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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    The darkness is part of light, they need each other to exist, what you should fear is the nothingness, that uncharted region will devour anything to reign with its power

    Light and dark shall work together to fend themselves from such major threat
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

      ...ok I never thought of "nothingness" being the ultimate threat to light and dark but that made me realize...
      you know what the latin word for "nothing" is?
      If you know that, you should see how this all just tied everything together.

      If you don't know and use google translate, the initial one given is not the word I'm talking about.

      Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-22-2014, 09:48 AM.


        it is "nihil" like the nihiloids
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          ...And that made me realize.
          What better reason to have a war that lasts for seemingly forever than that of survival?
          Nothingness... the Void...
          What if the War of Eternity is not some petty squabble over a book of prophecy...
          What if it was a fight against the impossible?

          The Inevitable Conclusion...
          A fight against the very thing that consumes all.
          A fight against the Void.

          But can you really destroy that which does not exist? The absence of all existence?
          Can you delay it?

          The Demon Caeles ... Is actually the Void.
          The Nihiliods are not just planet destroyers.
          They are the embodiment of the Void.

          A fight for survival
          You would think something such as a fight against erasure would bring a galaxy together towards a common cause...
          Instead it tears it apart.
          Hysteria sets in... factions form with different ideologies on how to destroy the Void.
          A clash of views, everyone is afraid of the other's radical ideas on how to destroy that which destroys.

          Time itself means nothing to the Void.
          Aion, the Master of Time, is rendered powerless.
          What can he do?
          He can do what one driven to the brink of insanity can do. Try again.
          "Cowards die many times, while the brave die but once."

          He challenges the Inevitable Conclusion, the Void.
          But what does he have? His own power means nothing.
          Strength of Will alone? Against the Void?

          Such naivety!
          What can the will of petty mortals do against the face of certain destruction? Of certain erasure from this existence?

          More than the Void would think.
          For his own bretheren... Other Caeles... aid the mortals of Venturia.
          Against the odds, they choose to fight.

          Upon the revolving cogs of fate does our lives hang. The threads golden with the hue of eternity. The clock turns and the hour hand points to a new time, a new era. Yet we live on, ignorant of the tick of the clock of fate. Nay, our lives are not defined by the clock, rather the events that doth unfold forth from it. As the new age dawns, threads will be cut. Lives will plummet into the abyss of history, forgotten. As they fall, war rises and ravages the hanging threads like a tempest most ferocious. Many lives, many of the golden threads are battered by the onslaught, helpless to change it. War defined their fate. War was the plague that the clock hands brought to help define the new era. But as war storms and thunders and starts the inferno that consumes all that it touches and reduces all to mere ashes...those with a will to change cruel fate stand up from the smoldering embers. With hope and strength of the heart, they force the clock of fate to change again, to move on to a new time, to bring new fortune. And so it does. The war ends and the hands bring peace.

          The abyss
          The Void...

          Our lives dangle from the clock of fate.
          As the threads are cut, we fall to the void.
          As the hands turn, we move closer to the void.
          War arises as the struggle for survival ensues.
          As the mortals clamber over one another in a desperate attempt to escape the void...

          They cut each other and fall towards its gaping maw.

          Eternity is but an illusion.
          For the Void is the end of time.
          The Edge of Eternity.

          One does not simply destroy the Void.
          One can only hope to delay it.

          The basic premise behind the entirety of Eternal Galaxy...

          After ten long years...

          ...Is finally clear now.


            That is how the people would act, fear fuels ideas that shatter organizations, but it can also inspire others to rise and work together, maybe one has the idea to deal with this threat, maybe not kill it, but stop it at least, other may have the resources for such idea.

            The hope could come from the smallest child to the oldest elder, everyone can do something if they get up

            Want to know where I got this idea?

            From a twilight Princess fanfiction XD
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




              It's all coming together even further~

              Also that's sort of where a part of the prologue comes back in with a bit more weight behind it.
              ...those with a will to change cruel fate stand up from the smoldering embers. With hope and strength of the heart, they force the clock of fate to change again, to move on to a new time, to bring new fortune. And so it does. The war ends and the hands bring peace.

              Also... Here's some things I was thinking on that could develop some of my characters of Era of Heaven's Forge finally.

              Search for your alternatives! While you dawdle away our precious time, I will do that which you will not! Take action against the plague! With the absolute power of the Ethereal Darkness, I will purge our world of all evils!
              - Achlys Noxima to Marc Noxim

              The plague that was to come to Alcyon?

              The Bio-computer that took our home, the Republic of Senarious, speaks of liberating us from this 'greater evil.' It speaks as if taking away everything that makes us human will make us better. The fact that as machines we'll feel no pain. The fact that we will no longer need to worry. All of this is to protect us?

              - Journal of Eleos Mithras

              A weapon of this it truly necessary? The Daedalus Project scares me... and I am the one that helped in its creation. It could destroy stars... It could destroy the galaxy itself! Why were we made to make such a terrifying weapon?
              - Diary of Starla Monroe

              This is the next big turning point of the development of EG...
              From alternate timelines to the Void...
              Everything makes sense now.


                Im happy to be of help, this cauldron filled with new ingeedients shall make a new experiment, let's see the secondsry effects
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  And I'm forever grateful.
                  This now brings a purpose and reason behind all of the solar systems and planets.
                  This changes what everything means and why everyone was doing what they were doing.

                  Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


                    You know since I need to be a bit more active, I might actually join the Alcyon arc with a new character. Does anyone mind if I do join in on the Alcyon storyline? I might actually have a way to bring in some action.


                      @ Serene
                      All I can say: The more the merrier

                      Now for the final push that will decide the fate of the RP's backstory.

                      If we go with the alternative timeline AND we go with the Nihiliods still present... What information should I focus on to help develop these aspects so that things can be more... well defined?
                      Part of me thinks a good place to start would be defining the traits of the Nihiliods now that I'm setting them as embodiments of the Void.

                      With this, what questions does this raise that I should answer?

                      Also this begs me to experiment with Ignis...
                      Because if I'm going with an alternate timeline that alters her heritage...

                      Oh I love it when this happens~

                      I just need to figure out what to answer first because this has so many questions that need answering.


                        Name: Arya

                        Gender: Female android body with a female AI so female.


                        She stands at 6 feet.

                        Race: Android

                        Profession and/or Talents: Arya's a android with no known affiliation. However she was and still is an assassin for hire. She is a highly adept at swordplay, using swift strikes she always targets any weakpoints that his target might have. Arya is never the first one to strike without analyzing an opponent. As such Arya uses her enhanced speed and stealth capabilities to avoid detection until she has enough information about the situation at hand, then and only then will she actually make a move. Thankfully when she is backed into a corner and needs to fight back she has the speed, skill and reaction time to fair quite well in combat. Her robotic body is designed for stealth and speed, as such it is light weight, built in with a radar-jammer (but no radar), a built in active camouflage device that can render her mostly invisible for brief periods of time. However when she is in camouflage one can tell where she is by looking for a small distorted outline of her body. It's faint, but with a sharp eye you can spot her.

                        With all this she is a silent, and swift ninja of which will be hard to notice until it is too late. Unfortunately she has some weaknesses. The material her body is made of is lightweight, which does make her more swift, and as such her body isn't the most durable. Her body can resist some damage, such as small arms fire (she can take 9mm handgun shots, but anymore can actually pierce her metal armor), and strong enough blows can leave some pretty nasty dents. She is capable of withstanding intense temperatures, like the harsh winters of Alcyon. Though her body is more catered to withstanding the cold rather than heat. Also her Active-Camouflage device has a tendency to malfunction, thus rendering her visible, but transparent. On top of that due to Arya not having a built in radar (in place of a radar jammer), means she actually has to track her target the old fashioned way. These weaknesses can be her downfall, but in her eyes everyone has faults. Even assassin androids...

                        Her only tool is a rather long blade that resembles a katana.

                        The blade and hilt all combined is rather long, having a total length of 5 ft. It's made out of durable ceramic carbide. This makes it sharp, yet HIGHLY durable. It's a reliable weapon, and the only weapon she ever intends on using. She wields it with both hands.

                        Arya is calm, and calculating in most situations. She will kill without hesitation in combat, however when not in battle she is rather quiet and peaceful. One can describe her as being a gentle warrior, who at first glance seems like a killing machine (and she is), but she can be friendly whenever she is not in battle. Don't let your guard down though, for she will kill you if hired to. She even had killed her closest "friends" in the past just because she was payed to do so. Arya definitely never lets her emotions get to her, which makes her a fine assassin. She does have a hobby as she tends to have a love for collecting plushies (any kind of plush toy will catch her attention. She has a rather large collection on her ship.) This hobby and love for plush toys seems to baffle many people she knows for they do not expect her to be the kind of person to admire such objects. She also has some admiration for romantic films, which in turn makes her quite curious about human relationships (or well relationships involving any alien race.) She is actually interested in trying to form a relationship with someone, but has yet to find a "compatible partner" despite her being an adroid. Arya does not believe that her being an android would create problems with forming a relationship with anyone.

                        History: Little is known about where Arya was created, and who made her. All is known is that ever since she had quickly become a somewhat infamous assassion among big colonization ompanies, as she has been known to be hired to take out the leaders of colonies of the I.C.C. One would think that a skilled assassin would not become so infamous, but due to a major mishap that happened on one of her missions she has become quite well known. You see she has a tendency to kill her targets in very similar ways. Her most prominent way of taking out a target is by stabbing them through the heart from behind with her blade when the target is completely alone. After her first 9 missions the patterns with how the leaders of several colonies were killed began to match up, and on her 10th mission a major problem with her built in camouflage happened. Her camouflage device malfunctioned and shut off for almost a full minute right before she killed her target. Within that minute security cameras had spotted her, and she was quickly revealed to be the murderer of the other Colony Leaders. That was 60 years ago.

                        That little mishap almost ruined her reputation and career as an assassin, but since then she had managed to get her camouflage device mostly fixed. Even though still glitches up now and then, she has returned to being an assassin for hire.
                        Currently she is on the planet Alcyon, with her current target being the leader of CY-044. She has currently been in hiding in a small cave about a mile away from the colony, and has been waiting for the proper moment to make her move.

                        Notes: N/A Except if you have any questions please ask me. Heck I have an idea to make things interesting. If you have any questions why don't you ask Arya? XD Think of it as those old character interviews in the OOC of some of the RP's in the past. You can either ask a question target to Arya, and I can make a reply as Arya. This can help me get into character with her better in the case of her being accepted into the RP. :3


                          She looks good to me.

                          Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


                            .................................................. ........... I can't think of an intro post for Reiya. I don't know if I want to start her off coming out of a ruin, in her ship, on a planet or at a space port. I don't know what to do!!
                            "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                              Can't pick one?
                              Do AlL oF tHeM.

                              Have her returning from a ruin, in her ship, about to land at Alcyon's Colonial Spaceport.



                                Agreed with Cucoo. She looks good to me. Good to go.


                                If you remember what I said in Mumble you can have Reiya (in her ship) come across the seemingly derelict ship that Add resides in (a decently sized Cargo Ship, that ran out of power somewhere in space near Alcyon.) You can have Reiya returning from a ruin in her ship (like Cucoo suggested), only to stumble across Add's seemingly derelict ship.

