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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    It'll help alright.

    Actually...something I need to answer to help with the Hunters' Guild...
    What reason could there be that would make the Hunters despise organized Military?

    Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



      Well, The Hunters are mercs that put morals above money...

      They hate organized military, yet they are also organized. The difference is in their structure, their balance between anarchy and community.

      Maybe they don't like the politics involved with organized militaries, as well as how strict and uniform they are.

      What do you think?
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Goddammit I still can't think of a post for Bardock :/

        I don't know what to do in this RP currently.


          you can help the pilot to land the ship since it has no more energy left, only moving the wings to glide
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Well that could work. In the mean time I'll try working on a post, but right now I have a headache.


              @ S1

              The politics would probably be the biggest point. I don't have it solid yet, but when the Venturian Empire was restored over the Twin Sisters' rule, there was some resistance to the changes that the Empire went through. I'm toying with the concept that it was the growing power of the Council over that of Lady Avonna.

              Suprisngly... Ignis's bio was already much like what I am now intending...

              Name: Ignis ("Grey") Leonares

              Gender: Female


              Replace skirt with pants and hair is tied off in a messy ponytail of sorts (a manly type of ponytail.)

              a beter picture of the utfit (I'm keeping the top the same. it's just the skirt that changes)

              Race: Arcain/Human Hybrid

              Profession and/or Talents: An Archaeologist who seems familiar with the Venturian Galaxy. She is skilled with many a type of blade and rifle.

              - Archeological equipment
              - Battle Scythe "Reaver X" (Similar design to what "Revere's Sabres" were like)
              -- Reaver X is a modifiable weapon that is made from the extraordinarily robust material Forterium and trace amounts of Inerium. It is powered by a Corlaviri Anti Crystal and a Corlaviri Gaia Crystal.
              --- Corlaviri Anti Crystal: A Corlaviri crystal infused with Anti Energy. Does not occur naturally. The energy affects only the "spiritual" realm and therefore ignores the physical. being struck by Anti Energy will drain any living being of energy as it attracts one's spirit and rips it away.
              --- Corlaviri Gaia Crystal: A Corlaviri crystal infused with Gaia (aka Aura) Energy. Does occur naturally. Gaia Energy affects the physical realm and therefore when utilized as a weapon is more traditional. It also carries various elemental properties and can be altered by various lenses. Different Crystal Colors signify different elemental preferences (i.e. a red crystal will favor fire elemental, but using it with another elemental lens has no adverse affect). All crystals, despite color, are by default neutral. Sometimes a Gaia Crystal will resonate with living beings. If a crystal achieves a harmonic with a person's will, it amplifies its power. How this works is still not solid yet.

              A curious individual that tends to be absolutely fascinated and somewhat obsessed with the secrets of the Venturian galaxy. She is tomboyish in more ways than one could count and prefers to be appear to be male in the end. She has the same stubborn determination that her father had before her.
              She has a habit of avoiding direct questions about her past.

              She is a descendant of Aion and Selene and thus she has both of their abilities. Although she does not use any of them as her mastery of those abilities are limited and she fears revealing them in the long run. She was sent away from the Galaxy before the Death of the Galaxy occurred, via the Manor of Eternity. She lived outside the Galaxy for many a millennia.

              "She's just a child that had grew up with these grand tales about her home, the Venturian Galaxy, and after so many years, she's now getting the chance to see it all for herself."

              A concept I'm running with for the RP is that something happened when she arrived in the galaxy that separated her from her team. She has never been alone in her entire life and now she wound up on Nevaraas without any close allies and she's scared. Despite this nagging fear, she puts on a brave face and keeps up her masquerade as a man named Grey (because she's also afraid that if she finds any reference of herself in any ruins in the Galaxy, that her ability to explore freely as an outsider might be compromised if anyone found out that she was of the Venturian Galaxy.)

              She is familiar with many stories that her parents and others told her back in the days when she did live in Venturia, including those of the Great Hunters' Guild of Duon, the mystical forests that the Nymphs of Alcyon lived in, the expansive Republic of Senarious, The awe inspiring and chilling fortresses of Nox, the raging infernos of the caverns of Inopia, and the magnificent Palaces of Sedes Imperii.
              She is even familiar with the stories of the Nihiliods and of the horrors that ensued because of them.



              There's a few things in this I want to explore a bit more that aren't really solid yet.

              @ SUS
              should I go ahead and just do everything I need to get Ignis to Alcyon? Including the Warp Gate Scene?



                If you wish but do not go too far please.



                  That could work.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    @ S1

                    I'm starting to get a feel for possible political situations in the Galaxy now that the void concept is established.

                    @ SUS

                    eh I kept things mostly to Ignis in the post I have and hopefully doesn't interfere with anything you thought of.



                      What situations did you have in mind?
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        well I'm looking more through the entire timeline and what political structures existed at each point.

                        1) Void - The Caeles have something...but for the sake of the story is not crucial yet so I'm not focusing on what they had.
                        2) Dawn - The Prometheos and Arcains form a sort of Council on Nox that serves as the governing body. Dominated by Prometheos. There is also some sort of Religious council that "follows the way of Venturia" I don't have it down cold yet.
                        3) New - This is where the Venturian Republic is formed with a council. It then forms into an Empire under governance of Avonna's ancestors.
                        4) Prosperity - We still have the Venturian Empire and they accept Humans as a significant race.
                        5) Decline - Hedone and Peitho take over and rule the Galaxy until they ultimately lose to both the Nihiliod threat and Orion. The Empire is reestablished under Avonna, but it is quickly overthrown by the council replacing it as a Republic again. Avonna still holds her position but she is only a figure head. And people don't like that.
                        6) Heaven's Forge - Still the Republic, but events occur that makes Avonna put her foot down and she takes the reigns and helps lead the Galaxy through the final phases of the War of Eternity.
                        7) Echoes - The Venturian Empire is established for the last time as the primary power in the Galaxy until the end.

                        That's what I'm thinking on...but there's very little to it.



                          Ahh, I see.

                          So how does the Hunters Guild act towards organized military, or rather, what is the usual interaction between the two?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            @ S1
                            the only concept I have is that they show contempt towards each other. Military comes down as condescending to the Hunters.



                              You know, what do you think the new form of government would be in Phoenix?
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                I think that would vary depending on the various colonist groups, because there are likely more than one.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

