version and a mini-tutorial to this or don't complain about someone else's problem as if it was yours. (some of us don't bother with these things unless it's absolutely neccessary and frankly those who don't have it are running it just fine until either recently or at the very beginning, hence no immediate need for it)

    EDIT: wait shit i almost forgot, the unstable ingot recipe seems to be either broken or it was removed (the latter being BS since it's already got its side of balancing) an explanation or a fix would be helpful.
    Last edited by PhantomNerifes; 10-06-2015, 07:24 PM. Reason: forgot a thing.

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  • 99465
    Originally posted by troublexassassin View Post
    Reimu causes too much lag on the serve. Any time i go near her it stops responding to me and any thing i type in chant or any commands i send such as trying to open a chest or such take at minimum 2 minutes. No it's not my computer that cant' handle it cause i spawned her in single player and never had this problem and even while i'm on the server i keep a constant 80 fps while fighting her (have it set so it won't go higher than 80)

    Also this is more of a personal gripe of mine but i don't' get why sanae rinno sakuya and even yukari are all peaceful mobs but reimu is hostel. That makes very little sense to me but that's just my opinion.
    Okay, first of all, get Optifine and Fastcraft again (updating deleted them most likely). I lagged like heck too when I saw her first, then I realised those 2 mods got deleted again. Now I'm fine.

    Also yes, why is she hostile? Youkai attacking a random human (us) seems a lot more logical than freaking Reimu, a shrine maiden that PROTECTS humans.
    You could add the Reimu enemy in for a quest (battle Reimu for loots), but having her spawn like the other hostile bosses so far seems out of place.
    I'd suggest a small Youkai again (like Sekibanki, Chen, Mystia (use the blindness effect, lol) or Kogasa).
    (By the way, I do actually like the Reimu boss battle. It just doesn't fit the situation.)

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  • Reiuji
    sorry , but i think it can be here , so , when i want to go in my worlds (mystcraft (thanks leon(and bluppo , btw))) i'm timed out sometimes , and when i back it work normaly (bad english this evening , sorry ^w^)

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  • Tewi_Inaba
    Reimu causes too much lag on the serve. Any time i go near her it stops responding to me and any thing i type in chant or any commands i send such as trying to open a chest or such take at minimum 2 minutes. No it's not my computer that cant' handle it cause i spawned her in single player and never had this problem and even while i'm on the server i keep a constant 80 fps while fighting her (have it set so it won't go higher than 80)

    Also this is more of a personal gripe of mine but i don't' get why sanae rinno sakuya and even yukari are all peaceful mobs but reimu is hostel. That makes very little sense to me but that's just my opinion.

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  • Katrix
    Could you tell me which ones don't work before trying something like that.

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  • Sekibanki
    Some macerator/pulverizer ore combinations don't work. Might I suggest using ?

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  • Katrix

    Not a memory problem because as I said, it never actually crashes. I also made sure just now that it's not the JVM crashing. If it was a memory problem this would be super easy to fix.

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  • Tewi_Inaba
    It's most likely due to the server running out of memory. But you'll already know if that's the case since you can check the crash logs.

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  • Katrix

    While I will look into something like that, I also want to find out why this is happening so often and what's causing it. I already know it's not a Minecraft crash.

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  • Tewi_Inaba
    Can we get this please? The server is going down every 20 minutes and it's really annyoing to have to wait for katrix tto wake up for it to get fixed.

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  • Katrix
    Creative search crashing is a known bug, and I'm suprised it's not in the 2.0 release. I don't know what I did to get it out in just that version, but I did something. It's been a bug before, and it's probably stay as a bug until I someday find out what's causing it. The other crashes however are not known, if you could give me the crash log that would be great.

    EDIT: You find crash reports in the crash report folder of the instance where you installed FTB
    Last edited by Katrix; 09-20-2015, 09:39 AM.

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