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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    It's kinda funny...
    When it comes to writting, dialogue/monologues/soliloquies comes the easiest for me.
    For instance, this one passage I recently did concerning a Nihiliod and a "princess."
    It felt very clunky to me.
    Yet the passage of Aion talking philosophy about the void just flowed so easily.

    Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


      well utsuh, since there are (for what I remember) not specific enemy or villain, there would be other party or political side to fight with.

      The battles could be from weaponry in an area with the characters using their abilities, another type of battle would be with ships where the best pilot would surviv, then there is the technological warfare where anything can happen with the push of a button.

      But we can't forget survival styled battles with dungeons, nihiloids, or wild creatures.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




        Just jumping in here, but a few arcs (that I have been planning) that will involve almost all the current characters will be pitting them up against Grace Industries. The company that made the superhumans Megumi and Ethan (of whom are superhumans that were made by Grace Industries, but had escaped their "clutches" for their own reasons) will be sending the occasional superhuman, squad of soldiers, and other threats after the characters to try and take Megumi (for personal reasons) and Ethan (because his abilities are quite valuable and wish to study him more) back. In this arc there will be quite a few battles against actual enemies/villains, along with a special surprise boss taking place in the arc. Though I am also thinking of some more interesting challenges for the characters.

        On top of that but Grace Industries is going to be invoking the wrath of the Intergalactic Colonization Corporation (the company that is building colonies on some planets like Nevaraas and Alcyon.) So there would be large battles between two different parties. This arc I am not done with planning some of the things yet. I'm still trying to leave things open, and trying to think of a decent timeline of when things will happen in the arc along with different scenarios for the characters. After all no matter how much I plan some things out, I cannot change or force other RPer's characters to make certain choices. So I'm trying to keep it a bit open as well.

        So just throwing that out there.


          Just a note
          Tomorrow I make a move with Ignis.
          Ready or not, here she comes.

          Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


            I just want to get back on and RP!!! X(

            It's maddening. As I work on the PALADIN Arc, my mind also jumps to all the other RPs. Scenarios quickly flash through my mind. Connections between scenarios begin to form. As I think about my characters and delve into their minds, I realize that I have misinterpreted my characters, or didn't make them as I had intended. Just as I have told Sustic, I am going to be making A LOT of edits to apps when I get back.

            Ethan will be a little bit more of a trickster and will be wild, but will still have that calm side to him, and if you listen, he will have words of wisdom to share.

            Jason from TSU will have a darker past, and even though he is particularly powerful with his magic, he almost never uses it, as if he is actually afraid of using his magic.

            Anyways, now to the topic I was going to talk about before that little bit of text.

            I might have a couple ideas for adventures and mini arcs for EG. Some of them involve the mercenary underground of the galaxy, and it might require the collaboration with some of the RPers here. It's just a rough idea now, but I think it could really turn into something cool.

            Do you guys have any input on this idea?
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Mercenary underground...
              Shit that suddenly made me think about the Hunter's Guild...
              And this made me realize I could now flesh out a few details.

              I would like to see what you're talking about because my brain just instantly started working out scenarios that I don't know what to do with until I go through everything.

              Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                Well, I first thought out the idea as a way to delve into Ethan's backstory, but I then realized it could be used for so much more.

                You see, when Ethan escaped GRACE, he became a merc and started working jobs. I was thinking that it could be a way to add more adventures into the RP, such as ruin exploration, bounty hunting, and a few other things. In a way, I guess you could say that it works kind of like a guild. Mercs almost have their own culture and society, but it is a chaotic and sometimes dangerous one, due to everyone competing against each other. There are "guilds" that do jobs and support each other. They run more like mafias.

                What are your thoughts? You have other ways it could be used? The good thing about it being such an expansive subject is the fact that anything could be possible with it.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  This will sound like the theives' guild questline in skyrim

                  And I myself just thought this so I don't have a grasp on it yet...

                  The Hunters' Guild was an important organization during the Era of Decline and Era of Heaven's Forge.
                  Founded during the Era of Decline, the Hunters' Guild was designed to help organize mercenaries and promote morals over money.
                  The founder of the Hunters' Guild was Orion.
                  Aion, Orion's disciple at the time, would be his successor to his legacy.
                  The Hunters (for reasons I do not have yet) tended to despise organized millitary.

                  If Ignis found out about this mercenary underground, she might try and revive the Hunters' Guild.

                  Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                    Haha! If Ignis really does try to revive it, she will find an easy partnership with Ethan.

                    After all, it even states in his bio that he says, "Even mercs have standards."
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      I think I need to rework Ignis.
                      Primarily because I'm making her out to be more like her father.

                      And having Ethan as a partner would work out for Ignis in the fact that I always imagine her working with others and never alone.

                      Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                        Cucoo, I think we have ourselves the beginnings of an arc.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          More like actually putting together this entire story into a comprehensible line rather than what fragmented ideas I did have.

                          I'm starting to see reasons and explanations for things that didn't have any originally.

                          Talking about the Hunters' Guild made me inadvertently realize something about Ignis:
                          She's just a child that had grew up with these grand tales about her home, the Venturian Galaxy, and after so many years, she's now getting the chance to see it all for herself.
                          Another thing is she's as stubborn as her father and doesn't like to show too much emotion.

                          A concept I'm running with the RP is that something happened when she arrived in the galaxy that separated her from her team. She has never been alone in her entire life and now she wound up on Nevaraas without any close allies and she's scared. Despite this nagging fear, she puts on a brave face and keeps up her masquerade as a man named Grey (because she's also afraid that if she finds any reference of herself in any ruins in the Galaxy, that her ability to explore freely as an outsider might be compromised if anyone found out that she was of the Venturian Galaxy.)

                          I'm starting to like this new Ignis. She feels alot more alive to me than before.

                          Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                            Isn't it crazy how well everyone's ideas just happen to fall in place and fit together. XD

                            I think I like where this idea is going. It fleshes out a couple characters, provides an entire arc, and has potential for a few adventures as well.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Later on I'ma rework Ignis...because this makes alot of sense.

                              EG seems to be coming together so well now.
                              There was that first breakthrough that you helped with and then The second one thanks to Kristia.

                              EG in terms of finally coming together is on a roll right now.
                              And I like where it's going.

                              Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                                Not only will this whole merc business be a means to form an arc, it just might also be a means to get the characters to the ruins of the galaxy. After all, there's bound ti be contracts and gossip regarding them in a mercenary underground.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

