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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    I don't know why, but whenever i'm thinking of stuff being erased from existence, my mind instantly jumps to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Though in that, it was for different reasons, of course.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix


      More likely it would be trying to become less so that it can no longer be affected by the physical realm.
      Slightly more than a concept, slightly less than real.
      It would be impossible to kill for there is nothing to kill.
      But it still exists enough that it can control Nihiliods and be known to us.

      It is a sentient mind tied to nothing.
      No shape, no bounds, nothing.
      When the void is released...
      I think it would be that moment of spine chilling silence because everyone would be expecting something, yet nothing happens.

      I don't even know how it would be described, because we define things that exist.
      The void does not exist...
      But the unknown Caeles did exist...and it is proof of the existence of the void.
      So maybe to give it a form....or well...lack of...
      It would be an entity. Boundless and shapeless. It cannot be described.

      Thats it...
      It cannot be described.
      The Void is defined in our reality by not having a definition. We cannot express it in words, for that would be defining it. Even now, by me typing this, i am defining it. This is false.

      It is literally a case of "This statement is false."

      This will be fun to write about in the RP...
      Anything we say about the void is both true and false. Even this statement.

      So I think, For the sake of sanity, I will define the void as a paradox.

      Aye, there's been a few cases where different things toy with the notion of erasure from existence.

      Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-16-2014, 01:41 PM.



        Then the only real way to force it to show itself is to kill all the Nihilids. This will be quite the puzzle.

        It's like a long-term boss battle where the battle is more like a series of tasks, a war of sorts. Great job Cucoo, I think you just made the longest boss battle ever. XD
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

          And that is exactly what the war of eternity was.

          This is the like the endgame sort of.

          Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



            Like an endgame, only with a couple new faces.

            In a sense, could this be considered the sequel?
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

              ...technically yes.

              Originally, Phoenix was the epilogue of the part labeled Echoes of Time.

              But expanding it out like this it can be independent of that.

              Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk
              Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-16-2014, 11:39 PM.



                Eternal Galaxy 2: Electric Boogaloo XD

                Okay, joking aside, it's like the first two RP's were the first "chapter" or " movie", and this one is the next one in the series.

                Hmmm... imagine EG in cinematic format. The action scenes would be awesome. XD
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  ok Im back.. my brain is fried and what have I missed?

                  or what can I help with?
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    @ S1
                    >imagine EG in cinematic format
                    >How I view it in my head every single day. literally

                    Aye, there's definitely quite a few scenes I have in my head.

                    But actually, based on the timeline, there's 8 Eras, 5 of which are the ones I would create into a series of books... as much as I would love to animate it all.
                    >Things I want to do but don't take the time to do so.

                    Let me repost that summary timeline divided by Era


                    RY = Reference Year

                    Spoiler: Era of the Void

                    RY -X
                    The Caeles society advances to a point where they become god-like.

                    One delves into the notion of the void and studies it and attempts to replicate it.
                    The Caeles that does this eventually succeeds and becomes the embodiment of the void.

                    This consumes his/her identity and therefore he becomes simply known as that which he/she became, the Void.

                    - Nihiliods are created from the Void as destroyers of life.

                    GAIA Computer and Heaven's Forge are created to combat the Nihiliods.

                    The First Phoenix Incident occurs, activated by a Caeles known as Venturia, in an attempt to fight back the Nihiliod infection.
                    It is mostly successful.

                    Spoiler: Era of the Dawn

                    RY 0
                    Arcains and Prometheos evolve from the recreated galaxy
                    Seeing these new beings growing in the new Galaxy, the Caeles retreat to an alternative timeline so as to not interfere with the evolution of these new beings.

                    RY 10,000
                    Corlaviri and the rediscovery of the GAIA Computer
                    The crystalline substance known as Corlaviri is discovered by Arcains and the GAIA Computer is found by Prometheos on the Planet Nox of Venion system.

                    RY 12,120
                    A wayward scientific expeditionary group of Humans arrive in the galaxy.
                    Among them were Mike Warr (Cicero), Ryan Cyke (Nero), and Sarah Trinity.

                    RY 12,123
                    "Phoenix Incident"
                    Arcain Revolt: Began by Humans. The revolt that is later named the Phoenix Incident starts as a means to liberate the Arcains from Prometheos oppression. Cicero, Nero, and Sarah attempt to use the revolt as cover for their attempt to obtain access to the GAIA Computer, a large system that is capable of manipulating the very fabric of existence of the entire Venturian Galaxy through manipulation of both Gaia and Anti Energy. Originally, the revolt was dismissed by the Council of Twelve as a mere rumor. However, Aion Leonares begins investigating and starts to find out about Cicero's scheme to gain access to the GAIA Computer.

                    When the Council acknowledges the Phoenix Revolt as an actual threat, Aion chooses to remain neutral for fear of upsetting his Arcain servants, especially his head maid Tina, whom he has growing feelings for.

                    When the Revolution turned into open hostilities, a renegade group targeted the House of Eternity for the reasoning of "not choosing a side." The attack resulted in the death of Tina and most of Aion's servants.
                    Aion's original mortal form was also killed during this.
                    - This was not to Cicero's plans. Without Aion, he feared for the stability of the Galaxy's place in the natural timeline of the universe. Without the Master of Time, he feared that Time itself would start to erode away at the galaxy. "Time is a beast and we just killed its master." - Cicero

                    Sarah dies when Cicero activates the GAIA Computer.

                    Nyx, Aion's Mother, guided Aion's spirit to the Passages of Fate so that it might survive and be reborn in a new mortal body. This is to keep the last Master of Time in the plane of existence so that Time does not fall apart.

                    Birth of New Venturia. Dawn of the Life Hackers.
                    Destruction of Original Venturia.
                    Cicero shapes new Venturia using Aurora.

                    RY 12,124
                    Two of Cicero's friends before the Phoenix incident, known as Aetheron and Erebos, take up the duty of preventing Cicero from modifying the Galaxy any further by sealing the GAIA Computer in the Manor of Eternity.

                    End Purpose of the Phoenix Incident: Cicero's attempt to create a Utopian Society to eliminate suffering.

                    Spoiler: New Era

                    RY 12,125
                    New races evolve from the recreated galaxy
                    - Vatian
                    - Irian
                    - Papillian


                    The Manor of Eternity is used as a safe house for the GAIA Computer.

                    Cicero cannot enter normally.

                    The Manor is transported to a pocket dimension where it is not affected by the flow of time normally.

                    Gate to the Manor of Eternity on Dua
                    A passageway to the Manor of Eternity is on an island on the planet Dua.

                    This serves as a tether for the actual Manor of Eternity to reality, as well as a gateway to it.

                    The Mirror Sea is protected by a barrier to deter outsiders from finding the Isle of Spirits, the location of the gateway to the Manor of Eternity.


                    Remnants of the Dual City which originally housed the GAIA computer are on the planet Nox.


                    Two massive Corlaviri Crystals that serve as a basis for Aura energy outside the Manor of Eternity are created on Alcyon.
                    The Eternal Light and Ethereal Darkness.

                    The Crystals were created by Luminarcs and Noxarcs.

                    Morpheus's Conscious is born from the Ethereal Darkness.

                    The Twin Sisters, Hedone and Peitho, are born from the Eternal Light.

                    RY 12,130

                    The Passage of Fate
                    Cicero, Aetheron, and Erebos are aware of the Passage of Fate and have seen the coming of the War of Eternity (Fear of the return of Nihiliods).

                    Cicero does not want the war to come to pass. Yet Aetheron and Erebos want it to happen just to break the affect of the Phoenix Incident.

                    Cicero creates the Blood Tome as a book of prophecy.

                    The Blood Tome circulates through the galaxy as Cicero attempts to prevent the War of Eternity.

                    RY 12,500
                    The Twin Sisters, Hedone and Peitho, discover the Blood Tome and plan to start the war of eternity so that they can utilize the paranoia caused by the Nihiliods to their own ends and they plan to control it.

                    Spoiler: Era of Prosperity

                    RY 12,666
                    Earth Destroyed

                    RY 12,740
                    Human survivors reach Venturia

                    RY 12,750
                    Aura Tech is advanced.
                    The Venturian Empire accepts Humans as a prominant race.

                    RY 12,756
                    Forterium Metal and Corlaviri Crystals are utilized in all aspects of society. From average life to warfare.

                    RY 12,780

                    Fissures in Time begin to form, creating openings into parallel timelines of the Galaxy. A mysterious human begins to catalogue the occurrences of these rifts and looks into adapting Aura Tech to manipulate these Fissures to his own benefit.However, his tampering with the rifts led to the rediscovery of the Caeles, who had hidden themselves in one of the alternative timelines that can be reached through the rifts. This also led to the release of the Void and a renewed outbreak of Nihiliods. The people of Venturia then fought along with the Caeles to contain the threat of the Void utilizing the artifacts of Heaven's Forge. The technology created during this incident was later repurposed to continue the advancement of society.

                    This is the first outbreak of Nihiliods the new people of the Venturian Galaxy experience.


                    Aurora creates the boundary that severs the tie of the Galaxy to the timeline of the rest of the Universe. This is to help contain the issue of the Fissures of Time.

                    RY 12,790
                    Aetheron takes in two humans, Sol and Luna and trains them to use Gaia and Anti Energy

                    He does this to prepare for the War of Eternity.
                    They become Guardians of Time and, against Aetheron's orders, interact with the people and help them.

                    RY 12,825
                    Heaven's Forge
                    Artifacts derived from a place refered to as Heaven's Forge are brought to Venturia through the Fissures of Time.
                    The Starchild (Caeles) Anankerisa brings Mercurius.
                    Aetheron and Erebos retrieve Arke.
                    Aion's soul travels through the rift and retrieves the spirtual essence of Iris as he could not obtain the physical artifact itself.

                    An artifact that would be later retrieved by Selene was also created. It was named Aeternitas.

                    The Artifacts were designed to help defeat the Nihiliods and later as an attempt to defeat the Void.
                    The Shards of Starlight were also created and used to imprison the Void.

                    Spoiler: Era of Decline

                    RY 12,826

                    War of Eternity begins
                    Nihiliods Quarantined on a planet in the Egale System
                    Rifts become less stable
                    Prophecy of the Void's return circulates through the use of the Blood Tome
                    Fear of this leads to hysteria among many. Many rush to try and develop weapons to fight the Nihiliods.


                    Fortress of Nox
                    Isolated and protected from Nihiliods

                    At the beginning of the War, Erebos fortifies the former Dual City. Now the City of Dusk, Erebos presides over it as the Lord of the realm and makes it a haven for all people. He then Isolates it.

                    RY 96,136

                    Nihiliods break free of Quarantine

                    Venturian Council
                    Last Priestess/ Empress
                    Last of the Papilians
                    Lady Avonna

                    RY 108,403
                    Orion's Legacy
                    Defeat of Twin Sister's ideology on how to destroy Nihiliods after they realize that they cannot be controlled.

                    Spoiler: Era of Heaven's Forge

                    RY 108,404
                    Sol takes the Blood Tome and attempts to find a way to destroy the Nihiliods by entering Heaven's Forge to obtain the artifact Iris.
                    He succeeds in retrieving the physical form of Iris, however Aion still holds the other half.
                    Sol uses the power of Iris to try and force a Caeles to fight the Nihiliods for them. He uses it to influence the mind of Anankerisa.
                    Luna attempted to stop him, but she was quickly defeated by Sol with the power of Iris at his command.

                    RY 109,242
                    War of Alcyon
                    Rise of Ethereal Darkness
                    Achlys's answer to Nihiliod threat on Alcyon by using the raw power of the Ethereal Darkness to defeat the "Plague"


                    Senari Republic's decline
                    Bio-Computer takes over and attempts to convert populace to cyborgs in order to defeat Nihiliods.


                    Renegades of Sol Incineron
                    Belief that there is no hope
                    Anarchy reigns

                    Noble Guardian Order
                    Daedalus Project
                    Massive battle station meant to destroy Nihiliods

                    Venturian Empire
                    Seeks to Quarantine Nihiliods again and attempt to keep them that way


                    RY 109,250

                    Hunt for the Lost Artifacts
                    The Shards of Starlight resurface and are sought after by both the Noble Guardian Order and Venturian Empire to aid there causes


                    Achlys's defeat
                    Aion turns to aid Kiara
                    Kiara restores the Eternal Light over the Ethereal Darkness

                    Liberation of the Republic
                    Eleos destroys the Bio-Computer at great cost.
                    The Republic is liberated
                    No one remains

                    RY 109,253
                    Discovery of the first Shard of Starlight on Alcyon

                    Discovery of the Second Shard of Starlight on Senarious

                    Discovery of the Third Shard of Starlight on Inopia

                    Discovery of the Fourth Shard of Starlight on Nox
                    Mercurius Breaks
                    Aion travels into the Manor of Eternity's Halls of Darkness in order to reforge the blade

                    Attack of Venturian Empire against the Daedalus Project
                    Venturian Empire loses

                    Discovery of the Fifth Shard of Starlight on Conlustrare
                    Venturian Empire regroups

                    Discovery of the Sixth Shard of Starlight at Sedes Imperii
                    Last stand against Daedalus Project
                    Venturian Empire wins
                    Aion dies to Revere

                    Spoiler: Era of Echoes

                    RY 109,254
                    Alternate version of Venturian Galaxy discovered
                    All who died in Venturia are found here
                    Rift realm
                    The Void's resting place

                    Aion recovers memories and challenges the Void

                    RY 109,258
                    Echoes of Time
                    The final struggle to destroy the Nihiliods and the Void.

                    Aion hunts down Sol to recover the physical half of Iris.
                    In the process, he defeats Anankerisa and stops Sol from using the GAIA Computer in the Sanctuary of Light.

                    Aurora then raised the GAIA Computer from the vault under the Sanctuary. She uses it to teleport the group out of the Sanctuary and then seals them out.
                    Nero, who had been waiting in the Halls of Time, explains that she is preparing to initilize the Phoenix Code to "restore" the Galaxy so that it would return to the way it was in the New Era.

                    Luna uses the last of her power and life force to breach the seal that Aurora had placed on the Sanctuary of Light.
                    Aion takes Mercurius and Arke and damages the GAIA Computer in an attempt to destroy it. Nero however, stops him by activating the vault's barrier to contain both Aurora and the GAIA Computer.

                    RY 109,300
                    Ignis, the daughter of Aion and Selene, is sent to a neighboring Galaxy, by utilizing the Manor of Eternity's time portals, in an attempt to keep her away from the remaining troubles of Venturia as it begins to decay.
                    Selene's Pocket Watch, Aeternitas, is given to Ignis.

                    Spoiler: Era of Rebirth

                    RY 110,240
                    "Fall of the Boundary"
                    The Boundary that had been created by Aurora finally disipates. This allows Venturia to re-enter the natural timestream of the rest of the Universe. It also allows for colonists to enter the Galaxy. At this time, the Venturian Galaxy is in ruins. Even though the Galaxy appears deserted, some of the original races still exist.

                    RY 110,555

                    "Grey Phoenix"
                    Ignis, using an alternate identity as a man named Grey, leads various archaeological expeditions throughout Venturia. She is attempting to find a way to enter the Manor of Eternity in order to see if she can find out what has become of her father after all these years.
                    She discovers the Shards of Starlight through these expeditions. She uses them to enter the Manor. However, when brought within the Sanctuary, the concentration of Gaia and Anti Energy releases the seal on the Shards of Starlight, releasing the Void.

                    The 5 Eras that can be formed into 4-5 books: Era of the Dawn, Era of Decline, Era of Heaven's Forge, Era of Echoes, and Era of Rebirth.

                    In terms of book titles respectively
                    Eternal Galaxy: Light's Shadow
                    Eternal Galaxy: The Blood Tome
                    Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight
                    Eternal Galaxy: Echoes of Time

                    Now if I made the Era of Rebirth more than an epilogue to Echoes of Time

                    Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix -or- Ethereal Galaxy: Phoenix

                    also I had openings even planned out for Light's Shadow, Shards of Starlight, and Echoes of Time using these songs

                    @ Kristia
                    us defining the Void and me actually making a draft of the current Void Timeline *See above here*
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-17-2014, 12:26 AM.



                      Ohh... I can't see videos. They take up a lot of data. I miss listening to epic music.

                      Anyways, it would be awesome to at least see it in a style like RBWY. The action... the action.

                      As you can tell, I like action.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        @ S1

                        Oh right

                        And I was actually thinking of a similar style.
                        There was this one French CGI Anime called Skyland

                        Similar in style to RWBY, but smoother imo

                        The current battle scenes I'm imagining to be really epic is Aion vs Anankerisa, Aion and Co. vs Sol, Eleos vs Bio Computer, and Venturian Empire vs Daedalus Project.

                        I wish I would take the time to learn how to model humanoids... and then how to animate it.
                        I mean, I can 3D model... with Solidworks and AutoCAD. I do have access to everything Autodesk for free... but my laptop ain't that good.
                        I know I can run blender but the interface is my greatest enemy.
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-17-2014, 12:48 AM.


                          oh I got great ideas for battles, have you ever kicked someone so fast that her skyrocketed to a wall? or crushed someone with a missile punch?

                          *Grins maniacally* Battles will be indeed epic
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            Yea, it does look a little smoother.

                            All this talk about action scenes makes me think about the possible future ones in Phoenix. I then think about the action scene I made near the beginning, then miss RPing because of said action scenes, past and future.

                            I really need to find a way to get internet for my computer.

                            Anyways, what possible future action scenes are you looking forward to?

                            I was decent in Blender, but couldn't work the UV maps for the textures.


                            Same question I asked Cucoo.
                            Last edited by S121; 10-17-2014, 12:58 AM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              well let's see
                              we got the Shrine soon
                              then we got
                              A few dungeons that end with the retrieval of the keystones (insert bosses here)
                              and something to do with the Daedalus Project. High probability that it'll be Nihiliods.
                              and at the end, the Void. Or well...maybe...



                                I can't wait for some battles with Ethan, and of course, John. Basically, any character I control because that means I get to type the action up. XD

                                I may or may not take an unhealthy interest in typing up long battles, but I can just type them up so easily. Not only that, I take pride in them, AND I enjoy typing them.


                                Same question I asked Cucoo. Which ones are you looking forward to?
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

